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Quarter 1


NAME OF LEARNER: _____________________________________________

DATE ACCOMPLISHED: ___________________________________________

I. MELC-Most Essential Learning Competencies

1. Identify the goals and scope of social work (HUMSS_DIASS12-le-16).
2. Explain the principles and core values of social work
3. Explain the roles and functions of social workers (HUMSS_DIASS12-lf-

II. Overview
Social work is an academic discipline and practice based
profession that concerns itself within individuals, families groups,
communities and society as a whole in an effort to meet basic needs and
enhance social functioning, self-determination, collective responsibilities,
and overall well-being.
The Goals of social work aims to maximize the development of
human potential and fulfillment human needs, through an equal
commitment: working with and enabling people to achieve the best
possible levels of personal and social well being. Working to achieve
social justice through social development and social change. According to
Morales and Sheafor (1983) social work has 3 goals namely: goal on
caring, goal on curing and goal on changing
The Scope of social work is to help an individual be included in
society and to transform the very society that creates structures that
marginalize individuals from full participation in the enjoyment of social
service and resources of the community. Morales and Sheafor (1983)
identified 3 scope of social work:
1. As primary discipline – includes Adoption and services to
unmarried parents, Foster Care, Residential Care, Support in
own home, Protective Services , Family Services, and
Income maintenance.
2. As equal partner- includes Support for people in their own
homes program, Support for people in the long term care
facilities, and Community Services
3. As secondary discipline – includes Correctional Facilities,
Industry support, Medical and Health care, Schools support

Social work as profession has 6 Principles and Core Values

namely: Service above self interest; Social justice to those in need and
vulnerable to have an equal opportunity in life, resources and services;
Dignity and worth of a person by  treat each person in a caring and
respectful fashion, mindful of individual differences and cultural and ethnic
diversity; Importance of the human relationships to strengthen
RO_ Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences _Grade 12_Q1_LP 8
relationships among people in a purposeful effort to enhance the well-
being of individuals, families, social groups, organizations, and
communities; integrity by behaving in a trustworthy manner; competence
seeking to continuously improve their craft as a reliable social worker .

Roles and function of social worker Social workers, like any

other professionals, perform various roles and functions that are, in any
manner, different from other applied social sciences professionals. Though
similarities can be traced in some key areas, social workers’ distinctive
roles are identified through the use of a wide range of legal and social
work knowledge and skills particularly in effecting change among
individuals, groups and communities – the paramount beneficiaries of
social work services. Hence, this module introduces you a variety of roles
social workers portray along with the corresponding functions expected for
each role.
Advocate. A person who advances the interest and welfare of a
particular sector through speech, press or social action for the purpose
of meaningful change, human security, public safety and protection
from abuse or violence.
Broker. A person who assists in locating for resources or services
and in negotiating for its acquisition or accessibility and use in favour of
a client.
Case Manager. A person who handles and manages all information
and processes - relating to a specific issue, problem or circumstance,
that is inimical to a person under his/her care, guardianship, custody or
Change Agent. A person who initiates specific measure to
transform or help individuals, - groups and communities to become
socially functional and be an active participants in achieving self-worth
or societal change.
Counselor. A person who provides guidance and intervention to an
individual or - group particularly in dealing and managing an issue or a
problem or difficulty, that includes helping them to look for possible
answers or solutions that will alleviate suffering.
Educator. A person who provides meaningful experiences for
people to learn and become life-long learners through various
platforms, whether formal, informal or non-formal, using varied types of
strategies, scilicet; instruction, interaction, immersion, simulation,
apprenticeships, etc.
Enabler. A person who empowers another by capacitating him/her
with the necessary knowledge, skills and values necessary for his/her
transformation, recovery, growth or development.
Facilitator. A person who coordinates, leads or directs a particular
group to work for - specific task in the pursuit of achieving productive
results for the attainment of group or organization’s work goal.
Mediator. A person who assists in settling issues, dispute,
disagreements or mere problems, between individuals or groups for the
purpose of reconciliation, remediation, or settlement.

RO_ Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences _Grade 12_Q1_LP 8
Researcher. A person who engages in a systematic inquiry to
address an issue, a problem or a given condition or topic which may
provide essential suggestions or recommendations that will help
improve systems and practices, resolve conflicts, disorders or
difficulties, and inequities, or widen the pond of human knowledge.

III. Activities
Ia. Goals of Social Work
Directions: Identification. Read the statements carefully. Identify what
particular goal of social work it is according to Morales and Sheafor
(1983). Select your answer from the box and write it on the space
Goal on caring Goal on Curing Goal on Changing

1. What goal in social work refers to the heart of social work and it focuses
on the well-being or the welfare and comfort of the individual and
community? _________________________________
2. What goal refers to the aspect of treating people with plems in social
functioning? _________________________________
3. What goal refers to the active participation of the social workers in social
reforms? ________________________________

lb. Scope of Social Work

Directions: Identification. Read the statements carefully. Identify what
particular scope of social work it is. Select your answer from the box and
write it on the space provided.
As primary discipline As equal partner As secondary

1. What scope refers to administering court decisions to remove a child

due to detrimental situations?
2. What scope refers to helping children exhibiting anti-social behaviors
that require intensive treatment?
3. What scope refers to nursing homes or other group living facilities?
4. What scope refers to delivery of services to the population distribution,
securing funds, coordination with existing agencies and educating the
general public about the services?
5. What scope refers to providing support to inmate upon release?
6. What scope refers to providing support to urgent needs of selected
students? __________________________________

IIa. Principle and Core Values of social worker

Case Analysis: An achiever grade 12 student suddenly lost his father to
Covid 19 infection. The incident led to sudden change in the boys

RO_ Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences _Grade 12_Q1_LP 8
perspective. The once studious boy now seldom open his books and
spend his time with his new found friends drinking liquor and smoking
In one to two paragraph, expound the principle/s and core value/s of
social work that you would apply to help the boy and why?

IIIa. Roles and Functions of social worker

Directions. Identification. Analyze the descriptions provided in each
number. Identify the role of a social worker relative to the given
descriptions. Select the correct answer from the box and write it on the
space provided.
Case Researcher Counselor Facilitator Advocate
Broker Change Enabler Educator Mediator

__________________ 1. Provide guidance to individuals who are

suffering from any difficulty. Help individuals to find answers to their
problems. Assist individuals to recover from a physical or mental health
__________________ 2. Study the dynamic interactions between
individuals, groups and communities Collect, organize and analyze
information or data relative to a particular study Formulate suggestions
and recommendations pertaining to a problem statement
__________________ 3. Help in capacitating people to become
productive Empower individuals, groups and communities to become
socially functional Motivate people to believe in their potentials and
__________________ 4. Help resolve conflicts between individuals and
groups Assist individuals in looking for resolutions to alleviate their
sufferings Facilitate communication between parties involved in a dispute
or conflict
__________________ 5. Assist in finding resources and services to help
in augmenting client’s resources Negotiate with possible grantors for the
acquisition of resources and services Represent the client in transacting
with identified sponsors or grantors __________________ 6. Teach
individuals in schools or in any other learning environments Help
individuals cope with the realities in life Guide individuals in achieving a
better and brighter future
__________________ 7. Initiate for the discussion of issues Disseminate
information relative to the issue or concern he/she stands for Take
necessary actions to advance the interest of a sector affected by an issue
__________________ 8. Help people in working together as a group
Encourage active participation for the performance of tasks Assist in doing
specific tasks effectively
__________________ 9. Initiate practices to achieve effectiveness in the
organization Adopts measures that will help improve organizational culture
Monitors trends and updates that affect organizational performance

RO_ Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences _Grade 12_Q1_LP 8
__________________ 10. Assess client’s physical and mental or
economic and social conditions. Monitor the client’s progress vis-à-vis
intervention provided. Links clients with appropriate residential facilities or
rehabilitation centers
IV. Rubrics for Scoring
Rubric for Activity No. 2
CRITERI 1 2 3 4 5
Organizati Output Output Output is Output is Output is
on does not partly organize organize highly
subscribe organized d but not d and organized
to the but logically logically and
organizati logically sequence sequence logically
on format sequence d d sequence
d d
Substanc Content Content Content Content Content
e is neither is not is is is very
substanti substanti substanti substanti substanti
al nor al but al and al and al and
relevant relevant partly relevant relevant
Analysis Observati Observati Observati Observati Observati
on is on is not on is on is on is
missing clearly inconsist clear but presente
expresse ent with not d in clear
d case rational and
given rational
point of

V. Answer Key
Ia. Ib.
1. Goal on caring 1. As primary discipline
2. Goal on curing 2. As primary discipline
3. Goal on changing 3. As equal partner
4. As equal partner
5. As secondary discipline
6. As secondary discipline

Answers may vary but must conform to the prescribed rubric

RO_ Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences _Grade 12_Q1_LP 8
VI. References
1. https://images.app.goo.gl/bGhAFKyEsTPpy6K97
2. https://www.socialworkers.org/About/Ethics/Code-of-Ethics/Code-of-
3. Region 5 DIASS module 11 by Leda R. Cornelio
4. Region 5 DIASS module 13 by Ricardo M. Gamurot, Jr.

Prepared by:
Teacher II
San Antonio National High School
Schools Division Office of Iriga City

RO_ Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences _Grade 12_Q1_LP 8

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