The Reaper

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Playing the Reaper

With their recent history considered to be in the public domain, the Reaper is an
object of curiosity and pity, forced into the centre of a circus of attention that they
do not want. Whatever their life was like before their highly-publicized ‘death’, now
that’s the only thing they are known for and they are fed up with being the subject
of everyone else’s gossip.

When the Reaper died, they were offered a deal by Death and they took it; now
they are implicitly following their side of the bargain by helping Death collect
difficult cases, especially those who ought to be dead but just haven’t stopped
moving yet. They might choose to do this discreetly, getting closer to their targets
and checking back in with HQ for further instructions (Dark 2, Hot 1.) Then again, if
they leap into this role with gusto, they can go on a murder spree and see to it that
their cases get what’s coming to them (Volatile 2, Cold 1.)

Being the Reaper means creating a story about them that everyone else knows and
feels like they own a part of, so start there. The details of their brush with death
should be all over the local media and the hot topic around school: why not start
with their first day back since the incident? They just want to resume their life, but
no-one else is making that easy. At best, they can’t meet the Reaper’s eyes; at worst,
they’re staring like they’ve paid their money and they want their show.

The Reaper
Everyone’s so fucking supportive and wanting to help you, or else they want all the
gruesome details about how you survived your brush with Death. Well, wise up shit-for
brains: you didn’t survive. You swear, the next person to ask you how you’re feeling is
going to find out what Death is like from the business end… but that would be
unprofessional of you, so you wont give into that temptation.
This is a skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at
This Skin designed by James Mullen
Identity Reaper Moves  On My Bad Days
Eyes: empty eyes, exhausted eyes, When you surrender to your pain and let
Name: Bengt, Bill, Joe, Lefu, Mandy, Morticia, downcast eyes, challenging eyes, angry You get Bargaining and choose one
it dominate you, take 2 now to Run Away
Tod, Vanna, Vdekje eyes more:
and gain the condition object of pity if
 Bargaining
Origin: tragic accident, terminal
you don’t already have it.
Look: pale, gaunt, twisted, awkward, hunched Once per session, you may ask the
illness, near-fatal overdose, suicide
MC to assign you a case whom
Scars: disfigured face, surgical attachment, attempt, assault victim  Sensitive Subject
you must make sure dies soon.
bruises easily, prosthetic limb, hidden scars When someone talks to you about your
When one of your cases dies, mark
scars or the circumstances of your
experience and take a String on
Your Backstory Strings Death. If a session passes where
‘death’, choose one: take a String on
them or make them spend a String on
The story of your ‘death’ is a matter of public none of your cases die, Death
speculation. Give everyone one String. takes a String on you.

They’re your first case. Gain 2 Strings on

 Kill Switch
 Reprieve
them. When you snap your fingers, you can
When you touch someone who
‘switch off’ any minor thing: the lights,
has just died, they heal all their
an engine, someone’s phone, someone’s
Darkest Self harm and you take 1 harm. If you
pet, etc.
ever touch them again, they die
They want to know what Death was like so
and can never be brought back.
badly? Well, you’ll show them and you’ll tell
them all about the darkness that is waiting
Experience 
for them beyond the Door. There is no hope,  Add +1 to one of your stats.  Doombringer
no judgement, no reward, only oblivion to  Take another Reaper move. When you cause accidents to
come. You escape your Darkest Self when  Take another Reaper move. happen to others, you may Lash
someone gives you hope and sees past your  Take a move from any Skin. Out with Dark instead of Volatile.
scars to the real you again.  Take a move from any Skin, The MC may use your presence in
 Work with a Grave Franchise.
a scene to establish that harm
may result from any action.

Hot 1 Cold-1 Volatile-1 Dark 2 Sex When you have sex with someone, they die; if you have no
other way to bring them back, you may bargain with Death to
Hot-1 Cold 1 Volatile 2 Dark-1 Move return them.

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