Types of Interjection Lesson Plan
Types of Interjection Lesson Plan
Types of Interjection Lesson Plan
Upon completion of this lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Recognize the kinds of Interjects;
b. Determine when use the four kinds of interjection;
c. Construct sentences using the four kinds of injection;
a. Topic: Kinds of Interjections
Reference: Google, Book, YouTube
Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint presentation.
Values: Cooperation
Let’s have a short prayer, may I call on Elao (Elao leads the prayer)
to lead the prayer.
Let us bow our heads and pray. Dear Lord and Father of all, Thank you
for today. Thank you for the ways in
which you provide for us all. For Your
protection and love we thank you. Help
us to focus our hearts and minds now
on what we are about to learn. Inspire
us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen and
write. Guide us by your eternal light as
we discover more about the world
around us. We ask all this in the name
of Jesus.
Good day, everyone! (“Good morning, ma’am”)
Negrillo, can you please check the We have no absent for today ma’am
attendance of your classmate today?
B. Review
Yes, Sausa
C. Motivation
Who would like to try the first one? (Student answers may vary)
What have you noticed about the The action is like greeting
action or emotion that is being express
in the image?
Very good!
What have you noticed about the The chicken is shouting to get the
action or emotion that is being express attention of his friend ma’am
in the image?
Very good!
Good job!
What did you notice with the game The words are interjections.
that we play?
Ok class, those answer has something
to do with our topic for today which is
the Types of Interjections.
D. Discussion
Our lesson for today is about types of
It is Greeting ma’am
Who can tell me what is the action of
the verb for greet, it is using hello, hi,
and hey.
Very good!
Good job!
For the next who wants to answer? Hey! Is the interjection for
greeting ma’am
Hey! Where are you going? Now what
is the interjection for greeting in the
Very good!
Very good!
The interjection for happiness is
For the next who wants to answer? Hurray! Ma’am
Hurray! We won in the contest! Now
what is the interjection for Happiness
in the sentence?
Good job!
The interjection for happiness is
Third sentence who wants to answer? Yahoo! Ma’am
Very good!
Brilliant! Is the interjection for
approval ma’am
For the next who wants to answer?
Ybanez, kindly read the diretions. Ybanez will read the directions
F. Generalization
I. Evaluation
II. Assignment
Directions: Write Ten sentences using (Student answers may vary)
the four kinds of interjections.
Submitted by:
Shiloh P. Benedicto
Submitted to:
Mrs. Girlie Mendoza, LPT
Teaching and Assessment of Grammar Professor