Stress Management in Ayurveda
Stress Management in Ayurveda
Stress Management in Ayurveda
In Ayurveda depression is correlated as Vishada Roga which occurs due to vitiation of Vata
Dosha (Vata is the main dosa vitiated by excessive physical stress) and imbalance in psychic
energies (Sattva, Rajas, Tamas). Vagbhata has stated that person with predominant Tamasa
Guna are more prone to suffer from Vishada. The condition of depression is more like common
cold of the mental health. According to the medical science of Ayurveda (science of life) an
individual’s inner fire (Sadhaka Agni) is responsible for processing emotions. A strong inner fire
is often linked to a “High Emotional Intelligence” and under the influence of inner fire; an
serotonin which is released by neuroendocrine cells which are present in brain, heart and spinal
cord. The neuro-hormones send message to brain to express either depressive or happiness
mood. The weakened inner fire leads to depression because it allows an individual to lose control
It also supported by the classical principles that the basic components of the
body. Ayurveda explains that there are seven basic components of the body (Sapta Dhatus) viz.
plasma (Rasa), blood (Rakta ), muscle (Mamsa), fat (Medas), bone (Asthi), marrow (Majja ),
and reproductive tissue (Shukra) in our body. The channeling of nutrition is believed to be
transmitted from one tissue (Dhatu) to the succeeding tissue (Dhatu). Ayurveda believes that
upsurge for reproductive tissue (Shukra Dhatu) naturally helps a person to recover from
The human is described as healthy when the patho-physiological bio-elements, digestive fire,
fundamental constituents, excreta functions are in optimum balance and exuberance of soul,
sensory organs and mind are present in an individual. So mental health is also very important for
a person to be healthy.
Natural therapy of 5000 years old medical science (Ayurveda) aims to restore the serotonin level
in the cerebral system with the help of natural herbs to support the recovery from such
psychological complaints. Ayurvedic literature defines herbs that releases stress conditions.
Script (Shloka) explained that the extract of above written herbs naturally win over the
(Dhatus), and balances the individual’s inner fire (Sadhaka Agni). The Rasayana therapy is the
most appropriate mean of achieving healthy Dhatus (tissues). Moreover, Rasayana ultimately
These include Shira Abhyanga( head massage), Seka ( head fomentation) , Pichu ( placing oil
soaked cotton on scalp) and Basti (oil irrigation of scalp). Each one of these proposed to have a
different mode of action and effect. Beside these four classical techniques, Shirodhara is one
Along with these therapies, Yoga, Pranayama and diet are very important part to naturally