Green Planet
Green Planet
Green Planet
Mr S.K Chatterjee,
Joint Chief (Regulatory Affairs
3rd & 4th Floor, ChandralokBuilding,36,Janpath,New Delhi ll0 001
Sub: Central Electricify Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Tariff
determinationfrom RenewableEnergy Sources)(Third Amendment) Regulations,2015-
Draft Notification No. : L-I/94/CERC/2011 dated 16.04.2015
Dear Sirrl''
o Keeping in view the spirit of above said tariff regulationsand variety of biomass fuel
availabilityin Punjab,TravellingGrateBoilersareconsideredthe bestoption.All our Projects
(currently in operationand likely to commissionedduring this year) haveinstalled
Poor gradecoal availablein open market sells at aroundRs 10/- kg. High ratesof Coal, its
scarcityand high cost has forced the StateIndustry(Brick Kilns/ IndustrialBoilers etc) to
switchoverto Rice Husk and otherBiomassas fuel.
Use of Fossil fuel shall dilute the State Govt's emphasisfor maximizing the consumption
"In view of uforesuid, we ure of the opinion that use of Coul may be mude
optional und allowed only in States closer to coal mines. Panjab, being
situuted thousunds of Kms uway from Coal mines, may speciticully be
excludedfrom this provision considering logistics of uruunging coal, its scarce
uvailability & high prices, und ulso technicul reusonsexpluined ubove.
It is thus strongly recommendedthut Station Heut Rutefor Biomass Plants in
Punjub may be retuined ss 4200 Kcul/Kwh for Truvelling Grate Boilers without
useof anyfossil fueP'
ForGreenPlanetEnergyPvt Ltd
( N S Thethi)