Social Psychology

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Social Psychology

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1. Social Psycholo- The scientific study of how individuals think, feel, and
gy behave in a social context

2. dispositional at- attributing behavior to the person's traits and personality


3. situational attri- attributing behavior to the situation or external causes


4. Fundamental At- When an observer overestimates the influence of per-

tribution Error sonality & underestimate the influence of situations on
(FAE) another person's behavior

5. self-serving bias people's tendency to attribute positive events to their own

character but attribute negative events to external factors.

6. Attitudes feelings (influences by beliefs) that predispose our reac-

tions to objects, people, and events

7. central route per- persuasion based on evidence, arguments & practical

suasion judgments; More endurable & more likely to influence

8. peripheral route persuasion based on emotions & gimmicks; Fast persua-

persuasion sion

9. foot-in-the-door Tendency for people who have first agreed to a small

phenomenon request to comply later with a larger request

10. door-in-the-face Start w/ big request & get denied, and then ask for a
phenomenon smaller request and get people to give in.

11. Role a set of expectations (norms) about a social position,

defining how those in the position ought to behave

12. Cognitive disso- the mental conflict a person experiences when their beliefs
nance and behaviors conflict with one another. This inconsisten-
cy between what people believe and how they behave mo-
tivates people to engage in actions that will help minimize
the state of dissonance.
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13. Conformity Adjusting one's behavior or thinking to coincide with a

group standard.

14. Normative social influence resulting from a person's desire to gain approval
influence or avoid disapproval

15. Informational so- influence resulting from one's willingness to accept others'
cial influence opinions about reality

16. Obedience changing one's behavior at the command of an authority


17. Social facilitation the tendency to perform simple or well-learned tasks bet-
ter in the presence of others

18. social inhibition The tendency to perform complex, difficult, or not yet
mastered tasks more poorly in the presence of others

19. Social loafing the tendency for people to put less effort into a simple task
when working with others on that task.

20. Deindividuation the loss of self-awareness and self-restraint occurring in

group situations that foster arousal and anonymity

21. Group polariza- the exaggeration of initial tendencies in the thinking of

tion group members through group discussion

22. Groupthink A situation in which group members seek unanimous

agreement despite their individual doubts

23. False consensus Tendency to overestimate how much other people agree
effect with us

24. Prejudice an unjustifiable (and usually negative) attitude toward a

group and its members

25. Stereotype A generalized (sometimes accurate but often overgener-

alized) belief about a group of people

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26. Discrimination unjustifiable negative behavior toward a group and its

27. Ingroup "Us"—people with whom we share a common identity.

28. Outgroup "them" - those perceived as different or apart from our


29. Ingroup bias the tendency to favor our own group over others, whether
justified or not.

30. Out-group homo- the tendency to see outgroup members as being pretty
geneity bias much all alike and ingroup members as more diverse

31. Scapegoat theo- the theory that prejudice offers an outlet for anger by
ry providing someone to blame

32. Other-race effect the tendency to recall faces of one's own race more accu-
rately than faces of other races

33. Just-world phe- the tendency for people to believe the world is just and that
nomenon people therefore get what they deserve and deserve what
they get (leads to victim-blaming).

34. Aggression any physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt or destroy

35. Frustration-ag- the principle that frustration- the blocking of an attempt

gression to achieve some goal- creates anger which can generate
principle aggression

36. Social script a series of behaviors, actions, and consequences that are
expected in a particular situation or environment

37. Mere-exposure the tendency for liking to increase with the frequency of
effect exposure

38. Passionate love an aroused state of intense positive absorption in another,

usually present at the beginning of a love relationship


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Companionate the deep affectionate attachment we feel for those with
love whom our lives are intertwined

40. Equity a condition in which people receive from a relationship in

proportion to what they give to it

41. Self-disclosure the act of revealing intimate aspects of oneself to others

42. Altruism unselfish regard for the welfare of others

43. Bystander effect the tendency for any given bystander (person) to be less
likely to give aid if other bystanders (people) are present

44. Diffusion of re- as the number of bystanders increases, the personal re-
sponsibility sponsibility that an individual bystander feels decreases

45. Social exchange the theory that our social behavior is an exchange
theory process, the aim of which is to maximize benefits and
minimize costs

46. Reciprocity norm an expectation that people will help those who have
helped them

47. Social-responsi- an expectation that people will help those dependent upon
bility norm them

48. Social trap a situation in which the conflicting parties, by each pursu-
ing their self-interest, become caught in mutually destruc-
tive behavior

49. Mirror-image per- mutual views often held by conflicting people, as when
ceptions each side sees itself as ethical and peaceful and the other
side as evil and aggressive

50. Self-fulfilling a belief that leads to its own fulfillment


51. Superordinate shared goals that override differences among people and
goals require their cooperation


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