파일수평지지력 (Broms)
파일수평지지력 (Broms)
파일수평지지력 (Broms)
The allowable lateral load on piles is determined from the following two criteria:
Allowable lateral load is obtained by dividing the ultimate (failure) load by an adequate factor of safety.
Allowable lateral load is corresponding to an acceptable lateral deflection.
The smaller of the two above values is the one actually adopted as the design lateral load.
Methods of calculating lateral resistance of vertical piles can be broadly divided into two categories.
- Pile Parameters
Elastic Moment of ec Pile yield Pile
Pile Dia. Thickness
Pile Type Modulus Inertia Moment Length Soil Type
(b, mm) (t, mm) (Ep,kgf/cm2) ( Ip, cm4) (ec, mm) (My, kg-cm) (D, m)
400 65.0 4.0E+05 106,435 0.0 9.2E+05 8.0
ec : Eccentricity of applied load for free-headed piles (i.e., vertical distance between ground surface and lateral load)
1) The general soil type within the critical depth (approximately 4 to 5 pile diameters = 2.0 m) below the ground surface is
considered to be very loose sand (cohesionless soil) from the soil report.
2) Determine the coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction (Kh) within the critical depth for cohesionless soils.
Values of the coefficient of modulus variation Kh are obtained from the following Table.
(The values of given in following table were determined by Terzaghi.)
AboveKh (lb/in )
4) Determine the other required soil parameters over the embedded length of the pile.
a) The Rankine passive earth pressure coefficient for cohesionless soil (Kp)
K p =tan ( 45+ /2) = 2.77
6) Calculate the maximum allowable working load for a single pile (Qm)
Q m=Q u /
3.0 = 2.94 ton
Calculate Q a corresponding to a given design deflection at the ground surface (y) or the deflection corresponding
to a given design load.
Free headed pile in cohesionless soil using D (and e c / D for free headed case) enter Figure 2 and
3/ 5
select the corresponding value of y ( EI ) K h 2/ 5 /Q a D and solve for Q a of y.
Compare Qa to Qm
Since Qa = 2.78 ton < Qm = 2.94 ton , use Q_allow = 2.78 ton (for Pile Foundation Design)