Basic Principles of Environment

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Environmental Management:

7 Basic Principles of Environmental Management

In particular, the goals of resources management are often single purpose, whereas those of
environmental management are invariably multi-purpose’ this is because resources management
focuses only on its resource system while environmental management deals with both resource
system and their environments. Further, community needs and value are fundamental to
environmental management goal setting.

The Principles of Environmental Management:

These are some guiding principles of environmental management. These principles are helpful in
environmental decision making.

1. Polluter Pays Principle (PPP):

For the last two decades, many economists have suggested that firms discharging polluting effluents
to the environment should somehow be made to pay a price for such discharges related to the amount
of environmental damage caused.

OECD has suggested the Polluter Pays principles (PPP) as a general basis for the environmental
policy. It states that if measures are adopted to reduce pollution, the costs should be borne by the
polluters. According to the OECD Council, “The principle to be used for allocating costs of pollution
prevention and control measures to encourage rational use of scarce environmental resources and to
avoid distortions in international trade and investment is the so-called Polluter Pays Principle.” The
essential concern of this principle is that polluters should bear the costs of abatement without

The Polluter Pays Principle, as interpreted by the Supreme Court of India, means that the absolute
liability for harm to the environment extends not only to compensate the victims of pollution but also
the cost of restoring the environmental degradation. Thus, it includes environmental costs as well as
direct costs to people or property. Remediation of the damaged environment is part of the process of
sustainable development and as such the polluter is liable to pay the cost to the individual sufferers
as well as the costs of reversing the damaged ecology.

The application of this principle depends upon the interpretations, particular cases and situations.
This principle has brought more controversial discussions during the Rio Earth Summit 1992. The
South has demanded more financial assistance from the North in combating the environmental
degradation in the South.
There are practical implications on the allocation of economic obligations in relation to
environmentally damaging activities, particularly in relation to liability and the use of economic

2. The User Pays Principle (UPP):

It is considered as a part of the PPP. The principle states that all resource users should pay for the full
long-run marginal cost of the use of a resource and related services, including any associated
treatment costs. It is applied when resources are being used and consumed.

3. The Precautionary Principle (PP):

The main objective of the precautionary principle is to ensure that a substance or activity posing a
threat to the environment is prevented from adversely affecting the environment, even if there is no
conclusive scientific proof of linking that particular substance or activity to environmental damage.
The words ‘substance’ and ‘activity’ are the result of human intervention.

The Rio Declaration in its Principle 15 emphasizes on this principle, wherein it is provided that
where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage. Lack of full scientific certainty shall not be
used as a reason for postponing cost effective measures to prevent environmental degradation.
Therefore, the principle is essential for the protection of environment and human health by
implementing in the field of production and distribution of energy resources.

4. Principle of Effectiveness and Efficiency:

It is essential that efficiency of resources use may also be accomplished by the use of policy
instruments that create incentive to minimize wasteful use. It also applies to various issues of
environmental governance by streaming processes and procedures in order to minimize
environmental costs.

5. The Principle of Responsibility:

It is the responsibility of all persons, corporations and states to maintain the ecological processes.
Further, access to environmental resources carries attendant responsibilities to use them in an
ecological sustainable economically efficient and socially fair manner.

6. The Principle of Participation:

It is the duty of all the persons to participate in collectively environmental decision making activities.
Some participation areas are related to the use of trees and other plants, minerals, soils, fish and
wildlife for purposes such as materials and food as well as for consumptive and non-consumptive
recreation. The second issue concerns solid waste i.e. garbage, construction and demolition materials
and chemically hazardous waste etc. The third issue of participation is related to pollution generating

7. The Principle of Proportionality:

The principle of proportionality is based on the concept of balance. A balance is to maintain between
the economic development on the one hand and environmental protection on the other hand. It
cannot be disputed that no development is possible without some adverse effects on ecology.
Therefore, it is essential to adjust the interest of the people as well as the necessity to maintain the
environment. Moreover, comparative hardships have to be balanced and benefits to a larger section
of the people have to be maintained.


7 Environmental Principles
1. Nature knows best.
2. Everything is connected to everything else.
3. Everything changes.
4. Ours is a finite Earth.
5. Everything goes somewhere.
6. Nature is beautiful.
7. Principle of ecological balance.
(All forms of life are important.)

Ecosystem- is a biological environment consisting of all the organisms living in a particular area

together with the non-living things and also the abiotic factors such as air, water, and sunlight and
the place where they interacts. Ecosystem can be temporary or permanent. It is the combined
physical and biological components of the environment.

~ Components of ecosystem

a. Living organisms

b. Non-living

c. Physical factors

d. Chemical factors

Types of ecosystem

* Natural Ecosystem

a. Terrestrial Ecosystem

b. Aquatic, which is divided into -Lentic which includes lake, pond and swamp.

- Lotic which includes river and stream.

*Artificial Ecosystem- which is created by human.

*Factors that delimit an Ecosystem

Population size




Natural Resources



There are four different segment of environment:

1. Atmosphere:
The air envelope surrounding the earth is known as Atmosphere. This protective
envelop surrounding earth sustain life on earth and protect us from unfriendly
environment of outer space. It extends to the height of about 1600 km from the earth
surface. It consists of life saving gases like O2 for human beings and animals and CO2 for
2. Hydrosphere:
It covers more than 75% of the earth surface either as oceans or as fresh water.
Hydrosphere includes sea, rivers, oceans, lakes, ponds, streams etc.

3. Lithosphere:
It means the mantle of rocks constituting the earth’s crust. The solid component of the
earth is called Lithosphere, which includes soil, earth, rocks and mountains etc. The
lithosphere mainly contains three layers –

(a) Inner and Outer Core:

Central fluid or vaporised sphere of diameter of about 2500km from the centre.

(b) Mantle:
It is about 2900-3000 km above the core in molten state.

(c) Crust:
Outermost solid zone about 8-40 km above mantle.

4. Biosphere:
This segment of environment consists of atmosphere (air- O2, N2, CO2). Lithosphere (land- minerals,
salts, food, nutrients) and hydrosphere (water- dissolved oxygen, Salts) which influences and support
the entire biotic and abiotic life systems.


Environmental factors include everything that changes the local environment. This includes natural forces
like weather and human effects like non-biodegradable litter. Some environmental changes are visible, such
as a landslide caused by heavy rains.

Environmental factor or ecological factor or eco factor is any factor, abiotic or biotic, that influences living organisms.
 Abiotic factors include ambient temperature, amount of sunlight, and pH of the water soil in which an organism lives.
Biotic factors would include the availability of food organisms and the presence of conspecifics, competitors, predators,
and parasites.


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