Ch3 - Skeletal Muscle Mechanics
Ch3 - Skeletal Muscle Mechanics
Ch3 - Skeletal Muscle Mechanics
Fast-twitch muscle
Skeletal muscle
Nerve Organ bath Slow-twitch muscle
Force transducer
FIGURE 3.4.2 Experimental setup for measuring isometric tension in an isolated muscle. In this preparation, the nerve that usually activates the muscle
is severed and action potentials on the motor nerve axon must be initiated by an external stimulator. The muscle is tied at one end to a rigid support
and at the other end to a force transducer. When the muscle contracts, it pulls against a stiff spring located in the transducer. The transducer turns its
slight movement into an electrical signal that can be recorded. Because the actual shortening of the spring, and its attached muscle, is extremely
small, this contraction is called an isometric contraction. A single stimulation results in an action potential in the nerve and subsequently in the muscle
that activates the muscle to produce a single contraction called a twitch. Different muscles differ markedly in the time course of force development
and relaxation.
Volts of stimulation
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 15 2030 40
Vary voltage force
100 g
Skeletal muscle
Nerve Organ bath
Force transducer
Time (s)
Recorder 500
Force (g)
0 10 20 30 40
Stimulation intensity(v)
FIGURE 3.4.3 Increase in the muscle twitch with increased recruitment of motor fibers by increasing the strength of the external stimulus. Data
obtained from electrical stimulation of the sciatic nerve serving the gastrocnemius muscle of the rat.
Extracellular electrode
Myelinated axons
FIGURE 3.4.4 Intact nerve and the extracellular electrode that stimulates it. The whole nerve is a bundle of axons originating in either sensory or
motor neurons. As the strength of stimulus increases, more axons are activated until, eventually, all axons in the nerve fire action potentials. Since
each axon innervates a set of muscle fibers, called its motor unit, progressive activation of axons causes progressive increases in the number of
activated muscle fibers, and progressive increases in the total force produced by the muscle. The smaller axons are more excitable, and they are
activated first.
The motor nerve supplying the muscle is actually a bun- across their membranes. But the current from the extra-
dle of axons from motor neurons carrying excitation to cellular electrode has many places to go, and most of
the muscle and sensory nerve fibers that return informa- the current does not go across the axon membrane.
tion to the central nervous system about the state of the Thus higher voltages are necessary to depolarize all of
muscle. The proportion of motor nerve axons within the axons in the bundle. This is why volts are necessary
the bundle varies from 40% to 70% in different mus- for the external stimulus, when only a few millivolts of
cles, with the remaining being axons carrying sensory membrane depolarization are sufficient to initiate an
information. The motor axons come in two general action potential. Further, the different sized motor neu-
types: small and large diameter axons (see Figure 3.4.4). ron axons differ in their rheobase—the amount of cur-
The stimulus that we apply is an extracellular stimulus rent for an infinite time that will bring the axons to
that depolarizes the axons by passing an inward current threshold (see Figure 3.2.8). Increasing the stimulus
S k e l e t a l M u sc l e M e c ha ni c s 295
FIGURE 3.4.5 The motor unit consists of the motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers innervated by it. Here motor neuron 1 innervates fibers A, B,
and C; motor neuron 2 innervates fibers D and E. When only motor neuron 1 fires an action potential, only fibers A, B, and C contribute to the force.
When only motor neuron 2 fires an action potential, only fibers D and E contribute to the force developed by the muscle. When both motor neurons
fire an action potential, all of the muscle fibers contribute to the force. Thus the force is greater when more motor units are recruited.
strength (voltage) increases the number of motor neu- that are activated depends on the output of the primary
rons that are activated, which increases the number of motor cortex, along with modulating influences from
muscle fibers that are activated, which increases force. other brain areas and from sensory information. The
Each motor nerve branches and connects to a set of neural control of movement is discussed in Chapter 4.5.
muscle fibers, making a neuromuscular junction with
each of them. The motor neuron and the set of muscle
fibers it innervates make up a motor unit. The entire THE SIZE PRINCIPLE STATES THAT
muscle consists of a large number of muscle fibers that MOTOR UNITS ARE RECRUITED IN THE
are each typically innervated by a single motor neuron ORDER OF THEIR SIZE
making a junction in the middle of the muscle fiber.
Motor neurons typically innervate more than one mus- Large motor units are innervated by large motor neu-
cle fiber, but each muscle fiber is innervated by only rons, and smaller motor units are innervated by smaller
one motor neuron. The motor unit is designed for motor neurons. The small motor neurons are more
100% fidelity: each time the motor neuron is activated, excitable, so these are recruited first. This corresponds to
all of its muscle fibers are subsequently activated. Thus our everyday experience. When trying to perform deli-
motor units are indivisible quantal elements in all cate movements that require dexterity but little force,
movements (see Figures 3.4.4 and 3.4.5). control of muscle force must be fine. This is accom-
plished by recruiting small numbers of muscle fibers.
The increase in force by activating increasing number of When performing gross motor movements involving a
motor units is called recruitment. The nearly continu- lot of force, the increments of force are large and we
ous variation in force from small to large forces means recruit successively larger motor units. The recruitment
that this force is not all or none; it is graded. Although of motor units in order of their sizes is accomplished
the gradation is fine, it is not really continuous because through other nerves that make connections to the
muscle fibers are activated in a discrete (as opposed to lower motor neurons.
continuous) way. Because there are so many muscle
fibers, the force appears to vary nearly continuously. It
is important to note that the method of recruitment MUSCLE FORCE CAN BE GRADED BY
here, increasing the voltage of stimulation of the nerve, THE FREQUENCY OF MOTOR NEURON
is not physiological. Ordinarily motor units are recruited
through neuronal connections to the motor neurons,
particularly by the activation of command signals origi- The action potential on the motor neuron is very
nating from the primary motor cortex in the brain, short, between 1 and 3 ms. The action potential on the
located in the precentral gyrus (see Chapter 4.5). This muscle cell membrane is also short, on the order of
area of the brain contains “upper” motor neurons that 35 ms. The muscle twitches are long by comparison,
provided excitation to the “lower” motor neurons that some 30300 ms. This means that it is possible to stim-
are located in the ventral horn of the spinal cord and ulate the muscle with another action potential before
directly activate muscle fibers. The motor unit specifi- the muscle has relaxed. Indeed, we can stimulate a
cally refers to a lower motor neuron and the set of mus- muscle again before it reaches its peak tension. When
cle fibers that it innervates. Which lower motor neurons a muscle is stimulated before it has completely relaxed,
5 Hz 10 Hz 15 Hz 20 Hz30 Hz 40 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz
Maximum voltage, 100 g
Stimulator vary frequency Muscle
+ force
- Skeletal muscle
Nerve Organ bath
Force transducer
Force (g)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Frequency (Hz)
FIGURE 3.4.6 Gradation of muscle force by the frequency of stimulation. Increasing the frequency of stimulation at low frequencies does not increase
the force; it merely increases the frequency of the same twitch wave form. When the period of the stimulation frequency is shorter than the period of
the twitch, however, force begins to summate. With continued increases in frequency, there is added force until tetany is reached. Data obtained from
electrical stimulation of the sciatic nerve serving intact gastrocnemius muscle of the rat.
a new twitch begins force where the first twitch left As you can see from Figure 3.4.6, the tetanic force is
off (see Figure 3.4.6). The resulting force is greater much greater than the twitch force. In general, tetanic
than with a single twitch. Thus muscle force summates force is about five times the twitch force, but the
with repetitive stimulation. When the frequency of stim- twitch ratio varies from 2 to 10 in different muscle
ulation is great enough, the muscle produces a single types.
forceful contraction with no waviness in the force.
This condition is called tetany.
The frequency required to reach tetany depends on how MUSCLE FORCE DEPENDS ON THE
fast the muscle contracts and relaxes. If the muscle LENGTH OF THE MUSCLE
twitch is 100 ms long, then summation will just begin
The device shown in Figures 3.4.2, 3.4.3, and 3.4.6 can
when the next stimulation arrives at the end of relaxa-
be adjusted to vary the length of the muscle. When
tion. Since there are 10 100 ms-intervals in a second,
muscles are relaxed, they exert no force. When the
summation for such a fiber should begin at a stimula-
relaxed muscles are stretched passively, without activa-
tion frequency of about 10 Hz. (1 Hz is hertz, meaning
tion by a nerve stimulus, they produce a passive force.
a cycle per second; 10 Hz is therefore 10 cycles or events
This is due to elastic properties of the muscle material
per second.) Typically most muscles in the human teta-
itself. This passive force increases steeply and nonli-
nize between 20 and 100 Hz. Summation begins when
nearly with increases in length (see Figure 3.4.7).
stimulation frequency just exceeds the inverse of the
twitch time. When a stretched muscle is stimulated tetanically, it
produces a force in addition to the passive force. This
Although the results shown in Figure 3.4.6 are a labora-
increment in force is called the active tension because it
tory observation involving an isolated nerve and its
depends on activation of the muscle by the tetanic stim-
muscle, the same phenomenon also occurs in living,
ulation. The additional active force produced by stimu-
breathing people. We can grade the force of a muscular
lation depends on the length of the muscle. The active
contraction, or vary force more or less continuously, by
force increases to a maximum and then declines with
altering the frequency of motor neuron firing. This is
further increases in muscle length. The relationship
one of the principal ways of physiological control of
between active force and muscle length is the
muscle force. Since action potentials are an all-or-none
lengthtension curve, originally determined in isolated
phenomenon, information can be coded only through
muscle fibers by Robert Ramsey and Sybil Street. This
the frequency of action potentials (frequency code) and
data became an important observation for explaining
in the population of neurons carrying it (population
the mechanism by which muscles produce force.
code—this is the same as recruitment). In the case of
muscle, high-frequency neuronal activity is converted to The resting length of a muscle is usually designated as
high intensity of muscle force. L0. Because muscles are attached to the skeleton, their
S k e l e t a l M u sc l e M e c ha ni c s 297
Total tension
Stimulator Use maximum voltage, tetanic frequency
Active tension
Skeletal muscle
Force (g)
Nerve Organ bath
Force transducer 1000
Passive tension
Recorder 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Normalized length (mm)
Vary length
Active tension is the increment
in force upon stimulation
250 g = 2.45 N 33
30 31
28 29 Baseline
22 23 24 25 26 27
Passive tension increases
with stretch
FIGURE 3.4.7 The lengthtension relationship in muscle. Increasing muscle length from slack length to relatively long lengths causes a passive force
or tension that does not require activation of the muscle. Activation of the muscle at maximum recruitment and tetanic frequency (so that recruitment
or frequency response does not confound the results) causes an increment in the force called the active force or tension. Muscle length was increased
in increments of 1 mm as indicated by the Vernier scale readings under each tetanic stimulation. Active tension increases biphasically with muscle
length. Passive tension increases progressively with muscle length—muscles do not obey Hooke’s law, in which force is proportional to length. The
total tension is the sum of the passive and active forces. Data obtained by electrical stimulation of the sciatic nerve innervating the gastrocnemius
muscle of the rat.
degree of shortening is defined by the movement of the Chapter 3.7) interrupted by rest periods. These series of
bones and the attachment points of the muscles. Most activations increase force by wave summation. Although
muscles do not shorten or lengthen by more than about this is important, it provides a range of forces that scale
25% of their rest length. Thus although muscle length according to the tetanustwitch ratio, which varies
can determine muscle force, typically the muscle is from about 210, depending on the muscle. Therefore,
physiologically arranged near the top of the lengthten- the frequency of activation provides at most about a 10-
sion curve, and muscle length changes are relatively fold range of variation in muscle force. Skeletal muscles
unimportant compared to recruitment and frequency of often have a range of forces that varies 20,000 fold,
stimulation. from the weakest contraction to the most forceful. Thus
rate coding or frequency coding provides an important
part of muscle force gradation, but population coding
RECRUITMENT PROVIDES THE (recruitment) provides the greater part of muscle force
We have described three distinct ways to vary muscle MUSCLE FIBERS DIFFER IN
force: (1) recruit muscle fibers by activating larger num- CONTRACTILE, METABOLIC AND
bers of motor units, (2) vary the frequency of activation
of the activated motor units, and (3) vary the length. As
mentioned above, muscle length typically does not vary As shown in Figure 3.4.2, muscles differ in their con-
significantly, and the resting length of muscles is situ- tractile properties. This mechanical difference derives
ated at the top of the active lengthtension curve, so from differences in their constituent motor units. Each
that varying muscle length is not an important way of motor neuron innervates a number of muscle fibers.
varying muscle force in the whole person. Most activa- The muscle fibers themselves are heterogeneous, and
tion of muscle is not by a single action potential to pro- several classification schemes have been devised to
duce a twitch, but by a train of impulses (see describe them. Based on contractile behavior, muscle
Velocity of shortening
is the slope of L vs t
Time (s)
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Position, X
As afterload increases,
Use maximum voltage, tetanic frequency Stimulus isometric phase is longer
Stimulator Stimulus Stimulus
and isotonic force is higher
Isotonic phase
Isometric phase
Organ bath
Isometric phase
Force transducer
isometric phase
Isotonic phase
Isotonic phase
FIGURE 3.4.9 Experimental setup for measuring the force and velocity of isotonic contractions. The afterload is supported by a shelf prior to the
activation of the muscle and thus it is not felt by the muscle until all slack in the line are taken up by muscle shortening. When the size of the
afterload is increased, the muscle takes longer to develop sufficient force to lift the load, and the velocity of shortening is less. The initial velocity of
shortening is inversely related to the afterload or the force developed by the muscle.
Power (W kg–1)
30 According to the way in which we measured velocity,
Slow-twitch a positive velocity corresponded to a shortening of
the muscle. If the support for a very large afterload in
100 Figure 3.4.9 is removed, the afterload will cause the
muscle to lengthen during contraction. This length-
0 0 ening is a negative velocity. Contraction of the mus-
0 10 20 30 40 cle during a lengthening is called an eccentric
Force (N cm–2 ) contraction. Contraction of a muscle that causes a
shortening is called a concentric contraction. The
FIGURE 3.4.11 Power as a function of force for slow-twitch and fast- extension of the forcevelocity curve to negative
twitch muscles. Velocity is shown as dashes, power as solid lines. Power
peaks at about one-third maximum force for both fast-twitch and slow- velocities (see Figure 3.4.12) shows that muscles can
twitch muscles, but fast-twitch muscles deliver more power due to their exert about 40% more force in an eccentric contrac-
faster contractions. These curves are part of the reasons for gears on tion compared to the maximal isometric force
bicycles, so that a constant power can be delivered to the wheels by measured at zero velocity.
keeping the velocity of the muscles and forces near the peak power
output when translational velocity of the bike changes going up or
Because concentric contractions shorten, they are use-
Velocity (cm s–1)
Isometric contraction
to hold the hand still while the fingers do the work.
10 Such immobilization is accomplished by simulta-
neously activating antagonistic muscles—those that
move joints in opposite directions. Eccentric contrac-
10 20 30 40
–10 Force tions are used to decelerate body parts, as in activa-
(N cm–2) tion of the quadriceps muscles in the leg while going
–20 Eccentric contraction downstairs.
Table 3.4.1 shows the three types of contractions, their
FIGURE 3.4.12 Concentric, isometric, and eccentric contractions. functions for movement, and the work performed.
Concentric contractions involve a shortening of the muscle. Eccentric
contractions involve a lengthening of the muscle. Isometric contractions
occur when the muscle length does not change and occurs at zero MUSCLE ARCHITECTURE INFLUENCES
velocity. Developed force is greatest for eccentric contractions, next FORCE AND VELOCITY OF THE WHOLE
highest for isometric contractions and lowest for concentric contractions.
The force that a muscle develops depends on its size:
larger muscles produce greater force. Because muscles
Muscle fibers
FIGURE 3.4.13 Different arrangement of muscle fibers. Parallel
Pinnate fibers are oriented longitudinally in the direction of the muscle.
Fusiform muscles are tapered. Pinnate fibers are parallel but
Parallel fibered Fusiform oriented at an angle to the action of the muscle.
L = 24.8 cm
L = 36.8 cm Area = 12.1 cm2
Area = 8.15 cm2
FIGURE 3.4.14 Geometry of a strap
muscle with two inscriptions, fiber
Lfiber = 12 cm Lfiber = 8 cm
length 5 12 cm and volume 5 300 cm2.
Lfiber = 12 cm
12 sin 15° = 3.11 cm
Total cross-sectional area = Area x sin 15° = 96.6 cm2 x sin15° = 25 cm2
L = 33.2 cm
Lfiber = 8 cm
FIGURE 3.4.15 Geometry of a pinnate muscle Gross muscle
fiber at rest (A) and contracted (B). CSA = 9.0 cm2
EXAMPLE 3.4.1 Calculate the Isometric Force and Maximal Velocity of a Parallel Muscle
We use the strap muscle shown in Figure 3.4.14 as an example. F 5 8:15 cm2 3 20 Ncm22 5 163 N
Its maximal force is its cross-sectional area times the force devel-
oped per unit cross-sectional area. Since its volume is 300 cm3 Taking the unloaded contraction time as 0.033 s for the muscle
and its length is 36.8 cm, its cross-sectional area is 300 cm3/ fibers to contract from 12 to 8 cm, we get an unloaded
36.8 cm 5 8.15 cm2. velocity 5 (36.8 cm24.8 cm)/0.033 s 5 364 cm s21.
The typical isometric force per unit area is 20 N cm22. The iso-
metric force of this muscle would be
EXAMPLE 3.4.2 Calculate the Isometric Force and Maximal Velocity of a Unipinnate Muscle
An unipinnate muscle with the same volume and rest length as is the cross-sectional area of the fibers 3 the force per unit
the strap muscle has fibers oriented at 15 to the direction of area 5 25 cm2 3 20 N cm22 5 500 N. This force is not directed
force. The fiber rest length is 12 cm; thus the aggregate cross- along the lines of the aponeurosis; the force transmitted to the
sectional area of the fibers is 300 cm3/12 cm 5 25 cm2, which can tendons will be 500 N 3 cos 15 5 483 N.
also be obtained from the area of the aponeurosis 3 sin 15 . This
The apparent isometric force of the muscle, using its gross cross-
is not the gross cross-sectional area of the muscle. The gross cross-
sectional area, is 483 N/11.9 cm2 5 40.6 N cm22.
sectional area can be estimated from the volume and length of
the muscle. From the geometry in Figure 3.4.15, the overall length When the fibers shorten from 12 to 8 cm, the pinnation angle
of the muscle is 36.8 cm, but each aponeurosis is 25.21 cm long; changes. The overall length of the muscle changes from 36.8 to
the thickness of the muscle is 3.11 cm. From these numbers, the 33.2 cm, or by 3.6 cm, in 0.033 s, giving an unloaded velocity of
area of the aponeuroses is 96.6 cm2 and the gross cross-sectional 3.6 cm/0.033 s 5 109 cm s21.
area of the muscle is 11.9 cm2. Total force generated by the fibers
S k e l e t a l M u sc l e M e c ha ni c s 303
MUSCLES DECREASE FORCE UPON more motor units; (2) by increasing the frequency of
stimulation; and (3) by changing the length of the mus-
REPEATED STIMULATION; THIS IS cle. Changing the length of the muscle is not so impor-
FATIGUE tant because muscles are restrained by the position of
Everyday experience shows us that maximal effort can their origins and insertions on the skeleton. Recruitment
be sustained only briefly. The more intense the effort, follows the size principle: small motor units are recruited
the faster one fatigues. Intense efforts rely predomi- first. Increasing frequency of neuronal action potentials
nantly on fast-twitch fibers. These are generally larger excites the muscle again before it has time to relax
than the slow-twitch fibers and belong to larger motor because the twitch is usually much longer than the action
units, so that these are recruited last. This makes subjec- potential. Thus muscle force can summate when excita-
tive sense, because these large muscle fibers in large tion frequency exceeds 1/t, where t is the period of the
motor units increase force in the greatest increments twitch. The tetanic frequency is the frequency at which
when they are recruited. These fast-twitch fibers are also all waviness disappears from the force record. Typically
more easily fatigued than the slow-twitch fibers. Fatigue tetanic force is about five times the twitch force.
of slow-twitch muscles takes longer to produce. Recruitment is usually the most important way of grad-
Therefore, it makes sense that these slow-twitch fibers, ing muscle force and can be responsible for a 100-fold or
which are smaller and belong to smaller motor units, greater range of muscle force.
are recruited early on and so are active almost every Stretching a muscle produces a passive force that
time the muscle is activated, even for tasks requiring lit- increases nonlinearly with stretch. The active force,
tle force. The differences in fatiguability of different the increment of force caused by excitation, changes
muscles led Burke to propose a system of classification biphasically with muscle length. It increases with increas-
of muscles based on four types: ing muscle length when the muscle is short, reaches
1. S 5 slow-twitch fibers a maximum, and then decreases with further stretch of
2. FR 5 fast, fatigue resistant the muscle.
3. FI 5 fast, intermediate fatigue resistant The velocity of muscle shortening depends on the
4. FF 5 fast, fatiguable. load. Maximal velocity occurs at zero load, and maxi-
Most muscles consist of thousands of muscle fibers. mum force develops at zero velocity. The power
Most muscles contain all of the different fiber types, but output of muscle varies biphasically with muscle force,
they differ in their relative number. The soleus muscle being maximal at about 1/3Fmax. Both fast- and slow-
in the human consists predominantly of slow-twitch twitch muscles show this behavior. Power output also
muscle fibers, whereas the gastrocnemius consists varies with velocity, being maximal at about 1/3Vmax.
mainly of fast-twitch fibers. However, there is consider- During rapid movements, almost all power derive
able individual variation in the fiber types that are pres- from fast-twitch muscle.
ent in individual muscles. Transformation of muscle Muscle activation can produce force while the muscle
types appears to be limited and obeys a strict progres- shortens, and this is called a concentric contraction.
sion. Increased use of a muscle invariably tends to con- Isometric contractions refer to the activation of muscle
vert muscle fibers into more fatigue-resistant fibers, but under conditions in which it does not change length.
conversion of fast fatigable fibers all the way to slow- In some cases, muscle activation develops a force
twitch fibers does not occur. while the muscle lengthens. This is an eccentric
contraction. Concentric contractions are used to accel-
erate objects or body parts. Isometric contractions are
SUMMARY used to fix joints in some configuration, whereas
Skeletal muscles consist of thousands of muscle fibers eccentric contractions are used to decelerate objects
which are large multinucleated cells. Each muscle or body parts.
fiber is controlled by a single motor neuron that Muscle fibers often are oriented at an angle with respect
forms a neuromuscular junction approximately in the to the direction of muscle action. This is called the pin-
middle of the fiber. Motor neurons branch and form nation angle. This allows more muscle fibers to fit into
junctions with one-to-many muscle fibers. All of the the volume occupied by the muscle and increases force
muscle fibers innervated by a single motor neuron but decreases muscle velocity.
constitute the motor unit. Large motor units typically
have large motor neurons in the spinal cord, and Fatigue is the loss of muscle force due to prolonged use.
small motor units have small motor neurons. The There are two types of fatigue: rapid onset of fatigue
small motor neurons are more excitable and are brought about by continuous maximal stimulation and
recruited first. slower onset of fatigue brought about by repetitive but
submaximal activation of the muscles.
A single action potential on a motor neuron produces a
twitch. Brief twitches characterize fast-twitch muscles: Muscles can be classified on the basis of their contractile
they develop force rapidly and relax rapidly. Slow-twitch activities. Thus there are slow-twitch fibers, fast and
fibers develop force more slowly and relax more slowly. fatigue-resistant fibers, fast intermediate (with respect to
Muscle force can be graded three ways: (1) by recruiting fatigue) fibers, and fast fatiguable fibers.