- Lack peptidoglycan in cell walls.
- Have different lipids in their cell
- Different types of ribosomes.
- Very different gene sequences.
- Archaebacteria can live in
Grouping of Bacteria extremely harsh environments.
- They do not require oxygen and
1. Diplo - Groups of two. can live in extremely salty
2. Strepto - Chains. environments as well as extremely
3. Staphylo - Grapelike clusters. hot environments called the
Ancient bacteria.
- Subdivided into 3 groups:
Methanogens, Thermoacidophiles,
& Extreme Halophiles.
- Live in anaerobic environments
(no oxygen).
- Get energy by changing H2 & CO2
into methane gas.
- Found in swamps, sewage
Spirillum – Spiral-like. treatment plants, digestive tracts
of animals.
- Break down cellulose in a cow’s
- Produce marsh (methane) gas.
Extreme Halophiles
- Live in very salty water.
- Use salt to generate ATP (energy).
- Dead Sea, Great Salt Lake
Gram Negative
Thermoacidophiles or
- Thin layer of peptidoglycan in cell
Thermophiles wall.
- Live in extremely hot - Extra thick layer of lipids.
environments. - Stain pink or reddish.
- Found in volcanic vents, hot - Hard to treat with antibiotics.
springs, cracks on ocean floor that - Some photosynthetic but make
leak acid. sulfur not oxygen.
- Some fix nitrogen for plants.
Kingdom Eubacteria - Rhizobacteria grow in root nodules
of legumes (soybeans, peanuts).
- Fix N2 from air into usable
- 3 basic shapes (coccus, bacillus, ammonia.
spirilla). - Rickettsiae are parasitic bacteria
- Most are heterotrophic (can’t carried by ticks.
make their own food). - Cause Lyme disease & Rocky
- May be aerobic or anaerobic. Mountain Spotted Fever.
- Identified by Gram staining.
Gram Staining
- Gram negative.
- Developed in 1884 by Hans Gram. - Photosynthetic.
- Bacteria treated with purple - Called blue-green bacteria.
Crystal Violet & red Safranin - Contain phycocyanin (red-blue)
stains. pigments & chlorophyll.
- Cell walls either stain purple or - May be red, yellow, brown, black,
reddish pink. or blue-green.
- May grow in chains (Oscillatoria).
Gram Positive
- Have Heterocysts to help fix N2.
- Have thick layer of peptidoglycan - First to re-enter devastated areas.
(protein-sugar complex). - Some cause Eutrophication (use
- Single lipid layer. up O2 when die & decompose in
- Stain purple. water).
- Can be treated with antibiotics.
1. Lactobacilli (makes yogurt &
buttermilk). - Gram positive.
2. Actinomycetes (make - Flagella at each end.
antibiotics). - Move in corkscrew motion.
3. Clostridium (lockjaw bacteria). - Some aerobic; others anaerobic.
4. Streptococcus (strep throat). - May be free living, parasitic, or
5. Staphylococcus (staph symbiotic.
- Gram negative.
- Obtain energy from minerals like
- Found in freshwater ponds.
Methods of Respiration
Pathenogenic Bacteria
- Called germs or microbes.
- Cause disease.
- May produce poisons or toxins.
- Endotoxins released after bacteria
die (E. coli).
- Exotoxins released by Gram +
bacteria (C. tetani).