Astawsegn Zeleke

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Effects of Climate Change and Variability on Rural Livelihoods and

Responses: The Case of Soro Woreda,, Hadiya Zone, SNNPR

By: Astawsegn Zeleke

June,, 2014
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

By: Astawsegn Zeleke

Effects of Climate Change and Variability on Rural Livelihoods and the

Responses: the Case of Soro Woreda, Hadiya Zone, SNNPR

Advisor: Aklilu Amsalu (PhD)

A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Geography and Environmental

Studies Presented in Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of
Masters (Climate change and adaptation)

Addis Ababa University

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
June, 2014
Addis Ababa University
College of Social Sciences & Humanities

This is to certify that the thesis presented by Astawsegn Zeleke, entitled: Effects of
climate change and variability on rural livelihoods and responses: the case of Soro
woreda, Hadiya Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia and submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the degree of Master of Arts complies with the regulations of the
university and meets the accepted standards with respect to originality and quality.

Signed by the Examining Committee

Chairman Signature Date

Internal Examiner Signature Date

External Examiner Signature Date

Advisor Aklilu Amsalu (PhD) Signature Date

Table of Contents


Acknowledgment ................................................................................................................. i

Abstract ............................................................................................................................... ii

List of tables ....................................................................................................................... iii

List of Figures .................................................................................................................... iv

Acronyms ............................................................................................................................ v

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1

1.1. Background ........................................................................................................... 1

1.2. Statement of the Problem ..................................................................................... 5

1.3. Objectives of the Study......................................................................................... 6

1.4. Research Questions............................................................................................... 7

1.5. Significance of the Study...................................................................................... 7

1.6. Limitation of the study ......................................................................................... 8

1.7. Delimitation of the Study ..................................................................................... 8

1.8. Organization of the Study ..................................................................................... 8

CHAPTER TWO ................................................................................................................ 9

2. Review of Related Literature .......................................................................................... 9

2.1. Concepts and Definitions ......................................................................................... 9

2.2. Conceptual framework ........................................................................................... 11

2.3. Causes and Manifestations of Climate Change ...................................................... 13

2.4. The Impacts of Climate Change ............................................................................. 15

2.5. Climate Change in Ethiopia; Observed patterns & projections ............................. 16

2.6. The Impacts of Climate Change & Variability in Ethiopia.................................... 19

2.6.1. Impacts on Agriculture .................................................................................... 20

2.6.2. Impacts on Livestock Production .................................................................... 21

2.6.3. Impacts on Water Resources ............................................................................... 21

2.7. Responses to Climate Change in Ethiopia ............................................................. 22

2.7.1. Individual and Community Responses ............................................................ 22

2.7.2. Institutional and Policy Responses .................................................................. 25

CHAPTER THREE .......................................................................................................... 29

3. Methodology ................................................................................................................. 29

3.1. Description of the Study Area ................................................................................ 29

3.1.1. The Hadiya Zone ............................................................................................. 29

3.1.2. Soro Woreda .................................................................................................... 30

3.2. Data Sources and Instruments ................................................................................ 34

3.2. 1. Sampling Procedure ........................................................................................ 36

3.2.2. Methods of Data Analysis and Interpretation .................................................. 36

CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................................. 38

4. Results and Discussion ................................................................................................. 38

4.1. Socio-economic profile of Respondents ................................................................ 38

4.1.1. Sex, Age and Marital Status of respondents .................................................... 38

4.1.3. Means of Livelihood........................................................................................ 42

4.2. Rainfall and Temperature Pattern of Soro.............................................................. 44

4.2.1. Average Rainfall Pattern ................................................................................. 44 Seasonal Rainfall Variability .................................................................... 45

4.2.2. Average temperature pattern ........................................................................... 46

4.2.3. Local Indicators of Climate Change/ Variability ............................................ 47

4.3. Effects of Climate Change /Variability on Livelihoods and Vulnerability.......... 49

4.3.1. Effects on rural livelihood ............................................................................... 49 Timing of Rainfall and Variability ........................................................... 50 Timing of Rainfall and its Effect on Croping Pattern ............................... 51 Effects on Crop Yield ............................................................................... 52

4.3.2. Socio-Economic Effects of Climate Change & Variability............................. 54 Effects on Water Availability .................................................................... 54 Effects on Livestock ................................................................................ 55 Vulnerability of the Community & Their Concerned shocks ................... 57

iii Vulnerability to Economic, Health and Price Fluctuation ......................... 57

4.4. Farmers’ Perception and Adaptation to CC and Variability. ................................. 62

4.4.1. Farmers’ Perception to Climate change & Variability .................................... 62

4.4.2. Coping & Adaptation Strategies to CC and Variability .................................. 64 Individuals’ Responses to CC and Variability .......................................... 66 Community Responses to CC and Variability .......................................... 69 Shared Resources and Community Responses to CC/Variability ............ 70 Institutional / Government Responses to CC & Variability ..................... 72

4.4.3. CBA and Related Issues .................................................................................. 75

CHAPTER FIVE .............................................................................................................. 78

5. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation ............................................................... 78

5.1. Summary ................................................................................................................ 78

5.2. Conclusion.............................................................................................................. 80

5.3. Recommendation.................................................................................................... 81

References ......................................................................................................................... 84



Above all, I would like to thank the Almighty God without whose support, it would have
not been possible all my wishes to come in to reality.

First and for most I am deeply indebted to my advisor Aklilu Amsalu (PhD) for his
earnest guidance, critical comment, encouragement and timely suggestion that would
give this research a success. His support and advice makes me motivated and energetic
all the way through this study.

Next, my appreciation goes to the AAU, Department of Geography and Environmental

Studies for the timely release of fund. As well, I am thankful to Hosanna College of
Teacher Education for its sending me for further education and release of learning fund.

Special thanks also goes to Soro woreda administration, office of Agriculture Rural
Development. In addition, Ato Getachew Genore and Ato Selamu Demeke (Coordinators
for Natural Resources Management in Soro woreda) who supported me with materials
and information. I have no words to thank and appreciate the farmers of the three kebles
for their hospitality and patience to answer the questionnaire. My appreciation goes to
those development agents who were most helpful and cooperative in collecting data.

I am very much grateful to my sisters and brothers Ato Yako Ersulo, Friew Ammanuel,
Daiso Gediro, Fitsum Gediro and Ebede Gediro for their encouraging telephone calls,
love and care during my stay in the study.

The last but not the least, I am also thankful to my late father Ato Zeleke Hajeno who has
never been to school but brought me to this end. I wish a long living to my beloved
mother W/ro Workie Hajeno.


The purpose of this study is to assess effects of climate change and variability on rural
livelihoods and responses in Soro woreda, Hadiya zone, SNNPR. Thus, the study sought
to examine the pattern of rainfall and temperature in the last three decades, to explore
effects of climate change and variability on rural livelihoods and to assess individuals’
communities and institutions response and identify the group of society most vulnerable
to and impacted by the existing climate related stresses. To achieve the objectives set,
appropriate data was collected from three sample kebeles which were selected through
stratified sampling method based on their agro-ecologic conditions. And 96 household
heads were purposively selected from the three sample kebeles. In addition, three FGD
each composed of 6 individuals from different socio-economic status and age groups
were selected and used as primary sources of information. Key informant interview was
conducted with experts from SWARDO and DAs. The finding of the study reveals that
some elements of climate (temperature and rainfall) show inter annual and seasonal
variability with slightly increasing trend. And the main source of income in the study
area is rain fed agriculture which is being adversely affected by unpredictable and
decreasing rainfall, hailstorms and flooding, high temperature etc. To adapt to the
changing climate of the area, farmers are already practicing long aged coping
mechanisms and adaptation strategies along with some government interventions in
response to the CC and variability. This study also identified women, children and
elderly, the poor ad landless as most vulnerable to the existing CC and variability effects.
Therefore, depending on the finding of the study, the following policy recommendations
are forwarded are: increasing farmers’ awareness on how to use agricultural
technologies & inputs, restoring the degraded environment, facilitating access to credit
services, diversifying source of income, building the capacity of farmers & encouraging
CBA strategies as the main poverty reduction approach.

Key words: Climate change/variability, livelihoods, coping mechanisms, adaptation


List of tables


Table 3.1 Livestock composition of Soro Woreda in 2013 .............................................. 34

Table 3.2. Distribution of sample households ................................................................. 36

Table.4.1. Sex, age, marital status and HH size of respondents ....................................... 39

Table.4.2. Chi-square test for age * adaptation to climate change ................................... 40

Table.4.3 Educational status of household heads ............................................................. 41

Table 4.4 Land holding size of Respondents .................................................................... 42

Table.4.5. Change in livestock distribution between 2003- 2013..................................... 44

Table 4.6 .Change in livestock production ....................................................................... 55

Table 4.7 climate related shocks among the three kebeles. .............................................. 58

Table .4.8.Most vulnerable groups of the society ............................................................. 60

Table 4.9. Chi-square test to keble of respondents* perception about climate change .... 63

Table 4.10.The existing coping mechanisms to CC and variability ................................. 64

Table 4.11.Farmers adaptation strategies related with crop production ........................... 67

Table 4.12 Farmers Adaptation strategies related to water............................................... 68

List of Figures


Figure 2.1. Conceptual framweork.Source; adapted from Habtamu &Dawit .................. 12

Figure 2.2. The trend of atmospheric CO2 since the industrial revolution....................... 14

Figure 2.3. Rain fall variability and food aid in Ethiopia ................................................. 17

Figure 3.1.Administrative map of Soro District. Source; CSA;(2014).. Error! Bookmark

not defined.

Figure 4.1. Farmers’ means of livelihood (Source of income). ........................................ 43

Figure 4.2. Mean annual rainfall of Soro Woreda. Source; NMSA ;( 2014) .................... 45

Figure 4.3. Seasonal Rainfall variability,(1980-2013).Source; NMSA;(2014). ............... 46

Figure 4.4. The maximum, Minimum and average temperature pattern of soro. ............ 47

Figure 4.5. Local indicators of climate change and variability......................................... 48

Figure.4.6. Timing of Rainfall in Soro Woreda. Source: Field survey;2014................... 51

Figure 4.7. Soro Woreda Crop Production from (2007-20120). ...................................... 53

Figure 4.8. A Photo showing livestock feeding crop residue in soro woreda ................. 56

Figure 4.9. A Photo showing deforested and highly degraded area ................................. 59

Figure 4.10. Farmer’s perception of CC and variability. ................................................. 63

Figure 4.11. Climate change impacts on shared resource. ................................................ 71

Figure 4.12. A photo Showing farm pond in one of surveyed kebeles. ........................... 75


CBA Community based adaptation.

CC Climate Change
CNCRE Carbon neutral climate resilient economy
CRGE Climate Resilient green Economy
CSA Central Statistics Agency
CSE Conservation Strategy of Ethiopia
Das Development Agents
EPA Environmental Protection Authority
EPE Environmental Policy of Ethiopia
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
FDREEPA Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Environmental protection
FDRMC Federal Disaster Risk Management Council
FGD Focus Group Discussion
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GNI Gross National Income
GoE Government of Ethiopia
HH Households
HHH Household heads.
HIV Human immunodeficiency Virus
HZARDO Hadiya Zone Agriculture and Rural Development
IFPRI International Food Policy and Research Institute
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
ISET Institution for Social and Environmental Transition
MoFED Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
NAMA Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action
NAPA National Adaptation Production of Action
NMS National Meteorology Service
PSNP Productive Safety Net Program
SNNPR Southern Nations Nationalities Region
SSA Sub Saharan Africa
SWARDO Soro Woreda Agriculture and Rural Development Office
SWC Soil and Water Conservation
UK United Kingdom
UNDP United Nations Development Panel
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Conventions on Climate Change
WMO World Meteorology Organization


1. Introduction

1.1. Background

The debate on climate change has now reached a stage where all but the most extreme
contrarians accept that whatever happens to future greenhouse gas emissions, we are now
locked in to inevitable changes to climate patterns. Although a few skeptics remain, there
is a remarkable scientific consensus that global climate change is occurring. Many
including the scientists working with the IPCC have concluded that these changes are
already under way (ISET, 2013).The fourth assessment report of the intergovernmental
panel on climate change (IPCC, 2007) dispelled many uncertainties about climate
change. The international consensus of scientific opinion, led by the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change, agreed that global temperature is increasing and that the main
cause is the accumulation of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere as a result of human activity,(Carr., et al, 2005). Warming of the climate
system is now unequivocal. It is now clear that global warming is due to manmade
emissions of greenhouse gas (GHG), mostly CO2. Over the last century atmospheric
concentrations of carbon dioxide increased from pre-industrial value of 278 parts per
million to 379 parts per million in 2005 and the average global temperature rose by 0.74
C (UNFCCC, 2007). If emissions remain at current rates, by 2050 the concentrations of
GHGs in the atmosphere will reach 550 parts per million and continue to increase
thereafter (World Bank, 2010).

The negative effects of climate change are threatening to reverse development gains in
many parts of the world especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is now an accepted scientific
phenomenon that the global climate is changing. Precipitation and temperature patterns
are changing. In the Sub-Saharan region rainfall patterns have become less predictable,
precipitation has decreased on average, and temperatures are rising(Holmgren and
Oberg ,2006). Evidence shows that that the upward trend of the already high

temperatures and the reduction of precipitation levels will increasingly result in
reduced agricultural production in Sub-Saharan Africa (Mano & Nhemachena, 2007).

Over the coming decades, global climate change will have an impact on food and water
security in significant and highly uncertain ways, and there are strong indications that
developing countries will bear the brunt of the adverse consequences, particularly from
climate change. This is largely because poverty levels are high, and developing-country
capacity to adapt to global change is weak. Furthermore, the rural populations of
developing countries—for whom agricultural production is the primary source of direct
and indirect employment and income—will be most affected due agriculture’s
vulnerability to global change processes (Ringler, et al, 2011).

Africa has been identified as one of the continents most vulnerable to the impacts of
climate change. The reasons are the exposure of its population to climate variations and
extremes, people’s dependency on natural resources and the underdevelopment of much
of the region. Africa is already affected by climatic extremes such as floods and droughts,
which will be exacerbated by climate change. Such events are having a negative impact
on livelihoods, especially those of the poor. Given the degraded environments, food
insecurity, poverty and HIV/AIDS already affecting large parts of Africa, climate change
poses a monumental problem for the region (Jones and Rahman, 2007).

Climate change and variability are likely to impose additional pressures on water
availability, water accessibility and water demand in Africa. About 25% of Africa’s
population (about 200 million people) currently experience high water stress. The
population at risk of increased water stress in Africa is projected to be between 75-250
million and 350-600 million people by 2020 and 2050, respectively (Boko et al, 2007).

In some countries harvests may be reduced to half the normal yield. Agricultural
production will decline and access to food will become less secure so that more people
may go hungry, (IPCC, 2007).Africa’s vulnerability to climate change is also

. Vulnerability is the degree to which a system is susceptible to, or unable to cope with, adverse effects of
climate change, including climate variability and extremes,(IPCC).
exacerbated by the multiple other stresses it faces such as natural resources degradation,
high dependence on rain fed agriculture and inadequate infrastructure, also low levels of
technology, widespread poverty, weak governance and thus low level of adaptive
capacity to climate variability and change.

Smallholders in many parts sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) generally face widespread

problems related to inappropriate cultivation, overgrazing and deforestation, resulting soil
erosion and soil fertility decline, also water scarcity, lack of pasture and livestock feed
and the fuel wood crisis, There is much concern that the fragile African ecosystems
(mountains, dry lands and Coastal areas) will undergo noticeable changes under future
climate scenarios (FAO, 2011).

Ethiopia is one of the least developed countries in the world with a gross national income
(GNI) of US$22.7 billion and a population of more than 80 million (World Bank, 2009).
Agriculture is the source of livelihood to an overwhelming majority of the Ethiopian
population and is the basis of the national economy, where small-scale subsistence
farming is predominant. This sector employs more than 80% of the labor force and
accounts for 45% of the GDP and 85% of the export revenue. Ethiopian agriculture is
heavily dependent on natural rainfall, with irrigation agriculture accounting for less than
1% of the country’s total cultivated land. The dependency of most of the farmers on rain
fed agriculture has made the country’s agricultural economy extremely vulnerable to the
adversities of weather and climate. Agriculture in the country is exposed to the effect of
failure of rains or occurrence of successive dry spells during the growing season, which
could lead to food shortage (MoFED, 2010).

The major factors responsible for the low productivity include: reliance on traditional
farming technologies, soil erosion caused by deforestation and overgrazing, poor
complementary services such as extension, credit, marketing and infrastructure; and
climatic factors such as drought and flooding. These factors reduced adaptive capacity or
increased the vulnerability of farmers to future change in climate and negatively affect
the performance of the already weak agricultural production (Temesgen, 2010).

It is therefore, important to have a good understanding of the potential impacts of
predicted future climate trends to improve agricultural planning and productivity.
Therefore, adaptation to climate change is critical to many proposed strategies, for
reducing the negative impacts of climate change. Adaptive capacity building is increas-
ingly embraced by governments and other institutions as a means to improve economic
and ecological resilience, sustainable development and will require action across multiple
sectors at all levels (Bishaw et al, 2013). There are three main reasons for this increase in
interest. First, the impacts of climate change are already being observed and, because of
lags in the natural system, more impacts are inevitable (Burton et al, 2002).Second, that
mitigation responses have been slow and inadequate, making adaptation all the more
necessary (Reid and Huq, 2007). Third, knowing that they are likely to bear the greatest
physical impacts from climate change, governments in developing countries are
increasingly demanding greater attention to adaptation on the international stage (Prowse
and Scott, 2008). Therefore, the covariant mix of climate stresses and other factors in
Africa means that for many in Africa adaptation is not an option but a necessity (
al, 2007).

The adaptation of humankind to climate change and variability is probably as old as

humankind itself. Throughout human history, societies have adapted to climate variability
through alternating settlements, agricultural patterns, and other sectors of their economies
and lifestyles. Nevertheless, the record of collapsed societies shows that not all cultures
have had the possibility to change their patterns of life in a timely manner, and were not
successful in surviving in face of climate and environmental changes,(Andrade, Herrera
and Cazzolla, 2010).

Even though adaptation is inevitably local, their reference to the local situation is very
limited (Semu and Abebe n.d, p.11). Climate change should therefore be, systematically
mainstreamed 2 into socio-economic development policy and planning at national,
regional and continental levels. At a local level, adaptation programmers should involve
and give ownership to communities at the grassroots, moving steadily towards a
‘Mainstreaming’ is a commonly used term that means integrating or including a cross-cutting issue like
gender or climate change into all aspects of development work carried out, Pender, J.S. 2010.
community-based adaptation approach. It is imperative that local government
incorporates indigenous knowledge into adaptation policies and analyses and takes
account of models of best practice and adaptation approaches at a grassroots level
(Chevalier, 2010).

1.2. Statement of the Problem

As with many developing countries, Ethiopia currently faces a number of critical

development and ecosystem management challenges that impact the lives and livelihoods
of its citizens. Current climate variability, especially the cycles of drought and intense
rainfall events in the highlands, exacerbates socioeconomic and environmental issues.
Without urgent action, this could make it impossible for poor people to attain a wide
range of development and social justice goals (ISET, 2013).

High degradation, climate change/variability, decrease in grazing land and increasing

food and energy demand as a result of ever increasing population pressure are considered
as some of the development challenges in Ethiopia. (Climate change and variability
worsened the situation by increasing moisture stress in the growing seasons of most
cereal crops (Kindu et al, 2013).If agricultural production in the low-income developing
countries of sub-Saharan Africa like Ethiopia is adversely affected by climate change, the
livelihoods of large numbers of the rural poor will be put at risk and their vulnerability to
food insecurity increases (Abebe, 2013).

The vulnerability of the country is aggravated by poor agricultural and livestock

practices, a fragile and degraded natural environment, extensive poverty, limited
transport and communication infrastructure, inefficient markets, variable and changing
climatic conditions, high population growth, lack of good governance, competition over
scarce resources and border issues(FDREDRMC,2009).

Soro woreda was one of the agricultural surplus producer areas of Hadiya zone. Farmers
in the woreda practice mixed farming in most parts of dega and woyine-dega agro-

ecological conditions and pastoralism and agro-pastoralsim in kolla agro- ecologic
conditions of the woreda.

Nowadays, like in most rural areas of Ethiopia, the Woreda is characterized by heavily
fragile natural resource base, shortage of agricultural land and speedy deforestation which
resulted in high land degradation in most high lands of the area. Since recent past,
farmers in the woreda are facing adverse impacts of climate change and variability on
their livelihood. As a result of this, crop and livestock production has decreased and the
woreda has become significantly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and
variability. In addition to this, due to the change in the pattern and timing of rain fall,
there is change in the cropping pattern of the study area.

In spite of the long age local farmers endeavor to adapt to the changing climate, their
effort to achieve resilient livelihood is constrained by various factors. This may be partly
because, their adaptation strategies are not well organized, not integrated with
development polices, may not be in accordance with community priorities and needs.
Furthermore, it could be assumed that their attempt to adapt to climate variability and
attain more resilient livelihood lacks, collective action and social capital and does not
emphasize local decision making processes.

Climate change impact assessment research conducted so far in the study area is very
limited and most of it focuses on policy responses to climate change leaving out the
efforts made to adapt in household and community level. Therefore, to fill this gap, this
study as the first climate change effect assessment study in soro woreda, paid due
attention to both house hold and community based adaptation strategies being practiced
in the study area.

1.3. Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to assess effects of climate change and variability on
rural livelihoods, and the adaptation responses being undertaken in soro woreda (district),
Hadiya zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia.

The specific objectives of this study include:

 To examine the pattern of rainfall and temperature in the last three decades in the

 To explore effects of climate change and variability on livelihood strategies with

particular focus on agriculture and water resources.

 To identify the type and group of society impacted by and vulnerable to climate
change and vulnerability.

 To assess the existing responses and adaptation strategies being practiced to

climate change or variability risks;

1.4. Research Questions

1. What are the effects of climate change and variability on rural livelihoods of soro
2. How do local communities respond to the effects of climate change and
3. Which group of the society is most impacted by climate change and variability?

1.5. Significance of the Study

Climate change and variability has become a serious challenging factor for the
implementation of the country’s development strategies. Even though climate change is
affecting the whole world, the extent differs from region to region and from locality to
locality. Similarly, the coping mechanism differs from community to community. These
together indicate the fact that local studies are necessary to understand the extent of
variability and climate change at different levels and different coping mechanisms that
may be replicated and used as remedial measures in other similar occasions. As the
majority of Ethiopia’s economy depends on rain fed agriculture, it would be imperative to
enable farmers better understand and adapt to the changing climate of the country.
Cognizant of this fact, over the last few years, the Government of Ethiopia (GoE), has
been implementing a reform program aimed at poverty reduction through rapid economic
growth and macroeconomic stability, which would enable the small holder farmers better
adapt to the adverse effects of CC & variability. As the issue is the concern of the entire
world, especially those of developing countries, which have limited adaptive capacity to
respond to the adverse effects of climate change and variability effects, Context based
adaptation is imperative. Therefore, this study may contribute little about how to cope up
and adapt the effects of climate change and variability. Furthermore, it can provide GOs,
NGOs, researchers and policy makers with climate related information about the woreda.

1.6. Limitation of the study

This study had limitation in relation to number of sample size; this is mainly because of
absence of the HHHs at their home during the survey and constraints of money. The other
challenge encountered during the survey was shortage of secondary data and
unwillingness of some officials to be interviewed.

1.7. Delimitation of the Study

Livelihood is very wide concept including many elements and explanatory variables that
are related to each other in a complex way. And climate change and variability can affect
all elements of livelihood resources (natural capital, human capital and social capital etc).
However, this study focused only on the effects of climate variability and change on
agricultural production, both crop production and animal rearing and water resources in
the study area.

1.8. Organization of the Study

This paper is organized in five chapters. The first chapter deals with the introduction part which
includes the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives, research questions,
significance of the study, limitation and organization of the paper. Chapter two is all about review
of related literature .The third chapter describes research methodology and description of the
study area. Chapter four presents discussion and findings of the study. And the fifth chapter deals
with conclusion and recommendations forwarded by the researcher.

2. Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the review of related literature. Hence it describes concepts and
definitions, causes and manifestations of climate change, observed patterns and
projections, the impacts of climate change in Ethiopia and Ethiopia’s responses to climate
change impacts.

2.1. Concepts and Definitions

Climate change in IPCC usage refers to a change in the state of the climate that can
be identified (E.g. using statistical tests) by changes in the mean and/or the variability of
its properties and that persists for an extended period, typically decades or longer. It
refers to any change in climate over time, whether due to natural variability or as a result
of human activity. This usage differs from that in the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), where climate change refers to a change of
climate that is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the
composition of the global atmosphere and that is in addition to natural Climate variability
observed over comparable time periods (IPCC, 2007). Each of these two definitions is
relevant and important to keep in mind.

Climate Variability

There is no internationally agreed definition of the term “climate variability”. Climate has
been in a constant state of change throughout the earth’s 4.5 billion-year history, but most
of these changes occur on astronomical or geological time scales, and are too slow to be
observed on a human scale. For meteorologists and climatologists, however, climate
variability refers only to the year-to-year variations of atmospheric conditions around a
mean state (NMSA, 1996).

Climate variability refers to a variations in the mean state and other statistics (such as
standard deviations, statistics of extremes, etc.) of the climate on all temporal and spatial
scales beyond that of individual weather events,(
gnginventories/english18 -glossary/Glossry.htm).

As Temesgen, et al (2009) argued, the term “vulnerability” has no universally accepted
definition, largely because different disciplines use the term differently to explain their
area of concern. Studies on natural hazards and epidemiology define vulnerability as the
degree to which an exposed unit is susceptible to being harmed by exposure to a
perturbation or stress, in conjunction with its ability (or lack thereof) to cope, recover or
fundamentally adapt or become a new system or go extinct(Kasperson. et al, 2001 cited
in Temesgen et al, 2009). Vulnerability is a function of the character, magnitude, and
rate of climate change and variation to which a system is exposed, its sensitivity, and its
adaptive capacity (IPCC, 2001).

The vulnerability of countries and societies to the effects of climate change depends not
only on the magnitude of climatic stress, but also on the sensitivity and capacity of
affected societies to adapt to or cope with such stress, Sensitivity to climatic stress is
higher for activities entailing climate-dependent natural resources, such as agriculture and
coastal resources – often critical for the livelihoods of the poor. The capacity to adapt and
cope depends upon many factors, including wealth, technology, education, institutions,
information, skills and access to resources, which are generally scarce in poor countries
and communities (OECD, 2009).

The vulnerability of countries and societies to the effects of climate change depends not
only on the magnitude of climatic stress, but also on the sensitivity and capacity of
affected societies to adapt to or cope with such stress, Sensitivity to climatic stress is
higher for activities entailing climate-dependent natural resources, such as agriculture and
coastal resources – often critical for the livelihoods of the poor. The capacity to adapt and
cope depends upon many factors, including wealth, technology, education, institutions,

information, skills and access to resources, which are generally scarce in poor countries
and communities (Ibid, 2009).

Adaptation to Climate Change

Adjustment in natural or human systems is response to actual or expected climatic stimuli

or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities. Various types
of adaptations can be distinguished such as anticipatory, autonomous and planned
adaptation (IPCC , 2007).

According to UNFCCC, adaptation is defined as Practical steps to protect countries and

communities from the likely disruption and damage that will result from effects of
climate change. For example, flood walls should be built and in numerous cases it is
probably advisable to move human settlements out of flood plains and other low-lying
areas. UNDP, (2010) also defines adaptation as process by which strategies to moderate,
cope with and take advantage of the consequences of climatic events are enhanced,
developed, and implemented. Adaptation is process or outcome of a process that leads to
a reduction in harm or risk of harm, or realization of benefits associated with climate
variability and climate change. UK Climate Impact Programme (UKCIP, 2003).

Community based adaptation

Community-based Adaptation describes the process of reducing negative impacts of

climate change on vulnerable populations–communities, households and individuals–
from the bottom up (CARE, 2012). Community-based adaptation is targeted at those
most vulnerable to climate change and represents a relatively new approach consisting of
community-based development activities, practices, research and policies (Reid, et al,
2010). Community Based Adaptation (CBA) is increasingly popular as an approach to
support vulnerable communities to adapt to climate change. Impacts are already being
felt by the pastoralist and farming communities (ALIN and ALP, 2012).

2.2. Conceptual framework

This study is aimed at assessing the effects of climate change and variability on rural
livelihoods and the responses of rural people to the effects of, CC and variability.

Communities and households face climate related stresses such as increased surface
temperature, changes in the timing and amount of rainfall, hail storms, floods, droughts,
wind instability etc (IPCC, 2007). Thus, the lives and livelihood assets of the rural
community are under such threats and their associated consequences.

The institutions and processes operating from the household to national level
determine an individuals’ household’ s or communities’ access to assets, livelihood
options, and thereby affect the vulnerability to climate change impacts. As reported by
different researchers, Deresa et al. (2008), Yusuf et al. (2008), there are many climate
change adaptation livelihood strategies, including changes in crop variety and
planting dates, crop diversification, irrigation development, water harvesting, tree
planting, herd splitting, herd mobility, cattle breeding, migration, etc. Therefore,
understanding the diverse and dynamic rural livelihoods strategies helps to identify
appropriate intervention (adaptation measures) so as to improve the wellbeing of
livelihood out comes

Figure 2.1 Conceptual framweork.Source; adapted from Habtamu & Dawit,2011.

2.3. Causes and Manifestations of Climate Change

The Earth's climate has changed many times during the planet's history, with events
ranging from ice ages to long periods of warmth. During the last centuries natural factors
such as volcanic eruptions or the amount of energy released from the sun have affected
the Earth's climate on a smaller scale. By the 1950s and early 1960s, it was becoming
clear that human activities were releasing CO2 fast enough to significantly increase its
atmospheric abundance (Dessler & Parson, 2006).

Beginning since the 19th century, due to human activities associated with emissions of
carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases the composition of the atmosphere has
changed. The Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC published in 2007 stated that:
‘Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century
is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic (human caused) greenhouse
gas concentrations (Pender, J.S. 2001). The scientific community has reached consensus
that this changes cause a warming of the atmosphere and therefore influencing the Earth's
climate. Continuation of greenhouse gas emissions can result in additional warming over
the 21st century up to 4.5 °C by 2100, (Mosbrugger, et al, 2008).

Land-use and land- cover changes influence carbon fluxes and GHG emissions
(Houghton, 1995; Braswell et al. 1997), which directly alter atmospheric composition
and radiative forcing properties. They also change land-surface characteristics and,
indirectly, climatic processes. Established evidence links land degradation to the loss of
biodiversity and climate change, both as cause and effect. CO2 -induced climate change
and land degradation remain inextricably linked because of feedbacks between land
degradation and precipitation. Climate change might exacerbate land degradation through
alteration of spatial and temporal patterns in temperature, rainfall, solar radiation, and
winds (Sivakumar , 2011).

As noted above, natural variability and human activities are the causes of climate
change. The contribution of human activities to climate change, however, is increasing.
The probability that human activities are the main cause for the increase in temperature
since the mid-twentieth century has risen from 66 % in 2001 to more than 90 % in
2007(Keshav and Niraji, 2013)

Figure. 2.2. The trend of atmospheric CO2 since the industrial revolution

This graph, based on the comparison of atmospheric samples contained in ice cores and
more recent direct measurements, provides evidence that atmospheric CO2 has increased
since the Industrial Revolution.(Source: NOAA).
Rising fossil fuel burning and land use changes have emitted, and are continuing to emit,
increasing quantities of greenhouse gases into the Earth’s atmosphere (UNFCCC, 2007).
These greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrogen
dioxide (N2O), and rise in these gases has caused raise in the amount of heat from the sun
with held in the earth’s atmosphere, heat that would normally be back into space, (Ibid
).Greenhouse gases and aerosols affect climate by altering incoming solar radiation and
out-going infrared (thermal) radiation that are part of Earth’s energy balance. Changing
the atmospheric abundance or properties of these gases and particles can lead to a
warming or cooling of the climate system. Since the start of the industrial era (about

1750), the overall effect of human activities on climate has been a warming influence.
The human impact on climate during this era greatly exceeds due to known changes in
natural processes, such as solar changes and volcanic eruptions (IPCC, 2007).

The knowledge of climate change manifestations is of paramount importance to

understand its impact on different sectors. The increase in average temperature of the
planet and change in hydrological cycle are major manifestations of climate change
(Lovejoy and Hannah, 2005 cited in Leta A.).The main characteristics of climate change
are increases in average global temperature (global warming); changes in cloud cover and
precipitation particularly over land; melting of ice caps and glaciers and reduced snow
cover; and increases in ocean temperatures and ocean acidity –due to seawater absorbing
heat and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere ( Ibid).

2.4. The Impacts of Climate Change

Climate change is considered as the biggest environmental threat in human history and
the defining human challenge for the twenty-first century. Consequences of climate
change are already felt throughout the earth system. The effects of climate change are
observed on every continent and in all sectors (IPCC, 2007). Climate change is already
affecting rainfall amounts, distribution, and intensity in many places. This has direct
effects on the timing and duration of crop growing seasons, with concomitant impacts on
plant growth. Rainfall variability is expected to increase in the future, and floods and
droughts will become more common. Changes in temperature and rainfall regime may
have considerable impacts on agricultural productivity and on the ecosystem provisioning
services provided by forests and agro forestry systems on which many people depend
(Thornton & Lipper, 2014).

Climate change affects all countries, but those likely to be worst affected are the world’s
poorest countries, especially poor and marginalized communities within these countries.
Ironically it is these poor countries and people who have contributed least to the problem
of climate change, because of their very low greenhouse gas emissions, but who will
suffer most from its consequences (Hannah, et al, 2010). The foregoing argument shows
that climate change can no longer be sidelined as a development issue. The effect that
climate change has on the poor communities in sub-Saharan Africa is increasingly
prominent (Dube, 2013).

As indicated in IPCC (2007) report, climate change impacts on water demand are
predicted to be highly significant in Africa. The number of people facing water scarcity
due to unreliable rainfall and drying up of springs and rivers is expected to be between 75
to250 million people by 2025. Furthermore, this is likely to have severe impacts on crop
yields, as the majority of the African population (over 85 percent in the case of Ethiopia)
depend on rain fed agriculture, ( IPCC, 2007). Climate change will aggravate the water
stress currently faced by some countries, while some countries that currently do not
experience water stress will become at risk of water stress (IPCC, 2007).

2.5. Climate Change in Ethiopia; Observed patterns & projections

Like much of Africa, Ethiopia has become warmer over the past century and human
induced climate change will bring further warming over the next century at
unprecedented rates, (EPA, 2011 ).In the last decade, the country has been subjected to
drought, floods, new insect pests, new vector-borne diseases and other problems made
worse by climate change. According to the UNDP Climate Change Profile for Ethiopia
(Oxford, 2008, cited in Dawit and Habtamu,2011), the mean annual temperature in
Ethiopia has increased by 1.3°C between and 2006, at an average rate of 0.28°C per
decade. The temperature increase has been most rapid from July to September (0.32°C
per decade). It is reported that the average number of hot days per year has increased
by 73 (additional 20% of days) and the number of hot nights has increased by 137
(additional 37.5% of nights) between 1960 and 2006( Dawit and Habtamu,2011).

Ethiopia’s diverse agro ecological zones are characterized by a dazzling variety of micro-
climates and corresponding weather patterns. Over centuries, its people have developed
agricultural systems adapted to Ethiopia’s diverse environment. However, the rapid pace
of climate change, along with increasing socioeconomic pressures, threatens to
overwhelm their ability to cope (Bishaw, et al, 2013). Over the past three decades,
Ethiopia has experienced countless localized drought events and seven major droughts,
five of which resulted in famines (World Bank Group , 2010).

A recent mapping on vulnerability and poverty in Africa, by Yusuf et al (2008), put

Ethiopia as one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change with the least capacity
to respond. Cycles of drought create poverty traps for many households, constantly
thwarting efforts to build up assets and increase income. These shocks are a major cause
of transient poverty: had households been able to smooth consumption, then poverty in
2004 would have been at least 14% lower, a figure that translates11 million fewer people
below the poverty line. Food shortage and famine associated with rainfall variability
cause a situation of high dependency on international food aid. And Ethiopia is one of the
biggest food aid receipt countries in Africa that accounts to 20-30% of all food aid to sub-
Saharan Africa( Bezu and Holden , 2008).

Figure.2.3. Rain fall variability and food aid in Ethiopia

Source: site resources. Country- Note. pdf (2007), adapted

from, (IDRC, 2010).

The country faces considerable hurdles in coping with the adverse impacts of long-term
climate change. Low economic development, inadequate infrastructure, and lack of
institutional capacity all contribute to the country’s vulnerability to the adverse impacts
of climate change (IFPRI, 2011).

As explained in NMA (2007), baseline climate that was developed using historical data
of temperature and precipitation from 1971- 2000 for selected stations in Ethiopia,
showed a very high year-to-year variation in rainfall for the period 1951 to 2005 over the
country expressed in terms of normalized rainfall . Over those periods (1951-2000),
some of the years have been dry resulting in droughts and famine while others were
characterized by wet conditions (NMA, 2007). During extreme drought conditions, it
is common that many farmers in the country either die due to hunger or depend
on foreign food aid to sustain their lives (Temesgen., et al., 2010). The observed
trend in annual rainfall, however, remained more or less constant when averaged
over the whole country (NMA, 2007).

Studies also indicate that there has been a very high temperature variation and change in
its trend over time. Annual minimum temperatures for the period 1951 to 2005
expressed in terms of temperature differences from the mean and averaged over
40 stations showed a very high variability (NMA, 2007). The country experienced
both warm and cool years over those 55 years even though the recent years are
generally warmest compared to the early periods.

According to NMA (2007) forecast, the country will experience an increasing

level of temperature and precipitation in the coming decades. Using the software
MAGICC/SCENGEN (Model for the Assessment of Greenhouse-gas Induced
Climate Change)/ (Regional and global Climate Scenario Generator) coupled model for
three periods centered around the years 2030, 2050 and 2080, NMA (2007)
generated that the mean annual temperature will increase in the range of 0.9-1.1°C by
2030, in the range of 1.7-2.1°C by 2050 and in the range of 2.7-3.4°C by 2080
over Ethiopia for the IPCC mid range emission scenario compared to the 1961-1990
According to the National Meteorological Agency, long-term climate change in Ethiopia
is associated with changes in precipitation patterns, rainfall variability, and temperature,
which could increase the country’s frequency of both droughts and floods. Although both
developed and developing countries are affected by climate change, developing countries
face greater challenges in overcoming its adverse consequences. Ethiopia is one of the
least developed countries in the world; with a per capita income of less than US$130 in
2006. Low economic development, inadequate infrastructure, and lack of institutional
capacity all contribute to the country’s vulnerability to the adverse impacts of climate
change (IFPRI, 2010).

2.6. The Impacts of Climate Change & Variability in Ethiopia

Ethiopian climate is characterized by a history of climate extremes, such as: droughts and
floods; and increase and decreasing in temperature and precipitation, respectively.
The history of climate extremes, especially drought, is not a new phenomena in
Ethiopia. The most drought prone and affected areas of the country are in the
northern, eastern and southern parts. Total failure or shortage of rainfall is often cited as
the major cause for the recurring droughts and harvest failures. Such a problem or
situation is further exacerbated by the social, economic and ecological situations (Dawit
& Habtamu, 2011).

Continued climate change is expected to bring greater variability, and extreme weather
events (e.g. droughts) which will further drive degradation of the country’s ecosystems.
The impact of climate change in Ethiopia is already apparent in the increasing
temperature and declining rainfall, particularly in northern parts which are exceptionally
vulnerable to drought (Cesar and Ekbom, 2013).

Ethiopia is also vulnerable to the health impacts of climate change, and to climate
induced damage to transportation infrastructure. The implications of future climate
change will be felt throughout these particularly vulnerable sectors, although secondary
impacts will be felt more widely, for example in education and gender equity. A recent
study by the World Bank projects that, unless steps to build resilience are effective,
climate change will reduce Ethiopia’s GDP growth by between 0.5 and 2.5% each
year(CRGE, n. d)Ethiopia is also vulnerable to the health impacts of climate change, and
to climate induced damage to transportation infrastructure. There are strong links
between environment and health concerns in Ethiopia, particularly related to
malnutrition, indoor air pollution and water-related diseases (Cesar and Ekbom, 2013).

Ethiopia is especially vulnerable to climate variability and change because large

segments of the population are poor and depend on agricultural income, which is highly
sensitive to rainfall variability. Most have low access to education, information,
technology, and basic social and support services, and, as a result, have low adaptive
capacity to deal with the consequences of climate variability and change (Oxfam 2010,
The World Bank Group 2010, Regassa et al, 2010, cited in Bishaw et al., 2013).

2.6.1. Impacts on Agriculture

Climate change can affect agricultural production in a variety of ways. Temperature and
precipitation patterns, extreme climate conditions, surface water runoff, soil moisture and
CO2 concentration are some of the variables which can considerably affect agricultural
development (IPCC, 2007; Zhai and Zhuang, 2009).

Ethiopian agriculture is heavily dependent on natural rainfall, with irrigation agriculture

accounting for less than 1% of the country’s total cultivated land. Thus, the amount and
temporal distribution of rainfall and other climatic factors during the growing season are
critical to crop yields and can induce food shortages and famine (CSA, 2008). Like many
other developing countries, agriculture (with the largest number of livestock in Africa) is
the single largest livelihood of an overwhelming majority in Ethiopia, 85% of the
population (ibid).

During drought and delay in the onset of rain land becomes dry and difficult to plough,
forage deficit leads to weakness and oxen mortality (engine of subsistent cultivation), and
lack of precipitation hinders seed cultivation and germination of cultivated seeds. Even

weeks delay in the onset of rain was found to have significant difference on the harvest
and has deprivation of households’ livelihood (Abate, 2009).

2.6.2. Impacts on Livestock Production

Similar to crop production, the impact of climate change and variability in the livestock
production is generally negative. Heat stress and its impact on seasonal water availability
have a variety of detrimental effects on livestock, with significant effects on milk
production and reproduction in dairy cows, and swine fertility (Nigus, 2011). Drought
and delay in the onset of rain led to poor grass regeneration/forage deficit, water
shortage and heat stress on livestock, and consequently increased the mortality of the
livestock, vulnerability to diseases and physical deterioration due to long distance travel
for water and pastures (Abate, 2009).

Climate change affects livestock both directly and indirectly. The direct effects from air
temperature, humidity, wind speed and other climate factors influence animal
performance: growth, milk production, wool production and reproduction. Climate
change will have far-reaching consequences for dairy and meat production, especially in
vulnerable parts of the world where it is vital for nutrition and livelihoods. The
impact of climate change can heighten the vulnerability of livestock systems and
exacerbate existing stresses upon them, such as drought(Abebe, 2013). The most
vulnerable communities to the impacts of climate change inhabit the dry lands areas.
Pastoralists inhabiting dry lands have been able to survive the harsh environments
practicing various sustainable livelihood approaches including seasonal movements,
keeping livestock, among others( UNDP, 2010).

2.6.3. Impacts on Water Resources

Water is an essential resource for all life and a requirement for good health and
sanitation. It is a critical input for industry and essential for sustainable growth and
poverty reduction. Climate change will alter patterns of water availability by intensifying

the water cycle. Droughts and floods will become more severe in many areas. There will
be more rain at high latitudes, and less rain in the dry subtropics (Pender, J.S. 2001).

Observed warming over several decades has been linked to changes in the large-
scale hydrological cycle such as: increasing atmospheric water vapor content;
changing precipitation patterns, intensity and extremes; reduced snow cover and
widespread melting of ice; and changes in soil moisture and runoff. Precipitation
changes show substantial spatial and inter-decadal variability (Bates et al, 2008).

Climate change is also likely to intensify the current challenges of water scarcity and
water competition within and between communities and nations, linked by hydrological
flows across watersheds and basins. By the middle of the 21st century, annual average
river runoff and water availability are projected to increase as a result of climate change
at high latitudes and in some wet tropical areas, and decrease over some dry regions at
mid-latitudes and in the dry tropics.

Poor and vulnerable populations of SSA are likely to face the greatest risk. Moreover,
there is recognition that climate change, mainly as a result of human action, is impacting
SSA more than other continents because its economies are largely based on weather-
sensitive crop-livestock and agro pastoral production systems and also due to the low
adaptation capacity of SSA countries to climate change and variability (FAO, 2011).

2.7. Responses to Climate Change in Ethiopia

2.7.1. Individual and Community Responses

Societies are dynamic and they use all possible strategies to reduce the vulnerability to
climatic impacts. There are two kinds of responses to crisis that overlaps across the
temporal scale, coping mechanisms and adaptive capacity. Coping mechanisms are the
actual responses to crisis on livelihood systems in the face of unwelcome situations, and
are considered as short-term responses (Berkes& Jolly 2001, as cited in Abate, 2009).
Adaptation to climate change is a response (processes) through which people reduce the
adverse effects of climate on their health and well-being, and take advantage of the
opportunities that their climatic environment provides (Burton 1992, cited in Niguse,

As already mentioned, for many centuries, Ethiopia has been characterized by climate
variability and change and the local people have developed different adaptation
strategies. These include early , indigenous soil and water conservation techniques,
diversification of crop and livestock species, mobility, reciprocity, customary conflict
resolution etc. Thus, the historical accounts indicate that adaptation had been practiced in
Ethiopia before the concept of “climate change” was developed (OECD,2009) .

A study conducted in Ethiopia by Habtamu., G, (1999) , stated that there is evidence that
ancient churches, monasteries and castles used to collect rain water from rooftops and
the history of rain water harvesting by the Axumite kingdom dates back as early as
560B. During this period rainwater was harvested and stored in ponds for agriculture and
water supply purposes. Even to this day water harvesting is often practiced individuals
different parts of Ethiopia using small bunds or dikes made of dirt, stone or living
vegetation along slope contours. In SNNPRS Inset (false banana) is a drought resistance
crop considered as a crop of bad times using it as last resort (IPCC, 2007). Hence, this is
also one of the coping mechanisms where drought anticipated.

According to Sorhaug., A.,(2013) locally the most widely practiced coping and
adaptation strategies to climate change in Ethiopia includes: crop diversification, mixed
farming, tree planting, off farm activities, soil and water conservation, selling of assets,
use of improved seeds Inset production , food aids and irrigation as the most widely
practiced adaption strategies by individuals in response to climate change and variability
effects in Ethiopia.

According to (2007) NMA report, traditional and contemporary coping mechanisms to

climate variability and extreme in Ethiopia include changes in cropping and planting
practices, reduction of consumption levels, collection of wild foods, use of inter-
household transfers and loans, increased petty commodity production, temporary and
permanent migration in search of employment, grain storage, sale of assets such as

livestock and agricultural tools, mortgaging of land, credit from merchants and money
lenders, food appeal/aid, etc.

Communities and societies in general have long been responding or adaption measures to
climate changes, but these adaptations have typically been discrete and reactive. The idea
that adaptation to climate change should be planned, proactive, and anticipatory is
relatively new and is an important element of CBA (UNDP, 2010). Although climate
change is universal phenomenon, its indicators and manifestations are entirely local.
However, until recently, most efforts to help countries adapt focused on national planning
and top-down approaches based on climate change modeling. Remarkably little attention
has been paid to the ways in which poor people have been coping with climate variability
and extremes for decades. There has, thus, been increasing emphasis on the bottom – up
approach that climate change studies should be conducted at the local level where
adaptation ultimately takes place (Maharaja & Joshi, 2013).

Community-based adaptation (CBA) as a response to climate change has evolved as a

systematic, participatory, bottom-up approach. And it strengthens the resilience of
communities and the ecosystems, upon which they rely in light of climate impacts,
(Mannke, 2011). The use of genuine participatory processes is important if CBA is to fit
with community priorities and build on existing practices or those used in the past.
Participatory tools are sometimes used as a way of collecting local information about
vulnerability and climate change to be used and analyzed by outsiders and it is not
uncommon for the priorities and interests of outsiders to over ride those of communities
in any subsequent planning,( Reid, Huq and Murray ,2010).

The aim of CBA is to enable the community to understand and integrate the concept of
climate risk into their livelihood activities in order to increase their resilience to
immediate climate variability and long-term climate change. Community-based
adaptation is essentially an action research approach to the problem of climate change
impacts on livelihoods,(Ensor and Berger,2009). Incorporating or integrating adaptation
to climate change into planning processes is a necessary strategy for sustainable
development over the long term. Climate change impacts do not happen in isolation;
impacts in one sector can adversely or positively affect another; sectors can be affected
directly and/or indirectly by climate change. In order that real progress can be made, key
governmental departments (such as ministries of finance) need to be involved in the
development of adaptation strategies, (UNFCCC, 2007).

Accordingly, this study describes CBA as any group–based approach to adaptation with
the following characteristics:

 It requires collective action and social capital.

 It incorporates information about long–term climate change and the anticipated
impacts into planning processes.
 It integrates local knowledge and perceptions of climate change and risk
management strategies.
 It emphasizes local decision-making processes.
 It is in accordance with community priorities and needs.
 It provides poverty reduction or livelihood benefits.

2.7.2. Institutional and Policy Responses

Ethiopia has ratified the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol in April 1994 and 1997
respectively. It has also designated institutions to follow up the implementation of
the environmental and climate issues in the country (Dawit & Habtamu, 2011). Over
the last two decades, the Ethiopian government has put in place a number of policies,
strategies and laws that are designed to support sustainable development. The country has
developed and implemented a wide range of legal, policy and institutional frameworks on
environment, water, forests, climate change, and biodiversity ( César & Ekbom, 2013).
Among others, the Environment Policy of Ethiopia (EPE) and the Conservation
Strategy of Ethiopia (CSE) approved in 1997 enabled the country to develop
specific mechanisms to fulfill its obligations regarding the UN Framework Convention
on Climate Change.

The Ethiopian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) issued the Climate Change
National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPA), thus identifying the integration
of climate change adaptation activities with national development policies. The NAPA
process in Ethiopia identified arid and dry sub-humid areas of the country as
being most vulnerable to drought; in addition, agriculture was identified as the
most vulnerable sector where small-scale rain-fed subsistence farmers and
pastoralists are identified as the most at risk( Ibid,.P.13).

Established under the leadership of the late prime minister Meles Zenawi, the country
embarked on a Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) initiative, a key plank in the
wider and even more ambitious Growth and Transformation Plan, GTP (MoFED, 2010).
This plan seeks to enable an economic transformation to middle income status by 2025.
The CRGE is receiving substantial support from UKAid, South Korea, Japan and the
UNDP (Leulseged, et al, 2013).

Government and development agencies are now emphasizing that future agriculture
development should be ‘climate smart’, enabling systems that are more resilient and
adaptive to climate change. The basic concept is of a system that maintains or increases
production of foods or other crops, supports livelihoods and sustains environmental
resources and ecosystems, adapts to existing and future climate, sequesters carbon and/or
reduces GHG emissions (Beddington et al, 2012).

The Ethiopian Environmental Protection Authority is also leading the process to

ensure effectiveness of the climate agenda in a coordinated yet decentralized manner. In
its national response, EPA will build on the existing climate change policies and
strategies: (1) the National Adaptation Framework Program, comprising of 20 vulnerable
sectors and groups, is developed, negotiated and accepted with some modifications;
and (2) the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) of Ethiopia, which
comprises of various sectors and 83 concrete projects, has been registered by the
Secretariat of the UNFCCC in line with the Copenhagen Accord.

The country is also synthesizing the existing strategic policies and thinking of the
government with the sole objective of facilitating the national process to construct a
carbon neutral/climate resilient economy (CNCR Ethiopia). The aim of the program is to
put in place strategic and action oriented framework that enables Ethiopia to
respond effectively to climate change starting from the lowest effective administrative
unit. It is expected to provide strategic directions and guidance on how and what
elements should be mainstreamed into Ethiopia’s core socio-economic development
programs in order to construct a carbon neutral/climate resilient economy (Dawit and
Habtamu, 2011).

According to CRGE plan, though there are the environmental policy and laws set out the
basis for dealing with climate change, it is essential to recognize that the implications of
climate change and the steps required for an effective response go well beyond
environmental management. Climate change must not be considered as a narrow sectoral
issue. Instead a cross-sect oral response is needed, involving the whole of the
government. The response will require cooperation, planning and action across
government sectoral ministries and agencies, from finance to agriculture, from education
to foreign affairs; regional government and woreda administrations; and outside
government, by civil society, religious groups, the private sector, local communities,
academic and research institutions, international and national NGOs and development
partners. With so much complexity, and the need for involvement of so many different
actors, the response needs strong strategic leadership (CRGE,n.d).

Climate resilience is therefore, the ability to cope with, and manage the change brought
by weather stresses and shocks. A climate resilient economy is one which is protected
against the negative impacts of extreme climate events, normally referred to as the
weather, and climate change so that the well-being of the people and the economic
growth and prospects of the country are not damaged by the impacts. Climate change will
impact on all aspects of Ethiopia’s economy, and particularly on health, infrastructure/
transport, agriculture, natural resources, energy and industry sectors. Climate resiliency
has tremendous dimensions and the impact goes accordingly on environment

(environmental resilience, Biodiversity resilience), social (community resilience,
knowledge resilience) and economy (Kindu ,et al, 2012)

It is critically important to understand better the role of institutions in shaping adaptation,

especially the role of local institutions, if adaptation to climate change is to help the most
vulnerable social groups. Adaptation to climate change is highly local, and its
effectiveness depends on local and extra-local institutions through which incentives for
individual and collective action are structured. Not only have existing institutions
affected how rural residents responded to environmental challenges in the past, they are
also the fundamental mediating mechanisms that will translate the impact of external
interventions to facilitate adaptation to climate change(Agrawal ,2008)

Local institutions structure livelihood impacts of climate hazards through a range of

indispensable functions they perform in rural contexts. Institutional functions include
information gathering and dissemination, resource mobilization and allocation, skills
development and capacity building, providing leadership, and relating to other decision
makers and institutions. Each of these functions can be disaggregated further, but the
extent to which any given institution performs the above functions depends greatly on the
objectives with which the institution was formed, and the problems it has come to address
over the course of its existence ( ibid, p.11).

Adaptation depends not only on access to assets, information, and biophysical

characteristics, but must also be viewed within the context of the institutional
environment in which it takes place. Institutions, including markets, laws, policies,
organizations, and social and cultural norms influence how an individual, household, or
community perceives, is affected by, and responds to climate change (Agrwal and Perrin


3. Methodology

This chapter briefly describes the methodology part of the study and the study area. Thus,
this study employed both qualitative and quantitative approaches to collect analyze and
interpret data.

3.1. Description of the Study Area

3.1.1. The Hadiya Zone

The Hadiya zone is found in the southern Nations, nationalities and people’s regional
state of Ethiopia. The zone is geographically located in 7°3′19″-7°56′1″N and 37°33′14″-
38°52′12″ E. It is one of the most densely populated parts of Ethiopia. Its population
reaches 1243776 (CSA , 2007). By 2010 based on the census report projection, it has
increased to 1316962. Total area of the study is 3850 square km and the population
density is 357/square km. More than 90% of its population depends on agriculture for

Hadiya zone has three distinctive agro-ecological zones with average rainfall and
temperature 1150mm and 16.4 respectively. The zone is traditionally divided in to three
agro ecological conditions such as Dega,(cool and humid) 23.7% experiencing higher
rainfall and cooler temperature, woyine dega 64.7%(cool and sub humid), with
somewhat moderate amount of rainfall and temperature, and kola(warm and semi
arid), 11.6% ,with relatively low rain fall and high temperature. Altitude and humidity
have significant impact on temperature condition in Ethiopia. The warmest months of the
area are between February and May. On the contrary, the coldest months of the study
area range between June and August. October and November are windy months.Hadiya
zone has the total area of 309492.74 hectares of land. Of which 2159.16 ha is covered by
water. From the total land area of Hadiya zone , 236511.43 ha(76.4%) is cultivated ,
17454.12 ha (5.6%) is grazing land , 17326.74 ha(5.59%) is covered by forests of both
manmade and natural and the remaining 246041.29 ha ( 11.67) is used for settlements,
construction of social institutions and other purposes( HZARDO, 2013).

3.1.2. Soro Woreda

The study was conducted in Soro district. Soro is one of 10 woredas in Hadiya zone
which is located at 7030'-70 43_ North latitude and 37035'-380 05' East longitudes (See,
Fig. 3.1). It is situated in the Southern-tip of the zone and bordered by Gombora district
in the North; Oromiya Region (Omo River) and Yem Special District in the West; Dawro
Zone, Kambeta (KAT) Zone, and Duna Woreda (District) in South and Southeast; Lemo
woreda (District) and again Kembata Timbaro Zone in the Northeast and East. The total
land area of the district is 58,061ha which comprises of 46 rural kebeles. The
administrative center for Soro woreda (District) is Gimbichu town; which is 264 km far from
Addis Ababa (National capital) and 200 km far from Hawasa city the regional capital, of the

Figure.3.1. Administrative map of soro woreda. Source CSA ;(2014).

Demography and Socio-economic Setting

The total population of the district was about 196,693; with 98,229 males and 98,464
females. The population density of the area is about 338 persons per square kilometer.
According to the district Finance office and population and housing annual report, the
population for the year 2009/10 was 217,452. Male Populations account about 108,271
(49.8%) and females were about 109,181(50.2%). About 95.9% of population of Soro
District is involved in agriculture and reside in rural areas experiencing declining food
security ( Kibemo, 2011).

Bio-Physical Conditions

Topographically the study area is characterized by steep slopes, moderately gentle lands
and flat plains in certain areas. The altitude of the district ranges from 1454 to 2850m
above sea level, (Soro woreda Agricultural and Rural Development Office, 2010).

Soro Woreda Land Cover and Soil Types

The study area has an old history of land use with high erosion damages especially with
increasing slopes. As the remnants of the trees depict, the area has once been covered by
dense indigenous forests. However, the vegetation cover has been removed partly for
cultivation and it has also been replaced by some exotic species such as eucalyptus tree.
Between 1974 and 1991, the forest coverage declined to 32% and rapidly went down to
15% between 1991 and 2008. Major reason for this rapid decline of forest coverage was
extensive deforestation due to the population growth and expansion of cultivation land.
Thus, like other parts of the country, natural vegetation of the area has been influenced by
human activities. Like forestland, grassland and bush land is also overgrazed and then
gradually changed into farmland. Because of this shortage of grazing field, farmers have
owned small numbers of animals. As result, accelerated soil erosion and fertility decline
become the main problem of the area once the forest cover was lost, (Kibamo, 2011).
The wide diversity in climate, topography and vegetation cover in the study area has
given rise to marked variations in soils, even within relatively small area. As farmers’
classification, the dominant soil types are red-brown to red clayey soils on undulating
land to steeping lands including the rolling plateau. These soils are relatively fertile and
productive than grayish soil types which dominated the flat to undulating lands. The
common soil types are Vertisol, Cambisol, Rigosol, (SWARD, 2007).

Rainfall and Water Resource

Soro woreda is a typical of the moist weyine-dega agro-ecological zone (8%dega,

55%weyna-dega and 37% kola). The mean annual total rainfall is about1260mm and has
has two rainy seasons, Belg and Kiremt. Belg is the short rainy season and lasts between
March and May. The Kiremt season, which is the longest rainy season, lasts between
June and September. More than 75% of the total rain falls during this season and the
highest rainfall occurs in July and August. Rain that occurs during the Kiremt season is
very intensive and, hence, the severity of soil erosion is high during these two months.
Most of the crop production also takes place during the Kiremt season. Even though there
were some variations with respect to cessation, amount and distribution, the belg rains
were by large favorable in most areas of the district. For example, onset of the rain was
timely in almost all Belg producing kebeles of the district and most districts of the
Hadiya zone (kibemo, 2011).

Livelihood System of Soro Woreda

The livelihood of the people in the district depends mainly on mixed farming (crop-
livestock production). Dominantly growing crops in the study area include wheat, teff,
sorghum, bean and pea, barley, maize, potato and Enset. None of these crops could be
grown without chemical fertilizer application since natural fertilizer of the soil is
insufficient, except Inset. Enset is the staple food in the area and almost always grown for
consumption and also for sale. Fruits such as avocado, banana, mango, papaya and citrus
species are also cultivated for household consumption and to some extent income
generation. Major crops such as teff and wheat and others are grown once in a year
during the long rainy season. Some crops such as maize, barely, Inset, and potato are also
grown during the small rainy season. Crop productivity is declining from year to year.
Economically, agriculture serves as the main economic foot and means of livelihood to
the majority of the people and characterized by traditional mixed farming as it includes
both crop and livestock production. More of it is rain-fed with gradual prevalence of
drought and crop failures.

Cattle production is the major part of all production systems in Ethiopia. There is a wide
range of reasons for which households keep cattle. The reasons vary across ethnic groups,
agro-ecological and socio-economic conditions. If the household keeps cattle for several
reasons like the pastoralists, livestock can be regarded as means towards the realization of
several needs (Musemuwa et al., 2007 cited in misginew). Traditionally the Hadiya
pastoralists have something special with their cattle both culturally and from
religious point of view (the belief that the spirit of traditional god (‘’wa’a”) dwells in
cattle. This tradition is hitherto being mainly practiced by the ‘Soro’ clans (occupy three
districts) and yet the motive behind the pastoralists is to secure the cultural title of
‘Tibima/Abegaz/Gerad and Kumima’ which is attained in ascending order after
achieving the first stage i.e. possession of at least 100 cattle would be “Tibima
/Garad” and the second, in which single individual can own more than 1000 cattle and
hold the kuma title. According to Misginaw (2011) ,thirty percent of the households kept
cattle for prestige as their first reason, 29% kept for as source of income
(livelihoods), 18 % for social functions 15% for they have no land, and the remaining
3% for cattle production.

Table.3.1 Livestock composition of Soro Woreda in 2013

Animal types( species) Animal population in number in 2012/2013

Cows 145 695

Sheep 26106

Goats 21876

Mules 1428

Horses 1861

Donkeys 5956

Hens 78304

Source; soro woreda agriculture and rural development office ; ( 2014).

3.2. Data Sources and Instruments

In order to generate the necessary data for the research work, both primary and secondary
sources of data have been used.
Primary data was collected from household surveys using structured questionnaires,
FGDs (ocus group discussions), and key informant interview.
In addition to aforementioned primary sources, secondary sources such as Published and
unpublished literatures were collected from different government offices. Data on crop
production were collected from District’s (woreda) Agriculture and rural development
office. Precipitation and temperature values (data) were collected from NMSA, Monthly
total precipitation and Temperature values were computed.

The study involved a range of data collection methods. Data was collected from interview
which was made with different officials and experts of SWARDO, DAs and some notable
farmers, Focus group discussion and structured questionnaire has been administered from
the three selected kebeles. Structured survey questionnaire was administered so as to get
detailed information with regards to the three kry methodologies such as impact
assessment, vulnerability assessment and coping and adaptation methods assessments.

Key Informant Interview

Primary information about the local indicators of climate change, its possible impacts on
the livelihoods of the smallholder farmers and the adaptation methods were obtained
through different data collection methods. Then, key informant interview as one of data
collection methods was carried out with knowledgeable and experience rich experts from
the woreda’s agricultural office and DA agents. Accordingly, three experts from ARDO
and five DAs were interviewed once and semi structured check list was employed to
conduct interview with both experts from agriculture and rural development office and
development agents.

Focus Group Discussion

Focus group discussion (FGD) was conducted in the three kebeles of the study area, and
in each kebele one focus group discussion had been conducted. Each focus group
discussion was composed of 6 individuals who were selected based on the following
parameters such as, age groups, sex and socio economic status .During the focus group
discussion, the perception of farmers about climate change in the area, indicators of
climate change particularly rain fall variability, pattern and reliability and the change in
temperature and occurrence of extreme events were given an emphasis. Participants of
focus group discussions have also discussed on coping mechanisms and adaptation
strategies (which encompassed communal properties and community based adaptation)
being undertaken by households to the existing climate variability and change including
the main challenges of the society to cope up and adapt well to the changing climate of
their locality.

3.2. 1. Sampling Procedure

In order to select sample kebeles and household heads, multi stage sampling techniques
have been employed. In the first stage the woreda was divided in to three distinct agro
ecologic conditions such as Dega, woyine Dega and kola. In the second stage three
kebeles (lowest administrative unit) namely Danatora, bamboo and 1st hanqota were
selected based on the agro-ecologic condition they are situated using stratified random
sampling method. Then from the three kebeles with a total of 1464 HHs, about 5-10% i.e.
96(7%) of HHHs were selected based on judgmental (purposive) method for
questionnaire survey.

The sampling procedure considered different parameters such as wealth status, male and
females headed households. And another 18 persons from the three kebeles were selected
for focus group discussion (FGD). And finally 5 DAs and 3 officials (experts) from the
woreda’s agricultural and rural development office were selected for in depth interview
as key informants. Accordingly the semi-structured check lists have been used for

Table.3.2. Distribution of sample households

Kebeles Agro ecology No HHs Sample HHs total

Male Female

Danatora Dega 512 20 8 28

Bambo Woyine dega 542 23 13 36
1st Hanqota Kolla 410 22 10 32
1464 65 31 96

3.2.2. Methods of Data Analysis and Interpretation

The data collected from both primary and secondary sources was analyzed using
qualitative and quantitative techniques. Structured questionnaire was conducted to
generate analytical information regarding socio economic condition of the community,
perception of farmers towards climate change and variability in their locality, adverse
effects of climate change on farmers’ livelihoods, coping mechanisms and adaptation
strategies of farmers to the changing climate and existing variability and finally
challenges that hinder farmer’s adaptation was also collected. Quantitative data generated
from questionnaire was analyzed by using SPSS data editor. Descriptive statistical
methods such as (frequency and cross tabulation and descriptive statistics) were used for
multiple responses. Thus, frequencies, percentiles, means and standard deviations and
histograms and tables were used to summarize and present the result. In order to confirm
whether there is significant difference of perception towards climate change and
variability among farmers who are living at different ecological conditions and age of
farmers and their application of various adaptation strategies, chi-square test has been
computed and used. Meteorological data was calculated by excel and presented in graphs
and charts. The qualitative information gathered using; focus group discussion, open-
ended questions, and key informant interview were analyzed and interpreted using
qualitative techniques.


4. Results and Discussion

This chapter deals with the presentation of results of the collected data and discussion.
The result is divided into four major parts. The 1st part presents the socio economic data
in relation to HHs adaptive capacity and resilience to climate change and variability. The
second part describes the discussion of rainfall and temperature pattern, the third section
discusses the effect of climate change and vulnerability to CC and variability and the last
part discusses farmers’ perception and adaptation responses to climate change variability.

4.1. Socio-economic profile of Respondents

4.1.1. Sex, Age and Marital Status of respondents

As shown on table 4.1.out of the total 96 HHs 36(37.5%) house hold heads were from
Bambo which is situated in woyine-Dega agro-ecologic condition, 32(33.5%) of them
from 1st Hanqota which is kola and the remaining 28(29.2%) respondents were from
Danetora keble (PA), which has Dega agro-ecologic condition. As the sex composition of
the survey indicates, from Danatora (71.4%) were male and (28. 57%) were female
headed households. The remaining two kebeles, Bambo and 1st Hanqota took 63.8% and
68.7% of male and 36.1% and 31.2% of female household heads respectively. And
Danatora shared relatively the largest share of male headed households and the smallest
share of female headed households. The result of the survey reveals that, age composition
between 30-39, 40-49 and 50- 59 covered 29.2%, 34.4% and 29.2% respectively. The
remaining 6.3% and only 1% of age groups belong to >60 and 20-29 age groups.
According to the survey, most of the HHs were between the age of 30-39 to 40- 49,
which is followed by age group of 50-59. This entails most of surveyed HHHs are
economically active and it can be assumed that they are well aware of their area and
prevailing environmental problems very well.

Table.4.1. Sex, age, marital status and HH size of respondents

Danatora Bambo 1st Hanqota total

N % N % N % N %

sex male 20 71.4 23 63.9 22 68.8 65 67.7

female 8 28.6 13 36.1 10 31.3 31 32.3

total 28 100 36 100 32 100 96 100

age 20-29 - - 1 2.8 - - 1 1

30-39 8 28.6 11 30.5 9 28.1 28 29.2

40-49 7 25 14 38.9 12 37.5 33 34.4

50-59 12 42.8 9 25 7 21.8 28 29.2

>60 1 3.6 1 2.8 4 12.5 6 6.2

total total 28 100 36 100 32 100 96 100

Marital status Single - - 1 2.7 1 3.1 2 2.1

Married 21 75 26 72.2 24 75 71 74

Divorced 2 7.1 4 11.1 2 6.2 8 8.3

Widowed 5 17.8 5 17.8 5 15.6 15 15.3

total 28 100 36 100 32 100 96 100

HH size 1 1 3.6 1 2.8 1 3.1 3 3.1

1-2 1 3.6 1 2.8 1 3.1 3 3.1

3-5 6 21.4 10 27.8 11 34.4 27 28.1

6-8 8 28.6 18 50 15 46.9 41 42.7

9-10 11 39.3 6 17.6 4 12.5 21 21.9

>10 1 3.6 - - - - 1 1

total 28 100 36 100 32 100 96 100

Source: Field survey; 2014.

As the survey result indicates, from the total respondents, 74% married, 15.6% widowed,
8.3% divorced and only 2% are single. When it comes to the kebele level, at Danatora
keble(7,5%) married (17.8% )widowed, and (7% )divorced. And from Bambo (2.7%)
single (72.2%) married and (11%) and 13.8% are divorced and widowed respectively. In
the case of 1st Hanqota (3%) single (75%) married, (6.2%) divorced and (15.6%)
widowed. This shows that majority of the household heads in the three kebeles are
married. There is no difference in the proportion of divorced and widowed HH, but the
frequency of divorced HHs is relatively high in bamboo and widowed is greater in
Donatora. In order to assess whether there is association between age and adaptation
strategies, chi-square test has been employed. Accordingly Ho is stated as there is no
significant difference of adaptation to climate change among different age groups.

Table.4.2. Chi-square test for age * adaptation to climate change

adaptation to cc * age of respondents Cross tabulation

age of respondents Total
20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 > or = 60
1 1 16 18 16 2 53
2 0 6 10 7 2 25
adaptation to cc 3 0 4 1 2 0 7
4 0 2 4 3 0 9
5 0 0 0 0 2 2
Total 1 28 33 28 6 96

Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square 36.113 16 .003
Likelihood Ratio 18.447 16 .298
1.588 1 .208
N of Valid Cases 96

a. 19 cells (76.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum

expected count is .02. Source; Field Survey ;( 2014).

As it is shown in Table, 4.2.the calculated chi-square test reveals that P=.003 and 95% or
0.05 was determined as significance level to accept or reject Ho. Accordingly, null
hypothesis would be rejected as (.003<0.05). Therefore, the computed test statistics

shows a significant difference between adaptation to climate change and age of
respondents. This implies age farmers and adaptation to climate change are not

4.1.2. Educational status

Table.4.3 Educational status of household heads

Variables total

Danatora Bambo 1st Hanqota

Freq % freq % Freq % Freq %

Educational illiterate 3 10.7 9 25 12 37.5 24 25

Write& read 1 3.6 4 11.1 9 28.1 14 14.6

Primary level 9 32.1 11 30.6 9 28.1 29 30.20

Secondary level 13 46.4 11 30.6 2 6.2 26 27.1

>12 2 7.1 1 2.8 0 0 3 3.1

Total 27 100 36 100 32 100% 96 100

% %

Source: Field survey, (2014).

A number of studies (Temesgen et al, 2008) for example, reported that education
increases the probability of adapting to climate change. This is because education is an
indispensable tool to easily understand climate information to adjust and develop
adaptive capacity to the changing climate. In spite of the great importance of literacy on
adaptation to climate change, the survey data on table 4.3, shows (46%) of the
respondents achieved primary level followed by secondary level which is (30.2%) of
respondents. And from the total respondents (25%) or ¼ samples HHs are illiterate, while
(14.6%) can write and read and only 3% achieved above grade twelve. This entails
there is illiteracy amongst the sampled HHs though its degree is not high.

4.1.3. Means of Livelihood

When respondents were asked whether they have agricultural land, majority (97.9%) of
them replied yes and only 2.1% said no. Land is the major determinant factor for
applying adaptation strategies. Therefore, farmers’ adaptive capacity also differs with
average land holding they own. According to the survey data, the size of land is very
fragmented and it differs among individual farmers. As shown in the
table.4.4.approximately half of (43.8%) of HHs have less than (0.75) ha , and ¼ of HHs
have land holding size of (0.75) hh, which is followed by (16.7%) and (10.4%) of HHs
who possessed 1.5ha(1.75) ha and 2ha-2.5ha respectively. Only 2.1% of HHHs owned
3-3.5ha of agricultural lands.

Table 4.4, Land holding size of Respondents

NO Land holding in ha frequency Percent (%) Cumulative %

1 Landless 2 2.1 2.1
2 0.25-0.5h 42 43.8 45.8
3 0.75-1h 24 25 70.8
4 16 16.7 87.5
5 2h-2.5h 10 10.4 97.9
6 3-3.5h 2 2.1 100
Source: field survey (2014)

Household heads were also asked about their major source of livelihood and based on
this, principal livelihood components were grouped using clustering techniques where the
majority (64.6%) of HHs were dependent on crop production, (19.8%) of respondents
depend on livestock rearing and other off-farm activates like daily labor, land renting,
petty trade are practiced by (5.2%), (4.2%), (5.2%) of respondents respectively.

Farmers' means of livelihood

petty trade 5.20%

Land renting 4.20%

daily laborer 5.20%

Livestock rearing 19.80%

Crop production 64.60%

Figure .4.1. Farmers’ means of livelihood (Source of income).

Source: Field survey (2014


Livestock possession of HHs

tudies on livestock production (Abate, 2009) for instance, indicated that climate change and
variability has adverse impact on the livestock
liv composition and compromise the return from
livestock as the availability and quality of pasture and water are highly affected by climate
variability. Moreover,
reover, recurrent droughts and heat spells would create favorable condition for the
spread of infectious diseases that would eventually increase loss of livestock.. As the data on the
table shows before some ten years, the highest livestock possession of Danatora, Bambo and 1st
Hanqota is (35.7%) of (52.
52.8%) and (21.9%) of animals ( >3-5 ) of livestock number. While for
the year 2013(after
after 10 years),
years) (82.1%), (77.8%) and (62.5%) of the surveyed households possess
between (1-2) and (3-5)
5) livestock possessions. And the mean livestock possession of the
respondents before
ore ten years is 3.7,
3.7 while in the year 2013, it declined to 2.02. Therefore
Therefore, this
indicates there is a decline in livestock number.

Table.4.5. Change in livestock distribution between 2003- 2013.

No, of year Kebeles total

livestock Danatora Bambo 1st Hanqota
Freq % Freq % Freq % Freq %
0 or < 1 2003 2 7.1 6 16.7 5 15.6 13 13.5

2013 3 10.7 5 13.9 5 15.6 13 13.5

1-2 2003 6 21.4 5 13.9 7 21.9 18 18.8

2013 23 82.1 28 77.8 20 62.5 71 73.9

3-5 2003 10 35.7 19 52.8 5 15.6 34 35.4
2013 2 7.1 3 8.3 5 15.6 10 10.4
6-10 2003 6 21.4 5 13.9 7 21.9 18 18.8
2013 - - - - 1 3.1 1 1.04

11-15 2003 3 10.7 1 2.8 6 18.8 10 10.4

2013 - - - - 1 3.1 1 1.04

>15 2003 1 3.6 - - - - - 1.04
2013 - - - - - - - -

Source Field Survey;(2014)

4.2. Rainfall and Temperature Pattern of Soro

4.2.1. Average Rainfall Pattern

Rainfall and temperature are important meteorological variables that determine

water availability, and production of crops and livestock rearing or food production
processes in countries where agriculture is more dependent on rainfall, (Abebe,
2013). The average annual rain fall of Soro Woreda in the years 1980-2013, ranges from
800.2mm to 1626.8mm. The mean annual rain fall of those years is about 1075.7 mm. As
shown in the Figure 4.2 .below, the rain fall of the woreda has shown inter annual
variability and erraticenes over the past years. This variability has also been indicated as
a major problem to crop production by HHs. The driest year was 2010, which contains
the minimum rain fall of all years and the wettest year was 1982. Annual rain fall is
below average in the years 1981, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1990, 1991, 1994, 2000, 2004,2 010,
2011, 2012 and 2013.Thus, the woreda had been suffering from shortage of rainfall in the
above thirteen years, while the remaining years demonstrated heavy and erratic rainfall.
Therefore, agricultural production in the area was adversely affected by the inter annual
variability of the area in the last three decades in the study area. This idea was also
supplemented by the information of FGD participants.

Mea annual RF (1980-2013)

y = -0.517x + 1105.
R² = 0.000
RF in mm


RF Linear (RF)

Figure 4.2 Mean annual rainfall of Soro Woreda. Source; NMSA ;( 2014) Seasonal Rainfall Variability

The study are receives bimodal rainfall i.e. Meher season, the main rainy season from
(June to August) and Belg, smaller rainy which falls from (March to May) and the mean
Belg rainfall is 359mm and mean Meher rainfall is 420mm.The standard deviation of
belg rain was 142.56 and Meher rain was 102.9.There fore, coefficient of variation (CV)
of the belg and meher rain in the study area shows 39.7% and 24.5% respectively.

.As shown in figure .4.3, the Belg rain shows a high seasonal variability between the
years 1980-2013 and Similarly, the Meher rain shows relatively high seasonal variability
in the same years and decreasing trend of 0.036 mm per a year and 0.18 mm per a
decade. Therefore, the variable and reduced belg and meher precipitation has a critical
implication on rural livelihoods. Traditional and indigenous seeds or fruits are
disappearing due to decreased precipitation and increasing temperature.

seasonal RF variability ( 1980-2013)


500.0 y = 3.445x + 298.7

R² = 0.057
RF in mm

y = -0.565x + 430.4
300.0 R² = 0.003
belg total
100.0 meher total
0.0 Linear (belg total)
Linear (meher total)

Figure.4.3. Seasonal Rainfall variability,(1980-2013).Source; NMSA;(2014).

4.2.2. Average temperature pattern

According to EPA report on CRGE, Ethiopia has become warmer over the past century
and human induced climate change will bring further warming over the next century at
unprecedented rates. Climate models suggest that Ethiopia will see further warming in all
seasons of between 0.7°C and 2.3°C by the 2020’s and of between 1.4°C and 2.9°C by
the 2050s.Similarly, increase in inter annual temperature is observed in the study area.
The average yearly maximum temperature of the woreda was 22.80, while the average
minimum temperature of 10.80. As indicated in Figure 4.3, the average maximum
temperature of soro woreda over the past 33 years increased by about 0.70 annually, while
average minimum temperature is decreasing by 0.330 degree centigrade. Therefore, trend

shows that the maximum temperature of the woreda is increasing and will continue in its
increasing trend in the future.

yearly Maxi,Mini and average temprature

y = 0.079x + 21.52
25.0 R² = 0.339

y = 0.036x + 16.20
temp in celisus

R² = 0.099
y = -0.005x + 10.88
R² = 0.001 maxi temp
mini temp
Linear (maxi

Figure .4.4. The maximum, Minimum and average temperature pattern of soro.


The trend resulton (Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.3) shows decline in amount of precipitation
and increase in average annual maximum temperature. So overall of the analysis of
rainfall and temperature from the station indicates that, rainfall will be expected to
decrease and temperature on the contrary expected to increase. Together with temperature
variability and shortening rainfall seasons and amount, these changes pose major
challenges on the rural populations’ livelihood especially on agriculture.

4.2.3. Local Indicators of Climate Change/ Variability

Indication of climate change can be assessed mainly in terms of variations in temperature,

and precipitation (Shrestha et al. 2000; IPCC 2007c). Accordingly, from the total
surveyed HHs, (42.7%) of the respondents perceived increase in temperature as an
indicator, and this is followed by (33.3%) HHs, who responded the unpredictable rainfall
as the major indicator of climate change. While (12.5%), (4.2%) and another (4.2%) of
the HHHs claimed recurrent droughts, erratic rainfall and decrease of river volum
respectively. The remaining 3.1% of the HHHs assumed other indicators of climate
change and variability (See, Figure.4.5).

Indicators of CC & variability

% of respondents


3.10% 4.20% 3.10%

un increase in Recurrent erratic RF decrease in other

predictable temprature drought flooding riv.volue indicators
rain fall

Figure.4.5 Local indicators of climate change and variability

Source: Field survey: (2014).


FGD participant in Bambo reported that:

Some years before, the Belg rainy season used to start in March, but now it
starts late in April, and even some years with no Belg rain. It has no longer been
reliable - it comes once in four years. The main rainy season (Mehe
(Mehere) used to end
late September and sometimes extends to first week of October, but now it stops in
pagume or first week of September, and it becomes difficult to live wi
with our
existing crop types and varieties”.

4.3. Effects of Climate Change /Variability on Livelihoods and

4.3.1. Effects on rural livelihood

Climate change is likely to impact crop productivity directly through changes in the
growing environment, but also indirectly through shifts in the geography and
prevalence of agricultural pests and diseases, associated impacts on soil fertility and
biological function, and associated agricultural biodiversity. The rain fed yield changes
are driven by both precipitation and temperature changes; the irrigated yield effects are
from temperature changes alone. As IPCC (2007) concluded, slight warming decreases
yields in seasonally dry and low-latitude regions. Climate variability affects virtually all
aspects of agricultural and other water-intensive activities and has impact on a large
proportion of households, with far-reaching consequences throughout the economy.

Like in most rural parts of Ethiopia, the source of livelihood in the study area (soro
woreda), is agriculture. However, as indicated in the previous section, the area,
particularly the dega and woyinedega part of the woreda is characterized by unreliable
and erratic rainfall. Therefore, unreliable and erratic rainfall during the rainy season
results in loss of upper most and fertile soil and decrease soil fertility through soil erosion
and this eventually leads to decrease in crop yield and food insecurity.

Respondents in the household questionnaire were asked to say how in their

experience climate changes had affected crop production. They were required to select
one response from four options pertaining to crop yield, such as ‘Increase in crop yield’,
‘decrease in crop yield’, ‘no change in crop yield’ and ‘decrease in long cycled crops’.
Accordingly from the surveyed HHHs, a large number (75%) of respondents perceived
the effects of climate change/ variability as a major cause for crop yield reduction, around
(17.7%) of the respondents said the change/ variability of the climate system has an
adverse effect on long season crops. While (6.3%) of the surveyed HHHs responded that
there is an increase in crop yield due to climate change or variability. Only (1%) of the
respondents assumed that there is no change in crop yield due to CC.
49 Timing of Rainfall and Variability

As most studies demonstrated, changes in precipitation patterns increase the likelihood of

short-run crop failure and long-run production declines. (Nelson.,G, 2009). As rainfall
patterns become more unpredictable as climate changes, plants will be subjected to
increasing fluctuations in soil moisture availability. These fluctuations are likely to have
substantial impacts on plants in natural communities and on crop plants in agriculture,

The timing and reliability of rain fall in the study area has been significantly
unpredictable. In the old days, the belg rain used start in late March and extends up to late
May, farmers use this rain to cultivate crops like barely, maize and root crops like potato.
Apart from the cultivation of the aforementioned crops, the dega and woyine-dega
kebeles use the belg rain to plant Inset plant. Then these crops are harvested starting from
May to June leaving the field for meher cultivation (the main rain season) cultivation of
mainly wheat, teff and other crops.

As it has been depicted on Figure.4.6. Majority (70%) of the surveyed household heads
agreed that the belg rain comes very late and the main meher, rain goes early in October
increasing moisture stress and making cultivation difficult and eventually causes crop
failure, while (23.5% ) of the respondents said that the rain comes early and goes vey
late. Only 3.1% of household heads responded that the rain comes and goes early.

As one farmer from FGD noted;

“ Even if we want to plant, it is now very difficult to know how to do it

because it is now unpredictable, if you try to plant in March, that might be how
you perish all your work and perhaps those that started early in April, might
get something…”.

Timing of rainfall




comes late and goes early comes early and goes late comes and goes late

Figure.4.6. Timing of Rainfall in Soro Woreda. Source: Field survey;2014

survey;2014. Timing of Rainfall and its Effect on Croping Pattern

According to FAO, (2008) prediction, the wet areas are expected to be wetter and the dry
areas in the tropics are expected to be drier as a result of climate change. The intensity of
rain storms could increase in some areas and rain becomes
omes more un
unreliable and

In agreement with this prediction, almost all of the respondents reported that there is a
change in the amount and timing of rain fall in the study area and it is adversely
impacting crop production. It was clear to farmers that rains are becoming both more
erratic and coming later and going earlier in the cropping seasons.

The focus group (FGD) participants reported that:

The rains are normally now starting late in March or April and ending early
before the crops
ops could mature. They noted that in the past, rains would normally begin
sometime in February. However, the seasons appeared to have shifted as the rains could
now start as late as March. We have a general feeling of uncertainty about when the best
time to plant would be. Therefore, we needed an efficient weather forecasting system if we

were to remain effective in farming. The unpredictability of rainfall patterns made faming
a high risk business”

All of the members of FGD in the three kebeles unanimously agreed that change in
timing of precipitation is adversely affecting the whole process of cultivation. The
following are some of the problems rised during FGD about the impacts of the change in
timing of rain fall:

 The delayed belg rain hampers sowing so that they could not prepare the land
timely to grow crops using belg, (small rainy season which covers from march to
may), rain. When delayed rain comes, it is becoming so erratic and causes
erosion and flooding on our agricultural fields.
 Before some 10 years farmers in the Dega and woyine- daga areas used to grow
crops like sorghum and maize which require lengthy rainy season to attain
maturity, however, since recent past, these crops are not grown in these akebeles
because of the change in the timing and decreased precipitation, as the main
meher rains goes so early these crops face moisture stress to get matured.
 In kola kebeles, the delayed precipitation is resulted in shortage of water and
fodder for livestock and increases heat spells that results in loss of livestock and
decreases the quality of livestock and returns from livestock as well. Effects on Crop Yield

Climate change is likely to impact crop productivity directly through changes in the
growing environment, but also indirectly through shifts in the geography and
prevalence of agricultural pests and diseases, associated impacts on soil fertility and
biological function, and associated agricultural biodiversity. The rain fed yield changes
are driven by both precipitation and temperature changes; the irrigated yield effects are
from temperature changes alone. As IPCC,(2007),concluded, slight warming decreases
yields in seasonally dry and low-latitude regions. Climate variability affects virtually
all aspects of agricultural and other water-intensive activities and has impact on a

large proportion of households, with far-reaching
far reaching consequences throughout the

Ethiopia, the source of livelihood in the study area ( soro

Like in most rural parts of Ethiopia,
), is agriculture. However, as indicated in the previous section, the area,
particularly the dega and woyinedega part of the woreda is characterized by unreliable
and erratic rainfall. Therefore, the lesser rainfall or decreased rain fall in harvest season
impedes crops maturity and caused reduction in crop yield as a result of loss of soil
fertility by soil erosion and moisture stress as weeks delay in the onset of rain is said
to have significant difference on the harvest and has deprivation of households’

yield of four major crops

yield in Qnl

land yield land yield land yield land yield land yield

2007/8 2008/9 2009/100 2010/2011 2011/2012

wheat teff maiz sorgu

Figure4.7. Soro Woreda Crop Production from (2007-20120).


Source: Soro Agriculture and Rural Development Office.


Respondents in the household questionnaire were asked to say how in their

experience climate changes had affected crop production. They were required to select
‘Increase in crop yield
one response from four options pertaining to crop yield, such as ‘Increase yield’,
‘decrease in crop yield’, ‘ change in crop yield’ and ‘decrease
’, ‘no decrease in long cycled crops
Accordingly from the surveyed HHHs, overwhelming number
number (75%) of respondents
reported the effects of climate change/ variability as a major cause for crop yield
reduction, around (17.7%) of the respondents said the change/ variability of the climate
system has an adverse effect on long season crops. While (6.3%) of the surveyed HHHs
responded that there is an increase in crop yield due to climate change or variability. Only
(1%) of the respondents assumed that there is no change in crop yield due to climate
change/ variability. As shown on figure.4.7.the yield of major crops in the woreda
indicates fluctuating growth, in spite of the increasing agricultural land from year to year.

4.3.2. Socio-Economic Effects of Climate Change & Variability Effects on Water Availability

According to the information obtained from soro woreda water resource development
office, the woreda is endowed with all types of water resources, such as rivers, springs
ponds and ground water. However, the efforts of water sector to develop HH water
supply is being constrained by climate variability in the area.

House hold heads were supplied with two types of questions with regard to HHs water
supply. The first question was stated as” Do your household get sufficient water
throughout the year?” Accordingly, majority of the respondents replied ‘No’, while the
remaining (31.3%) of the respondents said ‘Yes’. This implies most of the HHs in the
area are suffering from shortage of water. The second question was about source of water
for rural households. The response of HHHs is summarized as follows; (50%) is river
water,(25%) is springs , (11.5%) is ponds and only (8.3%) of the respondents get pipe
line water.

In agreement with survey data, participants of FGD in the three kebeles unanimously
agreed that most of the HHs in the area get water from rivers to drink. However, the
amount of water in the rivers is decreasing from year to year with the decreasing rainfall
amount. Household members, mainly women and children, travel long distances to fetch
water for livestock and household consumption. In addition to this, members of FGD
from Danatora and Bambo (dega and woyine- dega kebeles) said that, their source of

drinking water is springs and pipe lines developed by the woreda in very few kebeles. But
most of the springs are unprotected and they are already drying up due to drought. Effects on Livestock

Most of the households used livestock as source of livelihood in addition to crop

cultivation. In 1st Hanqota (kola kebele) majority of HHs are agro-pastoralists. Focus
group discussion participants pointed out that some people had lost all their cattle to
drought. Very few cattle that survived the dry season are sent away to pastures in Dega
and Woyine dega woredas until the end of dry seasons. Some are sent several hundreds of
kilometers away to areas with better pasture. Other strategies used by local communities
to save their cattle involved selling some of the cattle which are old and weak, but cannot
substitute them with other livestock, because these cattle are sold with low price.
Therefore, the number and types of cattle is decreasing from year to year. Since much of
the requirements for household consumption are derived from livestock or exchange with
livestock products, the loss of livestock is serious risk for the livelihoods. For the change
of cattle and potential causes for the decrease of livestock number (see table 4.7)

Table 4.6 .Change in livestock production

variables Kebele of respondents total
Danetora Bambo 1 Hanqota
Decrease/ increase of livestock count % count % count % count %

Increased 1 3.6 - - 3 9.4 4 4.1

Decreased 27 96.4 36 100 29 90.6 92 95.8

reason for decrease of livestock count % count % count % Count %

Shortage of grazing land 21 75 31 86.1 16 50 68 70.8

Livestock disease 2 7.1 4 11.1 12 37.5 18 18.8

Shortage of water 5 17.9 1 2.8 1 3.1 7 7.3

High temperature - - - - 9.4 3 3.1

Source: Field survey (2014).

Effects on Livestock Feeding

Drought and delay in the onset of rain fall led to poor grass regeneration/forage
deficit, water shortage and heat stress on livestock, and consequently increased the
mortality of the livestock, vulnerability to diseases and physical deterioration due to
long distance travel for water and pastures(Abate,2009).

According to the survey data, majority (89.6%) of the household heads said that the
source of cattle feed before some 10 years was pasture, while only (10.4%) responded
that crop residue. Showing the change in livestock feeding, however, majority (60.4%)
replied that the feeding for their cattle now is, crop residue, while (26%) and (6.3%) of
them responded steam of Inset and pasture respectively. The remaining (7.3%0 replied
that they feed their livestock with other forages. Members of FGD also pointed out that,
shortage of adequate fodder and underfeeding of livestock have increased the
vulnerability of livestock to disease risks and death associated with drought and
climate stress.

Figure 4.8. A Photo showing livestock feeding crop residue in soro woreda

Generally cattle population in the woreda has feed grass for a few months when there is
rainfall but during the dry season they use crop residues and Inset feeding. Water
(watering) problem in the woreda has become more acute in recent years; some rivers
have dried up and the existing ponds become empty. Vulnerability of the Community & Their Concerned shocks

As studies indicate the vulnerability of the community to the adverse effects of climate
change and variability depends not only to the exposure of the biophysical environment
but also the socio economic and demographic characteristics of a given society such as
age, sex, wealth status etc. And a given portion of a society could be more vulnerable to
the impacts of climate related shocks. Vulnerability to Economic, Health and Price Fluctuation

As noted by different studies and researchers, CC/ variability are posing a serious threat
on the health and socio economic condition of the societies. For example, Kovats, et al,
(2003), stated that climate change is likely to have major effects on human health via
changes in the magnitude and frequency of extreme events, floods, wind storms and
droughts. In order to obtain information regarding the adverse effects of climate change
and variability on the communities’ health, HHHs were asked two types of questions.
The first question was to assess the perception of household heads to vulnerability to
climatic change and variability. Accordingly, almost all (99%) of the respondents agreed
that climate change is adversely affecting their health, economic and price condition of
commodities. while only,(1%) of respondents replied that climate change and variability
has no effect on the health, price and economic condition of their families.

Similarly participants of FGD highlighted that climate change and variability is posing
negative effects on health of their families. In this regard, members of the FGD reported
that flooding and high temperature are the main drivers of health problems of their
families. They noted that water and vector born diseases get favorable conditions for the
presence and transmission of diseases. In addition to this, they pointed out that due to

shortage of food and milk, babies and elderly are being affected by diseases.
Communities ‘current vulnerability to climate extreme

Table 4.7.climate related shocks among the three kebeles.

Kebles Types of shocks

drought flooding Pests& diseases Rain total
count % count % Count % count % count %
Danatora 2 7.1 6 21.4 6 21.4 14 50 28 100
Bambo 3 8.3 8 22.2 3 8.3 22 51.2 36 100
1st Hanqota 14 43.8 7 21.9 4 12.5 7 21.9 32 100
total 19 59.2 21 65.5 13 42.2 43 123.1 96 100
Source: Field survey (2014).

As shown on the table 4.7.above, the shocks experienced by communities vary among the
sampled kebeles in terms of frequency and intensity. Accordingly, a large number of
respondents i.e (51.2% and 50%) claimed that rain variability is the major concern in
both Bambo and Danetora kebeles respectively. But in 1st Hanqota (kola kebele) about
(43.8%) the respondents were concerned to drought .This was followed by flooding
(65.5%) in all kebeles. And drought and the prevalence of pests and diseases take
(59.2%) and (42.2%) respectively. This implies that vulnerability to climate extremes
greatly vary across different agro-ecologic environments. Accordingly, rain variability is
the major concern in all agro ecologic conditions with far reaching adverse effects on
rural livelihoods in general and agriculture in particular. In kola keble re-current drought
resulted in loss of livestock.

According to the information obtained from interview of farmers and DAs, those poor
households with limited financial assets are suffering from increase of price commodities.
Furthermore, the price of crop yield is not consistent whereas the price of inorganic
fertilizer is consistently increasing from time to time and government’s intervention is not
sufficient. Unless the government could take better supportive intervention, climate
change would put our food security at risk.

Potential causes of shocks

The survey data reveals that deforestation (70.8) is the leading driving cause, followed by
low fertility of agricultural land which worsened the negative effects climate change and
variability. Land use and land cover change and absence of sustainable agricultural
practice account (7.3%) and (2.1%) of the responses. Members of the FGD also
unanimously agreed that the climate is becoming much more unpredictable since recent
past. They reported that this may probably due to deforestation and over cultivation due
to the ever increasing demand of agricultural land.

Figure.4.9.A Photo showing deforested and highly degraded area

One of the members of FGD reported that;

“I have lived in this area for more than 40 years. Before some 20 years, the area
you see here was covered by dense indigenous forest. The area was deforested
since 1983 EC. Following the fall of Derg government in the country, the ex-Derg
soldiers returned to their home and began clearing and burning the forest,
primarily to get agricultural land. This was coupled with increasing demand of
fire wood. Furthermore, the area which is not suitable for agriculture was partly
planted by some exotic trees like eucalyptus while the remaining area left un
planted exposed to erosion”.

Who is most vulnerable to CC and variability effects?

It is concluded that the Woreda is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and
variability. But still there is a difference on the capacity to adapt to those impacts among
the households. Therefore, some socio economic indicators are selected to expose who
the most vulnerable is. In this study male or female headed HHs, economic status,
physical assets, age and family size are chosen to assess the rate of vulnerability.

Table .4.8.Most vulnerable groups of the society

Vulnerable groups Danatora Bambo 1st Hanqota

Count % count % count %
Female headed HHs 7 25 7 19.4 14 43.8

Male headed HHs 5 17.9 4 11.1 1 3.1

HHs with no additional income 3 10.7 4 11.1 1 3.1

HHs with large family size 2 7.1 3 8.3 5 15.6

Land less & the poor 2 7.1 5 13.9 - -

Children & elderly 9 32. 13 36.1 11 34.4

Total 28 100 36 100 32 100

Source: Field survey (2014).

As shown in the table. 4.8, (43.8) of the respondents from 1st Hanqota responded female
headed HHs, (36.1%) from Bambo replied that children and elderly are the most
vulnerable to CC (8.2%) of the HHs are land less and with HHs no additional income.
And (34.2%) of the respondents replied children and elderly are most vulnerable to the
adverse effects of climate change and variability.

The information from key informants interview (officials of SWARDO and Das),
indicates that women, children and elderly are the most vulnerable section of the society,
this mainly because they cannot easily leave their home or migrate in time of extreme
events and the occurrence of disaster. On the contrary men can migrate to other areas in
time of the occurrence of extreme events such as drought and famine. In addition to this,
children and older people cannot escape when flooding occurs mainly in highland areas
so that they could be victim of the subsequent hazards. Traditionally women are
dependent on income generated by men and they do not engage in plugging and other
activities that need strength. However, in case of death of the husband and divorce the
women take all responsibility of taking care of household. Specially, if she is land less &
have many dependants, the situation become difficult and she face socio-economic pains
of the situations. The men's vulnerability was explained from their prime responsibility of
income generation. In cases of no agriculture work (labor) or animal death they are
supposed search other off-farm and non-farm activities income sources, take credit and
pay it off.

Large Family Size

Large family size independently is not direct indicator of vulnerability but it is directly
related with the income of the household. As indicated on table 9.6. (29.6 %) of the
respondents reported that families with large family size are more vulnerable because of
their limited adaptive capacity. Therefore, vulnerability of the local people can be
proportional to the family size.

The Poor and Landless

As noted by several studies, Ethiopia is especially vulnerable to climate variability and

change because large segments of the population are poor. Most have low access to
education, information, technology, and basic social and support services, and, as a result,
have low adaptive capacity to deal with the consequences of climate variability and
change (Oxfam 2010; The World Bank Group 2010; Regassa et al, 2010, cited in
Bishaw, et al., and 2013).According to the information of key informants (officials of
agriculture office), poor HHs specially, if they do not have additional income , would be
vulnerable due to shortage of money to practice capital intensive agriculture to adapt to
changing climate. In addition to this, HHs with low land holding and limited physical
assets would bear the brunt of climate change and variability.

Survey data regarding the reason of vulnerability of HHs to climate change reported that
(52.1%) respondents replied that it is because of inability to cope shocks, (27.1%) said
that due to lack of adequate climate information, (12.5%) of them replied because of poor
administration. The remaining (4.2%) and (3.1%) of the respondents reported that weak
social capital and other drivers are responsible causes of vulnerability.

4.4. Farmers’ Perception and Adaptation to CC and Variability.

4.4.1. Farmers’ Perception to Climate change & Variability

Community perception, views and opinions regarding climate change and variability
matters both in designing mitigation policies as well as formulating adaptation strategies.
If the public perception of risk differs from policy makers perception, implementation
will be misunderstood neglected or even opposed, (Maharjan and Joshi, 2013). Besides,
the degree to which an environment is affected by climate change depends on one hand
on the level of perception by individuals and the other on mitigation and adaptive
capacity to the change phenomenon (Gbetibouo, 2009). Cognizant of this importance,
farmers were asked whether they perceived long term climate change and variability in
their area and its impact on livelihood. Accordingly majority of (75%)t hem replied that

there is climate change and variability in their locality (16.7%)
16.7%) responded that the climate
is totally changed and only (8.3%) said that there is no observable climate change or
variability in their locality.

Farmers' perception to Climate Change



There is climate change The climate is totlly changed There is no climate chang

Figure .4.10. Farmers’ Perception

P towards CC and Variability. Source; Field Survey

In order to confirm whether there is association between farmers’ perception to CC and their
environment, chi-square
square test was employed. Accordingly, null hypothesis was stated as
as, there is
no significant difference of perception towards CC and their living environment.

Table.4.9. Chi-square
square test to keble of respondents* perception about climate change
kebele of respondents Total
danatora bambo 1st hanqota
There is clmate change 22 29 21 72
The climate is totaly
perception to CC 3 5 8 16
There is no observable CC 3 2 3 8
Total 28 36 32 96

Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square 3.231 4 .520
Likelihood Ratio 3.189 4 .527
Linear-by-Linear Association .572 1 .450
N of Valid Cases 96

a. 4 cells (44.4%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum

expected count is 2.33.Source;
Source; Field survey;(2014).

The chi-square test employed to analyze association between perception and living
environment ( kebeles), reveals that p= .520, df=4 and 0.05 is determined to accept or
reject the null hypothesis. Accordingly, the null hypothesis is accepted because as
.520>0.05. Therefore, it could be concluded that there is no significant difference of
perception towards climate change and variability among farmers who are living at
different environments (agro-ecologic conditions). This implies the climate change and
variability is becoming the problem of all environmental conditions.

4.4.2. Coping & Adaptation Strategies to CC and Variability

One of the intended objectives of this study was to assess some of coping and
adaptation methods being practiced by farmers along with community based adaptation
strategies in response to negative effects of climate change and variability. Coping
strategies are actual responses to crises on livelihood systems in the face of unwelcome
situation, therefore they are termed as short term responses (Berkes and Jolly, 2001).
Generally, the local communities are already undertaking various coping and adaptation
mechanisms in response to the adverse impacts of CC and variability. Thus, to assess the
types of adaptation a.. nd coping strategies they are using the surveyed household heads
were asked two types of question.

Table.4.10.The existing coping mechanisms to CC and variability

Coping mechanisms Sample kebeles

Danetora Bambo 1st Hanqota

Reducing number of meals per a day 50% 69.4% 46.4%

Taking loan 15.9% 2.8% 3.6%

Remittance from relatives 21.9% 13.9% 17.9 %

Sale of live stock 6.2 11.1% 28.6 %

Receiving food aid 6.2% 2.8% 3.6 %

Total 100 % 100 % 100 %

Source: Field Survey (2014).

As shown on table 4.10, the main coping mechanisms are reducing the number of meals
per a day, taking loan from relatives, remittance from relatives, sale of livestock, others
etc. Accordingly, the surveyed HHHs replied for the first question, which is stated as
“How do you manage to cope with some of your problems related with vulnerability to
CC and variability?” as follows: reducing the number of meals has been the most widely
used coping mechanism comprising (69.4%), (50%) and (46.4%) in the three kebeles
such as Bambo, Danetora and 1st Hanqota respectively. This is followed by receiving
remittance from relatives which also comprised (21.9%), in Danetora, (17.9%) in 1st
Hanqota and (13.9%) in Bambo kebeles. The remaining coping mechanisms such as
taking loan from cooperatives, sale of livestock and food aid account on average (7.3%),
(6.6% ) and (4.2%) respectively.

The second question regarding coping mechanism was state as “what are major coping
strategies you used to overcome climate change / variability impacts on livestock
production?. Accordingly, in Danetora and Bambo ( Dega and woyine dega kebeles ), an
overwhelming number(75%) and (63.9%) of respondents replied decreasing the number
of livestock as the major coping mechanism to climate change and variability related
vulnerability, while in 1st Hanqota, which is kola keble, there is no significant difference
in the use of coping mechanisms, nevertheless, the sale of old and weak animals to takes
the lead. The remaining coping mechanisms namely livestock diversification, seasonal
migration with cattle in search of pasture and water , sale of older animals and cattle
fattening are being practiced in very limited bases in both Dantora and Bambo kebeles.

Members of FGD in 1st Hanqota (warmest kebles), particularly, reported that the above
coping mechanisms were being practiced for several decades in this area, but it did not
bring any change. The reason they suggested for this problem is that, the ever decreasing
grazing land and decreasing availability of water coupled with absence of sufficient
medication for their cattle. Therefore, the occurrence of a single extreme event
subsequently results in heavy loss of cattle.

65 Individuals’ Responses to CC and Variability

Studies have confirmed that climate change is happening, and societies must take the
necessary adaptation strategies to the impacts of climate change and variability. For poor
countries like most African nations, adaptation is not an option rather it is a
necessity,(Boko, et al, 2007).Adaptation to vulnerability is also largely affected by social,
economic and institutional factors (Saldana-Zorrilla,2008) like land tenure system, level
of irrigation, availability of cheap credit etc.

Farmers’ Initiated adaptation to CC and variability

The most widely cited adaptation strategies in cc literature related with crop production,
such as new varieties of seeds like, early maturing seeds with higher yields per a plot,
drought resistant crops that are suitable in drought prone areas of kola kebeles, use of
inter cropping, practicing irrigation farming in areas where water is available, wise
storage of seeds and receiving food aid from government and NGOs are used to as assess
whether farmers are practicing adaptation strategies not. Accordingly, the survey data
obtained from HHHs indicates that, (42.3%) of respondents were using new varieties of
crops, followed by (19.6%) of respondents who replied intensive irrigation as their major
adaptation method. While the remaining three adaptation strategies namely inter
cropping, receiving food aids and wise storage of seeds until cultivation season are
equally chosen by (12.4%) of household heads. This implies farmers in all agro ecologic
conditions are already undertaking all types of adaptation strategies with more tendencies
to use new varieties of seeds.

Key informants from the woreda agriculture office suggested that the government is
supplying new varieties of crop seeds and inorganic fertilizer. Nevertheless, the high
price of seeds and fertilizer coupled with low awareness of farmers in the use of
agricultural technologies is impeding the expected high yield per a plot in some parts of
the woreda

Table 4.11.Farmers adaptation strategies related with crop production

Adaptation strategies Sample kebeles

Danetora Bambo 1st Hanqota

Use of new varieties of seeds 46.9% 47.2 32.1 %

Inter cropping 3.1% 11.1 25 %

Use of irrigation 25% 16.7 17.9 %

Receiving aid from safety net 9.4 % 16.7 10.7 %

Storage of crops 15.6 % 8.3 14.3 %

total 100% 100 % 100 %

Source; Field Survey ;(2014).

Farmers’ Adaptation strategies Related to Shortage of Water

As indicated in table 4.12, below, the result of survey questionnaire of HHs summarized
farmers’ their adaptation strategies related with water problem. Accordingly from the
total 32 HHHs (28.1%) of them used rain water harvesting in response to CC and
variability effects on water resources, (21.9%) irrigation, (28.1%) used recharging ground
water , (12.5%) used water from ponds , (9.4%) of respondents replied others sources of
water in Danetora kebele, in Bambo, a large number of respondents(44.4%) used rain
water harvesting , (22.2) used ground water, and the remaining adaptation methods such
as use of water from ponds, use of irrigation and others sources equally account (11.1%).

The last but not the least , in 1st Hanqota ( which is kola kebele), majority of HHs
(35.7%) used water from ponds , (21.4%) of them used rain water harvesting, then this
is followed by use of irrigation(17.9%), recharging ground water(14.3%) and other
sources of water ( 10.7%).

Table.4.12 Farmers Adaptation strategies related to water

kebeles Farmers Adaptation strategies related to water problem Total

Rain water Use of Use of Use of Other
harvesting irrigation ground water water from sources
Freq % Freq % Freq % Fre % Fre % Fre %
q q q
Danetora 9 28.1 7 21.9 9 28.1 4 12.5 3 9.4 32 100
Bambo 16 44.4 4 11.1 8 22.2 4 11.1 4 11.1 36 100
1st Hanqota 6 21.1 5 17.9 4 14.3 10 35.7 3 10.7 28 100

Source: Field survey ( 2014)

Focus group discussion participants unanimously agreed that water availability is

generally decreasing as a result of reduced rainfall amounts. They noted that several
water points that used to provide water for animals and people had dried up. A specific
mention was made of springs and pools in local rivers. Members of the FGD were able to
observe some of the springs that previously used to supply water to the communities but
had since dried up.

Obstacles of farmers Adaptation to climate change/variability

Despite all efforts to minimize the changes in climate, the world needs to adapt to the
upcoming changes as well. This adaptation to climate change is necessary to prevent
societies from disasters and disruption (Roggema, 2009). However, several socio
economic obstacles have been hindering farmers’ effort to undertake various adaptation
mechanisms to in response to the existing climate change and variability effects on their
livelihoods. The data from survey questionnaire reveals that the major factor( obstacles)
that impeded farmers’ endeavor to adjust themselves and their livelihood to climate
change and variability include;(38.1%) poverty( shortage of money), (21.6%) lack of
awareness of the local population about climate change and its impacts,(17.5%) is

fluctuation of price of agricultural products while increasing cost of fertilizers and other
commodities to be bought from markets, (15.5%) shortage of infrastructure( FTC,
veterinary services, roads and markets and health centers etc) , (5.2%) absence of markets
in the nearby areas to sell our agricultural products and the remaining (1%) is other
reasons such as poor management of resources, lack of institutional capacity as
mentioned by respondents. Community Responses to CC and Variability

Communities have always adapted to climate variations by making preparations based

on their resources and knowledge accumulated through experience of past weather
pattern. Community based adaptation to CC and variability emerged out of the growing
recognition in the developing community that those most vulnerable to climate change
are the poorest people in the world’s poorest regions. Many are marginalized, and live in
remote regions out of reach of government services. CBA may foster the resilience of
rural communities, but also the resilience of the ecosystems on which these communities
rely for a living.

While the international community has increasingly emphasized the need for adaptation
in recent years and more funding has been made available for adaptation, most efforts to
help countries adapt have centered on top–down approaches and policy solutions
(Wilbanks and Kates 1999; Reid et al. 2009). However, given that climate change
impacts, appropriate responses, and, to some extent, adaptive capacity, are location–
specific, adaptation at the community level is critical to the process of adaptation.

Community organizing for adaptation to climate change in itself also increases resilience
to climate risks by strengthening and expanding social networks and links with
supporting institutions (Adger 2003; Tompkins and Adger 2004) cited in Bryan and
Behrman, 2013). The evaluation made by Boko et al. (2007, p. 453), provides the
conceptual framework, characterizing the initiatives, i.e. adaptation actions, according to
their social or economic resilience focus. According to Boko, sub-themes within the
social or economic resilience dimension relate to the following:
 Social networks and social capital, e.g. perceptions of risk by rural communities
or local saving schemes which determine behavior towards adaptation.
 Institutions, e.g. design, function and governance of institutions which enhance or
constrain adaptive capacity.

Economic Resilience

 Equity, e.g. ability to access external funding sources or donor aid on various
 Diversification of livelihoods, e.g. agricultural intensification or income
diversification to strengthen resilience to shocks.
 Technology, e.g. seasonal forecasts or improvements of rain-fed systems through
water harvesting and conservation techniques, use of new crop varieties to
enhance resilience to shocks.
 Infrastructure, e.g. communication lines, road networks and other physical
infrastructure to improve adaptive capacity. Shared Resources and Community Responses to CC/Variability

According to the data obtained from HHs survey, majority (66.%) of respondents replied
water as their shared resource, and it is followed by grazing land (20.6%), (10.3) is forest
and the remaining (1%) is other shared resources. This implies in most parts of the
woreda there are various types of shared resources and water is the major one. As far as
the adverse effects of climate change and variability is concerned, almost all, (95%) of
respondents agreed that climate change and variability has been impacting the shared
resources, while only (3.1%) of the respondents did not agree. As it is indicated on the
figure 4.10, the negative effects of climate change and variability on major shared
resources include; drying up of streams, decrease of grazing land, forest fire, and
disintegration of infrastructure.

CC and variability impacts on major shared resources


% of respondets

7.20% 2.10% 1%

drying up of decease of Forest fire Roads Other

sream pasture disintigraton impacts

Figure. 4.11 Climate change impacts on shared resource.

Sources: Field survey (2014)

Members of the FGD were unanimous regarding the decreasing amount of shared
resources. They confirmed that the changing
hanging climate is impacting the shared resources of
their locality. They noted that
t before some 25 years there were lots of shared resources in
their locality such as a thick indigenous forest from which we used to collect wild fruits,
fire wood etc , a wider area of grazing field ,which was communally grazed , streams and
rivers . But at the present time, except big rivers and grazing lands in some limited areas,
shared resources are disappearing due to climate variability and change.

Household questionnaire
aire respondents were asked the question ‘Did you take any
community based measure to overcome the observed climate change/ variability
impacts?’And they were required to select an answer from two options, ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
Accordingly a huge number (90.7%) of
of the respondents replied yes, while only (8.2%) of
the respondents answered ‘no’ The survey data reveals that more than half (52.6%) of
respondents involved in planting trees,(24.7%) of them built flood protection ditches ,
(9.3%) participated in preparing
preparing and fencing communal water reservoirs and the
remaining( 2.1%) used other adaptation methods such as construction of roads, awareness
creation etc in their respective kebeles.

71 Institutional / Government Responses to CC & Variability

Over the last two decades, the government of Ethiopia has put in place a number of
policies, strategies and laws that are designed to support sustainable development, and the
country is set to move for wards to a greener economy. Thus, to achieve the green
economy plan, the most important environmental problems have to be identified and
reduced. Therefore, the following environmental problems such as climate change, land
degradation, over grazing and deforestation, indoor air pollution and water pollution, loss
of biodiversity and ecosystem services, spread of invasive species etc are identified as a
serious obstacles to achieve the county’s green economy plan,(Cesar and Ekbom, 2013).

According to the information obtained from officials of SWARDO and DAs, a number of
woreda initiated adaptation strategies are being undertaken as part of the federal
government’s efforts to increase community’s resilience to climate change and
variability. Some of the activities that are already taking place currently include, soil and
water conservation activities, a forestation and spring development and road construction
are some of the major ones. Productive Safety Net Program is also one of government
induced adaptation strategies. The main objective is to fill food gap of the chronically
food insecure farmers by assist crop (wheat) so that the farmers may not to sell their
remaining assets. The programmed aims to provide households with enough income, in
the form of either cash or food, to meet the food gap. The combination of cash and food
transfers is based on season and need, with food given primarily in the lean season
between June and August. Introduction of early maturing crop varieties is another
government strategy. Many varieties are being introduced out of which wheat varieties
are widely accepted.

Participants of FGD have noted that, PSNP has had a positive impact on the livelihoods
of households. Public works and projects have increased food security by rehabilitating
degraded land and creating productive community assets such as terraced fields, and
small-scale irrigation systems. At the household level, families are experiencing
improved food security, increased asset creation and protection, increased utilization of
education and health services and improved agricultural productivity.
Rehabilitation of Environmental Resources

Many of the biophysical improvements to increase resilience and mitigation in

smallholder agricultural production systems require action and coordination among many
stakeholders in the rural landscape. Restoration of degraded areas to improve soil quality,
improved management of communal water and pasture resources, and informal seed
systems to facilitate the exchange of plant genetic resources are all examples of collective
resource management activities that are likely to become more important under climate
change (Thornton and Lipper, 2014).

Soil and water conservation activities are crucial for stabilizing the equilibrium of
the environment, preventing run-off and reversing the considerable loss of soil fertility in
the watersheds. This in turn gives rise to agricultural productivity in treated areas. Intense
natural resources rehabilitation on degraded farmland and grazing areas are being
implemented using different Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) techniques to reduce
soil erosion and increase vegetation cover. As the information from Key informants
interview reported, the following government initiated intervention works are already
taking place to increase the small holder farmers adaptive capacity and resilience of their
livelihoods,(agriculture).The intervention measures include:

 Construction of rain water harvesting and check dams.

 Digging SWC features such as terraces, soil bands on both private and communal

 Prohibiting degraded pasture and forest lands from any use by people in the area.
This is in order to rehabilitate the land and generate natural forest.

Institutional responses to shortage of water

Ethiopia has essentially rain fed agriculture system, where more than 83% of the
population depends on subsistence agriculture. While rain fall plays a major role as vital
water source for securing nearly the entire food production of the country, the temporal
and spatial distribution over the country varies above 2000 mm over some pocket areas in
the south west to less than 250 mm over the vast areas of afar and Ogaden low lands
(NAMSA, 2001).

However, as it is noted in the previous section, the water resource of the country is being
adversely impacted by decreasing precipitation and heat/ dry spells due to cc and
variability. As studies indicated, the country has been experiencing recurring droughts
and flashes and seasonal river floods. Therefore, climate change adaptation for
agricultural cropping systems requires a higher resilience against both excess of water
(due to high intensity rainfall) and lack of water (due to extended drought
periods). Accordingly in an effort to address the problems of recurring climate
variability conditions and food insecurity, the woreda office of agriculture engaged
in variety of water harvesting programs to supplement the rain fed agriculture and
there by address drought and food shortages.

According to the information from experts of the woreda agricultural office, the office
has been trying to introduce and accomplish various adaptation strategies in response to
water shortage due to climate change and variability. Some of these are, constructing
rain water harvesting pools, localized pumping, either from a surface water source (river,
stream, lake or dam or groundwater (borehole/shallow wells/springs), using manual or
motorized pumps and various on-farm water application methods), Gravity schemes
using water diverted from upstream rivers / streams/ dams and delivered to cropped
area either through open canals or pipes, and applied either by surface irrigation or
pressurized systems .

The information from key informant interview,( experts from the woreda’s ARDO) noted
that farmers are not aware of the benefit they could earn if they used various agricultural
technologies , inputs and varieties of crop seeds to enhance yield per a plot of land. So
that, they simply complain as if there is no profit even if they used all technologies and

Figure .4.12. A photo Showing farm pond in one of surveyed kebeles.

4.4.3. CBA and Related Issues

As it has been noted in the previous section, CBA, as new adaptation approach comprises
various socio-economic aspects and adaptation strategies to enhance pro-poor policy
formulation and implementation. Many studies indicated that, there are two major themes
of CBA to CC and variability, i.e., increasing social and economic resilience of

Social Resilience of Communities

As far as social resilience is concerned, members of the FGD reported that, the woreda’s
office of agriculture and rural developments is trying to provide climate information, but
this is minimal when compared with the adverse effect that they are suffering from the
existing CC and variability.

One of the FGD participants reported that:

“If societies are to build adaptive capacity and climate resilient

livelihood, it is imperative to create institutional connection and
provide awareness creation trainings to local community and
development agents so as to bring behavioral changes to wars

Economic resilience

The second major theme of community based adaptation to climate change / variability is
building economic resilience of communities in response to the existing local climate
change and variability effects on their livelihoods. Thus, economic resilience intends to
enhance the following themes such as equity, diversification of livelihoods, availability
of modern technologies and infrastructure to build resilience and adaptive capacity in the
face of climate change and variability.


The introduction of new technologies resulting for example in more sustainable

production methods, improved soil and water management practices or increased
diversification suggested that technological adaptations are key when it comes to risk
reduction and food security. With respect to technological services, HHHs were asked
whether they get early warning climate forecast by SWoARD. Accordingly (72%) of
them responded that they are receiving early warning information, while (28%) them
replied ‘no’. According to the information of SWARDO, the office is working to provide
new agricultural technologies which enable farmers to practice sustainable production
and it bore a good fruit in some kebeles such as Benara, where farmers were able to use
improved soil and water management practices and produced encouraging yields of
various crops, fruits, vegetables for the first time.

Access to Credit services

According to the survey data, almost all (88.5%) of the HHHs replied ‘NO’ and (28%) of
them responded ‘Yes’ for the question which was stated “Do you have access to get
credits from institutions to deal with climate related shocks or hazards?”. This clearly
shows that farmers’ adaptation efforts to the changing climatic is being constrained by
shortage of access to credit services in the woreda.

Equity and justice, or ‘fairness’ (Beg et al., 2002), in climate change can be considered in
terms of processes, which largely relate to emissions issues, and outcomes, that relate to
impacts, vulnerability and adaptation. Justice can also be considered to have distributive
and procedural (Pavola and Adger, 2002), where the former relates to the distribution of
benefits and adverse affects of climate change across society. In this respect , the
information ( response) of DAs is contrary to that of farmers ,( women and elderly)
whom I interviewed , as they have complained as if there is no equity Not only in the
distribution of food aids but also in the selection for safety net projects.


Many studies on climate policy highlight a strong interrelation of adaptive capacity and
governance as an innovative form of government: “Interventions in social–ecological
systems immediately confront issues of governance” (Lebel et al, 2006: 19). Adaptation
policy has to handle questions such as: Who decides what should be adapted? For whom
is adaptation to be managed, and for what purpose?

With respect to the interrelation between governance and adaptive capacity, experts,
officials from soro woreda agricultural and rural development office and development
agents as well, reported similar views. They noted out that, previously every community
based work had been under taken by the sole directives and order of the woreda (top-
bottom). But now, it is both top to bottom and bottom – top approach, peasants are also
participating in planning, implementing and decision making.


5. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1. Summary

The international consensus of the scientific society led by IPCC, agreed that the global
temperature is increasing and the main cause of this is the accumulation of CO2 and
other GHGs. The negative effects of CC and variability are threatening to reverse
development strives in many parts of the world, especially in SSA. In the coming
decades, global CC will have a serious threat on food and water security.

Ethiopia’s agricultural sector is heavily dependent on natural rain fall (rain fed
agriculture).Though agriculture is the back bone of Ethiopia’s economy; it has been
adversely impacted by various extreme weather events. In the past he country
experienced several drought and flooding due to climate change and variability. Thus this
study intended to assess the effects of climate change on rural livelihood and their
adaptation methods in Soro Woreda, Hadiya zone, in SNNPR of Ethiopia. The main
findings of the research are summarized below.

 From the whole surveyed HHHs, 64.6% depend on crop production, 19% on
livestock production and few of them practice other off-farm activities. However,
majority of the respondents posses a land size which extends from 0-0.5 ha to
1hh, while very few of the respondents posses a land holding of 0.75ha to 3ha.

 Increase in temperature, uncertain rain fall, droughts, erratic rain fall and flooding
and decrease in river volume are mentioned as the major indicators of cc and
variability. Crop yield reduction, shortage of grazing land, hailstorms and loss of
livestock are mentioned as the most frequently affecting negative effects of
climate change and variability. The decrease in crop yield and livestock
production are attributed to highly un predictable rain fall , late onset and early
offset of rain fall, low fertility of the land, absence modern technology and

agricultural inputs apart from this, shortage of water, loss of livestock due to lack
of fodder, pests and diseases , dry spells are mentioned.

According to the survey data, drought, flooding, pests and diseases and rain
variability are main drivers of vulnerability of the community to CC. Other
factors such as sex, age and wealth status also contribute to vulnerability. And the
major causes for the above shock have also been suggested by respondents.

These causes include, deforestation, less fertility of the farm lands, land use
change / land cover and absence of sustainable agricultural practices.

 The major coping mechanisms used by respondents include; eating less,( reducing
frequency of meal), borrowing from relatives, sale of livestock, receiving food
aid etc. With regard to livestock production, HHHs have listed out various coping
mechanisms following agro ecologic condition of their respective kebeles.
Accordingly, Danetora and Bambo kebeles, majority of the respondents used
decreasing the number of livestock, while in 1st Hanqota, sale of old animals and
herd mobility account the highest share. Other coping mechanisms such as
livestock diversification, seasonal migration, herd mobility cattle fattening are
practiced in a limited basis.

 According to the finding of the study, adaptation in the woreda is taking place in
house hold community and institutional level. At house hold level, use of new
varieties of seeds, irrigation in a very limited basis, inter cropping, receiving aid
are practiced. At the community level, various woreda initiated adaptation actions
are being practiced. Some of these are SWC activities, a forestation, developing
springs and construction of roads etc. To fill food gap of chronically food insecure
families, the woreda government is employing productive safety net programme.
In response to water shortage, the woreda agricultural office has been
implementing adaptation strategies such as water harvesting pools, localized and
motorized pumps.

As the major themes of CBA to CC/ variability, key informants were asked about
the presence and application of social and economic resilience of the community,
technology, equity and governance issues etc. Therefore, they noted that
previously all the above themes were not implemented, but since recent past, even
though it is not in its significant level there are improvements in the inclusion of
all themes of CBA.

 Poverty ( shortage of money), lack of awareness, volatility of price, shortage of

infrastructure, absence of markets in nearby areas are considered as the major
problems of farmers adaptation to CC/ variability.

5.2. Conclusion

The result of the study shows that, climate variability (Rainfall) is a major driver of
vulnerability in the woreda .The amount and timing of the rain fall in the area is very
variable, both maximum and minimum temperature consistently increasing from year to
year. This is affecting agricultural practices (crop production and livestock rearing) which
are very sensitive to climate change and variability.

The livelihood problem in the study area is exacerbated by ever increasing population
number, shortage of agricultural land, degraded environment, (decreasing fertility of soil,
high poverty of the communities.

Because of climate variability induced shocks and population growth the vegetation
cover and grazing areas of the woreda has deteriorated and finally it caused shortage in
livestock feeding and decrease in cattle production. There is irregularity in the timing of
rainfall which in turn affecting the cropping pattern and the whole process of crop

Generally farmers in the study area are very vulnerable due to climate induced shocks
and low adaptive capacity of the community to CC and variability. Other variables like
poorness, landlessness or having infertile land, large family size, and the like increased
the vulnerability of households among the society.
The current adaptation strategies that the local people used are not planned, coordinated
and not sufficient to. So that it could not fully support the local people to sustain their
life. Even though the woreda government institutions are trying to take some intervention
measures, it faces several short comings like institutional inter- connectedness, equity,
efficient governance etc. Therefore it is not as such efficient to overcome the existing
climate related problem in the area.

5.3. Recommendation

Based on the nature and finding of the study, the following intervention measures are
recommended so as to enhance resilience and adaptive capacity of the society. These
measures include;

 Even though, the local people perceived CC and variability in their locality, their
knowledge on how to adapt is not sufficient. Therefore, rising awareness about
CC effect and how to use modern agricultural technologies is imperative to
increase adaptive capacity of the farmers.

 Maintaining agricultural resilience through agro-forestry

Agricultural sustainability is often enhanced through eco-system diversity.

Therefore, efforts should be made to increase use of inter-cropping and planting
Inset, which is the most drought resistant and staple food in the study area. This
could help to maintain soil fertility through decomposition of litter and manure.

 Restoring the degraded ecosystem in which the local farmers depend for their
livelihoods, by applying various mechanisms such as forestation, reforestation,
protection of water bodies from pollution, encouraging local farmers to protect
soil erosion using various SWC technologies must be applied if the degraded
environment has to be rehabilitated. With respect to shortage of water, various
communities based works, such as developing springs, digging water wells,
supplying manual and motorized pumps so as to pump recharging underground

water, protecting wet lands from any pollution, building rain water harvesting
pools, and like have to be accomplished.

 Distributing Climate risks to different sources of income; this can be achieved

through diversifying income of the HHs to different sources. If farmers are
depending only on agriculture, they could easily be sensitive to and affected by
the adverse effects of climate change and variability. Therefore, encouraging local
farmers to get engaged in various occupations which may be under taken low
capital such as bee keeping, poultry and other off farm activates other than
agriculture is worthwhile to resilience.

 Access to credit and investment is considered as one of the several factors that can
affect adaptive capacity of HHs. Thus, to minimize the effects of CC, the young
and women should get access to credit to invest in farm and off farm activities.

 As noted by several studies, women headed HHs, the poor, children and elder
people are disproportionately affected by climate related extreme events. These
people are vulnerable to climate change and its adverse effects, partly because,
they reside in areas which are prone to extreme events. Therefore, every
development plans need to be designed taking in to account the most vulnerable
section of the society and DRR strategies that could minimize the risk related with
climate variability.

 Given the shortcomings of individuals (autonomous) and national (top- bottom)

adaptation plans, more effective adaptation methods (CBA) that link bottom-up
action with top-bottom strategies are required. Therefore, group based approach,
which requires collective action and social capital, integrates local knowledge and
perception of climate change, emphasizes local decision making, communities’
priorities and needs, improves poverty reduction and livelihoods should be
implemented and then evaluated against the cited goals.

 Building the capacity of rural community through;

 Providing effective level of fertilizer with reasonable price.

 Providing training to practitioner and facilitating modern livestock

breeding practices.

 Maximizing employment opportunities

 Improving infrastructure (roads, markets, schooling storage and

distribution and extension services) and the like.

Finally, further studies which could address the adaptation and coping mechanisms, and
the existing challenges in various agro ecological conditions should be conducted so as to
provide more options to policy formulation and enhance sustainability of livelihood of
rural community in the face of changing environment.


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Addis Ababa University
College of social sciences and Humanities

Department of Geography and Environmental Studies

Appendix I: Introduction
My name is Astawsegn zeleke. I am a master’s student in Addis Ababa University
studying Geography and Environmental studies (climate change and adaptation stream). I
am doing my thesis on: the Effects of climate change and variability on rural livelihoods
and responses in soro woreda, Hadiya Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia. Thus, I would like to
express my appreciation in advance for your cooperation in giving me your time and
being committed for the success of this work.

I. General characteristics of respondents

1. General

1.1 Name of the kebele--------------------------------------

1.2 Farmer’s name ------------------------------------------- (Not compulsory)

1.3. Date of interview----------------------------------------

1.4. Enumerator’s name -------------------------------------------- signature-----------------

Checked by ------------------------------------- ------------signature ----------------------

2 Socio-economic and demographic characters ices

2.1 Sex of household: Male------------ Female------------------

2.2 Family size----------------------------

2.3. Marital status: Single……….married----------Divorced------------widowed--------

2.4, What is your educational level?

A. Primary school C. Secondary School

B. Capable to read and write D. Illiterate E. above grade 12

3. What is your means of livelihood or how do you get your livelihood?( multiple response is

A. Livestock rearing C. Renting out land

B. Agriculture (Crop production) D. working as daily laborer,

E. petty trade F. Other (specify).

4. Do you have another source of livelihood other than Agriculture (off farm
activity)? Yes----------------------------No……………………………

5. If your answer to Q 7 is ‘yes’, what could be that activity, Please specify

A. Bee keeping B. Petty trade C. working as laborer

D. working hand crafts E. others specify

6. Do you hold land? Yes ------------------------------No------------------------------

7. If your answer for Q, NO 6, is ‘yes’, how much is the total size of your land?,
Hectare/ ---------------------------------------------------Timad,---------------------------------

8. Do you have livestock (domestic animals)? Yes ----------------- No ------------------

if yes, how many livestock do you own?

Animal type Number of Animals

Before 10 years 2006 E.C







Others ( specify)

Appendix I. ( A).Climate change/ variability and
community vulnerability
1. What is your perception about climate change/ variability of your kebele?

A. There is climate variability C. The climate has not changed (it is


B. The climate has totally changed D. I have no idea

2. If your answer to Q No, 1 is ‘the climate has changed/ show variability’, what are the
local indicators of the observed climate change?

A, un predictable rain fall C. Recurrent drought

B. increase in temperature D. Hail storms E, Decrease in river volume. F.

3. What are the major challenges that climate change/ variability posed on your

A. Shortage of pasture land C. Loss of livestock

B. crop yield reduction D. flooding E. Drought E. Others (specify).

4. How do you perceive the temperature pattern of your locality or Village?

A. Increased B. decreased C. No observable change. D, Other specify.

5. Is there a change in the timing of rain in your area? Yes No

6. If your answer is ‘Yes’, how do you characterize it?

A. comes early and goes late. C. Comes and goes early

B. Comes late and goes early

7. If your answer for Q N6, is comes late and goes early, what changes have you
observed in crop production?

A. decrease in crop yield C. No change in production

B. Increase in crop yield D. Decrease of long cycle crops

E. Others

8. Are you vulnerable to such problems like economic shocks, health, price

Yes------------------------ NO, ----------------------------

9. If yes, which one of the following affects your life?

1. Drought 2. Disease 3.High price of goods and commodities 4. Food


5. Shortage of water supply 6. Others

10. Do your household get sufficient water in the whole year? Yes------------No-----------

11. What is the source of water for your household?

A. Rivers (Stream) C. pounds

B. Protected springs D. Unprotected springs E. pipe lines F.


12. Do you think that livestock production has increased or decreased in your village or

Increased Decreased

13. If your answer for Q No7 is decreased, what do you think is the reason?

A. Livestock disease C. shortage of water for animals

B. Shortage of grazing land D. high temperature. E. others Wh1at,


14. Have you ever faced any climate related disaster over the last ten years?

Yes No

15. If your answer for Question No14, is ‘yes’, what type of climate shock is your

A. Recurrent drought C. Crop pests and diseases

B. Erratic rain fall & flooding D. Rain fall variability E. others

16. What do you think is the main cause for the climate change related problem that you
specified in Q NO, 15?

A. Deforestation C. low fertility of land
B. Change in land use and land cover D. Absence of sustainable farming
system E. Others (specify).

17. What was the main source of feed for your livestock before 10 years?

A. grazing pasture C, steam of Inset plant

B. Crop residues D. others,

18. What is your main source of animal feed at the present time?


19. What do you think is the possible adaptation methods to minimize the impacts of
climate variability on your livelihood?

A. Applying new cropping system and irrigation C. Safety net program

B. Diversification of crops and Livestock D. Planting grass cover. E.

Migration F. Use of early maturing crops G.
Others (specify).

20. Which group of the society is most impacted by and vulnerable to climate change
and variability?

A. Female headed households B. Male headed house holds

C. Land less and the poor D. elderly and children

21. Based on your answer to question NO 20, why do you think, you are more vulnerable
to the impact of climate variability?

A. Lack of information on climate and weather variability C, weak social capital

B. Poverty to cope the shocks easily D. Poor administration

E. Others (specify).

B. Adaptation methods to impacts of climate change and variability

1. What is the shared property of your locality or your area?

A, Pasture land, C. Water resource

B. Forest D. Others.( specify)

2. Have you observed any climate change or variability impacts on resource you
mentioned in Question, NO, 2…? Yes, --------------------------- NO, ---------------------

3. Which type of impacts did you observe?

A. Drying up of water,( rivers) C. shrinkage of pasture land

B. Forest fire, D. Disintegration of roads E,

4. Did you take any community based measure to overcome the observed climate change/
variability impacts?

Yes---------------- No, -----------------------

5. If yes, what is that measure you have taken to overcome climate variability problem?

A. planting trees (aforestation) C. protecting water reservoirs

B. Building flood protection features (ditches) D. constructing roads E. Others

6. What are major coping strategies you used to overcome climate change / variability
impacts on livestock production?

A. Increase livestock diversification

B. Seasonal migration with your cattle in search of pasture & water

C. Sale of weak and old animals before the dry season.

D. Decreasing the number of livestock

E. cattle fattening F, Others (specify).

7. Adaptation strategies, you used to overcome climate change / variability impacts

related with crop production?

A. Receiving aid from safety net B, using new varieties of crops

C. Inter- cropping system D, wise storage of crops


E, Intensive irrigation F,Others (specify).

8. Adaptation related with shortage of water?

A. Rain water harvesting C. Use of recharging ground

B. Expanding irrigable farm D. Use of reservoirs and ponds

E. Others (specify).

9, how do you manage to cope with some of your problems related with vulnerability?

A. Reducing number of meals C, by getting remittance from relatives

B. Through loan D. sell of livestock E. Renting of land

F. By membership social institutions G. by getting aid H. Others (specify)

10. Do you have access to get credits from institutions during climate related hazards?
Yes---------------- No-------------------

11. Do you get early warning information before the occurrence of climate related

‘Yes’------------------ NO ---------------------

12. If yes, who do you think is responsible in disseminating information before the
occurrence of hazards?

A, local institutions,( Ikub, debo). B. NGOs

C. Local government institutions D. Others( specify)

13. What are the major problems that hinder you to adapt impacts of climate change/
variability on your livelihoods?

A. Lack of accessibility to infrastructure (roads, FTCs, etc) C. Low and fluctuation of


B. Poor market accessibility D. shortage of money E. lack of awareness

F. Others (multiple answers is possible)

14. What do you think are the locally feasible coping mechanisms that should be adopted
to reduce climate change / variability impacts on livelihoods?


15. What must the local GOs must do to reduce impacts of CC and variability on
livelihoods, DRR and poverty reduction?


16 .Are there locally formed social, legal and cultural norms (institutions) that could be
used to perceive or distribute climate change impacts across different social groups?

Yes------------------- No-----------------------

17. If your answer for question no 16 is yes, please specify the institutions with the
service they offer


Appendix, II
 Interview Questions for Focus Group discussions (FGD)
1. What do you think are the local indicators of Climate variability or change in your
2. Do you think climate change or variability posed negative effects on your
livelihood? If Yes, Please explain it.
3. What are the more vulnerable livelihood sectors in your Keble (peasant
4. Is there any change on water, grazing land, the quality of pasture and arable land
over the past years in your village? Please
5. What do you think is the major causes for the changes on the resources mentioned
6. Do you think any measure to avert climate change or variability? Who should
have the main responsibilities to do this?
7. Is there any change on livestock number, composition and feeding of your
8. How do you perceive your crop production? Increasing ----------------------------
--------- decreasing ---------------------------------------
9. How do you cope up or adopt the impacts of impacts of climate change /
variability on your livelihood?
10. Have there been climate extremes (drought and flooding)In the last 20 years?
Which one is your main concern?
11. Have you ever been participated in community based environmental participation
in your Keble?
12. What are the main challenges that hinder your coping mechanisms?
13. What is the role of traditional institutions in coping climate related hazards?

Appendix III

A Check list for Key informant Interviews with experts from SWARD
office and DAs

1. Name ---------------------------------------

2. Position/profession-------------------------------------

3. Is there any form of climate change or variability in your woreda/district? If, ‘Yes’,
please explain it------------------------------------------------------------
4. What o you think is the impacts of climate variability on the livelihoods of farmers?

5. Who are more vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change and vulnerability?

6. What are the local coping mechanisms used to reduce current climate elated risks and
adapt to the future climate change?

7. What is the role of institutions like GOs, NGOs, in facilitating adaptation to climate
change in your woreda/

8. are the local GOs working in integration with agencies in Zonal, regional and
national adaptation programs( NAPAS)? If, not why?

9. Do local communities take part in making decisions with regard to adaptation

mechanisms and how to implement CBA in woreda level? If, yes, how / please explain it.
If not why Please explain it.

10. What are the main challenges to undertake CBA to climate change in your woreda, ?
And how do you think it can be improved?


I , the undersigned declare that this thesis is my genuine work and that all sources
of materials used for the thesis have been duly acknowledged and I also seriously
declare that this thesis has never been presented to any other Institution anywhere
for the award of any academic degree, diploma, or certificate.

Name Astawsegn Zeleke

Signature _______________

Advisor: Aklilu Amsalu (PhD)



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