Dialect 2 Cards
Dialect 2 Cards
Dialect 2 Cards
Something’s in short There’s a right way When we hurt, Steadfast and secure,
supply here. We rely on you for the Isolation to live. we come to you. you are the shield that guards the
to provide whatever scraps You know what way that is. You make sure we’re ready Isolation—either from outside
of it we can get. You will convince the others. to serve the Isolation or within.
for another day.
People talk to you about People talk to you People talk to you about safety.
getting what they need. about your followers. People talk to you about
their pain.
You identify with two You identify with You identify with
of the Aspects. one of the Aspects. two of the Aspects. You identify with
all but one Aspect.
One of our Aspects You take it One of our Aspects is the
is causing the scarcity. much too far. cause of our pain. You fear the remaining one.
The Isolation has a certain Factions in the Isolation You know what’s coming A paragon of what it means
charm to it—thanks to you. are often at each other’s throats. for us—and we believe you. to be in the Isolation,
You keep us going when You keep the peace the best At least, most of us do. we come to you when
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No one understands how You know so much of the past. Why is there so much anger?
you accomplish what you do. So much that we’re We’re all in this together.
You have your secrets. doomed to repeat. If only we could all
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May we fill our days with it. Using this word is routines, environment, and stall for time.
deeply meaningful, or whatever defines This unique way of
and we remember the rhythm of our days. gathering space to speak is
the first time we say it. particular to us.
A tender moment
A shared moment of wonder shared in secret A plan is made Someone is left speechless
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Age 1 Card Backs 1
A feeling, stoked by our fears, OCCASION How we refer to what is yet to Our expletive of choice.
that torments us in come and what it means to us. A word said in fury
quiet moments. A celebrated event. This may be an important event or frustration.
A particular strand of worry that It’s either particular to the in the future, or the future Some may find it distasteful.
afflicts members of the Isolation. Isolation or we have a unique way as a broad concept.
of recognizing it.
Worries boil over The time has come We have different visions A moment we’ll later regret
Age 1 Cards 2
more than basic necessities? time period in the past or It may be earned or given.
developed ourselves. the past as a general concept.
What money can buy here Technology gone wrong What haunts some of us Standing up to authority
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Age 1 Card Backs 2
The Isolation is no stranger A vital resource for the Isolation. How we affirm our hope in
to work and toil. Without it, we would truly be lost. happy outcomes. A spoken
Our daily grind and duty. wish for victory that bonds us
This is how we refer to that During the Make a Connection together.
which must be done. phase, explain what this resource is. A particular kind of luck or
fortune for the Isolation.
A disagreement made public Hope in an unexpected place Sweet relief, all too brief A call that had to be made
Age 2 Cards 1
or man-made, has gained common in the Isolation. outside of the Isolation. or the people who commit it?
profound meaning for Define the new ritual and name it. What memories and emotions
the Isolation. does it evoke inside us?
We remember things
A dangerous climb The new rhythm of our days differently A traitor lives among us
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Age 2 Card Backs 1
A specific instance of something A nickname that all but replaces A piece of language based on
we hold dear surges in importance. someone’s name. someone’s name. Sometimes the true meaning
Take an existing word and make it Sometimes the story behind a word is of a word is the context in
Make a Connection: Pick a player
more specific. Add more context, standing right in front of us. which it’s used.
character. Explain why their role in the
meaning, or intent behind the word. Isolation has earned them a Make a Connection: Pick a player character Make a Connection: Pick a previously
Make a Connection: Pick a previously new nickname. and a concept. Explain why their name is defined word. Explain why another use
defined word. Explain how its meaning has Build a Word: Build this nickname attached to that concept. for this word has emerged in
become more specific. with the target player leading the a different social context.
Build a Word: Make a word for
Skip the Build a Word phase. discussion. the concept rooted in their name. Skip the Build a Word phase.
Example: “Starve” once meant to die of any Example: “Silhouette” originated as Example: In the right social context,
cause, but now means to die of hunger. a jab at a French minister of finance, whose the word “bad” can mean the exact
frugal policies were mocked opposite.
in comparison to the simple portraits
that now bear his name.
Worlds apart suddenly
A wager with high stakes A familiar face in new light Finding yourself in an collide
unexpected place
Age 2 Cards 2
in a way we had not anticipated. into one. same, the way we say it changes. It gives us resolve when
Make a Connection: Pick a previously we need it most.
Make a Connection: Pick a previously Make a Connection: Pick two
defined word. Explain how its meaning previously defined words. defined word and explain why its Make a Connection: Pick a previously
has become more generic. pronunciation has changed. defined word. Explain the meaning of the
Build a Word: Combine the words This may be due to a shift in meaning,
Skip the Build a Word phase. together and define the meaning of this proverb you’re looking to define.
usage, or context.
new combination. Build a Word: Build the proverb together.
Example: The word “assassin” originated Build a Word: Find the new
as a reference to a religious sect. It now Example: “Smog” is a combination It must feature the word chosen in
pronunciation for this old word. the Make a Connection phase.
refers to anyone who does the deed, of “smoke” and “fog.” Lewis Carroll’s
regardless of affiliation. “frumious” has two parts, “fuming” and
“furious,” but no conviction as to which
half comes first.
An action we must
What we wear with pride Change, too fast for some Adapting to our surroundings take together
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Age 2 Card Backs 2
As pressure builds, we change in Us. You. Them. What was once a common word Some things need tactful phrasing.
ways big and small. As we change, The abstract ways we group now packs a greater punch.
so does our language. Its meaning is now much One of the Isolation’s words has taken
ourselves and one another. We on new weight and some only broach
have a special way to refer to some stronger than it once was.
Make a Connection: Play on an Aspect it in euphemism.
in the current Age and choose a word in the Isolation. Make a Connection: Pick a previously
from a previous Age. defined word. Explain why this change Make a Connection: Pick a previously
What is this new pronoun and defined word and explain why some use a
Move the word to the new Aspect in gravity has come to be.
how do we use it? Why is it euphemism for it.
and explain how the word has important to who we are? Skip the Build a Word phase.
changed meaning because of this Aspect. Build a Word: Make the
Example: Once “torment” was used euphemism together.
Skip the Build a Word phase. as a strict synonym for kill, but now
it carries an implication of Example: Using a softer term like “passing
extreme violence. away” allows us momentary distance from
confronting our own mortality.
A bad idea from the start The lines between us Mountains out of molehills Up close and uncomfortable
Age 2 Cards 3
a word for an important concept already defined. doesn’t use one of the existing
linked to that Aspect. Make a Connection: Play on an Aspect words like the others do.
You define the concept. in the current Age and choose a word Make a Connection: Pick a previously They have created a new word
from a previous Age. defined word. Explain why the opposite for an existing concept.
When picking the concept, explain Move the word to the new Aspect of this word is something of significance
why the origin of the word is special. and explain how the word has to the Isolation. Make a Connection: Pick a previously
Did it come from another language? Was changed meaning because of this Aspect. defined word. Explain why a group in
it found as a marking somewhere, or is its the Isolation has another word for the
origin simply lost to time? Skip the Build a Word phase. same concept.
Build the word using the “Create a Word”
instructions provided in the rulebook.
A change in status The tides of change pull on us Opposites meet A movement spreads
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Age 2 Card Backs 3
Pair with any Aspect and create
a word for an important concept
linked to that Aspect.
You define the concept.
When picking the concept, explain
why the origin of the word is special.
Did it come from another language? Was
it found as a marking somewhere, or is its
origin simply lost to time?
Build the word using the “Create a Word”
instructions provided in the rulebook.
Age 3 Cards 2
SOURCE As tensions rise, voices clash.
Using this word carries a weight.
(ACTION) Even among ourselves, we ascribe
new meaning to old words and When we say it,
Out of the blue, we hear a word. people form an image and it
confusion spreads.
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Choose one option for your Choose one option for your Choose one option for your
final narrated epilogue. final narrated epilogue. final narrated epilogue.
It may be about your character It may be about your character It may be about your character
or the Isolation as a whole. or the Isolation as a whole. or the Isolation as a whole.
End your story. End your story. End your story.
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How you will be remembered. Something the outsiders Contempt for the outsiders’ ways.
stand to learn.
Out of the ash, a seedling sprouts. A ritual for the dead.
Saying goodbye to what
OR was once normal. OR
Cast out, again and again. OR As the walls come crumbling down.