Rubrics For CHAPTER1

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Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools


Brgy. E, Rosario, Batangas, 4225
(043) 321-1419
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Rubrics for Grading – CHAPTER 1

Criteria Points
Background of the The research background should be formally written, contextual,
Study concise, and evidence-based. The research background provides
context to the study, explains the relationship of the study with /25
previously conducted research, introduces the research problem,
and highlights the contribution of the study to the body of knowledge.
Statement of the The statement of the problem provides context to the research
Problem problem. Research questions are aligned to the context of the /20
problem. The types of the research question are affectively utilized.
Objectives The objectives are aligned with the SOP. /10
Scope and Scope provides to the general limitations of your study while the
Delimitations delimitations provide the boundaries set by the researcher. Expected /15
content like the population and sample, methods, locale, and time
frame were clearly stated.
Significance of Study The stakeholders of the study were listed accordingly justified with
their benefits to the study. The justification is clear and concise.
Definition of Terms Terms are arranged alphabetically. All of the jargons and variables /10
are defined conceptually and operationally.
TOTAL /100

Format Adhere with ALL format requirement /50

“Serve the interests of Jesus, like Saint Joseph.”

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