Core Competencies
Core Competencies
Core Competencies
• I am learning to take care of myself.
I have started regularly going to the gym and doing routines I would have never done before to
improve my life such as washing my face and eating my meals on time, also little things like
making my bed every morning have drastically improved the way I live my life.
The strategies I use to manage my well being are mostly alarms and writing things down to
make sure I do them but if I really need to do something it is always my first priority and I will put
everything off.
• I can express my needs and seek help when needed..
I struggle a lot with expressing my needs and seeking help because I don't want to burden
anyone or make them feel a different way about me. I don't really seek help because I don't
want anyone to think I'm unintelligent or anything.
Social Responsibility
I usually work for other people's benefits and when it comes down to it I can always show up for
them and make sure that I complete the things given to me, however when it comes to myself I
struggle to show up.
I always try to see both sides from every situation or issue before making my own decision to
make sure I'm as fair as possible. I always resolve conflicts or problems in the most peaceful
ways possible.
Valuing diversity
• I value diversity, defend human rights, advocate for others, and act ethically in all my
interactions, including online
I always act in a positive manner especially online because you never know what type of
struggles other people are going through and always want to be as uplifting as possible.
Building relationships
• I have positive peer and intergenerational relationships.
I have great relationships with all of my friends and I always make sure to make time for the
people in my life even when my back is up against the wall because I think that relationships are
the most important part of life.
I can assess my progress and have multiple ways to check such as my fitness pal and also
teams to see what assignments I need to do and what I am missing.
I really need to improve my analysis because when I do it, I can’t really spot any mistakes but
when any of my friends analyze my work they can find every mistake I’ve made.
Creative Thinking
I am always thinking about new ideas and things that can be created. That's why I have an
interest in design and business. Changing people's minds for the better is something I really
enjoy doing.
Generating Ideas
• I can use the environment around me, including others, and my unconscious mind to generate
new ideas.
I always think of new ideas when I’m alone and usually get those ideas from random things like
maybe an ad will start playing on youtube and inspire me to make a new idea.
Developing Ideas
• I can persevere, and understand that failure can be productive.
To understand how to succeed, you also have to understand that you have to fail many times
before that. I’ve failed many times in my life but I am still here and I have always continued to
strive forward.
I am always down to discuss topics into a very theoretical version of it because it interests me
and I would like to hear about what other people have to say about a topic I'm interested in.
I can retain and explain the knowledge that I learned pretty well and relay it to other people if
need be. I always reflect on the things that I have learned and put them to use when I can.
I always listen to other people first before saying anything for myself because i would like to
hear what they have to say and portray before displaying my opinion on matters.
The things important to me are my family and my friends and that will never change because my
whole mood and everything I do throughout the day depends on them.
When a person bases their values on money they will naturally reform to become a person who
values things like family a little bit less and I understand that.