Vlave Stem Leack Tightness Method PDF
Vlave Stem Leack Tightness Method PDF
Vlave Stem Leack Tightness Method PDF
Community Research
BCR Information
Project report
Applied Metrology
ber information
Neles Automation
European Sealing Association
Association Française des Industries de la Robinetterie
Elf Antar
Alcatel CIT
Contact: "Growth Infodesk" - European Commission, ruédela Loi, 200 (M075 3/62), B-1049 Brussels
Fax: (32-2) 296.67.57- E-mail: growth(fb,cec. eu. int - Internet: http//www.cordis.lu/growth
ISBN 92-894-0502-3
© European Communities, 2000
Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
Printed in Belgium
3. AIMS 6
4.1 Structure 7 Sniffing 8
5.1 Characterisation 12
8.3 Results 32
Unfortunately, ppmv is a not a measure of leakage rate, but rather provides an indication of
leakage severity. Thus, the requirement is lor means of "translating" both between ppmv and
leak rate and between leakage of one gas and leakage of another under similar conditions.
"Translation" between ppmv and leakage is usually accomplished by means of empirical power
law correlations. However, due to the wide range of data sources on which they are based,
scatter in the data is very broad, rendering this approach, as it stands, unsuitable for valve
qualification and QA test standards.
"Translation" between leakage rates of different gases can either adopt a similar empirical
approach or, alternatively be based on predictive relationships derived from an understanding
of which leakage mechanism predominates. Until now, little directly relevant work has been
undertaken in this area.
The work reported here provides relevant technical data and analysis to help resolve these
issues by:
Consequently, relevant standards are currently under development (9,10) covering valve leak-
tightness qualification and quality assurance testing. These define (11):
• test methods and procedures
• leak-tightness criteria
• measurement methods
The work described in this report was undertaken in a European collaborative project. The
financial support of the European Commission is gratefully acknowledged by the partners, who
Contractors: CETIM
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Historically (largely due to on-site leakage detection practice), the severity of valve stem leakage
has been assessed in terms of concentration near the leakage source, measured by a "sniffer"
device. Concentration is expressed in parts per million by volume or ppmv - often simply
designated ppm. Whilst this is not actually a measure of leakage, it is widely misunderstood to
be so, and many end-user valve test protocols specify it, because sniffing is relatively quick and
simple (hence low cost). Therefore, there are essentially two approaches to specifying leak-
tightness targets: ppmv and leakage rate (12). There are also two classes oftest gas: a safe
gas for testing purposes (helium is accepted as the most suitable) and VOCs representative of
the intended duty. Thus there are four possible combinations as the basis of any leak-tightness
test. The conflicting requirements in relation to these possibilities are represented in Fig. 1.
At present, no single combination of test gas and measurement method can satisfy all three
requirements. If there were a reliable means of translating between the basic measurements,
these conflicting requirements could be simply resolved by taking measurements in the most
convenient manner, and "converting" the results to any other desired form. For example, a
helium leak rate measurement might be taken to satisfy the ISO standard, and the result
"translated" to an equivalent ppmv of methane to satisfy an end-user's requirements.
Unfortunately, however, a straightforward conversion (as if between units, for example) is not
currently possible (13).
3. Aims
In view of the foregoing, the overall aims of the project were:
2. to clarify why simple "conversions" are not possible between results using different
measurement approaches and test gases
Method Summary
Sniffing • In demand from end-users(cte facto standard as site method)
• Quick and simple
• Not a measure of leak rate, but may correlate with leak rate
• Measurement prone to scatter
Vacuum method • Accurate
• Unambiguous
• Can be cumbersome to set up
• Possible problems with measurements from valves at elevated
• Rarely suitable for VOC measurements
Flushing • Un-tried as a localised technique
• Shows promise in theory
• Some practical issues to be evaluated
• Should be workable at elevated temperatures
• Suitable with VOCs (with appropriate flush gas)
Rate of increase of • Avoids the use of flush gas
concentration in bag • Should be suitable at elevated temperature
• Rigid "bag" results in nonlinear relationship between leak rate and rate
of increase in concentration, therefore not suitable
• Flexible bag unsuitable, because initially enclosed volume needs to be
Decay of pressure in • Conceivable as a method for a seal test fixture
test valve • Unsuitable for use on an industrial valve of typical size
• Cannot distinguish source of leakage (stem, bonnet, end flanges or test
Bubble capture • Possible for room temperature QA testing on smaller items
• Not suitable at cryogenic temperatures
Table 1
Following the survey of candidate methods (Table 1) it was decided to use the "vacuum method"
as a reference for the determination of leak rate, and to concentrate on the evaluation of
"sniffing" and the "flush method" (see Fig. 2)
Valve To detector
b) vacuum method
To detector
c) flushing Sniffing
As already mentioned, sniffing does not provide a direct measure of leakage rate, but may be
correlated with it. Whilst some sniffers read out in flow rate units and others in concentration
units (see Section 6.2), results of the sniffing tests are expressed in terms of ppmv, to avoid any
possibility of confusing a sniffer reading with a leakage rate. The focus of the investigation was
the quantification of the scatter in the correlation between the sniffer reading and the leak rate.
A series of tests was conducted, in which the following factors were systematically varied:
• detector type
• stem diameter
• valve type
• working environment
• operator
• packing type
Each factor was investigated in a test series, in which a leak rate was set by gland and/or
pressure adjustment, then maintained constant. A number of repeat readings (typically 10
repeats) of the corresponding sniffer measurement were then taken. The leak rate was changed
and re-stabilised, then repeat readings of the corresponding new sniffer measurement were
taken. This procedure was repeated at different leak rates. Next, the factor that was being
investigated in the particular test series was changed, and the procedure repeated. The scope
oftest variables is summarised in Table 2.
Test gas Mostly Helium, (plus some methane in "Packing type" test series)
Leakage rate range ir/'toirratm.cnv'.s" 1
Valve types Rising stem and rotary (see note 1 )
Valve sizes 2", 3", 4", 6" nominal pipe size (see note 1)
Packing types PTFE and graphite (4 to 7rings),braided and V-ring, some with end rings
Detector types Helium mass spectrometer for "vacuum method" leak measurement
Helium sniffers: 3 models in "detector type" test series, but one more at a different
site in another test series;
Methane sniffers: 1
Wind speeds 0, 0.5,1.0 and 1.5 m.s'1
Operators 3 in "operator" test series, but 2 more at other sites for other test series
Note 1:4" Class 300 gate valveforall tests except "valve type" and "stem size" test series
Concentration, C
Flush gas regulator Detector
supply Flow rate Qp
Qf + Q, = Qp
In initial evaluation tests, variants of the flush method were tested for accuracy against
measurements taken by the vacuum method, as reference with no adjustment to the valve
between the two measurement methods. The impact of factors thought likely to affect accuracy
was also investigated. The scope of these tests is defined in Table 3. A very limited data set
was produced, but sufficient to indicate the most accurate variant for subsequent confirmatory
tests, in which a larger data set was produced. The scope of these tests is defined in Table 4.
The test sequence for the helium tests involved: first setting a gland load and temperature whilst
stepping up through four pressures, measuring leakage rate at each step, then repeating this
sequence at each of four temperatures, then repeating the entire sequence at each of three
gland loads. The VOC tests, conducted for each of three different hydrocarbons, involved a
similar sequence, but at fewer combinations of pressure, temperature and gland load. The
scope of these tests is defined in Table 6. In order to test proposed relationships between VOC
leak rate and ppmv, a sniffer-based measurement was taken for each VOC leakage
5. Flushing: evaluation
5.1 Characterisation
The expected behaviour of the flush method was analysed (12). For best measurement
accuracy, detector probe flow rate must be several orders of magnitude greater than the
maximum anticipated leakage rate. If the "blow-through" approach is used, flush gas flow rate
should be substantially greater than the detector probe flow rate. Under these ideal conditions,
the following relationship:
Q I,indicate J ~ ^ Q f (1)
Q leakage rate
C measured concentration
Qf flush gas flow rate
For the "suck-through" approach, flush gas flow rate is determined by the rate at which the
detector pulls air through the system from the surroundings. This may be assumed equal to the
probe flow rate, Qp.
Predictable deviations from this relationship arise from air dilution when the flush gas flow rate
is less than the probe flow rate, and when the leakage flow rate becomes a significant fraction
of the probe flow rate. These deviations are shown in Fig. 4.
/ Q,/Qp = 10"3
Qi/Qp = 10'2
/ , /
Qi/Qp = 1
σ 0.8
Here, the horizontal axis is flush gas flow rate, normalised by probe flow rate. The vertical axis
is the leak rate as indicated by equation 1 normalised with respect to the actual leak rate. For
high accuracy, this value should equal 1. Therefore Fig. 4 shows that a well-designed flush
measurement set-up must use a flush gas flow rate greater than the detector probe flow rate.
It must also use a detector whose probe flow rate is at least two orders of magnitude greater
than the maximum anticipated leak rate.
The rationale and scope of these tests is outlined in Section 4.3.1 and Table 3. Results were
shown in ref. 12 in a format that makes a comparison with the expected behaviour of Fig. 4.
They are summarised in Table 7.
Since the vacuum method cannot be usedforVOCs, a reliable alternative had to be used for
VOC leak rate measurement elsewhere in the research project. "Blow-through" flushing with a
bottled flush gas was identified above as the most accurate alternative and therefore as
potentially suitable. Additional confirmatory tests were therefore conducted, in helium (as
detailed in Section 4.3.1 and Table 4), to enable quantification of error against the vacuum
method, as reference. The results are summarised in Fig. 5.
The mean error was approximately 25%, but this was heavily biased by larger errors at the
higher leak rates. Further investigation suggested instrument problems associated with the
vacuum method readings at the highest leak rates. For this reason, the median error from the
51 observations was thought to be a better indicator of accuracy. This was 10.4%, confirming
that the flush method is a safe method to use for the range of leak rates studied here.
1000000 J
Detector A
I 100000 Χ—""* * »0 m/s wind speed
9- 10000 ■ Detector Β > *9^^ Ι ■ 0.5 m/s wind speed
E 1.0 m/s wind speed
•a α
Detector C α. 100
I · 1.5 m/s wind speed
M • - ISO Class D 1 ñ — 0 m/s (best fit)
0) (Λ 10
E re 1 ^-—j-· 0.5 m/s (best fit)
• · ISO Class C α
1 • "", · · 1.0 m/s (best fit)
1.0E-04 1.0E-03 1.0E-02 1.0E-01 • - 1 . 5 m/s (best fit)
leak rate (atm.cm .s )
s —
01 · ,
1.0E-03 1.0E-02 1.0E-01
|10000 Wedge Graphite Q.
D. 32-35 mm stem dia.
α Ό
£ 1000 Ss
• Die Formed braided
100 19-20 mm stem dia.
ΙΛ ι
— Die-formed braided
ro best fit
ro — 25-26 mm stem dia.
o graphite (best tit) 10
E 100 Wedge graphite (best best fit
fit) — 32-35 mm stem dia.
— Die-formed braided 1 best fit
PTFE (best fit)
1.E-04 1.E-03 1.E-02 1.E-01 1.E+00
1.E-05 1.E-04 1.E-03 1.E-02 1.1 - Power (3+2 Graphite
leak rate (atm.cm3.s'1) Rings) leak rate (atm.cm3.s ')
it should be clear from these results that there is no general or universal correlation between
sniffed concentration (ppmv) and valve stem leak rate. However, much can be said about the
reasons why this is so. These lie in an appreciation of what a sniffer actually measures.
Consider the following:
1. Only a fraction of the valve leakage finds its way into the probe: this fraction is not known a
priori and is not a quantity that is easy to predict. This is equally true of sniffer-based
detectors that measure flow rate (such as a mass spectrometer in sniffer mode) and those
that measure concentration.
2. A concentration-based detector measures concentration of the test gas in the probe: for a
given flow rate oftest gas into the probe, the balance of the total flow is made up of ambient
air, which provides more or less dilution. The measured concentration is therefore also
dependent on the total gasflowrate drawn into the detector.
A flow rate-based sniffer detector will read out directly in units of flow rate such as atm.cm3.s'1.
The reading, however, is not a measure of the leak rate, but rather of the probe uptake, Qtp, of
the leaking gas. This will only be some fraction, η, of the test gas leakage rate, Q,,|. Thus:
&,=[-W (2)
gives leakage rate from test measurement.
The quantity η, we have provisionally denoted "sniffing factor". It is not a constant: in the tests
described in Section 6.1, above, the value of η was found to range between 0.1% and 35% over
three detectors and a range of packing types, valve types and sizes. It also appears to depend
significantly on the leakage rate being measured. These dependencies are the reason both for
the nonlinearity of correlations between ppmv and leak rate (which are usually expressed as a
best fit power law) and for their inherent unpredictability.
Qlp=QpA0^.ppmv (4)
The quantity Qp is a constant for a given detector, and is directly measurable. This quantity is
responsible for the major dependence of measured ppmv on detector type for a given leakage
demonstrated in Fig. 6.
Combining this deterministic relationship with the empirical relationship of equation 2 gives:
α.,=ιο- Q^ ppmv (5)
Comparing equations 2 and 5, we can see that to obtain leakage rate from a concentration-
based sniffer detector, two factors (probe flow rate and sniffing factor) are required, whereas to
obtain leakage rate from a flow rate-based sniffer detector only the sniffing factor is required.
With the foregoing clearly understood, the effects of the factors investigated as possible causes
of scatter can be readily explained. As just discussed, the first order effect of "detector type" is
explained in relation to the probe flow rate. All the other factors considered have a greater or
lesser effect on the fraction of the leakage flow rate drawn into the sniffer probe.
Clearly, the ventilation of the working environment has a huge effect, because significant air
currents around the valve blow the leaking gas away and predominate over any probe suction
currents except those extremely close to the probe tip. Therefore only a tiny fraction is drawn into
the probe. This is illustrated in Fig. 12.
The "sniffing distance" effect mentioned in note 1 to Table 8 and arising from the "valve type"
factor, is explained in terms of the dispersion of test gas leaking from a local "hot spot". The
greater the "sniffing distance" the more test gas will escape to atmosphere and the smaller the
fraction reaching the probe.
The "packing type", we saw influenced whether leakage was localised or uniformly distributed.
Where it was more localised, a greater fraction is drawn into the probe.
The conventional approach is the use of power law correlations to estimate a leak rate from a
measured ppmv value. Whilst a large body of empirical data is available to support such
correlations, the fact that it comes from such a wide range of gases, detector types and working
environments (most of it is site data), means that scatter is large. To illustrate this point, let us
consider the entire data set arising only from the experiments described in Section 6.1. This is
illustrated in Fig. 13. Fig. 14 shows the spread of data taken with just one detector at zero wind
speed over a range of packing type, valve type and size. Comparison shows that the 95%
confidence interval on the power law correlation can be reduced from a factor of 260 to a factor
of 3.4 above and below the line of best fit.
1000000 -r
> 100000
10000 -
E 1000 -
0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 1.0E-04 1.0E-03 1.0E-O2 1.0E-01 1.0E+00
3 1
leak rate (atm.cm3.s ') leak rate (atm.cm .s )
"Relationship based on
126907X1 average sniffing factor
0.9545 '95% confidence upper
limit on power law
0.0001 0.001 0.01 01 correlation
'95% confidence lower limit
leak rate (atm.cm .s' ) on power law correlation
Fig.15 - Helium data for one valve type and size, one
packing type, one detector, zero wind speed
Note that the exponent of the power law correlation, indicated on Fig. 15, is very close to 1,
suggesting near proportionality between ppmv and leak rate. This supports the notion of
"sniffing factor" discussed above. Following this observation, an average "sniffing factor" was
calculated for all helium test data using this detector (12% in this case). Using this detector's
probe flow rate and the average "sniffing factor", the relationship between ppmv and leak rate
given by equation 5 is also plotted on Fig. 15. It is almost indistinguishable from the power law
correlation. This is to be expected, since it is derived from the same well-specified data set.
However, it illustrates the use of a relationship based on sniffing factor as an alternative to an
empirical correlation.
A better indication of the more general usefulness of the sniffing factor approach may be
obtained from the zero wind-speed data derived from the more wide-ranging experiments
described in Section 6.1.
By comparing measured leak rate with leakage calculated from the sniffer-based ppmv reading
and the sniffing factor averaged across all zero wind-speed data for that sniffer, a fuller picture
can be built up of the scatter associated with this approach. This is illustrated in Fig. 16. The
location of the mean value very close to 1 reflects the accuracy of the average data, but the wide
scatter band (95% confidence interval represents a factor of about 20 around the mean) is less
encouraging. However, this needs to be compared with the scatter about the "best fit" power law
correlation derived from the same data set. This is illustrated in Fig. 17, where the 95%
confidence interval is a factor of 74 either side of the power law curve. Thus, by explicitly
allowing for probe flow rate, the use of the sniffing factor approach has reduced the 95%
confidence interval by a factor of nearly 4.
« detector 1
■ detector 2
jt 100 - * detector 3
ra • detector 4
E 10
JÉ 0.1 -
_ω ■h
O . _ 95% confidence
> 0.01 -
ω interval
0.001 1 1 1 1 1
7. Relatio
n ship between leak rates of different gases
7.1 Correlatio
n or prediction?
As with the relationship between measured ppmv and leakage rate, there are two approaches
to the relationship between leakage rates of different gases under the same conditions: empirical
correlation or theoretical prediction. Correlation (again, usually a power law relationship) has the
advantage of being based on real empirical data, but suffers from two main disadvantages in
comparison with predictive models:
1) As more data is obtained from different sources a multiplicity of correlations are published.
This risks no single relationship gaining widespread acceptance.
2) It does little to further any understanding of the physical processes underlying the correlation,
leaving the approach prone to wide scatter, whereas theoretical, predictive models, when
validated against real experimental evidence, can help suggests ways of improving
Previous work on gaskets and packings (15, 16, 17,18) suggests that, at the level of leakage
rate of interest in this study, the governing mechanism is either viscous laminar flow, molecular
flow or, in the intermediate or transitional regime, a mixure of the two.
A theoretical approach can be developed by considering the governing equations for either
laminar or molecular flow along a typical leakage channel of length L and "diameter" D. (In
practice there will be a statistical distribution of channel lengths and widths.) The flow behaviour
depends on the Knudsen number, Kn, which is the ratio of channel width, D, to molecular mean
free path, λ. When K n>100, the molecular mean free path is short compared with channel
dimensions, so gas molecules are more likely to collide with each other than with the channel
walls: viscous effects predominate and the flow regime is laminar. Here the volumetric flow rate,
Qiam of gas of viscosity, μ, is given by:
Q,am=^-iP.2-P^ (6)
where Pi and P2 are the upstream and downstream absolute gas pressures, respectively.
When Kn<0.1, the channel dimension is short compared to the mean free path so that gas
molecules are more likely to collide with the channel walls than with each other. This
characterises the molecular flow regime, in which the volumetric flow rate Qm0i of a gas of
molecular weight M at absolute temperature Tis given by:
~6Lt (7)
where R is the universal gas constant.
Considering the average behaviour over a large number of such leakage channels, where broad
&_=(^}«'-Λ:) (8)
Where narrow channels dominate leakage behaviour, theflowis mainly molecular:
Qmol ~
V m)^
(at a given temperature).
If most leakage channel dimensions are such that 0.1<Kn<100 or if there is a wide distribution
of channel dimensions, the flow behaviour is intermediate and (assuming P2 is small in
comparison to Pi) the leak rate is given by an equation of the form:
If either laminar flow or molecular flow can be shown to predominate in given circumstances,
then equations 8 and 9 provide a basis for predicting the leakage rate of one gas from that of
another under the same conditions, thus:
The rationale for these tests is given in Section 4.3.2, and the scope is outlined in Table 5.
Results will be examined using the two approaches discussed above (power law correlation and
theoretical prediction).
The basic data are plotted in Figs. 18 through 20, one diagram for each of three gland loads.
Most of these curves appear to display two distinct regions, with increasing gradient at higher
leak rate. It is not presently clear whether this gradient change is significant, or whether it
signals a change in the flow regime. It is also unclear whether this results from experimental
scatter. If a flow regime change is the cause, this may be due to the decrease in mean free path
(hence increase in Knudsen number) as pressure increases.
- Helium (valve A)
Methane (valve A)
Helium (valve B)
Ethane (valve B)
Methane (valve A)
Helium (valve B)
Ethane (valve B)
= 0 1
υ "Power (Ethane (valve B))
y = 0.0378X
S 'Power (Helium (valve A))
o R2 = 0.9688
'Power (Helium (valve B))
ξ ooi
y = 0.0014X " Power (Helium (valve B))
R2 = 0.9401 "Power (Methane (valve A))
0 . 0 ( 9 1 — — "Power (Methane (valve A))
jy=1E-04x "Power (Ethane (valve B))
I R 2 = 0.9168
—1 '00
Pressure (bar)
Methanejvalve A)1
Helium (valve B)1
Helium(valve A)1
Helium(valve A)2
Methane(valve A)2
Helium(valve B)2
Bhane(varve B)2
Pow er (HeliurrXvalve A)1)
Pow er (Helium(valve A)2)
Power (Methane(valve A)1)
Pow er (Methane(valve A)2)
Pow er (Helium (valve B) 1 )
Pow er (Helium(valve B)2)
Pow er (Bhanefvalve B) 1 )
Linear (Bhane(valve B)2)
Pressure (bar)
Fig. 19 - Leak rate vs pressure at intermediate gland load
Helium (valve A)
: Methane (valve A)
iO.001 o Helium (valve B)
2 A Ethane (valve B)
y =0.0001x°,3M
R2 = 0 5004
pressure (bar)
Fig. 20 - Leak rate vs pressure at high gland load
The discussion of Section 7.1, above, suggests several means to make statements about the
flow regime based on analysis of the test results:
1. C omparison of the test data points for a single gas and gland load with a "best fit" curve of
the form
Q = const.{p-p0) (13)
(where ρ is absolute sealed pressure and p0 is absolute atmospheric pressure), i.e. plot
leakage vs. gauge pressure and examine the extent to which it falls along a straight line
passing through the origin, indicating molecular flow. An example is given in Fig. 21, for
helium and methane in Valve A at the intermediate gland load.
2. C omparison of the test data points for a single gas and gland load with a "best fit" curve of
the form
Q = const.{p2-p¡) (14)
i.e. plot leakage vs. (p2 - p02) and examine the extent to which it falls along a straight line
passing through the origin, indicating laminar flow. An example is given in Fig. 22 for helium
and methane in Valve A at the intermediate gland load.
0.025 τ
• Helium
♦ Methane
Fig 21 - Molecular flow best fit lines: Fig. 22 - Laminar flow "best fit" curves:
helium and methane in Valve A at helium and methane for Valve A at
intermediate gland load intermediate gland load
Comparing Figs. 21 and 22 suggests that the data are better fitted, in this particular case, by the
molecular flow relationship. This is supported by the superior values of the correlation
3. C omparison of VOC leakage data at a given gland load with values predicted using equation
12 from the "best fit" molecular flow relationship given by the analysis step 1, above. This
is shown in Fig. 23 for the same data set as the previous examples.
In this particular case there is reasonably good agreement between the actual best fit curve
and the relationship predicted from the helium data on the basis of equation 12.
Fig. 23 - Methane molecular flow relationship Fig. 24 - Methane laminar flow predicted from
predicted from helium molecular flow best fit: helium laminar flow best fit: comparison with
comparison with methane data and best fit methane laminar flow best fit
4. C omparison of VOC leakage data at a given gland load with values predicted using
equation 11 from the "best fit" laminar flow relationship given by the analysis step 2,
above. This is shown in Fig. 24 for the same data set.
In this particular case, the predicted curve differs greatly from the actual methane data.
Furthermore if the flow regime were laminar, we would expect to see methane leak rates
greater than the helium leak rates, whereas the actual methane leak rates are less than
those of helium. Both observations suggest that in this case the laminar flow assumption
is wrong, whereas the observations from step 3 are consistent with a molecular flow
Six data sets arising from the combinations of VOC (methane and ethane) and gland load (low,
intermediate and high) were analysed in this way.
VOC leak rate: less than or greater than helium leak rate?
For laminar flow, since both VOCs are less viscous than helium we would expect the leakage
rate of VOCs to exceed that of helium under the same conditions. For molecular flow, since
helium molecular weight is less than both VOCs, we would expect the leakage rate of VOCs to
be less than that of helium. Examination of data against this criterion offers another indication
of leakage flow regime. The results are tabulated in Table 10 In ail cases, VOC leakage is less
than helium leakage, strongly supporting the molecular low hypothesis.
Q= kHe.(p2-pÌ) (15)
From this, and the relationship of equation 11, it follows that the corresponding relationship
predicted for VOC leakage is:
Q= kyoc.(p2-p20) (16)
k = 'JÊM,: .k He (17)
κ Mmc j
Comparison of the value of kVoc computed in this way from the helium data with a value derived
from regressional analysis on the VOC data gives indication of the error involved in this
approach. This is conveniently expressed as the ratio of the value predicted from the helium
data to the value found from the VOC data. The amplitude of the logarithm (positive or negative)
of this ratio gives a measure of the factor (above or below) by which the estimated value
disagrees with the data.
In an entirely analogous procedure to test the molecular flow assumption, regressional analysis
of the helium data gives a value of the constant, say, mHe, in the relationship given by equation
13, thus:
Q= r
"He{p-Po) (18)
Q= mvoc.{p-p0) (19)
M He
voc — .m He (20)
^ V ™voc J
Again, the ratio of the value of mVoc computed from helium data to the value estimated from
regressional analysis of the VOC data gives a measure of the error involved in the use of this
predictive relationship.
Finally, comparison of the errors in the predictive relationships based on the molecular flow and
laminar flow assumptions gives another indication of the leakage mechanism. This is tabulated
in Table 11.
05 02 564 678
Med A 3.4E- 2.17E- 0.81 0.000 0.000 0.24 Molecular
06 05 13 23
B 3.8E- 7.95E- 0.32 0.000 0.000 0.04 Molecular
05 05 465 512
High A 5.9E- 2.62E- 0.65 2.1 E- 2.7E- 0.10 Molecular
07 06 05 05
- * ■ , > ' - ' . '
■ "'■ . . · ■ - ' ; Á:. ..
B - ■ ■ · " - ■
6.1E- 2.51 E- 0.62 2.13E- 1.63E- -0.12 Molecular
07 06 05 05
Table 11 - Indication of leakage flow regime on basis of curve f t constants
This table shows that it is only at the intermediate gland load where all the data are consistent,
and indicate molecular flow. Under other conditions, there are conflicting pieces of evidence.
Indications of laminar flow at the high gland load condition are particularly surprising. The
observation that VOC leak rate is consistently less than helium leak rate under the same
conditions is particularly significant. Not only is it strongly suggestive of molecular flow, but also
suggests a way forward for the specification of a Qualification Test leak-tightness criterion if it
does not prove possible to calculate VOC leak rate from measured helium leak rate. If the end-
user's "in the field" VOC leak rate target is met with helium, it should certainly be met with VOC.
Alternatively, the power law correlation approach remains a possibility.
7.3.1 Hypothesis
Returning to the governing equations for laminar and molecular flow (equations 6 and 7,
respectively), we may examine the anticipated effects on the leakage flow when temperature is
Equation 6, for laminar flow, shows that the principal anticipated effect is through the
temperature-dependence of viscosity (which can nearly double over the temperature range
selected here). There may be indirect effects caused by changes in the distribution of leakage
channel dimensions, but these are beyond our current predictive capability.
Equation 7, for molecular flow, shows that we can expect a direct effect of temperature: leakage
should vary with the square root of absolute temperature, with all other quantities held constant.
Again, unpredictable changes in the dimensions of leakage passages may also affect leakage
The experiments outlined in Section 4.3.3 and Table 6 enabled an investigation of the leakage
mechanism in helium, for which there was a larger test matrix, and some selected comparison
between the expected leakage behaviour of three VOCs and their actual leakage behaviour.
Evidence from the room temperature tests, whilst in some cases conflicting, tended to suggest
that the leakage was predominantly by molecular flow. Therefore, an analysis of the kind
described in Section 7.2, above, was conducted on the helium data from the elevated
temperature tests, with a straight line fitted through the data plotted as leakage rate vs pressure.
The resulting correlation coefficients are given in Table 13.
These results indicate that the data correlate very strongly with a direct proportionality
relationship, characteristic of molecular flow.
Another check on the flow regime can be madefromexamining the temperature dependence
of the helium leak rate data. For molecular flow, we would expect a relationship at absolute
temperature, T, between leak rate, Or, and sealed pressure, Δρ, of the form:
QT =mT.Ap (21)
Thus, expected values of mT can be estimated for the elevated temperature data from
regressional analysis of the room temperature data. These estimated values can be compared
with values of mT found directly by regressional analysis of the elevated temperature data and
the error found. This error is tabulated in Table 14.
In all but cases but one, the estimated temperature dependence is an over-estimate of the actual
temperature dependence. The results of Table 13 suggest that this error does not arise from
any departure from molecular flow. This implies that there must be some other factor affecting
the temperature dependence of the leak rate -vs- pressure relationship. As suggested in Section
7.3.1, possibly arises from changes to the internal leakage paths through the seal.
Since there are only limited data on VOC leakage at high temperature and pressure, it was not
possible to examine the functional form of the leak rate -vs- pressure relationship for these
gases. However, where measurements were taken, it was possible to estimate the accuracy of
predicted VOC leak rate using the molecular flow relationship. Given the error (just discussed)
associated with temperature, predictions were based on helium data at the same temperature
(rather than on room temperature helium data). The approach adopted makes use of equation
20. Thus, expected values of mVoc can be estimated for VOC data from regressional analysis
of the helium data at the same temperature and gland load. Ihe expected value of VOC leak
rate at a given pressure, p, can then be calculated from equation 19. Comparison of the
estimated leak rate with the measured value gives a measure of the accuracy of the prediction.
The results are given in Table 15 in terms of a ratio of measured to expected result.
The methane predictions at high gland load are reasonable in comparison, for example, with
errors incurred by sniffing rather than flushing or vacuum measurement, but could hardly be
considered accurate. Ethane predictions are poor, being about one decade in error. Propylene
predictions are very poor. It is quite possible that the heavier gases deviate from molecular flow,
but there are insufficient data at present to check this hypothesis.
200 9 54.1
300 9 67.7 61.5
20 2.6 4.1 15.9 10.0 - , ' ' ■ ' *
It does not appear possible to obtain a reliable calculation of VOC leakage from measurements
in helium under the same conditions with the molecular flow assumption - despite very strong
indication that the leakage mechanism is molecular flow (see Table 13). However, the results
in Table 15 do show that in all cases the measured VOC leak rate is less than the predicted
valué. This suggests that calculated VOC based on helium data measured under the same
conditions and using equation 12 would offer a conservative leak-tightness test criterion: if the
calculated VOC leakage falls within a threshold value, one would expect actual VOC leak rate
to fall further below this value.
However, the majority of end-users are primarily interested in sniffer-based ppmv thresholds to
comply with the provisions of the Clean Air act in the US and to facilitate established site-based
LDAR practice. This means that a linkage needs to be established between helium leak rate
measurements from the ISO test and VOC ppmv values (particularly methane, as a popular
representative gas).
Basic research has just been presented considering approaches to the first of this relationship.
Using helium data and predictive relationships of the form of equations 8, 9 and 10, for laminar,
molecular and intermediate flow, respectively, predictions were made for VOC leakage under
the same temperature and pressure.
Factors affecting the accuracy of leak rate - to - ppmv relationships were discussed in Section
6. However, this concentrated on helium at room temperature. Whilst many of the conclusions
concerning the underlying physics, are considered likely to hold true for hot hydrocarbons, that
work did not explicitly evaluate this question. However, a body of data exists, (albeit from a wide
range of sources, and employing a range of different instruments) and can be drawn upon.
For each VOC leak rate calculated in Step 1, one of three previously published power law
correlations was used to estimate a corresponding ppmv value. The ppmv value thus calculated
could be compared with actual values measured in this study using a particular instrument.
CETIM relationship
A room temperature relationship between methane ppmv and the associated total leakage was
defined by project partner CETIM from the methane measurements taken in the "sniffer
evaluation tests" (see Section and Table 2). These tests involved measurements:
- in ppmv using a TVA 1000 (Foxboro) with a probe flow rate of 1 litre per minute
- in atm.cm3.s"1 using flushing with the same TVA 1000 and high purity air as carrier gas
The resulting correlation (with leakage expressed as mass flow rate, Qm, in mg.s"1 of methane)
was :
BP relationship
Using 6" class 600 valves, BP defined a relationship between methane ppmv and associated
mass leakage (20) at different pressures and temperatures. Total methane leakage rates were
measured using the bagging method. A Foxboro OVA -108 was used for these measurements.
No information is given on the probe flow rate in this reference.
BHRG relationship
BHR Group took room temperature measurements in a previous, preliminary study (16) using
methane and a 4" class 300 valve. Methane measurements were taken by bagging using a
Foxboro Century OVA 128 with a probe flow rate of 2 litres per minute.
8.3 Results
Results were compiled in the form of the ratio, z, of the measured to the theoretically predicted
values of sniffer concentration in ppmv, thus:
ζ s-sss. (26)
As an example, Fig. 25 shows the variation of the ζ parameter with the three VOC gases at
different test conditions of temperature, pressure and gland nut toque, calculated with the BP
relationship. The X-axis corresponds to the sniffing measurements.
100 ι ■
Gas :Methane
Pressure : 20 bar
10 . r- i - :
r Relation : BP
υ 20 °C
• laminar
1 1: φ
1 å
o __Ϊ. :_ Æ... ■ intermediate
Ν i 40 Nm " # 40 Nm «
:_20°C t 3 0 0 e C molecular
300 °C m -- - '
0.1 20 °C
100 = - + - ~H
Γ ~ — i— ■ -- Gas :Ethane
Pressure : 20 bar
10 = 40 Nm . Relation ■ RP
, 20 °C ¡ 20 Nm
» — ί -= = Ι • laminar
Ι 1 = ^PS^*=
υII 40 Nm
Ν 30 0 "C --* ■ intermedíate
: ;= ==^20NmLijr20Nm
200 c
300 °C A
Gas :Propylen
Pressure : 9 bar
Relation : BP
É| 20 Nm |
™ 'q r 20 Nm · |am¡nar
I 1 40 Nm ; lt 300 °C
u ■ynn'r
■ intermediate
40 Nm
01 ?n τ. * molecular
10 100 1000 10000
C mes ¡n ppmv
Firstly, note that ζ is higher in the case of the molecular flow assumption than for laminar. The
difference, Δζ, between these two regimes increases from methane through ethane to propylene
(Δζ methane< Δζ ethane < Δζ propylene). If the flow regime is not known for sure, Δζ can be
considered as a fixed error band. This means that the prediction obtained for propylene will be
more problematic than for methane.
Secondly, note that the location of the "intermediate" markers is closer to the "molecular"
markers than to the "laminar" markers. This is an additional indication that molecular flow
From Fig. 26, it is possible to infer the influence of the three main sources of error.
Gas :(all)
Pressure : (all)
Temperature : (all
Gland load : (all)
BHRG Intermediate
BHRG Laminar
BHRG Molecular
BP Intermediate
BP Laminar
BP Molecular
CETIM Intermediate
CETIM Laminar
CETIM Molecular
10 100 1000 10000 100000
Cmeas ¡Π p p m v
are linked by another dashed curve of the same colour. The gap between these curves
indicates the range of uncertainty associated with the assumed flow regime. The error
incurred by the use of the molecularflowassumption was examined in Table 15, above.
Great care should be taken in the use of empirical relations. Ail steps in this approach must be
well controlled. For example, it is better to use the same detector to perform the measurements
for the establishment of the ppmv-vs-leak rate relationship andforthe prediction validation.
It is most likely that ISO will specify the sniffer method, with helium as test gas, for QA tests on
valve stem leak-tightness. Comments on the repeatability of this approach were made in
Section 6. For a QA test on a particular product line, many repeat readings are taken in the
same environment with the same instrument on only one valve type and size, pressurized to the
same level with the same test gas. This tighter specification of test conditions should result in
further reduction of scatter. Checks against a limited number of vacuum readings for these
same conditions may result in a reasonably accurate correlation between leakage rate and the
measured ppmv. It should, however, be noted that any ppmv -vs- leak rate correlation would be
highly specific to the particular test conditions and detector, and notgenerally applicable.
It is of course desirable to leave a margin of error between any pass/fail QA sniffer threshold
value and the corresponding leakage limit derived from the ISO tightness class limit via an
appropriate correlation. Two further comments maybe made in this respect, however.
Firstly, unlike qualification tests, QA tests will be conducted at a pressure substantially less than
rated pressure. Since we need to know what is an acceptable leakage rate at QA test pressure,
this re-raises the question of the pressure dependence of leakage rate and underscores the
central importance of understanding the leakage mechanism.
Secondly, it was found in this project that initial gland load adjustment, together with the first few
stem operations have a significant effect on the leakage. In the valve qualification test, initial
gland load adjustment and a certain number of stem operations are permitted, whereas in a QA
environment, there is unlikely to be either.
To illustrate this point, results are presented, in Fig. 27, of a series of tests in which leak-
tightness was assessed as a function of thefirstfewstem cycles. Here, measured leakage or
ppmv, normalised for each valve by its corresponding value at the end of the test, is plotted
against number of cycles. Since, by definition, data will converge on the value 1, we can
examine leakage consistency for different tests, regardless of the level of leakage.
In all cases tested, leakage attained reasonable consistency by 80 stem operations. In nearly
all cases, deviation was within 50% within 40 operations. Looking at data from any individual
test, there does not appear to be any systematic tendency for the leakage trend either toriseor
to fall from an initial to a final value. However, there is often an increase over the first 10 cycles,
followed by a decrease to thefinalvalue (although this is not always so).
The qualification test is designed to provide information about the longer-term response of the
sealing performance through thermal and mechanical cycling, but this does not address the
issue of the relationship between the type test and an "acceptable" leakage in a QA test. Clearly,
it is impractical to suggest conducting, say, 40 stem operations as part of a QA test procedure.
However, the deviation of early seal leakage readings from their "bedded-in" values, might
suggest the use, in a QA test, of an appropriate "safety factor" on a threshold leakage value
defined by the qualification test.
10. Conclusions
A major contribution has been made towards the clarification of a number of important issues
relating to valve stem leak-tightness measurement and interpretation. Significant conclusions
• Sniffing does not measure leakage rate. It is a local measurement, based on probe uptake
of leakage gas.
• Test methods that measure valve stem leak rate must be "global", i.e. they must catch all of
the stem seal leakage. Results are expressed in massflowrate units such as mg.s'1 or in
atm.cm3.s"1 (or equivalent p-V throughput units) - see Appendix2.
• A sniffer detector that reads out in units of flow rate is not measuring leak rate, but the probe
uptake of leaking gas. Since only an unknown proportion of the leaking gas is drawn into the
probe, there is no simple universal relationship between these quantities.
• A sniffer detector that reads out in ppmv is measuring concentration of leakage gas drawn
into the probe. The ppmv reading is simply related to probe uptake of leakage gas and
probe flow rate, but since probe uptake is an unknown proportion of leak rate there is no
simple universal relationship between ppmv and leak rate.
• Both sniffer probe flow rate and factors that affect sniffer probe uptake influence the
relationship between ppmv and leak rate.
• The most significant factors affecting this relationship are sniffer probe flow rate and local
air currents. The use of a single detector type and elimination of significant local air currents
can dramatically reduce scatter in the accuracy of power law relationships between ppmv
and leakage rate (from 2 orders of magnitude to a factor of 2 or 3).
• The "sniffing factor" is not a constant, it is known to vary with leak rate, and is likely to
depend on other factors such as stem diameter, packing type, valve, etc. Therefore, if it is
averaged over a range of measurement conditions, the error band associated with its use
will be increased, and understanding of the underlying behaviour may be obscured.
• By specifying "sniffing factor" and probe flow rate, ambiguity is avoided, whilst use of this
approach can reduce scatter. Further work is required for both helium and VOC detectors
across a wide range of temperatures, valve types and sizes, packing types, etc.
• Flushing represents a suitable, reasonably accurate alternative to sniffing over the range of
leakage rates for which it was evaluated and is a suitable technique for VOC leak rate
measurement. Lantern ring ports mayfacilitate the use of this technique.
• The vacuum method is suitable over a wide range of helium leakage rates. It may involve
minor modifications to a valve, however, to ensure a good vacuum seal. Again, a lantern
Best practice guidelines have been produced for both sniffing and flushing, and results
forwarded to ISO/TC153/SC1/WG10.
Room temperature tests support the possibility of a predictive relation between the leak rate
of helium and that of light hydrocarbons (methane and ethane) on the basis of leakage flow
mechanism, at least under a limited range of conditions. More work is required to confirm,
generalise and determine confidence intervals.
Molecular flow appears to predominate at room temperature in many (not all) cases studied,
but some data are contradictory. An assumption of laminar leakage flow could not be
supported. Conclusions are not generally applicable to other valve types, sizes, packing
types and test gases. Further work is required.
An approach was developed to examine the quality of predicted VOC ppmv values from
measured helium leak rates under conditions of temperature and pressure representative
of site VOC duties (up to 30 bar and 300 deg C). This involves both predictive relationships
between leakage rates (based on molecular, laminar or intermediate flow) and empirical
correlations (gas-to-gas and leak rate-to-ppmv).
A significant data set was obtained for high temperature helium across a range of pressures
and under well-controlled conditions. This represents a useful database for future studies.
VOC ppmv measurements at elevated temperature confirmed the scatter involved in this
approach. This makes clear identification of leakage mechanism difficult. It also contributes
to a significant margin of error in any correlation from helium leak rate to VOC - typically a
decade or more.
It did not appear possible to derive a reliable predictive relationship between leakage of
helium and that of VOCs based either on molecular or laminar flow assumptions, at elevated
Since predicted VOC leakage based on helium measurements and a molecular flow
"correction" results in an over-prediction of VOC leakage, this represents a conservative
approach to specifying a leak-tightness criterion: actual VOC leakage is expected to be less
than the calculated value.
11. References
1. Colyer, R., Negotiated rule for equipment leaks, 1 st European Conference on Controlling
Fugitive Emissions from Valves, Pumps and Flanges, (ed. C. Lätty), BHR Group Limited (on
behalf of the ESA), 1995, pp. 9-34
2. Applicability of HON, Federal Register, Vol. 59, No. 78, Subpart F, §63.100, pp. 19454-
19468, April 1994
3. Technische Anleitung zur Reinhaltung der Luft - TA Luft (Technical instructions on air quality
control), Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Reactor Safety, Bonn
4. Drechsler, W., Legal requirements for the reduction of fugitive emissions in Germany, 2nd
European Fugitive Emissions Conference - Controlling Fugitive Emissions from Valves,
Pumps and Flanges, VDI Verlag GmbH (on behalf of the ESA), 1998, pp. 13-19
6. Ellis, B.S., Emission legislation - development and progress, Papers presented at the
International Seal Forum at Achema '97, (Available from European Sealing Association,
Bowerham House, The Grove, Lancaster, LA3 1AL, U.K.)
7. Guidelines for controlling fugitive emissions with valve stem sealing systems, STLE Special
Publication SP-33, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, October 1992.
8. Valve World Conference and Exhibition, Den Haag, November 1998, Workshop on
Standardisation. Convenor: Barrie Kirkman (BP Chemicals).
9. Standard method for the evaluation of external leakage of manual and automated on-off
valves, ISA-ds93.0.01, Committee Draft 14, Instrument Society of America, March 1998
11. Leefe, S.E., SMT project on valve emission measurement methods 2nd European Fugitive
Emissions Conference - Controlling Fugitive Emissions from Valves, Pumps and Flanges,
VDI Verlag GmbH (on behalf of the ESA), 1998, pp. 237-249
12. Leefe, S.E., Valve stem leak-tightness: evaluation of measurement methods for qualification
and QA tests. Valve World, vol 4, no. 4, Aug 1999, pp. 48-57.
13. Leefe, S.E., Leakage measurement issues for industrial valve standards Valve World, vol.
5, no. 3, Jun 2000, pp.54-59
14. Private communication with M. Shaw of National Engineering Laboratory, East Kilbride,
Scotland, August 2000
15. Vignaud, J.C. and Massart, T., Mesure et calcul du débit de fuñe d'un joint en eau et vapeaur
d'eau - Cas d'un joint en graphite expansé matrice, Proceedings of the 3rd International
Conference of Fluid Sealing, Biarritz, France, 1993, pp. 521-532
16. Bazergui, A. and Louis, G., Predicting leakage for various gases in gasketed joints Society
of Experimental Mechanics, Spring Conference on Experimental Mechanics, SEM, Houston,
Texas, 1987
17. Chen, J., Kuo, J. and Miskell, C, A link between gasket tightness and fugitive emission leak
definition, Proceedings of the 6th Annual· Fluid Sealing Association Technical Symposium,
Houston, Texas, 1996
18. Kockelmann, H. and Gusko, A, On the tightness behaviour of graphite and fibre based sheet
gasket materials, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Fluid Sealing, Biarritz,
France, 1993, pp. 335-352
19. Reference Method 21, Determination of volatile organic compound leak. Code of Federal
Regulations, Title 40, Part 60, Appendix A. Washington, D.O., U.S. Government Printing
Office. (Revised June 22, 1990)
20. Harrison, D., Smith, E., Billington, M.J. and Kirkman, B., "Evaluation of graphite valve
packings to reduce fugitive emissions on hydrocarbon duties", 1st European Fugitive
Emissions Conference on Controlling Fugitive Emissions from Valves, Pumps and Flanges
(ed. C. Lätty), BHR Group Limited (on behalf of the ESA), 1995, pp. 77-88
21. Leefe, S.E. and Davies, O.M., "Laboratory based test for valve stem leakage correlation
between test and working fluids", 1st European Fugitive Emissions Conference on
Controlling Fugitive Emissions from Valves, Pumps and Flanges (ed. C. Lätty), BHR Group
Limited (on behalf of the ESA), 1995, pp. 59-75
Bagging The class of techniques for measuring the leak rate from a test object, in which the
test object, or the part of the test object from which leakage is occurring, is enclosed in a sealed
container known as a "bag". Various techniques fall into this category. The bag will be
connected via a pipe or tube to the detector and may also be connected to a source offlushgas
(see "flushing").
Calibration gas A mixture of known and certified concentration of the test gas in air, used for
the purpose of calibrating detectors.
Concentration or ppm methods The class of techniques for estimating the severity of a leak
based on a measure of the concentration of the test gas in the atmosphere close to the leakage
Detector An instrument which is sensitive to the test gas and provides a quantitative indication
of its presence. This may be based on the concentration of test gas in the flow through the
instrument, or in a sample taken by the instrument. Alternatively, it may be based on a direct
measurement of flow of the test gas through the instrument.
Dilution probe A sniffer probe containing a T-branch through which the ambient atmosphere
is allowed to mix with the sample drawn in at the probe tip, thus diluting the concentration of test
gas reaching the detector instrument by a known factor. This is used to extend the range of a
detector to enable it to measure higher leakage concentration.
EPA 21 or EPA Method 21 A concentration method for the detection of VOCs, specified by the
American Environmental Protection Agency (see ref. 19).
Evacuated bagging/The vacuum method A variant of bagging in which the bag is evacuated
and any leakage fed directly to the detector (usually a mass spectrometer working at vacuum
Flushing/Flush method A variant of bagging, in which the leakage into the bag is carried to
the detector in a stream of gas of known purity (the "flush gas") fed into the bag at a known
volumetric flow rate (the "flush gas flow rate"). The volumetric concentration of the test gas in
the flush gas reaching the detector then provides a direct measure of the test gas volumetric
leak rate. Knowing the temperature and pressure in the bag, we can then infer a leak rate of test
Global methods Leakage measurement methods that capture all ofthe test gas leaking into
an encapsulation chamber
Leakage concentration The volumetric concentration oftest gas in the atmosphere adjacent
to the source of its leakage from the test object.
Leak rate The flow rate (mass, molar, volumetric or pV-throughput - see Appendix 2) of test
gas leaking from the test object.
Mass leak rate The mass flow rate oftest gas leakingfromthe test object.
Modified EPA Method 21 A concentration method for the detection of helium, defined in this
project (see Appendix 3), but following a similar protocol to that laid out in EPA Method 21 (see
ref. 19).
Probe A thin hollow hand-held tube whose tip is placed next to a leakage source to draw a
sample into a sniffer instrument.
Probe flow rate The flow rate (usually expressed as pV-throughput) at which gas is drawn into
a detector through the probe.
Probe tip The end of the probe placed next to the leakage source in sniffer methods
Response time The time interval from a step change in test gas into a detector to the time at
which 90 percent of the corresponding final value is reached as displayed on the instrument
meter readout.
Sniffing/Sniffer method The use of a probe to draw a sample into a detector. This technique
is a local measurement used to indicate the presence of a leak and to provide a comparative
indication of its severity. It does not provide a quantitative measurement of leak rate.
Sniffer (or probe) flow rate The flow rate of gas (usually expressed as volumetric flow rate or
pV-throughput) into a sniffer.
Test gas The species of gas whose leak rate out ofthe test object is being measured.
Test object The piece of equipment or part thereof whose leak-tightness is being measured.
Zero gas A gas (usually air) containing less than 10 ppmv of test gas, used in certain
detector evaluation procedures.
Appendix 2 - Units
Leakage can be expressed in several ways:
- volumetric leakage rate
- mass leakage rate
- molar leakage rate.
The first is convenient because it is easy to visualise. However, the rate at which a quantity of
the substance actually leaks is better expressed by the second and third, since the volume of
a given quantity of gas depends on its temperature and pressure, rendering the volumetric
leakage rate figure ambiguous.
One way around this is to refer to "standard" volumetric leak rate (e.g. in standard cm3s'1) in
which the volume is referred back to "standard" conditions (0°C and atmospheric pressure). The
other, roughly equivalent, approach is to quote leakage rate as "pV throughout". Here the
leakage rate is cited as the product of a pressure and volumetric flow rate. So that the mass or
molar flow rate can be calculated from this figure, the absolute temperature should also be
specified, but its omission is taken to mean "at 288.2 K" (which relates to the International
Standard Atmosphere at sea level). For example: 1 mbar litre/sec = 1 bar.ml/s, which is 1 ml/s
at 1 bar and 300K. In practice, the same flow rate could have resulted from 0.1 ml/s at 10 bar
or 10 ml/s at 0.1 bar, etc.
Proposed wording adapted directly from EPA Method 21 (see ref. 19) by BHR Group Limited.
1.1 Applicability
This method applies to the determination of Helium leaks from valves, flanges and other
1.2 Principle
A portable instrument is used to detect leaks from individual sources. The instrument detector
type is not specified. This procedure is intended to locate and classify leaks only, and Is not be
used as a direct measure of emission rates from individual sources.
3.1.1 Specifications
a) The He instrument detector type may include, but is not limited to, mass spectrometry, infrared
absorption, and molecular screening.
b) Both the linear response range and the measurable range of the instrument shall encompass the
leak definition concentration specified in the regulation. A dilution probe assembly may be used
to bring the He concentration within this range, however, the specification for He sample probe
diameter shall still be met.
c) The scale of the instrument meter shall be readable to ±2.5 percent of the specified leak definition
concentration when performing a no detectable emission survey.
d) The instrument shall be equipped with an electrically driven pump to insure that a sample is
provided to the detector at a constant flow rate.
e) The instrument shall be equipped with a probe or probe extension for sampling not to exceed %
in. in outside diameter, with a single end opening for admission of sample.
4.1 Pretest Preparations
Perform the instrument evaluation procedures given in Section 4.4 if the evaluation requirements
of Section 3.1.3 have not been met.
ISBN 92-894-0502-3
The emergence of standards on leak-tightness of industrial valves has given rise to a set of
problems associated with the way in which leak-tightness is both measured and expressed.
Issues surround:
Unfortunately, ppmv is a not a measure of leakage rate, but rather provides an indication of
leakage severity. Thus, the requirement is for means of "translating" both between ppmv and
leak rate and between leakage of one gas and leakage of another under similar conditions.
"Translation" between leakage rates of different gases can either adopt a similar empirical
approach or, alternatively be based on predictive relationships derived from an understanding
of which leakage mechanism predominates. Until now, little directly relevant work has been
undertaken in this area.
The work reported here provides relevant technical data and analysis to help resolve these
issues by:
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