W5 7170 Geotechnical Report August2021
W5 7170 Geotechnical Report August2021
W5 7170 Geotechnical Report August2021
Prepared for:
Rup Lal c/o Weston Consulting
Orbit Engineering Limited
Enclosed please find the geotechnical investigation report related to the above noted site.
A Geotechnical Investigation was carried out for the proposed residential development located at 7170
Goreway Drive, Mississauga Ontario. The project will consist of 15 residential units, roads and sewers. It is
our further understanding that each unit will be a 3-storey townhouse with basement.
The topsoil thickness generally ranged from 300mm to 450mm at the borehole locations. Thickness of
topsoil may vary between and beyond the boreholes. The surficial topsoil was underlain by the following
layers of native soils:
The Upper Weathered/disturbed Zone to depths ranging from 0.6 m to 0.8 m below the existing grade
was consisted of moist to very moist, soft to firm clayey silt to silty clay with some topsoil inclusions and
The Middle clayey silt to silty clay till layer extending to depths ranging from 2.3 m to 3.7m was generally
moist and in firm to very stiff state.
The Lower till deposits including sandy silt to silt till encountered in boreholes (BH1/MW at 2.3, BH2/MW
at 3.7 m, BH3/MW at 2.3 m and BH4 at 2.3 m) which extended to maximum explored depth of 6.1 m and
were generally moist to wet and in compact state.
During drilling and at the completion, the short term (not stabilized) groundwater was found in boreholes
at depths varying from 2.3 m to 4.6 m below the existing ground surface. A 50mm diameter monitoring
well was installed in three boreholes (BH1/MW, BH2/MW and BH3/MW), and water level observations
were made periodically. The summary of ground water observations is presented in Table 3.1. A perched
water condition can occur due to the accumulation of surface water at the interface of
weathered/disturbed native soils and till deposits. It should be noted that groundwater levels vary and are
subjected to seasonal fluctuations and can respond to major precipitation events. The depth of
groundwater table can also be influenced by the presence of underground features such as utility trenches.
In light of borehole information, the proposed house foundations can be supported on conventional spread
and/or strip footings founded on the undisturbed native soil (at or below elevations shown in Table 4.3)
for a geotechnical reaction of 150 kPa at the Serviceability Limit States (SLS) and a factored geotechnical
resistance (with geotechnical resistance factor of 0.5) of 225 kPa at the Ultimate Limit State (ULS). The
bearing pressures and the highest founding elevations at borehole locations are given in Table 4.3. The
recommended founding levels and geotechnical resistance for the proposed development will need to be
confirmed by Orbit at the time of construction.
Alternatively, the proposed structures can be supported by conventional spread and strip footings founded
on engineered fill for a geotechnical reaction of 150kPa at the Serviceability Limit States (SLS) and a factored
geotechnical resistance of 225kPa ULS. The engineered fill supporting footings should be constructed in
accordance with the guidelines presented in Appendix C. Other requirements of engineered fill are given
in Section 4.4.
The floor slab can be supported on grade, provided all topsoil, existing weathered/disturbed and surficially
softened or loose materials are removed, and the subgrade thoroughly proof rolled. Any loose spots or
areas revealed from proof rolling must be sub-excavated, backfilled and compacted.
Prior to the placement of the engineered fill, all of the existing weathered/disturbed and softened or loose
native soils must be removed, and the exposed surface proof rolled. The depths of sub-excavation required
for the construction of engineered fill at the borehole locations ranged from 0.8m to 1.0m, as listed in
Table 4.2.
No major groundwater problems are anticipated for the installation of foundations and underground
services to approximate depth of 3m± as the soil is generally cohesive. Seepage from wet sandy
seams/lenses should be expected but in all likelihood water seepage should be controllable by the use of
conventional pumping from collection sumps and ditches for most excavations. Contractors should be
prepared to employ more elaborate dewatering procedures such as well points if the flow from sand seams
or pockets becomes a problem.
Discussion and recommendations for the construction of roads, sewers, excavations and backfill are
presented in Section 4.
Based on the borehole information, the subject site for the proposed building structures can be classified
as “Class D” for seismic site response. Consideration can be given to conduct an earthquake site
assessment with the use of in-situ testing of the seismic characteristics (i.e. Geophysical testing – Multi-
channel Analysis of Surface Waves “MASW”), which can lead to an improved site classification (i.e., from
Class D to Class C).
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1
6 CLOSURE .......................................................................................................... 16
Table 4.3 Bearing Values and Founding Levels of Footings on Native Soils ..................................... 12
Orbit Engineering Limited (Orbit) was retained by Rup Lal c/o Weston Consulting to undertake a
Geotechnical Investigation for the proposed residential development located at 7170 Goreway drive,
Mississauga, Ontario. The site plan and approximate location of the proposed development are shown on
Drawings 1 and 1A respectively.
In light of the information provided to us by the client, it is our understanding that the project will consist
of 15 residential units, roads and sewers. It is our further understanding that each unit will be a 3-storey
townhouse with basement.
The purpose of this Geotechnical Investigation was to obtain information about the subsurface conditions
by means of a limited number of boreholes (BH1 to BH4) and from the findings in the boreholes to make
recommendations pertaining to the geotechnical design of underground utilities and roads and to
comment on the foundation conditions for general house construction.
This report contains the findings of the investigation, together with our recommendations and comments.
The anticipated construction conditions are also discussed but only to the extent that they may affect the
geotechnical design. The construction methods discussed express our opinion only and are not intended
to direct contractors how to carry out the construction. Contractors should also be aware that the data
and their interpretation presented in this report may not be sufficient to assess all factors that may have
an effect upon construction.
This report is provided on the basis of the terms of reference presented above and on the assumption that
the design will be in accordance with the applicable codes and standards. If there are any changes in the
design features relevant to the geotechnical analyses, or if any questions arise concerning the geotechnical
aspects of the codes and standards, this office should be contacted to review the design. It may then be
necessary to carry out additional borings and reporting before the recommendations of this office can be
relied upon.
The site investigation and recommendations follow generally accepted practice for geotechnical
consultants in Ontario. The format and contents are guided by client specific needs and economics and do
not conform to generalized standards for services. Laboratory testing for most part follows ASTM or CSA
Standards or modifications of these standards that have become standard practice.
This report has been prepared for Rup Lal. c/o Weston Consulting and its designers. Third party use of this
report without Orbit consent is prohibited. The limitation conditions presented in Appendix A form an
integral part of the report and they must be considered in conjunction with this report.
Prior to drilling operations, underground utilities were cleared at the borehole locations by representatives
of the public utilities company working with personnel from Orbit.
A total of four boreholes (see Drawing 1A for locations) were drilled on March 26, 2021 (BH1 to BH4) to a
maximum depth of 5.2m with solid stem continuous flight augers by a drilling sub-contractor under the
direction and supervision of Orbit personnel. Samples were retrieved with a 50 mm O.D. split-barrel
sampler driven with a hammer weighing 63.5 kg and dropping 760mm in accordance with the Standard
Penetration Test (SPT) method (ASTM D1586). The samples were logged in the field and returned to the
Orbit’s laboratory for detailed examination by the project engineer and for index laboratory testing.
As well as visual examination in the laboratory, all the soil samples were tested for moisture content and
selected samples for grain size analyses.
Water level observations were made during drilling and in the open boreholes at the completion of the
drilling operations. Monitoring wells (50mm) were installed in three boreholes (BH1, BH2 and BH3) for an
extended period of groundwater level monitoring.
The borehole elevations were interpreted by Orbit staff from the topographical survey provided by the
client. Note, these elevations are approximate and only for the purpose of relating borehole soil
stratigraphy and should not be used or relied on for other purposes
The project site is at 7170 Goreway Drive, Mississauga Ontario. A total of four boreholes (BH1 to BH4)
were advanced at this site. The existing ground surface elevations at borehole locations vary from 166.1m
to 166.5m.
The project site location plan is presented on Drawing 1. The approximate borehole locations are shown
on Drawing 1A. Notes on sample descriptions are presented on Drawing 1B. Detailed subsurface
conditions are presented on the Borehole Logs, Drawings 2 to 5.
The borehole logs indicate the subsurface conditions only at the borehole locations. Note the material
boundaries indicated on the borehole logs are approximate and based on visual observations. These
boundaries typically represent a transition from one material type to another and should not be regarded
as an exact plane of geological change. It should be pointed out that the subsurface conditions will vary
across this site. The subsurface soil conditions are summarized as follows.
3.1 Topsoil
The thickness of the topsoil explored in the boreholes generally ranged from 300mm to 450mm. The data
provided here pertaining to the topsoil thickness is confirmed at the borehole locations only and may vary
between and beyond the boreholes. This information is not considered to be sufficient for estimating
topsoil quantities and associated costs.
The surficial topsoil layer was underlain by the following layers of native soils.
The Middle clayey silt to silty clay till layer extending to depths ranging from 2.3 m to 3.7m was generally
moist and firm to very stiff state. The clayey silt to silty clay till layer was generally greyish brown to
brownish grey. The results indicate that the relative density of the till deposits can be described as firm to
very stiff.
Typical grain size distribution curves of the samples from different depths in boreholes BH2/MW and
BH3/MW are given on Figure B1 in Appendix B and show the following gradation:
Gravel: 0–1 %
Sand: 2 – 18 %
Silt: 38 – 58 %
Clay: 23 – 60 %
The grain size distribution of the sandy silt to silt till deposits is presented on Figure B2 in Appendix B and
show the gradation as 1-12% gravel, 0-36% sand 42-93% silt and 3-19% clay.
During drilling and at the completion, the short term (not stabilized) groundwater was found in boreholes
at depths varying from 2.3 m to 4.6 m below the existing ground surface. Three boreholes (BH1/MW,
BH2/MW and BH3/MW) were converted into monitoring wells to monitor the groundwater for an
extended period of time. The summary of ground water observations is presented in Table 3.1
A perched water condition can occur due to the accumulation of surface water at the interface of
weathered/disturbed native soils and till deposits. It should be noted that groundwater levels vary and are
subjected to seasonal fluctuations and can respond to major precipitation events. The depth of
groundwater table can also be influenced by the presence of underground features such as utility trenches.
Date of Date of Water of the Tip of Monitoring
BH No. of Groundwater
Drilling Measurement Monitoring well Well
It is proposed to develop the site with 15 residential units. The units therefore will be serviced by a network
of roads, storm and sanitary sewers and watermains. It is our further understanding that each unit will be
a 3-storey townhouse with basement.
The following discussion and recommendations are based on the factual data obtained from this
investigation and are presented for guidance of the design professionals only.
The frost depth penetration in this area is considered to be 1.2m. Based on the grain size analysis and using
the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) category for frost susceptibility soils, the on-site native soils to can
be classified as low susceptible to frost heaving.
4.2 Roads
The investigation has shown that the predominant subgrade soil, after stripping the topsoil, soft to firm
weathered/disturbed clayey silt to silty clay and otherwise unsuitable subsoil, will generally consist of
cohesive soils.
Based on the above and assuming that traffic usage will be residential minor local or local, the following
minimum pavement thickness is recommended:
For bus routes and collector roads, the following minimum pavement thickness is recommended:
These values may need to be adjusted according to the Regional of Peel Standards. The site subgrade and
weather conditions (i.e., if wet) at the time of construction may necessitate the placement of thicker
granular sub-base layer in order to facilitate the construction. Furthermore, heavy construction equipment
may have to be kept off the newly constructed roads before the placement of asphalt and/or immediately
thereafter, to avoid damaging the weak subgrade by heavy truck traffic.
The site should be stripped of all topsoil, weathered/disturbed native and any topsoil or otherwise
unsuitable soils to the full depth of the roads, both in cut and fill areas.
Following stripping, the site should be graded to the subgrade level and approved. The subgrade should
then be proof rolled, in the presence of the Geotechnical Engineer, by at least several passes of a heavy
compactor having a rated capacity of at least 8 tonnes. Any soft spots thus exposed should be removed
and replaced by select fill material, similar to the existing subgrade soil and approved by the Geotechnical
Engineer. The subgrade should then be re-compacted from the surface to at least 98% of its Standard
Proctor Maximum Dry Density (SPMDD). The final subgrade should be cambered or otherwise shaped
properly to facilitate rapid drainage and to prevent the formation of local depressions in which water could
In view of the low to medium permeability of the subsoil, proper cambering and allowing the water to
escape towards the sides (where it can be removed by means of subdrains) is considered to be beneficial
for this project. Otherwise, any water collected in the granular sub-base materials could be trapped thus
causing problems due to softened subgrade, differential frost heave, etc. For the same reason damaging
the subgrade during and after placement of the granular materials by heavy construction traffic should be
avoided. If the moisture content of the local material cannot be maintained at ±2% of the optimum
moisture content, imported granular material may need to be used.
Any fill required for regarding the site or backfill should be select, clean material, free of topsoil, organic or
other foreign and unsuitable matter. The fill should be placed in thin layers and compacted to at least 95%
of its Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density (SPMDD). The degree of compaction should be increased to
98% within the top 1.0m of the subgrade, or as per City Standards. The compaction of the new fill should
be checked by frequent field density tests.
4.2.2 Construction
Once the subgrade has been inspected and approved, the granular base and sub-base course materials
should be placed in layers not exceeding 200mm (uncompacted thickness) and should be compacted to at
least 100% of their respective SPMDD. The grading of the material should conform to current OPS (Ontario
Provincial Standards) Specifications.
The placing, spreading and rolling of the asphalt should be in accordance with OPS Specifications or, as
required by the local authorities.
Frequent field density tests should be carried out on both the asphalt and granular base and sub-base
materials to ensure that the required degree of compaction is achieved.
4.2.3 Drainage
All paved surfaces should be sloped to provide satisfactory drainage towards catch basins. Installation of
full-length subdrains on all roads is recommended. The subdrains should be properly filtered to prevent
the loss of (and clogging by) soil fines.
4.3 Sewers
As a part of the site development, a network of new storm and sanitary sewers is to be constructed.
4.3.1 Trenching
As indicated in the boreholes, the trenches will be generally dug through Clayey soils (clayey silt to silty clay
till) or sandy soils (sandy silt till).
The groundwater levels observed in the monitoring wells were at depths ranging from 1.9 m to 2.6 m below
the existing grade. Where the anticipated trench base is below the groundwater level, no major
groundwater problems are anticipated for the installation of foundations and underground utilities to
approximate depth of 3m± as the soil is generally cohesive. Seepage from wet sandy seams/lenses should
be expected but in all likelihood water seepage should be controllable by the use of conventional pumping
from collection sumps and ditches for most excavations. Contractors should be prepared to employ more
elaborate dewatering procedures such as well points if the flow from sand seams or pockets becomes a
All excavations must be carried out in accordance with the most recent Occupational Health and Safety Act
(OHSA). In accordance with OHSA, the firm to stiff weathered/disturbed soil, clayey silt to silty clay till and
compact sandy silt to silt till above water table can be classified as Type 3 soils. The native soils consisting
of very stiff clayey silt to silty clay till can be classified as Type 2 soils. Wet sandy deposits can be classified
as Type 4 soils. As a general rule, the excavations in Type 2 soils can be carried out without support using
side slopes 1H:1V, while the bottom 1.2m of the excavation can be cut vertically and could retain the wall
for a short period of time. The excavation in Type 3 soil can be carried out maintaining the side slopes not
steeper than 1H:1V. The excavations in Type 4 soils will require minimum flatter side slopes of 3H to 1V.
These slopes should be visually monitored for any movement especially if workers are present within the
excavation. These temporary slopes should only be utilized for a short duration. If an excavation contains
more than one type of soil, the soil shall be classified as the type with the highest number among the types
4.3.2 Bedding
The undisturbed stiff to very stiff clayey native soils and compact sandy silt to silt till can provide adequate
support for the sewer pipes and allow the use of normal Class B type bedding. The recommended minimum
thickness of granular bedding below the invert of the pipes is 150mm. The thickness of the bedding may,
however, have to be increased depending on the pipe diameter or in accordance with local standards or if
wet or weak subgrade conditions are encountered, especially when the soil at the trench base level consists
of wet, dilatant silts and sandy silts to clayey silt. The bedding material should consist of well graded
granular material such as Granular ‘A’ or equivalent. After installing the pipe on the bedding, a granular
surround of approved bedding material, which extends at least 300mm above the obvert of the pipe, or as
set out by the local Authority, should be placed.
To avoid the loss of soil fines from the subgrade, uniformly graded clear stone should not be used unless,
below the granular bedding material, a suitable approved filter fabric (geotextile) is placed. The geotextile
should extend along the sides of the trench and should be wrapped all around the poorly graded bedding
The on-site native very stiff clayey soils will excavate in blocks or chunks, which should be adequately
pulverized prior to placement in the trenches. Heavy sheep’s foot compactors would be best suited for
these soils, but such heavy equipment may be difficult to operate within the narrow confines of the
trenches. These soils may therefore present some difficulty in compacting. If such soils are not adequately
pulverized, placed in thin lifts and carefully compacted then excessive post construction settlements at
the ground surface could occur.
The backfill should be placed in maximum 200mm thick layers at or near (±2%) their optimum moisture
content and each layer should be compacted to at last 95% SPMDD. Unsuitable materials such as organic
soils, boulders, cobbles, frozen soils, etc. should not be used for backfilling.
The on-site excavated soils may not be used in confined areas (e.g., around catch basins and laterals under
roadways) where heavy compaction equipment cannot be operated. The use of imported granular fill
together with an appropriate frost taper would be preferable in confined areas and around structures, such
as catch basins.
The excavated soils are not considered to be free draining. Where free draining backfill is required,
imported granular fill such as OPSS Granular B should be used.
In light of borehole information, it is recommended that underground services should be kept as high as
possible to avoid penetrating the excavation below the wet sandy deposits.
Pressurized fluids in buried pipelines generate unbalanced, thrust forces at bends, junctions, valves pump
starts or stops, valve closures, air vents and all restrictions to, and changes in direction of flows. Generally,
the thrust forces depend on the internal pressure, the cross-sectional area of the pipe and the deflection
angle. For pipes which are not anchored, the unbalanced thrust forces must be resisted either by thrust
blocks and collars or by thrust restraint systems or a combination of both.
Thrust blocks are passive systems which prevent the pipe joint leaking by blocking the pipe movements
and the separation of unrestrained joints. Depending on the source of the thrust force, their resistance
comes either from the mobilization of soil bearing capacity or dead weight: the bearing type thrust blocks
resist thrust forces corresponding to concave vertical and horizontal bends, while the gravity ones secure
the convex vertical bends. Because they need to immobilize the pipes, the allowable soil stresses must be
considerably smaller than those required to cause ultimate failure of the thrust block itself. The thrust
block design is satisfactory if the design force, Fd, is less than the ultimate resistance Rult, reduced by a
suitable reduction (safety) factor which will ensure that the displacements will be relatively small.
Values for thrust reduction factors for thrust blocks are given in Table 4.1 for different soil and rock types.
If these lead to unacceptably large thrust blocks, the reduction factor may be re-assessed by determining
the actual relationship between thrust reduction factor and displacement under defined load and ground
Thrust blocks normally consist of a volume of concrete, usually of nominal strength (20-40 MPa), which
may be lightly reinforced. The size and shape of the block is decided on the basis of the forces to be
restrained, the size and style of the pipe fitting or component, and local ground conditions. The
effectiveness of any thrust block is determined by its mass, shape, position relative to the pipeline, the soil
reactions on the block, and friction between the pipeline and the surrounding ground.
Thrust blocks for the underground services under pressure may be constructed in native soils in areas
where there is no risk of future excavations. The back of the thrust blocks should be vertical and should be
cast directly against undisturbed natural soils. The ultimate lateral resistance of thrust blocks can be
calculated in accordance with Drawing 6.
Thrust restraint systems are alternative to thrust blocks. They are active systems in the sense that they
rely on the mobilization of pipe/soil friction and/or passive resistance in the soil for a sufficient length away
from the junction. The length of pipeline required to develop the resisting force crucially depends on the
type of junction, pipeline material, type and compaction/consistency of the backfill, etc.
The elevation of the existing grade at the site is relatively flat. However, based on the grading plan and
existing topography at the site, cut and fill operations are expected to require as part of the proposed
In the areas where earth fill is required for site grading purposes, engineered fill can be constructed below
house foundations, roads, boulevards, etc.
Prior to the placement of the engineered fill, all of the existing topsoil and surficially weathered/disturbed
native soils must be removed and the exposed surface proof rolled. Any soft spots revealed during proof
rolling must be sub-excavated and re-engineered. The depths of sub-excavation required for the
construction of engineered fill at the borehole locations approximately ranged from 0.8m to 1.0m, as listed
in Table 4.2.
The groundwater levels observed in boreholes were at depths ranging from 1.9 m to 2.5m below the
existing ground surface (refer to Table 3.1 ). Where the excavation base for engineered fill is below the
groundwater level, dewatering will be required to lower the water table below the excavation base. It is
possible to lower the groundwater table for about 0.6m to 1.0m by pumping from perimeter sumps and
BH4 0.8 -
General guidelines for the placement and preparation of engineered fill are presented on Appendix C. A
geotechnical reaction 150kPa at the Serviceability Limit States (SLS) and factored geotechnical resistance
225kPa at the Ultimate Limit States (ULS) can be used on engineered fill, provided that all requirements on
Appendix C are adhered to. To reduce the risk of improperly placed engineered compacted fill, full-time
supervision of the contractor is essential. Despite full time supervision, it has been found that contractors
frequently bulldoze loose fill into areas and compact only the surface. The inspector, either busy on other
portions of the site or absent during “off hours” will be unaware of this condition. For this reason, we
cannot guarantee the performance of the engineered fill, and this guarantee must be the responsibility of
the contractor. The owner and his representatives must accept the risk involved in the use of engineered
fill and offset this risk with the monetary savings of avoiding deep foundations. This potential problem
must be recognized and discussed at a pre-construction meeting. Procedures can then be instigated to
reduce the risk of settlement resulting from un-compacted fill.
In the areas where earth fill is required for site grading purposes, an engineered fill may be constructed
below house foundations, roads, boulevards, etc.
1. Prior to site work involving engineered fill, a site meeting to discuss all aspects must be convened.
The surveyor, contractor, design engineer and geotechnical engineer must attend the meeting.
At this meeting, the limits of the engineered fill will be defined. The contractor must make known
where all fill material will be obtained and samples must be provided to the geotechnical engineer
for review, and approval before filling begins.
2. Detailed drawings indicating the lower boundaries as well as the upper boundaries of the
engineered fill must be available at the site meeting and be approved by the geotechnical
3. The building footprint and base of the pad, including basements, garages, etc. must be defined by
offset stakes that remain in place until the footings and service connections are all constructed.
Confirmation that the footings are within the pad, service lines are in place, and that the grade
conforms to drawings, must be obtained by the owner in writing from the surveyor and Orbit
Engineering Limited. Without this confirmation no responsibility for the performance of the
structure can be accepted by Orbit Engineering Limited. Survey drawing of the pre and post fill
location and elevations will also be required.
4. The area must be stripped of all topsoil and weathered/disturbed materials. Subgrade must be
proof rolled. Soft spots must be dug out. The stripped native subgrade must be examined and
approved by Orbit Engineering Limited engineer prior to placement of fill.
5. The approved engineered fill must be compacted to 100% Standard SPMDD throughout. Granular
Fill preferred. Engineered fill should not be placed (where it will support footings) during the
winter months. Engineered fill compacted to 100% SPMDD will settle under its own weight
approximately 0.5% of the fill height and the structural engineer must be aware of this settlement.
In addition to the settlement of the fill, additional settlement due to consolidation of the
underlying soils from the structural and fill loads will occur.
7. The fill must be placed such that the specified geometry is achieved. Refer to sketches for
minimum requirements. Take careful note that the projection of the compacted pad beyond the
footing at footing level is a minimum of 2m. The base of the compacted pad extends 2m plus the
depth of excavation beyond the edge of the footing.
8. A geotechnical reaction of 100kPa (2000psf) may be used provided that all conditions outlined
above are adhered to. A minimum footing width of 500mm (20 inches) is suggested and footings
should be provided with nominal steel reinforcement.
9. All excavations must be done in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations
of Ontario.
10. After completion of the pad, a second contractor may be selected to install footings. All
excavations must be backfilled under full time supervision by Orbit to the same degree as the
engineered fill pad. Surface water cannot be allowed to pond in excavations or to be trapped in
clear stone backfill. Clear stone backfill can only be used with the approval of Orbit.
11. After completion of compaction, the surface of the pad must be protected from disturbance from
traffic, rain and frost.
12. If there is a delay in construction, the engineered fill pad must be inspected and accepted by the
geotechnical engineer. The location of the structure must be reconfirmed that it remains within
the pad.
The native soils are considered suitable for use as engineered fill, provided that they comprise no topsoils
and rootlets and their moisture contents at the time of construction are at or near optimum. The clay and
silts are poorly graded soils and are very sensitive to their moisture contents. As such, they will be very
difficult to handle and to compact, especially at wet conditions. Under unfavourable conditions, they may
not be suitable for engineered fill as mentioned in Section 4.3.3.
Based on the borehole information, the proposed house foundations can be supported on conventional
spread and/or strip footings founded on the undisturbed native soil 0.9m to 1.0m for a geotechnical
reaction of 150 kPa at the Serviceability Limit States (SLS) and a factored geotechnical resistance (with
geotechnical resistance factor of 0.5) of 225 kPa at the Ultimate Limit State (ULS). The recommended
founding levels and geotechnical resistances for the proposed structure will need to be confirmed by Orbit
at the time of construction. The bearing pressures and the highest founding elevations at borehole
locations are given in Table 4.3.
Table 4.3 Bearing Values and Founding Levels of Footings on Native Soils
Alternatively, the proposed structures can be supported by conventional spread and strip footings founded
on engineered fill for a geotechnical reaction of 150kPa at the Serviceability Limit States (SLS) and a factored
geotechnical resistance of 225kPa ULS. The engineered fill supporting footings should be constructed in
accordance with the guidelines presented in Appendix C. Other requirements of engineered fill are given
in Section 4.4.
Variations in the soil conditions are expected in between the borehole locations, and during construction,
the soil bearing pressures should be confirmed by the Geotechnical Engineer. The base of all footings must
be inspected by this office to ensure of their placement on the competent native soil or engineered fill.
All footings exposed to seasonal freezing conditions must have at least 1.2m of earth cover or equivalent
thermal insulation against frost action. Foundations designed to the specified bearing values are expected
to settle less than 25mm total and 20mm differential.
Where it is necessary to place footings at different levels, the upper footing must be founded below an
imaginary 10 horizontal to 7 vertical line drawn up from the base of the lower footing. The lower footing
must be installed first to help minimize the risk of undermining the upper footing.
It should be noted that the recommended bearing capacities have been calculated by Orbit Engineering
Limited from the borehole information for the design stage only. The investigation and comments are
necessarily on-going as new information of the underground conditions becomes available. For example,
more specific information is available with respect to conditions between boreholes when foundation
construction is underway. The interpretation between boreholes and the recommendations of this report
must therefore be checked through field inspections provided by Orbit Engineering Limited to validate the
information for use during the construction stage.
The basement floor slab can be supported by engineered fill, if engineered fill is used to support the
The weathered/disturbed layer present on the site is not suitable for supporting the slab-on-grade. The
floor slab can be supported on grade, provided all topsoil, existing weathered/disturbed and surficially
softened or loose materials are removed, and the subgrade thoroughly proof rolled. Any loose spots or
areas revealed from proof rolling must further be sub-excavated and replaced with imported Granular A
and/or Granular B Type 2. The imported granular material must meet the specifications defined in OPSS-
1010-13. The existing weathered/disturbed soil free from topsoil and rootlets may be used to raise the
grade, provided it is confirmed by a qualified geotechnical professional from Orbit at the time construction.
The fill required to raise the grade must be placed in shallow lifts (each lift not more than 200mm) and
compacted to at least 98 percent of Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density (SPMDD).
A moisture barrier consisting of at least 200mm thick layer of well compacted 19mm clear crushed stone
is recommended to place directly under the floor slab. The stone bed would act as a barrier and prevent
capillary rise of moisture from the subgrade to the floor slab. This moisture barrier has been proven to be
effective for conventional floor surfaces such as carpet, vinyl tile and ceramic tile. However, if special floor
coverings such as sheet P.V.C. with heat sealed seams, as is used in gymnasiums, is considered, either a
high efficiency vapour barrier or venting may be required to prevent moisture accumulating between the
concrete floor and the P.V.C. flooring.
The estimated modulus of subgrade reaction (ks) equal to 25 MN/m3 may be used for the design of slab-
on-grade supported on native or structural fill soils, provided that the construction is in accordance with
the recommendations provided herein. If structural fill (Granular A or B Type II) having minimum thickness
of 300mm, this value can be increased to 30 MN/m3. The estimated value provided above may need to be
adjusted based on the structure size and locations of detail design.
The floor slabs should not be tied to any load-bearing walls or columns unless they have been designed
accordingly. Contraction/expansion joints should be provided for the slabs as required by the structural
Considering the basement floor slab, the perimeter drainage shown on (Drawing 7) is considered to be
The lateral earth pressures acting on retaining walls (if any) may be calculated from the following
p = K ( h +q)
The above expression assumes that the perimeter drainage system prevents the build-up of any hydrostatic
pressure behind the wall.
Based on boreholes information and according to the 2012 Ontario Building Code (OBC 2012), the subject
site seismic response for the proposed building structures can be classified as “Class D” (Table of
OBC 2012). Accordingly, the foundation factors Fa can be obtained from Table and Fv from Table of the OBC for the design of the buildings.
Consideration can be given to conduct an earthquake site assessment with the use of in-situ testing of the
seismic characteristics (i.e., Geophysical testing – Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves “MASW”), which
can lead to an improved site classification (i.e., from Class D to Class C).
The recommended bearing capacities and the corresponding founding elevations would need to be
confirmed by the representative of Orbit during construction. It should be noted that the recommended
bearing capacities have been calculated by Orbit from the borehole information for the design stage only.
The investigation and comments are necessarily on-going as new information of the underground
conditions becomes available. For example, more specific information is available with respect to
conditions between boreholes when foundation construction is underway. The interpretation between
boreholes and the recommendations of this report must therefore be checked through field inspections
provided by Orbit to validate the information for use during the construction.
In this regard, Orbit should be retained for a general review of the final design and specifications to verify
that this report has been properly interpreted and implemented. If not accorded the privilege of making
this review, Orbit will assume no responsibility for interpretation of the recommendations in the report.
The comments given in this report are intended only for the guidance of design engineers. The number of
boreholes required to determine the localized underground conditions between boreholes affecting
construction costs, techniques, sequencing, equipment, scheduling, etc., would be much greater than has
been carried out for design purposes. Contractors bidding on or undertaking the works should, in this light,
decide on their own investigations, as well as their own interpretations of the factual borehole results, so
that they may draw their own conclusions as to how the subsurface conditions may affect them.
The information in this report in no way reflects on the environmental aspects of the soil condition at the
site and has not been specifically addressed in this report, since this aspect was beyond the scope and
terms of reference. Should specific information be required, additional testing may be required.
We trust that the information contained in this report is satisfactory. Should you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact this office.
Reviewed by
A.A.A. Ahmed
June 9, 2021
June 9, 2021
Prepared By: TZ
Reviewed By: HA
Project: OE20373CG Prepared for: MR. RUP LAL C/O
Drawing No. 1
EX. 300m
G locations. Between boreholes they
considerable error.
not be established from the information
provided at the borehole locations.
4. Borehole elevations should not be
used to design building(s) or floor
slab(s) or parking lot(s) grades.
5. This drawing forms part of the report
(project number as referenced) and
should only be used in conjunction
with this report.
BH3/MW (166.2m)
Approximate Borehole Location
Approximate Borehole/Monitoring
BH/MW Well Location
Existing Grade Geodetic Elevation
BH2/MW (166.5m)
Original Project no: Drawing no:
size TABLOID OE20373CG 1A
Drawing 1B: Notes on Sample Descriptions
1. All sample descriptions included in this report follow the Canadian Foundations Engineering Manual
soil classification system. This system follows the standard proposed by the International Society for
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. Laboratory grain size analyses provided by Orbit
Engineering Limited also follow the same system. Different classification systems may be used by
others; one such system is the Unified Soil Classification. Please note that, with the exception of those
samples where a grain size analysis has been made, all samples are classified visually. Visual
classification is not sufficiently accurate to provide exact grain sizing or precise differentiation between
size classification systems.
2. Fill: Where fill is designated on the borehole log it is defined as indicated by the sample recovered
during the boring process. The reader is cautioned that fills are heterogeneous in nature and variable
in density or degree of compaction. The borehole description may therefore not be applicable as a
general description of site fill materials. All fills should be expected to contain obstruction such as wood,
large concrete pieces or subsurface basements, floors, tanks, etc.; none of these may have been
encountered in the boreholes. Since boreholes cannot accurately define the contents of the fill, test pits
are recommended to provide supplementary information. Despite the use of test pits, the
heterogeneous nature of fill will leave some ambiguity as to the exact composition of the fill. Most fills
contain pockets, seams, or layers of organically contaminated soil. This organic material can result in
the generation of methane gas and/or significant ongoing and future settlements. Fill at this site may
have been monitored for the presence of methane gas and, if so, the results are given on the borehole
logs. The monitoring process does not indicate the volume of gas that can be potentially generated nor
does it pinpoint the source of the gas. These readings are to advice of the presence of gas only, and a
detailed study is recommended for sites where any explosive gas/methane is detected. Some fill
material may be contaminated by toxic/hazardous waste that renders it unacceptable for deposition in
any but designated land fill sites; unless specifically stated the fill on this site has not been tested for
contaminants that may be considered toxic or hazardous. This testing and a potential hazard study can
be undertaken if requested. In most residential/commercial areas undergoing reconstruction, buried oil
tanks are common and are generally not detected in a conventional geotechnical site investigation.
3. Till: The term till on the borehole logs indicates that the material originates from a geological process
associated with glaciation. Because of this geological process the till must be considered
heterogeneous in composition and as such may contain pockets and/or seams of material such as
sand, gravel, silt or clay. Till often contains cobbles (60 to 200 mm) or boulders (over 200 mm).
Contractors may therefore encounter cobbles and boulders during excavation, even if they are not
indicated by the borings. It should be appreciated that normal sampling equipment cannot differentiate
the size or type of any obstruction. Because of the horizontal and vertical variability of till, the sample
description may be applicable to a very limited zone; caution is therefore essential when dealing with
sensitive excavations or dewatering programs in till materials.
20 40 60 80 100 LIMIT
(Cu) (kPa)
(kN/m )
wP w wL
0.3 m
DEPTH UNCONFINED & Sensitivity (%)
166.1 20 40 60 80 100 10 20 30 GR SA SI CL
0.0 Topsoil: 450mm
1 SS 5
0.5 Clayey Silt to Silty Clay:
weathered/disturbed, some topsoil
165.3 and rootlets, trace sand, greyish
0.8 brown, moist, firm
1 Clayey Silt to Silty Clay till: some
sand, trace gravel, brownish grey,
2 SS 11 165
moist, stiff
3 SS 10 0 10 49 41
2 W. L. 164.2 m
W.164 2021m
Aug 21, 2004
2.3 Sandy Silt Till: some clay, trace
gravel, grey, wet, compact
4 SS 20
3.1 Silt Till: trace clay and gravel, grey,
wet, compact
5 SS 10 4 31 51 14
6 SS 16 1 0 93 6
6.1 End of Borehole: 160
Water Levels:
(i) During Drilling: 2.3m
(ii) At Completion: (50mm
monitoirng well was installed)
(iii) (29 March 2021): 1.9m
(iv) (07 April 2021): 1.9m
(v) (08 April 2021): 2.0m
20 40 60 80 100 LIMIT
(Cu) (kPa)
(kN/m )
wP w wL
0.3 m
DEPTH UNCONFINED & Sensitivity (%)
166.5 20 40 60 80 100 10 20 30 GR SA SI CL
0.0 Topsoil: 300mm
1 SS 2
0.3 Clayey Silt to Silty Clay:
weathered/disturbed, some topsoil
165.9 and rootlets, trace sand, brown, 166
0.6 moist, soft to firm
Clayey Silt to Silty Clay Till: some
sand, trace gravel, greyish brown,
1 moist, very stiff to stiff
2 SS 21
3 SS 14 1 11 44 44
4 SS 14 W. L. 164.0 m
Aug 29,
Mar 21, 2021
5 SS 10 1 18 58 23
3.7 Sandy Silt Till: some clay and
gravel, greyish brown, moist,
4 compact
wet below 4.6m
6 SS 23 12 36 42 10
5.2 End of Borehole:
Water Levels:
(i) During Drilling: 4.6m
(ii) At Completion: (50mm
monitoring well was installed)
(iii) (29 March 2021): 2.5m
(iv) (07 April 2021): 2.5m
(v) (08 April 2021): 2.5m
20 40 60 80 100 LIMIT
(Cu) (kPa)
(kN/m )
wP w wL
0.3 m
DEPTH UNCONFINED & Sensitivity (%)
166.2 20 40 60 80 100 10 20 30 GR SA SI CL
0.0 Topsoil: 300mm
1 SS 5
0.3 Clayey Silt to Silty Clay:
weathered/disturbed, some topsoil
and rootlets, trace sand, greyish
brown, very moist, firm
0.8 Clayey Silt to Silty Clay Till: trace
1 sand and gravel, greyish brown,
moist, very stiff to stiff
2 SS 18 0 2 38 60
3 SS 14
2.3 Sandy Silt Till: some clay, trace
gravel, grey, moist, compact
4 SS 10 W. L. 163.7 m
Aug 29,
Mar 21, 2021
5 SS 10 2 24 55 19
4.6 Silt Till: trace sand, clay and
gravel, grey, wet, compact
6 SS 22 1 7 89 3
5.2 End of Borehole:
Water Levels:
(i) During Drilling: 3.1m
(ii) At Completion: (50mm
monitoring well was installed)
(iii) (29 March 2021): 2.5m
(iv) (07 April 2021): 2.6m
(v) (08 April 2021): 2.5m
20 40 60 80 100 LIMIT
(Cu) (kPa)
(kN/m )
wP w wL
0.3 m
DEPTH UNCONFINED & Sensitivity (%)
166.2 20 40 60 80 100 10 20 30 GR SA SI CL
0.0 Topsoil: 300mm
1 SS 6
0.3 Clayey Silt to Silty Clay:
weathered/disturbed, some topsoil
and rootlets, trace sand, greyish
165.5 brown, very moist, firm
0.7 Clayey Silt to Silty Clay Till: trace
sand and gravel, greyish brown,
1 moist, stiff
2 SS 11
3 SS 10
2.3 Sandy Silt Till: some clay, trace
gravel, grey, moist, compact
4 SS 18
5 SS 11
4.6 Silt Till: trace sand, clay and
gravel, grey, wet, compact
6 SS 14
5.2 End of Borehole:
Water Levels:
(i) During Drilling: 3.1m
W1 dw
Case 1 dw < d1
2 2
R = B[1/2 Kp (d2 - d1 ) + Kp w dw (d2 - d1)] + (W1 + W2)f
Case 3 d2 < dw
2 2
R = B[1/2 Kp (d2 - d1 )] + (W1 + W2)f
R = Ultimate earth resistance, kN.
B = width of block, m.
Kp = coefficient of passive earth pressure = 2.5
= total unit weight of soil = 19 kN/m 3
= submerged unit weight of soil = 9 kN/m 3
w = unit weight of water = 10 kN/m3
W1 = weight of soil above thrust block
W2 = weight of thrust block
f = coefficient of friction between block and soil = 0.3
Drawing No. 6
Project: OE20373CG Drawing No. 7
1.0 m (min.)
This report is intended solely for the Client named. The material in it reflects our best judgment in light of the information
available to Orbit Engineering Limited at the time of preparation. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Orbit Engineering
Limited, it shall not be used to express or imply warranty as to the fitness of the property for a particular purpose. No portion
of this report may be used as a separate entity, it is written to be read in its entirety.
The conclusions and recommendations given in this report are based on information determined at the testhole locations.
The information contained herein in no way reflects on the environment aspects of the project, unless otherwise stated.
Subsurface and groundwater conditions between and beyond the testholes may differ from those encountered at the
testhole locations, and conditions may become apparent during construction, which could not be detected or anticipated at
the time of the site investigation. The benchmark and elevations used in this report are primarily to establish relative
elevation differences between the testhole locations and should not be used for other purposes, such as grading,
excavating, planning, development, etc.
The design recommendations given in this report are applicable only to the project described in the text and then only if
constructed substantially in accordance with the details stated in this report.
The comments made in this report on potential construction problems and possible methods are intended only for the
guidance of the designer. The number of testholes may not be sufficient to determine all the factors that may affect
construction methods and costs. For example, the thickness of surficial topsoil or fill layers may vary markedly and
unpredictably. The contractors bidding on this project or undertaking the construction should, therefore, make their own
interpretation of the factual information presented and draw their own conclusions as to how the subsurface conditions may
affect their work. This work has been undertaken in accordance with normally accepted geotechnical engineering practices.
Any use which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions to be made based on it, are the responsibility
of such third parties. Orbit Engineering Limited accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as
a result of decisions made or actions based on this report.
We accept no responsibility for any decisions made or actions taken as a result of this report unless we are specifically
advised of and participate in such action, in which case our responsibility will be as agreed to at that time. Any user of this
report specifically denies any right to claims against the Consultant, Sub-Consultants, their officers, agents and employees
in excess of the fee paid for professional services.
Appendix B
Geotechnical Laboratory Test Results
CLAY AND SILT Fine Medium Fine
Coarse Coarse
0.001 0.01 0.1 GRAIN SIZE (mm) 1 10 100
Figure No.: B1
20 BH2 SS6
0.001 0.01 0.1 GRAIN SIZE (mm) 1 10 100
Figure No.: B2
Compacted imported soil that meets specific engineering requirements and is free of organics
and debris and that has been continually monitored on a full-time basis by a qualified
geotechnical representative is classified as engineered fill. Engineered fill that meets these
requirements and is bearing on suitable native subsoil can be used for the support of
Imported soil used as engineered fill can be removed from other portions of a site or can be
brought in from other sites if suitable. In general, most of Ontario soils are too wet to achieve
the 100% Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density (SPMDD) and will require drying and careful
site management if they are to be considered for engineered fill. Imported non-cohesive
granular soil is preferred for all engineered fill. For engineered fill, Orbit Engineering Limited
(Orbit) recommends use of OPSS Granular ‘B’ sand and gravel fill material only.
Adverse weather conditions such as rain make the placement of engineered fill to the required
degree of density difficult or impossible; engineered fill should not be placed during freezing
conditions, i.e. normally not between December 15 and April 1 of each year. If the project
demands placement of engineered fill in winter (December 15- April1) it can be placed only
under the following conditions:
• All frozen material and or snow must be removed before placement of engineered fill on
a daily basis
• The fill placement must be supervised on a full time basis by a geotechnical consultant
The location of the foundations on the engineered soil pad is critical and certification by a
qualified surveyor that the foundations are within the stipulated boundaries is mandatory. Since
layout stakes are often damaged or removed during fill placement, offset stakes must be
installed and maintained by the surveyors during the course of fill placement so that the
contractor and engineering staff are continually aware of where the engineered fill limits lie.
Foundations placed within the engineered soil pad must be backfilled with the same conditions
and quality control as the original pad.
To perform satisfactorily, engineered fill requires the cooperation of the designers, engineers,
contractors and all parties must be aware of the requirements. The minimum requirements are
as follows, however, the geotechnical report must be reviewed for specific information and
1. Prior to site work involving engineered fill, a site meeting to discuss all aspects must be
convened. The surveyor, contractor, design engineer and geotechnical engineer must
attend the meeting. At this meeting, the limits of the engineered fill will be defined. The
contractor must make known where all fill material will be obtained and samples must be
provided to the geotechnical engineer for review, and approval before filling begins.
2. Detailed drawings indicating the lower boundaries as well as the upper boundaries of the
engineered fill must be available at the site meeting and be approved by the
geotechnical engineer.
3. The building footprint and base of the pad, including basements, garages, etc. must be
defined by offset stakes that remain in place until the footings and service connections
are all constructed. Confirmation that the footings are within the pad, service lines are in
place, and that the grade conforms to drawings, must be obtained by the owner in
writing from the surveyor and Orbit Engineering Limited. Without this confirmation no
responsibility for the performance of the structure can be accepted by Orbit Engineering
Limited. Survey drawing of the pre and post fill location and elevations will also be
4. The area must be stripped of all topsoil and fill materials. Subgrade must be proofrolled.
Soft spots must be dug out. The stripped native subgrade must be examined and
approved by an Orbit engineer prior to placement of fill.
5. The approved engineered fill must be compacted to 100% Standard Proctor Maximum
Dry Density throughout. Granular Fill preferred. Engineered fill should not be placed
(where it will support footings) during the winter months. Engineered fill compacted to
100% SPMDD will settle under its own weight approximately 0.5% of the fill height and
the structural engineer must be aware of this settlement. In addition to the settlement of
the fill, additional settlement due to consolidation of the underlying soils from the
structural and fill loads will occur and should be evaluated prior to placing the fill.
7. The fill must be placed such that the specified geometry is achieved. Refer to sketches
for minimum requirements. Take careful note that the projection of the compacted pad
beyond the footing at footing level is a minimum of 2 m. The base of the compacted pad
extends 2 m plus the depth of excavation beyond the edge of the footing.
8. The allowable bearing pressure provided in the accompanying report may be used
provided that all conditions outlined above are adhered to. A minimum footing width of
500 mm (20 inches) is suggested and footings must be provided with nominal steel
9. All excavations must be done in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety
Regulations of Ontario.
10. After completion of the pad a second contractor may be selected to install footings. The
prepared footing bases must be evaluated by engineering staff from Orbit Engineering
Limited prior to footing concrete placements. All excavations must be backfilled under
full time Orbit Engineering Limited supervision by Orbit to the same degree as the
engineered fill pad. Surface water cannot be allowed to pond in excavations or to be
trapped in clear stone backfill. Clear stone backfill can only be used with the approval of
Orbit Engineering Limited.
11. After completion of compaction, the surface of the pad must be protected from
disturbance from traffic, rain and frost. During the course of fill placement, the
engineered fill must be smooth-graded, proof rolled and sloped/crowned at the end of
each day, prior to weekends and any stoppage in work in order to promote rapid runoff
of rainwater and to avoid any ponding surface water. Any stockpiles of fill intended for
use as engineered fill must also be smooth-bladed to promote runoff and/or protected
from excessive moisture take up.
12. If there is a delay in construction, the engineered fill pad must be inspected and
accepted by the geotechnical engineer. The location of the structure must be
reconfirmed that it remains within the pad.
13. The geometry of the engineered fill as illustrated in these General Requirements is
general in nature. Each project will have its own unique requirements. For example, if
perimeter sidewalks are to be constructed around the building, then the projection of the
engineered fill beyond the foundation wall may need to be greater.
14. These guidelines are to be read in conjunction with Orbit Engineering Limited report
Final Ground
Engineered Fill
Engineered Fill
D Full Time Inspection
During Placement By Orbit
Undisturbed Natural Soil to be Benched