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Brachial Plexus Neurapraxia

Other tests may be necessary to rule out
a cervical injury.
Management and treatment
Athletes whose numbness and tingling
completely disappears, demonstrate
full muscle strength of the shoulder
and upper extremity (abduction, elbow
flexion, external rotation and internal
rotation) and have full pain-free
cervical range of motion may return to
their sport.
When returning to play, protective
equipment such as a cowboy collar or
a neck roll is recommended. This is to
prevent extreme hyperextension and
lateral bending of the cervical spine.
A good neck and shoulder muscle-
strengthening program will aid in the
Brachial Plexus Neurapraxia, often Signs and symptoms prevention of further “burners.”
call a “Burner,” is one of the more After an impact involving the head, References
common cervical injuries. Burners are neck and/or shoulder, the athlete DeLee, Jeesse C. MD, Drez, David Jr. MD,
common in athletes who play contact experiences a sharp burning pain on Miller, Mark D. MD. Orthopaedic Sports
sports. After an injury involving lateral the involved side. The burning pain Medicine. Volume One 2003; 797 – 800.
flexion of the neck and depression of may radiate into the shoulder and Griffin, Letha Y. MD, PhD, American
the shoulder, the athlete often feels down the arm to the hand. There Orhtopaedic Society for Sports Medicine,
sharp burning pain in the neck on Orthopaedic Knowledge Update Sports
may also be associated numbness or Medicine. 1994; 174.
the involved side. This pain is caused tingling and weakness on the involved
by traction to the brachial plexus or side, which can last several seconds to
compression of the cervical nerve roots. several minutes.
Prolonged numbness or tingling and
weakness may be found in a small
number of athletes who present with
a burner. These athletes should be
discouraged from returning to full
participation until a clinical exam Kendra Trilling,
reveals a complete return of strength. Licensed Athletic Trainer

At UW Health patients may have advanced diagnostic and/or treatment options, or may receive educational materials that vary from this information. Please be aware that this information is not intended to replace the
care or advice given by your physician or health care provider. It is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional advice. Call your health care provider immediately if you think you may have a medical
emergency. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

6 2 1 S c i e n c e D r i v e • M a d i s o n , W I 5 3 7 1 1 • ( 6 0 8 ) 2 6 3 - 8 8 5 0 • u ws p o r t sm e d i c i n e . o r g

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