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Data Analysing

THE EFFECTIVENESS OF WATCHING FILMS WITH SUBTITLES IN IMPROVING Two experienced lecturers and two native speakers
will jointly analyze and assess the data. The
SPEAKING FLUENCY OF EFL TDTU STUDENTS lecturers will serve as examiners, posing relevant
questions related to the subjects covered in
Nguyễn Đỗ Minh Anh - Hoàng Hải Vy - Vũ Thu Hương - Lý Gia Hân - Văn Cẩm Tú speaking skills. Meanwhile, the native speakers will
listen attentively and provide feedback on any errors
Author: Thi Nguyen, M. (2021). Methodology encountered by participants. All data will be
Among the four primary skills in the English meticulously recorded and organized using
Research type True Experimental Research type: True - experimental Microsoft Excel. A visual representation in the form
language, speaking often poses the greatest
To find out the positive effects that watching Target population: Freshmen majoring in English of of a bar chart will be employed to illustrate
challenge for EFL students. To tackle this concern,
Purpose movies brings in improving students’ English the Faculty of Foreign Languages at TDTU
some learners choose to enhance their speaking speaking and listening skills at HUBT
participants' abilities and the errors identified.
Sample size: 60 students
fluency by watching movies with subtitles. Currently 100 EFL students from Hanoi University of
Participant Film choice: Phineas and Ferb
in Vietnam, there are very few studies about the Business and Technology, 2021
impact of watching films with subtitles on speaking Instruments Questionnaire
Research-made instrument: This study will be carried DESIRED OUTCOMEs
out within a true experimental framework using a
skill. By bridging traditional language instruction
100% of students agree that watching movies quantitative approach, employing a control group pre-
with contemporary preferences, the outcomes aim to Result has a good impact on their learning English,
Indentificantion of some positive changes in
especially listening and speaking skills test and post-test design. Assessments generate participants' pronunciation and intonation,
guide educators and enhance language learning
numerical scores that are valuable for identifying, suggesting that exposure to spoken language in
experiences in universities.
Halawa, V. P. A., Sihombing, M. I., & Nasution, F. T. Z. (2022) categorizing, or evaluating participants. Therefore, the films with subtitles contributes to improved
researcher requires a test to measure the competence speaking skills.
Literature review Nội dung đoạn văn bản của bạn
Research type Quasi-experimental
of the participants. A pretest will be administered to
To investigate the influence of English movies in 60 participants, followed by a posttest after Practical recommendations for incorporating
improving students’ speaking skill subtitled films into language learning programs
implementing a film-based learning method.
Speaking fluency: Speaking fluency refers to the ability to or teaching based on the study's findings.
30 students from class IX-11b in SMP Negeri 2
communicate in a language smoothly and effortlessly, without Participant Data Collection
unnecessary pauses or hesitations. It involves the capacity to Improved retention and use of vocabulary and
express oneself coherently, accurately, and appropriately in real- Instruments Pre-tests and post-tests, questionnaire Our research group will contact the foreign language phrases acquired from films with subtitles,
time conversations or discussions.
Researchers can conclude that English movie has department offices to ask for permission before indicating that exposure to subtitled content
Film-Based Language Learning: Film-based language learning Result good impacts and has good influences in conducting research. supports in vocabulary acquisition.
involves using movies or films as educational tools to enhance improving students’ speaking skills
We ensure that all research participants' information
language acquisition. This method utilizes visual and auditory
stimuli to expose learners to authentic language use in various Laelasari, T. J., Yulianto, S. W., & Sibarani, J. (2019) will be kept confidential and used for legitimate
contexts, helping them improve their linguistic skills, including
Research type Quasi-experimental
purposes. References
vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and cultural understanding. The target audience in this survey is freshmen
PREVIOUS RESEARCHES The influence of watching English movie by using
majoring in English of the FFL faculty at Ton Duc Halawa, V. P. A., Sihombing, M. I., & Nasution, F. T. Z. (2022). THE
subtitles toward students' speaking skills Thang University. This is the group of subjects most
Author: Liando, N. V., Sahetapi, R. J., & Maru, M. G. (2018) STUDENTS’SPEAKING SKILL. Review of multidisciplinary
suitable for the purpose of this study. education, culture and pedagogy, 1(2), 49-58. DOI:
Research type True Experimental 36 first grade students of public senior high
Participant school 1 Jalancagak in the academic year 2018- Here is an example of the pretest posttest control
The aim of the study was to find out English major 2019 group design:
Purpose students’ perceptions towards watching English Liando, N. V., Sahetapi, R. J., & Maru, M. G. (2018). English major
movies to develop listening skill and speaking skill Observation, tests (pre-test, treatments, post- students’ perceptions towards watching English movies in
Instruments STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4
test), questionnaire listening and speaking skills development.
University students who took Listening and
Participant Watching English movies by using subtitles can
Speaking class
influence students' speaking skills such as Random A movie
Instruments Questionnaire Result assignment of A pretest is without A posttest is Laelasari, T. J. (2020). THE INFLUENCE OF WATCHING ENGLISH
pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, fluency, and
comprehension. participants to a administered subtitles is administered MOVIE BY USING SUBTITLE TOWARD STUDENTS’ SPEAKING
English movies are believed to be more effective control group administered SKILL. CORE.
than other media as teaching tools. English major
Result utm_source=pdf&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=pdf-
students also believe that they can improve their
speaking skill by watching English movies decoration-v1
Random Laelasari, T. J., Yulianto, S. W., & Sibarani, J. (2019). THE
Author: Laelasari, T. J. (2020) A movie with
1. To what extent does the presence of subtitles assignment of
participants to the
Research type Quasi-experimental during film exposure contribute to measurable administered administered administered TOWARD STUDENTS'SPEAKING SKILL. In Prosiding Seminar
experimental Nasional Pendidikan Universitas Subang (SENDINUSA) (Vol. 1, No.
changes in the oral proficiency of second groups
each lesson
To investigate the effects of subtitles on both 1, pp. 123-129).
Purpose listening and speaking abilities in the context of language learners?
English language learning 2. Does exposing university students to English
Participant First grade students of public senior high school films with subtitles result in a statistically Nguyen, T. T. M. (2021). A Study on the Effects of Movie Viewing
on Learning English to Develop Listening and Speaking Skills of
Instruments Pre-tests and post-tests, questionnaire significant improvement in their speaking Students at Hanoi University of Business and Technology.
fluency compared to a control group without Business and Technology Magazine, 15E(2021), 59-62.
students provide positive responses to the method
the researchers use in learning English is a method subtitles?
Result on-learning-english-to-develop-listening-and-speaking-skills-
of watching English movie by using subtitles and
giving a good response to the teacher 2650150.html
Target population: Freshmen majoring in English of
the Faculty of Foreign Languages at TDTU.
-->The reason behind this choice is because during high
school, students do not frequently practice speaking
skills. Moreover, when encountering university, first-
year students have to attend in Speaking 1 course in
order to build up the base of their speaking skills. As a
result, this study will contribute to increase their fluency
in English speaking.

Film choice: Phineas and Ferb

-->This is a disney-based animation designed for
children or English beginners. It has friendly content
which is easy to understand and also provide some
daily conversations with slangs and sometimes
academic words. By watching this, learners can
enhance their vocabulary range. Moreover, due to a
variety of characters, there are different accents so that
viewers can practice their intonation and fluency like a
native speaker.
Group Evaluation
Name Student ID Duties

Design slides and poster layout

1 Nguyễn Đỗ Minh Anh 021H0200 Search for information & write content
Present Introduction & Definition of key terms

Design slides and poster layout

2 Hoàng Hải Vy 021H0264 Search for information & write content
Present Previous researches and Research questions

Design slides
3 Vũ Thu Hương 021H0031 Search for information & write content
Present Methodology and Explanation

Search for information & write content

4 Lý Gia Hân 020H0233
Present Data collection

Search for information & write content

5 Văn Cẩm Tú 020H0422
Present Data analysis and References

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