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A. Background of the study: A. Pronounciation A. Research method A. Data description A. Conclusion

Online media, such as Duolingo Pronunciation is a very The researcher used a The researcher employed a The researcher used a
which teaches four elements in important subskill in EFL quantitative technique in this comparison technique to assess the quantitative technique in this
the learning process speaking, programs, and teachers aim to study. A quantitative data. Before and after treatment, the study. A quantitative
reading, writing, listening and aid their students as much as approach is one in which the researcher will compare scores. This approach is one in which the
also Pronounciation. Media like they can. Knowing how to investigatory primarily uses technique is effective for investigatory primarily uses
this should be seen as a very pronounce a sample word is this technique for developing demonstrating statistically whether this technique for developing
important educational beneficial for information knowledge (i.e., cause and the results of the experimental and knowledge and collects data
technology. One of the transfer since mispronouncing effect thinking, reduction to control groups will differ. The t-test on predetermined
advantages of using the internet a term might cause learners to specific variables and was employed by the researchers to instruments that yield
is to promote active learning be mislead in their capacity to hypothesis and questions, use discover significant differences statistics data.
where students are not passive communicate and obtain of measurement and between the experimental and control In this study, the author uses
recipients of knowledge. In this knowledge. Pronunciation is observation, and the test), groups. The researchers will perform the Duolingo application to
era of pandemic learning is not supposed to refer to how and collects data on the Normality and examine pronunciation skills
only through books. but it can people say a sample word, predetermined instruments Homogeneity Test before utilizing and makes this application a
also be via the internet like this especially in a way that is that yield statistics data. the t-test to get statistical results. teaching medium to help
Duolingo web. understandable or accepted. students and teachers learn
Pronunciation also requires English. This research was
paying attention to a conducted at TBM (Taman
language's different sounds, as Baca Masyaraakat)
well as distinguishing
components of speech like
stress, intonation, vowels,
consonants, rhythm, and
voice, as well as the voiceless
of various sounds. (Karim
Shabani 2017)
B. Statements of the B. Duolingo B. Place and time B. The process of experimental B. Suggestion
problem: In this quantitative research,
Duolingo is a free English In this study, researchers The researcher employed an the researcher considers
1.The english pronunciation of learning media application conducted research at TBM quisoner test in this study. The various considerations so
student's before using the created by Luis von Ahn and Jombangkali. The address is purpose of the multiple exam was to that the results of the
Duolingo application at Taman Severin Hacker. This learning Jl.Sastradikarta No 11, Rt 04 determine the pupils' pronunciation analysis are suitable for the
Baca Masyarakat Jombangkali media provides various ways RW 08 Jombangkali, abilities. There were two types of object to be studied.
Kota Cilegon to learn English starting from Cilegon, Banten 42415. The tests: pre-test and post-test. The pre- therefore a shortage will
2.The use Duolingo application reading, writing, listening, and time for research will begin test is administered before the occur because this research
able to improve students' english speaking. Duolingo learning when a research therapy and the post-test is is learning
pronunciation. media applications are very recommendation letter administered after the treatment. The
3.The difference between the practical and efficient to help issued by the Dean of the purpose of the pretest was to learn
experimental class and control the process of learning Tarbiyah and Teacher more about the students' abilities
class. English. Training Faculty of UIN before beginning the teaching
Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin process. The purpose of a post-test is
Banten has been issued until to obtain information regarding a
it is finished. student's achievement after the
teaching process is over.

C. The aims of study C. ICT C. Population and sample

1.To know the student english Information and The population in this study
pronunciation before using the Communications Technology were all students of TBM
Duolingo Application at Taman (ICT) is the technology that is Jombangkali which consisted
Baca Masyarakat Jombangkali used to handle of 40 students. While the
Kota Cilegon communications processes samples in this study were
2.To find of wether the use of such as telecommunications, elementary school children.
Duolingo application strategy broadcast media, intelligent of the entire population
able or not to improve students building management systems, selected using the PRE TEST
english pronunciation. audiovisual processing and and POST TEST technique
3.To find out the difference transmission systems, and this Research make direct
between the experimental class network-based control and observations to the place of
and control class. monitoring functions. research to be. Researchers
Learning media as a technique analyze the condition of
used in order to make students in the class and to
communication between find out their problems and
educators and students more difficulties in learning
effective in the education and English. The purpose of this
learning process in schools.. observation is make a more
(Amka 2018) easier to learn English
language using media
D. Assumption and D. Instrument
After defining a study
(Ha): English children learning problem and sketching up a
English pronounciation with research design/plan, the
duolingo aplication is effective work of data gathering
to improve students began. Collect main data
pronounciation abilities at while conducting an
young learner of Taman Baca experiment in an
Jombangkali. experimental study.
(Ho): English children learning Pre-test and Post-test and
English pronounciation with The treatment
duolingo application is not In the experiment class, the
effective to improve students researchers used the tongue
speaking abilities at young twister approach to teach
learner of Taman Baca pronunciation.
E. Clarification of the term: E. Data collection

Collecting data using two

test classroom observations
SUMATIF) this Research
make direct observations to
the place of research to be.
Resarchers analyze the
condition of students in the
class and to find out their
problems and difficulties in
learning English. The
purpose of this observation
is make a more easier to
learn English languange
using media Duolingo

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