Snatch Balance Technique

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Snatch Balance Technique

Article in Strength and Conditioning Journal · June 2017

DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000311


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Exercise Technique

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Snatch Balance
Mary Altepeter, BS and Jonathan Mike, PhD, CSCS*D, NSCA-CPT*D
School of Health Sciences, Lindenwood University, St. Charles, Missouri

ABSTRACT EXTENSION AT THE HIPS, KNEES, femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lat-
AND ANKLES TO PRESS THE BAR- eralis, and vastus medialis (9). Exten-
BELL OVERHEAD, AND CATCH THE sion (plantarflexion) at the ankle
BARBELL IN AN OVERHEAD SQUAT follows extension at the hip and knee
POSITION. joints to achieve triple extension. The
PROGRAMMED IN SEVERAL WAYS, gastrocnemius, plantaris, soleus, ti-
DEPENDING ON THE ABILITY OF bilias posterior, fibularis brevis, and fi-
THE ATHLETE AND JUDGMENT BY bularis longus muscles create plantar
THE COACH. THIS LIFT CAN BE flexion at the ankle (9).
he snatch balance requires con- Activation of other muscle groups is
T siderable muscle recruitment
and incorporates muscles of
the posterior chain, including major
necessary to provide stability for the
athlete to safely complete this lift.
Muscles that stabilize perform isomet-
NIQUE PATTERNS AND muscles of the hamstrings, glutes, ric contractions that provide support
POSITIONAL STRENGTH IN THE calves, back and shoulders, as well as by producing tension within the mus-
FULL SNATCH, OR USED IN PLACE muscles of the quadriceps and core. cle and structures to which they attach
OF THE FULL SNATCH TO ELICIT Explosive strength for this movement (10). Activating back musculature is
POWER, STRENGTH, AND SPEED is mediated by the rapid triple exten- imperative to provide stability for
DEVELOPMENT. VARIATIONS OF sion performed at the hip, knee, and catching the bar in the overhead posi-
OLYMPIC-STYLE LIFTS ARE ankle joints. tion. The latissimus dorsi, trapezius,
ADVANTAGEOUS FOR TRAINING Power during this lift is primarily levator scapulae, rhomboids, and serra-
TOTAL-BODY EXPLOSIVE drawn from the hip extensors. For tus anterior work together to position
STRENGTH AND POWER BUT the snatch movement, the hip exten- the pectoral girdle (9). In addition,
HAVE LESS TECHNICAL COM- sors must produce the highest power proper positioning of the shoulder pro-
PLEXITY THAN THE FULL LIFTS. demands (6,11,14). Muscles involved vides further support to maintain the
SPECIFICALLY, THE SNATCH BAL- in hip extension include the biceps barbell in the catch position. The
ANCE REQUIRES THE ATHLETE TO femoris, semimembranosus, semite- supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subsca-
GENERATE FORCE INTO THE ndinosus, and gluteus maximus (9). pularis, and teres minor are critical
GROUND, PERFORM RAPID TRIPLE Knee extension occurs simultaneously to provide stabilization, keeping the
with hip extension to generate power. head of the humerus in the optimal
Address correspondence to Jonathan Mike, Knee extension is mediated by the position within the shoulder girdle
[email protected]. quadriceps group, including the rectus (5). It should be noted that the snatch

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Exercise Technique

balance is contraindicated among ath-

letes experiencing shoulder disorders
or instability. The shoulder has the
greatest range of motion among the
joints in the human body, resulting
in excessive range of motion. As
a result, the shoulder is particularly
susceptible to injury (5). This risk is
magnified when the shoulder joint is
involved with weight-bearing activity,
particularly during repetitive lifting
under heavy loads (7).
The importance of core activation
should also be highlighted, as
increased core stability is associated
with a better foundation for force pro-
duction (5). An activated core is
required to transfer power and stabilize
the athlete during the lift, particularly
in the catch position. Synergistic acti-
vation of global and local musculature
of the trunk provides support for the
spine (1). Maintaining support of the
spine is imperative for proper form
and protecting the athlete. Activating
Figure 1. Starting position (lateral view). Starting position of the snatch balance in
the internal and external obliques,
which the barbell rests on the upper trapezius with a snatch width. Feet
are placed directly under the hips. transverse abdominis, and rectus ab-
dominis compresses the abdomen to
provide stability for the vertebrae (9).

The snatch balance offers many bene-
fits and can be programmed to develop
total-body strength and power for ath-
letes with various lifting experience.
This exercise can be used for athletes
who need assistance with specific
points of the full snatch lift, used as
a progression for athletes learning
how to complete the full snatch, or
can be used as a strength and powerlift
to use in place of the full snatch.
The use of Olympic-style lift varia-
tions provides a less complex way
for athletes to develop the power,
strength, and speed adaptations asso-
ciated with weightlifting (10,12,14).
Furthermore, variations are ideal for
coaches because their athletes can
achieve the same training outcomes,
but the teaching process requires less
time than that required for the full lift
(14). For these reasons, a coach who
wishes to incorporate Olympic-style
Figure 2. Starting position (front view). lifting into their program can

2 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2017

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consider using the snatch balance in
place of the full snatch lift. This exer-
cise requires the athlete to perform
very similar movement patterns to
the full snatch. The same principle
of rapid hip and knee extension with
plantar flexion is required to generate
and transfer enough power to dis-
place the barbell to the overhead
position. As a result, the lifter needs
to rapidly pull themselves down and
catch the decelerating barbell (6).
These similarities are apparent
between the snatch and snatch bal-
ance, but the latter requires less bar
displacement and technical complex-
ity. Furthermore, it is important to
highlight that triple extension is
principal to Olympic-style lifting
movements and is considered a signif-
icant tool for generating power and
explosive performance that translates
to sport (4,14). Positive effects on rate
of force development result from the
lower extremity exerting force into
Figure 3. Quarter squat dip (lateral view) generating force vertically downward into the ground to generate power trans-
the lifting surface before driving up into triple extension. fer vertically. This has high transfer-
ability to jumping and plyometric
activity (14). The snatch balance is
advantageous for incorporating this
rapid triple extension with less
technical complexity, as previously
If the coach is progressing an athlete
to perform the full snatch, this exer-
cise can also be used as a progression
tool to accustom the athlete to
snatch-specific movement patterns. It
is beneficial to train specific move-
ment techniques before progressing
to the full lift for the athlete to
complete the lift with full technical
efficiency (2,13). Effectiveness of
Olympic-style lifting decreases when
the lift is performed with poor tech-
nique (14). Breaking down the lift into
specific phases and positions can be
used to ease coaching instruction
and to prevent overwhelming the ath-
lete. This also provides a structural
framework to point out critical varia-
bles of the lift (6).
Common snatch progression exer-
cises include implementing the
Figure 4. Quarter squat dip (front view). snatch pull and snatch high pull to

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Exercise Technique

master the first and second pull

phases of the full snatch as well as
the overhead squat (OHS) to mimic
the catch position (2,13). A specific
time frame for progressing the athlete
does not exist. Rather, the coach
chooses to progress the athlete once
they can properly execute the exer-
cise with technical efficiency and con-
fidence (2,8,14). However, snatch-
specific progressions typically take
2–3 weeks to develop adequate move-
ment patterning (2).
The OHS is suggested to be a func-
tional movement that can enhance
performance (1,2). The OHS empha-
sizes strength within the posterior
chain and stabilizing to maintain the
barbell overhead. The snatch balance
should be considered as the next pro-
gramming exercise to stress other
snatch-specific movement patterns
as well as increase complexity before
learning the snatch. The OHS helps
the athlete get comfortable in the
Figure 5. Triple extension (lateral view). Triple extension at the hip, knee, and ankle squat position with the barbell over-
occurs while the barbell is pressed overhead. head, but the snatch balance adds
a new element of neuromuscular
demand. The snatch balance requires
the athlete to drive their weight into
the floor, triple extend, press the bar-
bell overhead simultaneously, pull
themselves under, and catch the bar-
bell in a power position. Arguably, the
snatch balance is a progression that
requires more technical difficulty
than the OHS. One of the biggest
challenges when learning the full
snatch is learning how to fluidly drop
under the barbell to receive it in the
bottom position (2). This lift high-
lights the necessity to quickly drop
under the barbell. In addition, the
snatch balance develops positional
strength that can be translated once
the athlete learns the full snatch
Coaches may also consider this exer-
cise beneficial for athletes who have
already learned the full snatch lift. If
the athlete has already progressed to
performing the full snatch, but is
struggling with positional strength
or technical patterning, the snatch
Figure 6. Triple extension (front view). balance can be considered as a helpful

4 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2017

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programming tool. As previously
mentioned, the snatch balance incor-
porates a similar movement pattern
to the full snatch: exerting force into
the ground, rapid triple extension,
dropping below and catching the
barbell, as well as stabilizing to stand
and complete the lift. Because these
aspects are identical between the
snatch balance and the full snatch,
this exercise can be supplemented
for strengthening snatch-specific
movement patterns.
The starting position of the snatch
balance requires the athlete to stand
upright with feet placed under the
hips, holding the barbell with
a snatch-width grip as it rests on
the upper trapezius (Figures 1 and
2). It should be emphasized that the
athlete’s weight should be kept in line
with the hips during the lift. The
movement begins as the athlete per-
forms a quick “dip and drive” move-
Figure 7. Catch position (lateral view). Athlete presses under the barbell to receive it ment (Figures 3 and 4). The dip and
in the overhead, quarter squat position. Feet are now shoulder-width drive motion results from the athlete
apart. sitting their hips back and pushing
themselves into the ground using
the heel and midfoot to generate
force against the lifting surface before
extending the hips, knees, and ankles.
This triple extension is visible in Fig-
ures 5 and 6. Triple extension pushes
the bar off the shoulders so the lifter
may then press themselves under the
bar. The barbell should be caught
overhead in the quarter squat posi-
tion as feet shuffle from hip- to
shoulder-width distance (Figures 7
and 8). Feet should be in a flat-
footed position upon the catch, with
weight back, in line with the hips. For
optimal energy transfer, the barbell
should rise vertically without hori-
zontal displacement.
The catch position of the lift requires
full extension at the elbows and exten-
sion at the wrist. In this position, the
athlete can be encouraged to reach
toward the ceiling to further engage
the scapular stabilizers (14). Once
stable, the athlete can then stand
erect with the barbell overhead. To
Figure 8. Catch position (front view). lower the bar, the athlete should

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Exercise Technique

slowly return the barbell to the start- The use of a PVC pipe or unloaded volume of 3 sets of 3 to translate
ing position on the upper trapezius in barbell is recommended for the ath- strength adaptations from the maximal
a controlled manner. The strength lete to initially learn the movement strength phase into power demands of
coach should emphasize the impor- pattern of the snatch balance (i.e., the sport (3).
tance of controlled barbell descent to facilitate neuromuscular adaptation). Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
prevent injury. Once the athlete has Coaches who program this lift as The authors report no conflicts of interest
returned the bar to the starting posi- a progression tool for learning the and no source of funding.
tion, feet should be repositioned full snatch should monitor speed
under the hips before initiating the and technique of the athlete before Mary Altepeter is a graduate student at
next repetition. adding weight to the bar. Once pro- Lindenwood University.
During this exercise, it is important ficient with the lift, weight should be
for the athlete to acknowledge added in small increments (;2.5 kg) Jonathan Mike is an assistant professor
changes in their center of gravity to keep the focus on technique and in the Exercise Science Department at
(COG). Because the start position peak power as opposed to the Lindenwood University.
of the snatch balance is standing amount of weight lifted. As the ath-
erect, center of mass is comparable lete continues to train, progressive
to COG in anatomical position, esti- overload will facilitate strength adap-
tations. If strength is evident and the REFERENCES
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6 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2017

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