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All the gods who play in the mythological

dramas In all legends from all lands were
from fair Atlantis
-----Atlantis, Donovan

About the Rule Set

This book is made to be used with Old
School Essentials and includes the books:
Old School Essentials Advanced Fantasy
Players Tome.
Old School Essentials Advanced Referee

Thank You
While I came up with the idea for OS5E
almost as soon as 5th edition came out, and
my setting- The Last Days of Atlantis
started out further back than that. It was the
year + long OSE LDOA game that built the
setting with the help of the players
themselves. I want to thank Gary Allgeier,
Guts, Kroob, Savagecornholio, Cerebral

Cincinnati, Ohio October 26th,

1979, 11:55 pm
Paula and Zoso started franticly to climb the
small but difficult rocky cliff. They reached
Tell me your fable the top, where they found their friend, they
A fable were searching for.
A fable He stood, with back turned, wearing the
A fable that will never end wizard robe his mother sewed for him for
And now, I dream their Saturday night game.
“Gene!” Paula belted out while catching her
----Fable, Robert Miles breath. She held up a letter half crumpled
from her mad dash “This letter Gene. What
The great Egyptian age is but a remnant of
is this about? We’re worried for you.”
The Atlantian culture
“Don’t be.” Gene said in a calm voice. He
The antediluvian kings colonized the world
turned to them and both saw the necklace he
was wearing “Soon I will ascend.”
Zoso noticed right away that the necklace Pearl then you know there are strings
looked exactly like the one Gene had drawn attached to it. Strings that will devour your
up for their game, called the Pearl of Infinite very soul.”
Dreams. Gene looked at them both and then to Paula
Gene grabbed the Pearl and said “Yes! I and said, “The Shadow Lord didn’t give me
have it, thanks to the Shadow Lord, I can the Pearl; I stole it from him.”
now enact my dream.” The revelation shook both of his friends.
“Gene” Paula thought carefully at what she Paula released his arm, a fear for her friend
was to say. Her friend was obviously started to overtake her.
unhinged. “The Shadow Lord and the “I must do this” Gene said, his sanity
necklace are just things you made up for our seeming to come back to him. I’ve wanted
game. They’re not real. Please. Get away this for so long.” He looked at them both “I
from the cleft and come back home with love you both so much. Remember me” and
us.” with that he entered the portal before either
“Gene, does this have something to do with of his friends could stop him.
your brother going missing? Zoso and Paula Zoso and Paula looked into each other’s
walked closer, now being in arms reach. eyes looking for an indication of what to do
“He’s no longer here. He’s become the next.
Shadow Lord.” A single tear ran down They had both known Gene for all their
Gene’s face. “He’s lost to the Shadow, but lives. Both had loved and been in love with
with this (he grabbed the pearl) with this I’m Gene at one time or other. The look in their
going to create Evermore.” eyes answered what they were to do. They
The two stood there not knowing what to do. walked through the portal, hand in hand, to
It was obvious to that the game had made find their friend.
his mind snap. As they finished walking through, the portal
Gene closed his eyes and appeared to be closed behind them, on the ground a photo
concentrating on the pearl in his hand. It was Gene had dropped. It was of him, Zoso,
then that the Pearl started to glow with a Paula and Jeremy, sitting around the table
bright light. Both of Gene’s friends were playing their Saturday night game. The
shocked, but Gene opened his eyes and was picture betrayed the makeup of the group
filled with joy. and was an indicator of what was to come.
“Look! It’s working!” Gene exclaimed.
The air about them started to stir and the
three looked around.
What happened next was the proof of what
he was saying. Behind Gene a hole ripped
open in the very fabric of reality showing a
vast, starry expanse.
“I told you! I told you! Gene yelled out.
His friends were frozen in disbelief, but
Paula found the strength to talk.
“Gene, if this is true and he’s now the
Shadow Lord then Jeremy has been
consumed by the Shadow and can’t be
trusted.” She grabbed his arm in a gentle
way to reassure him. “If he gave you the
This version of LDOA assumes several Languages language of their
things regarding classes: supernatural
1. Race as class. If you’re an elf than that is ancestor.
also your class.
2. Only the basic human classes, Cleric, The Outer Planes of Existence holds many
Fighter, Magic-user, Thief and the Dream things that mankind is best to avoid.
Sovereign and Psion are used. Occasionally beings from the Outer Planes
3. No multiclassing. will breed with humans, producing hybrids.
It is totally up to the GM and players to Depending on what exactly the Blooded is
decided what to include and not to include in descended from and the circumstances of
the game. A list of the classes use include: their births, reaction to blooded vary. Some
Blooded: Hybrids resulting by the union are killed at birth while others have their
between humans and outer planar beings. births seen as omens good or ill.
Changelings are descended from the Fae.
Cleric: Representatives of the Gods
Nephilim are descended from Angels,
Dream Sovereign: Those that have
Devas, Devils or Demons.
harnessed the power of Dreams.
Elemental Kin are born of elemental beings
Dwarf: like genie, elemental lords etc.
Elf: Combat
Fighter: Blooded can use leather armor, shields and
Kemono: any weapon.
Magic-user: Spellcaster
Metamorph: Blooded are spellcasters who able to achieve
Psion 5th level spells. The spells list a blooded
Thief uses depends on its ancestry.
Changelings use either the Druid or
Illusionist spell lists. Nephilim use Cleric
spells and Elemental Kin use the Druid spell
Blooded have infravision to 60’ (see
Darkness, p106 OSE Rules Tome).
Blooded use the tables of the Elf Class pg.48

Requirements Cleric
Prime requisite: OSE Advanced Player’s Tome pg.36
Hit Dice 1d6 Clerics of Evermore do not hold a monopoly
Maximum Level 10fh on power over the people. They are in
Armor Leather armor and competition with the Dream Sovereigns that
shields claim dreams are the answer to life, needing
Weapons Any no “gods” to guide them.
Common and the
Furthermore, the divinity of the gods Sovereign’s dreams, another’s or might have
themselves are questioned by many. It been found wondering the Dream Realm.
furthermore does not help that many Dream Companions can be of any concepts,
powerful beings claim divinity but fall far from a One eye, One horn, Flying purple
short being nothing more than powerful people eater to the Sovereign’s own mother.
creatures with a following. The Companion might mirror very personal
Deity Favored Weapon things that the sovereign shared with the
actual being if present in life.
Clerics can use weapon(s) favored by their
For example, the Dream Companion Mother
would remember shared events and might
even still be mad at the Sovereign if they
fought before she died.
Dream Companions have all the traits of
Shadows though they don’t do Strength
Dream Tokens
Dream Sovereign You pull wisps of dream material from the
realm of Dream to create a nonliving object
Requirements Minimum WIS 9 of vegetable matter : soft goods, rope, wood,
Prime CHA or something similar. You can also create
requisite mineral objects such as stone, crystal, or
Hit Dice 1d4 metal. The object created must be no larger
Maximum level 14 than a 5-foot cube, and the object must be of
Armor No armor or a form and material that you have seen
shields before.
Weapons Dagger, Staff The duration depends on the object's
Languages Common, any material. If the object is composed of
other two. multiple materials, use the shortest duration.
Material Duration
While anyone can try to understand their Vegetable matter 12 hours
own dreams and learn to control them Stone or crystal 8 hours
through Lucid Dreaming, only the Dream Precious metals 1 hour
Sovereign has transcended the barrier Gems 10 minutes
between the realms of the living and dreams. Adamantine or 1 minute
Combat mithral
Using any material created by this phantasm
Dream Sovereigns can only use daggers and
as a spell's material component causes that
Staffs and are unable to use shields or wear
spell to fail.
any kind of
The Sovereign can have only one Dream
armor. This makes them very vulnerable in
Token manifested at a time.
Dream Companion
The Sovereign gains a Dream Companion
which has hailed from the realm of Dream.
The Companion could be from the Lucid Dreaming
Dream Sovereigns are masters of not just Tables
their own dreams, but that of others. Lucid
Dream Sovereigns use the tables of the
Dreaming can only be used while in the
Magic-user pg.66 of the Advanced Players
Dream Realm. Anyone can Lucid Dream
Rules Tome.
(1in6 chance) but only Sovereigns can excel
at it. Among the things a Lucid Dreaming
rolls includes are:
• Realize you are dreaming
• Change one aspect of your personal OSE Advanced Player’s Tome
dreamscape pg.46
• Change one aspect of another's Though they are a far cry from the elves,
dreamscape dwarves are also fae. But while the elves are
• Change your personal appearance embodiments of nobility, the dwarves are
• Depart one dreamscape for another embodiments of the earth and work. Long
• Depart a dreamscape for the Dreamlands ago the dwarves regal on their word to the
• Pull another with you into the Goblin Queen and she cursed them to live
Dreamlands deep in the mountains, turning to stone if
• Leave the Dreamlands they saw the light of day. The Good Folk see
them as the lowest of the Fae. Recently the
Level D6 curse of the Goblin Queen was lifted thanks
1-4 2in6 to the Arch Mage Zoso.
5-8 3in6 Dwarves stand no more than four feet tall,
9-12 4in6 with squat, muscular bodies made for
13-14 5in6 mining, which they do often. All dwarves
are bearded including the women. They are
Phantasms gruff looking with pale skin the shade of a
Dream Sovereign spells are called fishes underbelly since the vast majority of
Phantasms. They follow all the rules listed them never see the light of day. Dwarves, if
for Illusionist spells. they venture to the surface, almost always
Enacting Phantasms: Dream Sovereigns travel in a pack for protection and keep to
carry Dream Journals containing their the task at hand. Once in a while an
dreams. The level progression table individual dwarf will set out on the surface
(opposite) shows both the number of world to see what it holds.
Phantasm in the sovereign’s dream journal In all other ways the dwarves of Evermore
and the number they may enact, determined follow the rules in the Rules Tome.
by the character’s experience level. Thus, a
1st level Dream Sovereign has one
phantasm in their journal, selected by the Elf
referee (who may allow the player to Requirements Minimum
choose). CHA 9,
After reaching 11th level minimum
Upon reaching 11th level the Sovereign can DEX 9,
claim a place in the Dream Realm to create a minimum
Dream Fortress. 1-6 Dream Folk will man INT 9
the Fortress. Prime Requisite: CHA
Hit Dice: 1d6
Maximum Level: 10 Elves have a 3-in-6 chance of noticing
Armor: Leather, passages to Fairy.
elven chain Magic resistance
As beings of Fairy, where magic is in the
very fabric of things, elves have an
Languages Common,
increased resistance to magic.
They are immune to sleep spells, gain a +2
Players can chose to play either the elf
bonus to saving throws against charms and
presented here or the one presented in the
illusions, and are unaffected by the
Rules Tome. The elf from the Rules Tome is
paralyzing touch of ghouls.
an elf that has lost their royal standing in
Fairie. Glamours
Elf is a human term that most of the Sidhe Elves are able to make use of a number of
allow to slide. In truth they are called the minor magical abilities known as glamours.
Sidhe and they are the nobles of Fairie and The number of glamours known by an elf
Alfheim. are determined by his or her
Player character elves are assumed to be rare level and are selected at random. Glamours
individuals who spend most of their time in may be used any number of times per day.
the mortal world. They may be exiles from (Though mortals regard these abilities as
the undying lands or adventurers fascinated “magic”, elves do not view them as such.)
by the decay of the world of mortals. 1.Moon child
Physically, elves appear to be very attractive The elf’s eyes perceive night as it were day.
humans, perfect in from with eyes of deep, Even the blackest tomb is perceived as if by
bright colors ranging from blue, purple, gold gentle moonlight.
and white. Their ears are somewhat long,
ending in points at the end.
2. Changeling
The elf’s facial features are malleable
according to his or her will. Subtle features
Elves can use leather or elven armor, shields
(e.g. eye color, hair color) may be switched
and any weapon.
in a moment. More dramatic changes take a
Immortality turn of concentration to effect. It is not
Elves can be killed but do not die naturally. possible to duplicate the appearance of
They are immune to the mundane illnesses another using this glamour.
of mortal-kind but are affected normally by 3. Seeming
diseases of magical origin (e.g. cause
The elf may make his or her garb appear as
disease, lycanthropy, the touch of a
he or she wishes. The glamour is only
mummy). Elves also cannot die of thirst or
visual, however, and is revealed by touch.
starvation, though a lack of sustenance
drives them insane and sadistic. 4. Disguise object
An object in the elf’s hand is made to appear
Unearthly beauty as something else (of similar dimensions).
Elves—both benevolent and wicked—are The glamour lasts until the object is touched
beautiful, by mortal standards. For CHA by another being.
tests based purely on physical attractiveness,
an elf is always treated as having a CHA 5. Silver tongue
score of at least 14. By using ancient modes of the high elfish
tongue, the elf is able to communicate with
Fae Sight any being, including dumb animals. This
ability may only be used to communicate in Table
one language per day (e.g. one mortal
Sidhe use the same Level Progression ,
tongue or the speech of one species of
Saving throw as an elf in the Rules Tome.

6. Beguilement Weaknesses
The elf’s words have great power over Cold iron
mortal minds. A single mortal, addressed by As fairies, elves are vulnerable
an elf using this glamour, must save versus to iron weapons, suffering double damage
spells or believe the elf’s words, if only for a on a successful hit.
moment. When the moment has passed, it is An elf in physical contact with iron become
immediately obvious that a magical sickened and suffers a -2 penalty to attack
deception has occurred. rolls and saving throws.
7. Vanishing Resistance to divine aid
The elf disappears from another creature’s There are no gods in Elfland and the gods of
sight for one round. This glamour may only mortals are loath to aid its folk. If an elf is
be used on any individual once per day. the subject of a beneficial divine spell, there
8. Walk in shadows is a 2-in-6 chance of it having no effect on
The elf can walk circuitous pathways the elf.
between worlds, seemingly stepping out of Reaching 9th Level
the mortal world and, moments later, Upon reaching 9th level, an elf may
reappearing at a different location. There is a establish a stronghold and domain in either
2-in-6 chance of a suitable shadow door the mortal world or Fairy. Elves and other
existing in any given 10’ by 10’ area of fairies in the region may come to live under
darkness. Searching for such a door takes the character’s rule.
one round. Stepping through a discovered
shadow door, the elf disappears for one
round, then reappears at a random location
within 60’.
Prime requisite
Contrary to the standard rule, an elf may
raise his or her CHA score by point
swapping during character creation.
Read magic
Given an hour of solitude, an elf may read
magical scripts and runes, as if by the
magic-user spell read magic. OSE Advanced Player’s Tome pg.46
Magic items The following are further options and
additions to the class presented in the Rules
Elves have a natural affinity for the arcane
and are able to use any magic item usable by
arcane spell casters. This includes casting Combat Maneuvers
spells from scrolls (with the During an attack, the fighter rolls a d6 and
use of their read magic ability). d20 at the same time. If the d6 succeeds (see
table) you gain an bonus of +1 to the attack
and damage roll. If both rolls succeeds, the This Knightly Order has a very strange
fighter may perform an additional action history. According to the Vault, five
along with the attack. Potential actions that peasants, while working, almost were struck
could be taken include: by a meteor that felled to Pangaea while
• Kick sand in an enemy’s face (save vs titling the fields. The meteor gave off a
breath attacks strange energy that gave the five the gift of
or be blinded) prophecy. The Five saw a plot to kill the
• Disarm an opponent (enemy saves vs King. When they had stopped receiving the
paralysis or vision, the Five automatically decided to go
drops weapon) and stop the assassination. In the ensuring
• Push an enemy off a cliff (enemy saves vs events the Five stopped the killer and were
paralysis rewarded with the title of Knighthood by the
or moves back 10’) King. All did not end well though for the
• Precision shot, called shot. Five had kept the source of their information
• Rally your retainers secret. When word got out to the King on
• Swing from a chandelier (or perform how they had come upon the information he
similar stunts) demanded the Five to turn over the meteor
Mighty Deeds must follow naturally from to him for he feared the meteor. Now why
what players are doing in the game. You this was and why the Five decided to keep it
can’t kick sand into an enemy’s face if there a secret in the first place depends on who
is no sand on the ground, tells the story. But in the end the result was
or swing from a nonexistent chandelier the Five breaking away from the King (after
Combat Maneuver table a bloody battle) and forming a knightly
Level D6 order of their own. This order was never
1-4 2in6 very numerous to begin with. While the
5-8 3in6 exact number worldwide. While they are on
9-12 4in6 good terms with the major Orders (for those
13-14 5in6 who have heard of them) they are seen at
Amazon best as being quaint. Being very traditional
and old fashioned, they do on allow women
Far beyond the Spine of Tiamat, before you
into the ranks. Even so, this group of knights
get to the Kingdom of Ivory is a large city
do not suffer from a machismo attitude one
state of the Amazon, a society comprised
would expect from a group that does not
solely of warrior women.
allow women. In fact, they are known to
work with women outside the order when on
Griffin Riders of the Great Spine assignments.
This Knightly Order use Griffons to patrol Hyperborean Barbarian
the Spine of Tiamat against barbarian hordes Numerous tribes of barbarians live in the
and all manner of unimaginable creatures. Hyperborean area.
Griffon eggs are taken and the hatchlings are Chimera
trained from day one to be loyal steeds.
Only Knights that are highly trained (5th
level) gain the privilege to ride a Griffon.

Knights of the Celestial Vault

Gorgons can use leather armor, shields and
all weapons.
Gorgons have been cursed for eternity and
so do not die from old age. They appear as
the age they were when cursed.
Petrifying Gaze
Gorgon Once per turn, being able to take no other
Requirements: Minimum CHA 9, action, the gorgon can change a victim to
minimum DEX 9, stone as a Medusa can.
minimum INT 9 They can do this a number of times per day
Prime Requisite CHA equal to 1+1 for every two Gorgon levels .
Hit Dice: 1d6 This last for one turn per level of the
Maximum Level: 8 Gorgon.
Armor: Leather, including Snake Hair
shields The hair of a gorgon is made of snakes,
Weapons: Any which are natural weapons . They deal 1d4
Languages: Common, Draconic piercing damage and have the finesse
property and have a five foot reach.
Far up in the highest point of the Spine of
Tiamat, there is a temple dedicated to the
Poison Resistance
world serpent Jormungandr. Its sole Gorgons receive a +4 to death saves versus
inhabitant is a creature that was once the poisons.
most beautiful of women, Medusa. She was Table
“blessed” by Jormungandr with a head of Gorgons use the tables of the Halfling.
snakes for hair. Being turned into this
immortal monster made Medusa a recluse,
never leaving the Temple. From time to
time, adventurers have ran across her, where
she “blesses” them. These gorgons (who can
be men or women) all must leave the temple
since The Supreme Gorgon cannot stand the
presence of those like her. Gorgons cannot
reproduce and the Curse can only be
removed by a divine being. Only Humans
can carry the curse.
Being the cursed being that they are, most
gorgons do not worship a higher power.
Those that do tend to do so to find relief
Requirements: DEX 9
from their curse. Prime Requisite DEX
Hit Dice: 1d6
Maximum Level: 8
Armor: Any that fits breathe both air and water in this form.
form ,including Avian Kemono cannot fly in this form.
Weapons: Any Table
Languages: Common, Kemono,
Kemono use the tables of the Halfling.
Hailing from the Dreamlands, the Kemono
are Dream Folk that have taken on life and Kemono Species
become a living race of beings. They are While they are one race, there are many
very numerous in The Kingdom of Jade but species of Kemono. What is presented here
can be found the world over. Kemono are are but a few of them.
one race, though many species of Kemono Bumble Bee (Chou)
exist. Most species get along, but many do The Maruhanabachi are industrious and do
not and in fact war with each other. not suffer from exhaustion when doing
No matter their species, all kemono share a mundane, mindless work As an insect
fun loving, prankster side at best, or a kemono, their animal form is that of a
thieving, conniving one at worst. swarm of their animal type.
Kemono are mostly seen in the eyes of Butterfly (Batafurai)
humans with acceptance, though humans are
Beings of Grace and beauty, butterflies can
well aware of their trickery.
cast Charm once a day. They are also the
only Kemono able to fly in anthropomorphic
Combat form, though they can only carry no more
Kemono can only wear armor that has been than 40lbs. As an insect kemono, Batafurai
made to fit them. They can use any weapon. animal form is that of a swarm of butterflies.
Being delicate beings, Batafurai receive a -2
Two Forms on their constitution at character creation.
Changing form takes an action. Kemono can Carp (Koi)
speak any language they know in both The animal form is a large carp weighing
forms. Changing form does not heal hit around 70 lbs. All items worn remain dry
points lost in another form. Kemono can even if submerged in water.
speak any language they know in both Cat (Tabaxi, Bubasti)
forms. Two types exist, The Tabaxi, which include
Animal Form most types of cats, and the Bubasti, long,
elegant, and strange looking black cats that
The true form of a kemono is the Animal
hail from Atlantis. The Bubasti looks like
Form. This form is that of an animal typical
black sphinx cats. They claim to be
of its type. When asleep, unconscious or
descendants of the cat goddess Bast and do
dead, the kemono reverts to its animal form.
not hold the Cat Lord with reverence.
In animal form the Kemono keeps it’s Hit
points, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma Fox (Kitsune)
scores. Insect Kemono’s animal form is that Foxes are the most cunning of all Kemono.
of a swarm. They gain one point of Wisdom at first
Anthropomorphic Form level. For each level gained, The Kitsune’s
humanoid form gains a new tail.
This form is humanoid, being more animal
than human in form. Aquatic Kemono can
Racoon (Araiguma)
Only the Kenku match the Araiguma in
thievery, the main difference being that
racoons tend to be solitary while the Kenku
work in groups.
Raven (Kenku)
The Kenku are able to mimic any voice. A Magic-User
Wisdom roll is needed to see if the person Advanced Fantasy Player’s Rules Tome
can discern the ruse. pg. 66
Snake (Hebi) Evermore is a magical realm and the Magic-
The Hebi are underhanded at best and no user holds great power over it. The Arch
one in their right mind would trust one. Mage Zoso is the apex example of this class.
Their detachment makes them feared by It was him and his friends that created the
others. world of Evermore.
They have poison as a snake as its type but
Spider (Kumo)
As an insect Kemono, their animal form is
that of a swarm of their animal type.
Swan (Hakuchō)
The embodiment of grace and beauty,
Hakuchō are considered to have at least a 14
in Charisma when it concerns social
Tortoise (Tortle)
The Tortle are the most ancient of Kemono.
Unlike other kemono, The Tortle have a
natural armor class of 15 but cannot were
other armor other than shields. This armor
does not interfere with spellcasting if the
Tortle has a spellcasting class. Also they do
not have Animal Reflexes.
Wolf (Ōkami)
The Okami are pack animals and when in
charge and free to move around during a
fight, all the Fighting companions of the
Okami receive a +1 to hit. The Okami does
not get this bonus himself
• While they don’t need to eat or drink, they

can if they want to.
• Manikins do not need to breath and never
Requirements Min CON 9 need to take rest unless a spell or similar
Prime requisite CON magic makes them.
Hit Dice: 1d8 • Mankins regain hit points at the same rate
Maximum level: 12 as other classes but gain them back by being
Armor: No armor(see repaired.
below) but • All manikins know how to repair
includes shields themselves.
Weapons: Any Durable
Languages: Common, Any While they cannot wear armor due to their
other known by its strange forms, manikins can learn to
creator toughen themselves up as they gain levels as
(if any) indicated in the column “AC” creating a
Living constructs that may or may not stronger Armor Class.
remember their creation. Manikins can come Strong / Weak Material
from a wide range of origins. They were
All manikins have a Strong and a weak spot
created for a special purpose, though most
in the materials they are made from. A
pc manikins have set out adventuring to find
Scarecrow for example, takes half damage
more out of life.
from blunt damage, but double damage from
They tend toward the Neutral alignment as
they are somewhat detached from humanity
though most seek to learn from it. Stronghold
The Scarecrow that spontaneously came to The manikin can establish a stronghold at
life to escape torture from the crows that any time. This stronghold
perched on it all day, the clockwork person Tables
created by the Tinker to help around the Manikins use the Level Progression and
house and the ventriloquist dummy that was Saving Throw tables of the Dwarf.
brought to life by dark magic are all
examples of manikins.
Manikins can use all types of weapons. Due
Requirements INT 9
to their special construction, they cannot use Prime requisite CHA and DEX
normal armor, but do improve in it as they Hit Dice: 1d6
go up in levels. Maximum level 8
Armor: Leather, no
Weapons: Any
Living Construct Languages: Common, True
• Though manikins were created and not Atlantean
born, they are sentient, autonomous beings.
• They are subject to magic like all living Long ago, when the True Atlanteans had
beings are, including things like sleep and humanity enslaved under its control, weird
Raise Dead. experiments and hybrid breeding were
conducted by the True Atlanteans on their Requires the changeling to be motionless—
human slaves. The Metamorph race is the attacking or moving while hiding is not
only stable result of those times As a possible.
species, metamorphs are very small in Move silently
population. There are no known metamorph A changeling may attempt to sneak past
societies, and very little culture among them. enemies unnoticed
Most metamorphs adapt to whatever culture Metamorphing
they chose to live among. Most live among
A changeling can alter their form to exactly
human societies, wanting to tap into the
mimic another person. This requires 1 round
human legacies that they have, though due
of physical contact.
to their connection to the True Atlanteans,
Shape Stealing from the Dead: The
they live hidden among these communities.
changeling can steal the form of a person
But there are those that choose to live
they have killed within the last turn.
among non-human ones as well.
Effects of Successful Shape-Stealing
Like their True Atlantean creators,
Duration: The changeling remains in the
Metamorphs are shape shifters, able to
new form for up to one turn per level.
change into any humanoid form they have
Stats: The changeling retains their own
intelligence, hit points, saving throws, and
In their true form they appear as hairless
attack probabilities.
humans with large, black eyes. While their
Capabilities: Physical capabilities of the new
True Atlantean progenitors were sexless,
form (e.g. strength, physical attack forms,
having human DNA means metamorphs are
modes of movement) are acquired.
mostly born with a sex. Even so, individuals
Non-physical special abilities (e.g.
will crop up that have no sex traits or both.
immunities, breath weapons, spell casting)
Metamorphs can only reproduce with other
are not acquired.
Clothing and gear: Items visibly worn or
Back Stab carried by the victim are copied. Copied
When attacking an unaware opponent from items do not possess any magical properties
behind, a changeling receives a +4 bonus to of the original and vanish if dropped
hit and doubles any damage dealt. Tables
Combat Metamorphs use the tables of the Halfling.
Changelings can use all types of weapons Telepathy
and can use leather armor and shields. The Metamorph can speak telepathically to
Metamorph Skills any being with a language in a 30’ distance.
Changelings can use the following skills,
with the chance of success shown opposite:
Hear noise
In a quiet environment (e.g. not in combat),
a changeling may attempt to listen at a door
or to hear
the sounds of something (e.g. a wandering
monster) approaching.
Hide in shadows
name of a person, place
or thing.
2 The Psion misinterprets
the info but thinks it’s
3 As in a roll of1 plus one

correct bit of info
4 As in a roll of 1 plus
Requirements : None two correct bit of info.
Prime requisite: INT 5 As in a roll of o1 but
Hit Dice: 1d4 one correct bit of info
Maximum level: 14 and one wrong.
Armor: No armor or shields 6 Roll again.
Weapons Dagger, Staff
Languages Common and one Psi Crystals
other Mystics make no use of magic items, but
The True Atlanteans left a legacy that goes they are able to use Psi Crystals. Psi
all the way down to the very DNA of the Crystals are found in remote areas connected
humans and metamorphs that inhabit with psionics. They are able to hold psychic
Evermore. Recently, within the last two energies to be released later when used by a
generations, a small number of humans and Psion. They are rated one through six, each
Metamorphs have unleased the vast power rating able to hold a psionic power that a
of Psionics. mystic embedded into the crystal.
Psionics For example, a Psion casts a 3rd level
Psions are able to use the power of the mind. psionic into a third level psi crystal, where
Instead of spells they have Psionics. These he later uses it whenever he wants. Once
basically work like cleric spells, with the used, the crystal cannot hold another psionic
Psion having to meditate an hour each day of that level but can of one lower. This goes
for them. Psionics, like Phantasms, are not on until 1st level is reached.
spells though and work counter to them. For Afterwards the crystal is no more useful and
example, a psion uses Detect Psionics which turns black.
cannot be used to detect magic.
Akashic Records
You can connect to the Akashic Records, the
storehouse of all knowledge that those who
are Psychic can assess. The Psion is able to
access the Records once a day. Thievery
This goes up by one for every 3 levels of the Thieves in Evermore follow the class in the
Psion class the character has. OSR but in one way. Instead of having a list
of thieves Skills, they simply have
THIEVERY which encompasses those skills
and more as the GM sees fit.

Roll Result 1 1in6

1 Very little info. The 3 2in6
5 3in6
6 4in6
8 5in6
14 5in6
All Souls Hospital, San Francisco, using his voice to focus said: “Dennis, I
California, 1984 need you to drink this. Trust me. Just open
Zoso walked quickly through the Infectious your mouth.”
Diseases ward. His time on Earth was short Dennis opened his mouth very slightly and
and there was much to get done. Zoso poured it in. The second Dennis
He passed a nurse with the name swallowed he felt a flood of energy overtake
“Samantha” on her uniform and gave her a him and in an almost instant he was healthy
look. The nurse tilted her head to Room 312. and strong again with no sign he was ever
Zoso stood in the doorway looking at the sick. He looked at Zoso and around the
horrible sight. Laying in front of him was room.
his High School Lover Dennis, ravaged by He leapt out of the hospital bed and went to
AIDS. the mirror. The sight of his blemish free face
Dennis seemed only half aware, looking like made him to cry. He turned to Zoso and said
he weighed no more than 80 lbs. His face “It’s true. You created your world. But how?
was ghost white with Kaposi’s sarcoma Before Zoso could answer, Nurse Samantha
markings adorning his face. came to the door with a very angry face
“Dennis” Zoso said in a low voice. He had “why the fuck don’t you just use a blow
to talk but felt like he was intruding. Dennis horn she said to Dennis. “I’ve been out here
looked up; his face showed confusion. all this time making certain no one
“Jacob. Is that you?” his head started ever so interrupted you but there is only so much I
gently to twitch uncontrollably. can do” Though the uniform didn’t change,
“It is.” Zoso said as he walked gently across the nurse’s form changed into a man’s body,
the room to the side of his bed. but the face shocked Dennis. The face
Dennis’s hand reached up to Zoso who took looked washed out with a thin layer of skin
it into his own. “But how? The four of you over it. “What the fuck? Dennis belted out.
disappeared. Where did you go? They Zoso stood between the men and said “This
looked for you for so long...” is Charade, a metamorph. My lover”
“That’s not important now my friend. I’m “This can’t be happening” the sentence
here and I’m going to help.” escaped Dennis’s mouth just as he looked
Dennis started to laugh, or at least tried to. back over to the nurse, this time it looked
He was so for gone, even that little reaction like Bette Davis in “Whatever Happen to
was too much. Baby Jane”.
Zoso sat on the bed, he lay his hand on Charade belted out “But it is Blanche! It is!
Dennis’s neck and took out what looked like And then he changed back into Nurse
a small bottle and held it up. “Look. I got Samantha.
you a Potion of Healing” Dennis looked up Zoso was pissed. His lover was being
through his cloudy eyes and closed them “I jealous. “Charade go back out. We’ll be
don’t understand. Like in your games?” there in a minute.”
Dennis remember the four of them, Gene, The Metamorph left. Zoso looked Dennis in
Paula, Jacob, and Jeremy playing every the eye “Look, I know it’s a lot to take in,
Saturday. Dennis himself played a few but we have to act fast. The magics I have
games. His character was a Knight. placed here will be gone soon. All will be
“Yes. Like in the game. Only now it’s real. explained later, but I need your help and I
Gene made it real. Evermore is real.” need to know if I can count on the most
All of it was too much for Dennis to take in. handsome knight in all the realms.” Zoso
He started coughing. Zoso got closer and smiled.
Dennis was speechless but nodded yes. Dennis looked bewildered by it all as they
“Good!” Zoso said. My stays here on Earth walked out to the parking lot. “But how am I
are limited for now. I need you here to help going to do the things you want? Do you
me out. The first two things I need you to do have the money? “Zoso smiled at this and
is open a bank account and buy a Lake took out a velvet pouch and opened it. Inside
House in Cincinnati for me.” As he was were golden coins, minted with a face
telling Dennis all this, Zoso opened the Dennis had seen before. “Are those
closet and took out a plastic bag that had the Atlantean coins? Like in the game?? “
clothes Dennis came in with. He gave them Zoso laughed saying “They certainly are and
to Dennis, who took them and started getting there are many more of those for you.
dressed. You’re going to take those to a collector I
“Jacob, do you have more…Healing know and he’s going to give you a good
Potions? I know so many who are dying...” amount for them.
Zoso cut him off saying “I’m afraid not. They got up to the car and as they were
Potions like that are hard to come by even getting in Dennis asked “You said they are
for one such as myself.” prisoners. Who imprisoned them? Zoso’s
As he was putting on his shoes, Dennis said face turned serious for just a second and said
“what about Resurrection? Can you bring “Jeremy”.
someone back? Patrick, my Lover, died two Dennis didn’t know exactly what that all
months ago.” He looked up to Zoso with entailed, but he was not surprised to learn
pleading eyes. Zoso came over and put both this. The twins Gene and Jeremy were
hands on his ex’s shoulders and said “It’s always at odds.
possible, but Dennis it’s a life for a life. I
know how you feel but believe me the dead
should stay dead.” There was a very short The world of Evermore rests side by side
but pregnant silence broken up by Charade with the Dreamlands, a fact that is brought
entering the room again as Nurse Samantha, home when parts of Dream break away and
only to change into a black middle-aged form “living” embodiments of dreams.
woman. “She’s coming around the corner Many of the monsters known to the people
and almost saw me”. of Evermore are in fact dream folk that have
“Ok let’s go! Zoso said as he took Dennis’s over time, become real. The Kemono are a
hand and lead him out of the room. The fine example of this.
three men casually walked out the door, Dream Folk can really be anything. Many
passing the real Nurse Samantha along the times dream folk might be birthed from the
way. Dennis and the nurse looked directly at dreams and desires of players and can take
each other, but she didn’t even bat an eye. the form of dead loved ones, enemies, or
“Yea about that, I had to make it so that all friends. They can take the form of a
who knew you have forgotten you. I can’t childhood imagined friend or a famous
have someone looking into how a man with warrior of old. They can even be birthed
a terminal illness suddenly got cured. “ from other realms, like Earth and have found
Dennis shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. their way to Evermore.
All my friends died in the last few months”. Dream Folk are the embodiments of dreams
“Not all Dennis. Our Saturday night gaming and so they might be very close to the idea
group is still alive, just held…prisoner for or far from it. A man’s mother is embodied,
the time being. But we’re going to free and she acts just like she did in life, even
them.” having the memories of her time with her
son. Another man’s wife is embodied but
she’s not the same. She hates her husband Fallen Gods
and wishes him nothing but pain. Most The devices of the Atlanteans are strange
Dream Folk walk about without no on and beyond anything found on Evermore.
knowing they are around since they are Certainly, they are things that only the gods
more often than not mere phantoms. Rarely can create. The real question for this theory
will they manifest to the one that birthed is where they malignant or benign?
____________________________ Crash Landed
There are no set stats for Dream Folk. Feel This theory states that the True Atlanteans
free to assign whatever stats you feel they were from a place past the stars and that
need. their coming here was an accident. One
theory says that the moment they stepped
out, the world itself was so foreign to them
Favored of Kyuss that they died.
Recently the Demigoddess Kyuss was Sinister Motive
defeated by a small group of adventurers, The people that repeat this story say that the
her goal of world domination ruined by True Atlanteans came here with dark
them. But a single worm escaped and now a motives. They point out that the weapons of
small but growing number of her more the True Atlanteans are horrible indicators
‘favored” children are spreading across the of a people here to take over the world. The
world. following is the typical True Atlantean, but
Stats for them are found on page 108 in the rumors tell of Atlanteans that can even use
Advanced Fantasy Referees Tome under magic.
Spawn of the Worm.
AC 5 [14], HD 4* *(18hp), Att 1 × bite
(1d12), THAC0 16 [+3], MV 90’ (30’), SV
D6 W7 P8 B8 S10 (10), ML 10, AL
Chaotic, XP 125, NA 1d6 (1d6), TT E
True Atlantean • Shape stealing: Can adopt the form of any
The best kept secret in Atlantis is the fact human-like creature (7’ tall or less)
that those who call themselves Atlanteans observed, including clothing.
are in fact descendants of the slaves of the • Trickery: Will attempt to kill a PC, take on
True Atlanteans who all are believed to be their role, then attack the party by surprise
long dead. How and why the True (e.g. during a battle).
Atlanteans perished is unknown. But they • Reversion: If killed, reverts to its original
have left behind great monuments to their form.
past presence. No one knows what the True • Spell immunity: Unaffected by sleep and
Atlanteans looked like or what their charm spells.
presence here on Evermore was for. It is • Telepathy in a 60’ radius. The True
thought that they hail from a Prime Material Atlantean can speak any language
Plane like Evermore. Atlantis the city is the telepathically.
center of these great monuments. • Psionic Blast: Attacks the mind. Victim
makes a Spell save or takes 1d8 damage.
Theories abound as to who the True
Atlanteans were and why they visited
Evermore. A few theories include:
Master of the Magical Arts, the stewardship
The Edge of Dreams, October 26th, 1979, over all the Realms of Pangaea, and the
11:56 pm, One year later immortal life that goes with it.”
They stood on a small, floating mass of land Zoso’s eyes showed he was going to say
overlooking the Dreamlands. A year had something else, but Gene cut it short by
gone by since the three of them entered the saying “Begone now! The Great Rite is
portal and now only the two of them stood. here!” and with that, Zoso was teleported
Gene was looking out into the vast space, out of harm’s way.
the Pearl of Infinite Dreams around his neck. The nebula of dream and matter created by
Besides him stood Zoso, now dressed in the Great Rite had expanded and now was
robes indicating an arch-mage. upon Gene.
“The Grand Ritual has been enacted. The He kept holding the Pearl and his lips moved
next part will happen soon” Gene said in a with no sound escaping them as he finished
matter of fact way. the Great Rite.
Zoso looked over to his friend and said “It As the cloud took over, Gene’s atoms started
doesn’t have to. You can still stop it. to break away and scatter into the cloud. The
“But I won’t” Gene turned his head to look pain was unmeasurable, but Gene didn’t bat
into Zoso’s eyes. The two young men an eye as his whole being scattered and
looked at each other, knowing that he was mixed into the Great Nebula.
not going to change his mind. What happened next only took minutes but
“This will Kill you” Zoso said. was eons in the making as the Realm of
“This will transform me” Gene grabbed the Pangaea formed and transformed, and the
pearl and started to focus his mind. life on its surface and deep within along
Zoso put his hand on his friend’s shoulder with it. Minutes later, the world of Evermore
and in a weaken voice said “Please Gene, was formed.

Gene took the hand and held it to his lips in
a long kiss. Evermore is a demiplane that borders The
“I know you’re still angry about what Dreamlands. There are many such Dream
happened to Jenny but believe me when I Demiplanes in existence, Evermore is just
tell you the three of us will be together one of many, but is one of the largest ones.
again, as if none of this had happened. Many would say even being its own full
plane. Most of these Dream Demiplane have
come into existence by a very powerful
Zoso wrapped his arms around his friend in magical item called The Dream Stone. There
a last-ditch effort for one more hug, but is always one Dream Stone in existence at
Gene pulled them separate. any one time, with its looks varying from
“You must go. If you stay the Great Rite time to time.
will tear you apart. “
“But what will I do while waiting for your
return?? I’ll be dead by the time you come
Gene smiled and gently kissed his friend on The current calendar used today in the
the lips and said: “I give to you, Zoso, Twelve Kingdoms came about right after the
Great Cataclysm. Though it was set up by the Atlanteans. Many speculate this is
the early Church of Sol Invictus, it is like because so many artifacts of the Ancients
many things of Evermore, a reflection of had been found here. But that would be a
Earth’s calendar right down to the number wrong assumption for the very fact that
of days in a week, month and year. Even Atlantean artifacts are not magickal (at least
names of the days of the week reflects not in the same way as
Earth’s. There are of course other calendars
used on Evermore, most being found East of
the Spine of Tiamat. But to those who live City of Atlantis
West of the Spine this calendar is the only The city of Atlantis is a vast, old city that
one used. Even in Thule, where resistance to has a long history of siege and wonderment.
be absorbed by the church are under way, Today it stands as the crown jewel of the
the Calendar of Sol Invictus is used. world. A large portion of the city shows the
remnants of the True Atlanteans and their
architectural wonderment.
The Bastet
Under the city of Atlantis there is a secret
Atlantis society of creatures who are thieves and
occultist doing unspeakable things. They are
No other place in all of Evermore draws up
the Kemono known as the Bastet and they
images of great romance and danger. The
are an ancient species of kemono. They
True Atlanteans, those that built the City
claim direct ancestry from the Goddess Bast,
State of Atlantis, are long gone. Even so,
which in their eyes makes them superior to
many of their belongings and places of
all others. Their anthropomorphic forms are
worship still survive. People from all over
tall, slender and graceful with long tails,
the world sail to Atlantis to see its wonders
giving a resemblance to the cat goddess
and to trade.
herself. In their cat form they are solid black
The Atlanteans short hairs with large ears.
Those people who now call themselves
Atlanteans are a long way from being those
who originally claim the name. In fact, Avalon
many scholars think that the people who Avalon makes up most of the “civilized”
now call themselves Atlantean were once world. It consists of the Twelve Kingdoms.
the original Atlanteans’ slaves. When These kingdoms are feudal. Religion is
talking of Atlanteans, there are those that dominated by the Church of the Sol Invictus.
live in the City State of Atlantis and those Even so, there are holdouts throughout the
that live outside of the City State, on the 12 Kingdoms of older gods being
continent of Atlantis. The City State worshiped.
Atlanteans are mostly of the noble class To the eyes of those living within the
where those living outside are lower class. Twelve Kingdoms, they are the center of the
No matter the class they come from, most civilized world. To the East is the Spine of
Atlanteans are arrogant, similar in the same Tiamat, which divides the civilized world
vein of the Straiten, Most are olive to pale in from hordes of Barbarians and various
skin color with very dark hair. No other horrors beyond the imaginings of the people
civilization (save for the Striation) has such of the Twelve Kingdoms
a high level of magickal understanding then Haunted Forest
This vast forest stretches most of the 12 untamed as Hyperboria. In the lowlands you
Kingdoms outlined along the Spine of have the Pict, who are great fighters that
Tiamat. While trade routes outline the forest, make war in the nude, made up in tattoos
very few go through it. The reason for this is that magically protects them. In the
the belief that those that die in the forest are Highland mountains kiIt wearing clansmen
destined to wander it as ghosts trapped war against each other, only joining together
forever in the forest. The second and most to combat outside threats. The Church of Sol
important reason is that the Haunted Forest Invictus has tried to “educate” the “savages”
is ruled by the Iron claw of Black Agnes, a much to the dismay of the Invictus ministers
green hag of demi-goddess status. All who as their heads are put upon sticks as
live or even passes through the Forest are warnings to others.
under her rule, like it or not. Children of the Golden Oak
Nimbus This small, but powerful Fey Circle has
The Nimbus are a people who live in great branched out from Evermore and can be
cities in the clouds. They are arrogant, found popping up in various unexpected
literally looking down on those who walk places. The Children are a Fey circle that
the face of Evermore. has become corrupted by evil.
The Nimbus wear loose fitting robes of
white draped around their frames and Kingdom of Jade
sandals that range from the foot to knee
Remote and cut off to the known world, The
high. The vast majority of them have at least
Kingdom of Jade is an esoteric and exotic
some knowledge of magic and many of
land. The people there are gracious to a fault
them have rings of flying or levitation. The
and have an elaborate system of honor
vast majority of Nimbus people are frail
foreign to the Twelve Kingdoms. Divided
looking with pale skin and light hair colors.
up into large Providences. Samurai bow
before their Daimyo. Monks sequester
Barbarian Hordes themselves in monasteries high up in the
At The northern reaches of Hyperboria is the mountains learning the ancient martial arts.
area known as the Wild Lands or on many The Seven Golden Vampires
maps known as simply as The Barbarian The vampires of the East are very different
Hordes. These vast permafrost plains stretch than the ones found in the Twelve
for miles and miles and woe to those who Kingdoms. For example, they are able to
find themselves stranded out in this vast walk about in the sunlight. Each of the 7
wilderness. Large tribes of brutal barbarians Providences of the Kingdom of Jade has a
roam the area and called it home. vampire that claims control. These “7
Golden Vampires” do not have actual
Caliphate of the Mad Jinn control over the Providences as does the
Celestial Emperor. Instead they conduct
Also known as the Kingdom of Sand, The underhanded Yakuza activity that
All-Seeing Jinn rules this area of Evermore reverberate throughout the Kingdom of Jade.
with an Iron Fist

Thule The Kingdom of Ivory

The Kingdom of Ivory is covered with dense
The Green lands, home of the Fey, Stone forests and savanna plains. An abundance of
Circles and Druids. Evermore is almost as wildlife is found here as is many forgotten
things. Vast, ancient cities are found deep in This vast mountain range stretches the full
the Jungles of the Kingdom. length of the continent separating Albion
Gwangi Valley and Hyperboria. Legends say the mountains
Tucked away from the world in the heart of are the actual spine of the dragon Tiamat
the Kingdom of Ivory sits the Valley of and were formed when the gods created the
Gwangi. Actually, much larger than a world from her corpse.
valley, Gwangi is a lost world of dinosaurs Vault of the Creator
and other ancient creatures. A strange, Located far from prying eyes, the Vault of
highly evolved group of lizard men make the Creator is well hidden. It is said to house
their home here. the body of the Creator himself, a mythic
person that supposedly created the world of
Hyperboria Evermore.
Hyperboria is the land of intrigue, danger
and adventure. It is a land of desolation Sunkissed Ocean
filled with great wonders. Filled with brutal The vast Sunkissed Ocean of Evermore
civilizations, it’s also a land with a vast holds many secrets and dangers. On the
number of barbarian tribes that fight tooth other hand, it also holds many lost treasures
and nail for dissolute land. It’s a land filled and long lost civilizations. While there are
with cults dedicated to all kinds of strange established routes that sailors travel by, they
gods that demands blood sac are nowhere safe.
The Kingdom of the Amazons rests firmly
in Hyperboria and is nestled away from the Isle of the Dead
outside world. The Amazons are a society
made up of women only. These women not Shattered Islands
only believe that the female sex is superior,
but that men in general are not to be Stone Titans
tolerated, and except to bred, killed. Far out in the Sunkissed Ocean stand four
Bron statues that are so tall they break the surface,
No other society of humans are more with their
despised or feared then the Bron. Complete
barbarians, the Bron have survived with
only their blood lust and the dark magics
they practice.
Dragon Graveyard
The Dragon Graveyard is a large desolate
area littered with the boney remains of
dragons of all ages and sizes. The area is
picked over by scavengers of all types, but
care must be taken for it is well known that
living dragons visit the Graveyard
sporadically and they do not like non
dragons there.
The Spine of Tiamat
Each type of animal has an embodiment of
Sol Invictus its kind called a Lord and all of its species
gives knee to them. The vast majority of
God of the Sun, Chivalry and Law Kimono that worship a being worship their
Also known as The Unconquered Sun, Sol animal lord.
Invictus is a human god that teaches a Favored Weapon: Claws
righteous path to his followers from sacred Symbol: Claw Marks
texts that he has passed down to his prophets Their Clerics
centuries ago. All of Albion is under the
control of The Church of Sol Invictus. The
church endorses the Divine Right of Kings Balen
and so is not a pure Theocracy. Demigod of Buffoonery.
Favored Weapon: Mace
Symbol: The Sun Rampant The Clown Prince.
His Clerics The Clown Prince is rumored to have begun
as a human that advanced to godhood. His
three aspects are Buffon, Divine Fool and
The 8 Million Gods Madman.
To the church of Sol Invictus all the other Favored Weapon: Mallet (Mace)
“gods” are to be ridiculed for their vast Symbol: White circle with red dot in the
numbers and seemingly rag tag cohesion. center
His Clerics
Balen’s clergy dress as clowns and jesters.
Amaterasu Omikami They spread cheer and madness, across the
Goddess of the Sun world of Evermore. There are no churches
This goddess is barley known in The Twelve for daily worship, but temples where the
Kingdoms where her worship is heretical clergy live are known.
since her portfolio crosses over with Sol There are three branches of the Clergy,
Invictus. In the Kingdom of Jade she rules dedicated to the three aspects of Balen.
supreme. These branches are not in competition with
Favored Weapon: Katana each other and see the others, as necessary.
Symbol: Octagonal mirror The Order of Mirth
Her Clerics: Very few of Amaterasu’s The Order of Mirth is dedicated to making
clerics are found outside of the Kingdom of the masses happy through Buffoonery that is
Jade. Those that are lead small cults light and happy.
dedicated to her, The Order of the Divine Fool
This order focuses on the art of Divination
through seeing the Chaos in the world. They
who worship in secret since her religion is stand as a bridge between the Order of Mirth
heresy in the 12 Kingdoms. and the Order of The Mad Buffoon.
Order of the Mad Buffoon
Animal Lords Members of this Order are stark raving mad,
so much so that even the other Orders know
to stand clear of them.
deer antlers on his head. In popular art he is
depicted as a skeleton in a black robe
Bast holding a Scythe.
Upon death, it is custom to place a silver
Goddess of cats, protection and piece over each eye for payment so that
Fertility Donn’s ferryman Charon will transport the
Bast’s center of worship is Atlantis, but her soul to the Isle of the Dead. This custom has
cult has spread the world over. Her clergy been all but eradicated in the 12 Kingdoms
will sacrifice themselves for the protection of Albion, where the Church of Sol Invictus
of cats of all types. as forbidden it.
Her worship is centered in the City State of Favored Weapon: Battle Axe/Dagger (for
Atlantis. clergy)
Favored Weapon: Symbol: Human Skull
Symbol: His Clerics
Her Clerics The clerics of Donn perform funeral services
for the dead no matter what gods they might
have followed in life.
Black Agnes
“The Dark Mother” Green Hag Elemental Princes
Demigoddess The Good and Evil Elemental Princes
Very few outside of the Haunted Forest have The evil Elemental Princes have several
either heard of or follow the one known as hidden cults throughout Evermore though
“Little Grandmother”. But all who live in their power is very small compared to even
the Haunted Forest pay homage to her if some angels and devils
they know what’s good for them. Black
Agnes primary concern is only to things that
happen in her own backyard and no one
else. Demigoddess of Hurt
Favored Weapon: Dagger "Maiden of Pain"
Symbol: A green clawed hand clutching a Loviatar, is a beautiful cold maiden, usually
human heart. dressed in white silks. When she speaks a
Her Clerics cold wind blows. Her main concern is the
Though all in the Haunted Forest pray to inflicting of pain. She owns a dagger of ice
Black Agnes, there is no formal worship and that makes her immune to all magical spells.
no clergy. When she is attacked or magic is used
against her, the attacker will once again re-
Donn experience the worst pain he or she has ever
suffered. Her worship is centered around
God of Death, “The Grim Reaper” The City State of Iltar.
Donn is only concerned with death and it’s Favored Weapon: Scourge
natural place in the world. Symbol: Drop of Blood
He rules over the Isle of the Dead, where all Her Clerics
who die on Evermore goes before being The clergy of Loviatar see their lot in life as
separated out to their perspective afterlife’s executors of pain.
in The Seven Heavens or Nine Hells.
He has several appearances. In person he
appears as a man with bone white skin and
Ishtar taken over by the True Atlanteans. His
desire for power was so great that he
Demigoddess of Luck, Fortune and bargained with things that were best left
Prostitution alone. Necromancers and powerful undead
The child of Ares and the nymph Daphne, and crazed cultists make up the bulk of his
Ishtar is barely a demigoddess, but her worshipers.
worship is worldwide and can be found in Favored Weapon: Mace
every major city. Her clergy are temple Symbol: The Sun Rampant
prostitutes, both women and men since His Clerics
Ishtar presides over all loving acts.
Favored Weapon: Bow and Arrow
Symbol: A Gold Coin
The Old Ones
Her Clerics The Old Ones were the Gods that were on
the scene before the gods that dot the
landscape of Evermore now. The Old Ones
Jormungandr were horrible creatures who originated
The Midgard Serpent, Demigod somewhere in the Way Outs and whose
Because he was partly divine, the North names include Cthulhu,
Gods could not kill Jormungandr upon his Azathoth ,Hastur the Unspeakable
birth so they threw him into The Ocean Shub-Niggurath and Yog-Sathoth.
where he grew until he circled the world.
His offspring are the Yuan Ti, and his
followers are various underground snake
cults the world over.
Favored Weapon: Snake Fang
Symbol: Ouroboros
His Clerics

God of Knowledge, Secrets , Magic
Angels, Devils and Demons
Various beings that hail from the planes of
Alignment have broken away and formed
cults of their own.
Favored Weapon: Mace
Symbol: The Sun Rampant
His Clerics
Godlings are not actually divine, though
they might be on the way to divinity.

Demon Prince of The Undead
Legend has it that Orcus was a great arch
mage in the city of Atlantis before it was
Other Realms
The vast majority of inhabitants of
Evermore don’t have even the most basic Dream Realm
concept of the possibility of a Realm like The Dream Realm is alongside any realm
Earth let along the fact that one of its that has inhabitants who dream. The easiest
inhabitants actually created their realm. The method of reaching The Dream Realm is
Creator, The arch mage Zoso, The Queen of through the Portal of Sleep, which living
Light and the Shadow Lord all hail from creatures the multiverse over access without
there. Even for those that know of it, Earth conscious thought while they slumber.
is mostly cut off from Pangaea for the When sleep claims a living mind, the
simple fact of a strange aspect it has called consciousness of the sleeper comes to the
The Veil of Reason. This “Veil” prevents Realm of Dreams, and the dreamer enters
most magic from existing in the Earth into his or her own dreamscape. The body
Realm. Theory states that at one time Earth remains on the Material Realm, but the mind
was not unlike Evermore, having magic. But wanders as a discrete entity within a
something long ago changed and now for dreamscape.
centuries magic for the most part does not When the sleeper wakes, the mind returns to
exist. the body, and the dreamscape usually fades
Elemental Planes into undifferentiated dream-stuff.
Sometimes dreamscapes linger and pass into
The elemental planes, when combined,
the Dreamlands, taking on a more
make up the Prime Material Plane. They are
permanent reality. For every 10 minutes in
also fh
Dream, only 1-minute passes on the
Material Realm. But the nature of the realm
makes time spent on the realm less real.
No matter what visitors’ experience, only
memories remain when they leave Dream.
Spells cannot truly be cast or learned, nor
items won or lost, nor experience points Other dreamscapes extend for miles and
earned when dreaming. contain all manner of oddities, architecture,
Dream Sovereigns —frequent visitors to the and inhabitants. However, all dreamscapes
Dreamlands— can enter Dream through the share one feature: the dreamer.
Portal of Sleep like any dreamer, or they can The dreamer’s unconscious mind forms the
pass bodily into dreams. There are also dreamscape, which the dreamer then moves
spells known by powerful spellcasters and through, usually unconscious of the fact that
Mages that do this also. he is dreaming at all. The dreamer alters
All manner of creatures are found in The large or small aspects of his personal
Dream Realm, ranging from small animals dreamscape, though he never does so
to abominable nightmares. consciously unless trained in Lucid
Those who dream run the gamut as well, Dreaming. Dreamscapes usually burst when
though dreamscapes of similar creatures are the dreamer awakens, although occasionally
generally clustered together like archipela- dreamscapes linger or survive permanently
goes in a sea of wild dreamstuff. under unusual circumstances or magic.
Movement within a dreamscape is often like The Dreamlands
that on the Material Realm. But the rules can The dreamscapes, in all their infinite
vary from dreamscape to dreamscape. In one numbers, are only the edge of Dream. They
dreamscape, every creature might fly from border the Dreamlands, a realm where those
place to place, and in the next, swimming who dream can die. The outer Dreamlands
might be the only mode of transport. are a rolling boil of dream-born landscapes
When an average dreamer enters The Dram that melt, burn, grow, and dissolve without
Realm, he retains all of his abilities and even any rhyme or reason. Balls of fire, pockets
gains dream-stuff equivalents of carried or of air, chunks of earth, and waves of water
worn items. Likewise, his hit points, ability battle against each other. Amid the chaos,
scores, and all other values are exactly as half dreams. There are also spells known by
they were before he fell asleep. For powerful spellcasters and Mages that do this
example, if he is a 5th-level Spellcaster with also.
a wand of lightning, he can use both his All manner of creatures are found in The
spells and his wand in Dream. When he Dream Realm, ranging from small animals
wakes up, he’ll find that he neither cast any to abominable nightmares.
prepared spells nor expended charges from Those who dream run the gamut as well,
her wand. If a dreamer or Dream Sovereign though dreamscapes of similar creatures are
dies in a dreamscape, he wakes immediately generally clustered together like archipela-
with a hammering heart but is otherwise goes in a sea of wild dreamstuff.
unharmed. A dreamer or Dream Sovereign Movement within a dreamscape is often like
pulled slain in the Dreamlands also dies on that on the Material Realm. But the rules can
the Material Realm. Worse, their spirits are vary from dreamscape to dreamscape. In one
snared forever at the heart of Dream, so dreamscape, every creature might fly from
raise dead and resurrection spells don’t place to place, and in the next, swimming
work. might be the only mode of transport.
Dreamscapes When an average dreamer enters The Dram
Many dreamscapes are small—no more than Realm, he retains all of his abilities and even
two or three rooms in a drab building, a gains dream-stuff equivalents of carried or
small clearing in a storm wracked forest, or worn items. Likewise, his hit points, ability
a mist- shrouded rural crossroads. scores, and all other values are exactly as
they were before he fell asleep. For The Realm of Faerie is coexistent with the
example, if he is a 5th-level Spellcaster with Material Realm and can be reached without
a wand of lightning, he can use both his passing through the Astral Realm. It is a
spells and his wand in Dream. When he separate realm from the Transitive, Inner,
wakes up, he’ll find that he neither cast any and Outer Realms. It follows the topography
prepared spells nor expended charges from of the Material Realm closely; should two
her wand. If a dreamer or Dream Sovereign portals to the Realm of Faerie be a mile
dies in a dreamscape, he wakes immediately apart on the Material Realm, they will
with a hammering heart but is otherwise similarly, be a mile apart on the Realm of
unharmed. A dreamer or Dream Sovereign Faerie. Portals to the Realm of Faerie only
pulled slain in the Dreamlands also dies on appear at certain times, such as during a new
the Material Realm. Worse, their spirits are moon, at the equinoxes, or once every ninety
snared forever at the heart of Dream, so days. Such portals often exist within
raise dead and resurrection spells don’t standing stones or pools on the Material
work. Realm. Because the Realm of Faerie doesn’t
connect to the Astral Realm, the Ethereal
Realm, or the Realm of Shadow, spells that
Fairie, The Feywild use those realms do not function on the
Realm of Faerie.
Faerie is a realm of eternal twilight, with
slow lanterns bobbing in the gentle breeze
and huge fireflies buzzing through groves Mirror Realm
and fields. The sky is alight with the faded The Realm of Mirrors is a fast, but
colors of the setting, or perhaps rising, sun. dangerous way of traveling quickly. But
But in fact, the sun never truly sets or rises; beware. Many a mage has used the realm as
it remains stationary, dusky and low in the a prison for their enemies and coming across
sky. Away from the settled areas of the one of these people can mean the end to a
Seelie Court, the land is a tangle of sharp- traveler as they will do anything to get back
toothed brambles and syrupy fens—perfect to Evermore.
territory for the Unseelie to hunt their prey. Shadow Plane
For every day spent in Faerie, a week passes Also known as the Shadowfell
on the Material Realm. Time lost on the The Way Outs, Far Realms
Realm of Faerie catches up with the traveler. A place out of time and space, many strange
Non-natives who spend time in Faerie and and utterly horrifying things come out from
then return to a realm with the normal time the Way Outs including Old Gods whose
trait instantly “catch up.” Those affected names are best forgotten. Travel to the Way
may be ravenous if they have not eaten in Outs is dangerous at best. Those few that
weeks as measured by Material Realm time. come back from there are changed with not
A visitor who stays a long time on the hope of being what they once were.
Realm of Faerie may die if “catching up”
with Material Realm time takes her beyond
her normal life span.
The natives of Faerie are unaffected by this Unlike Evermore which has a stronger
phenomenon, and only the most astute connection to reality, Wonderland is more
natives mention it to visitors from the dream than reality and as such is a much
Material Realm. more dangerous place to be. Here all kinds
of strange animals roam including the
Jabberwock and Bandersnatch. Here one can
have his head cut off, put on a pedestal and
watch his own body play crochet. The
Queen of Hearts rules here with an Iron Fist
and she does NOT like outsiders invading
her realm.

The Great Triangle

The Seven Heavens
The plane of Law, The Seven Heavens are
Seven celestial spheres that are home to the
Gods and other beings of Law.
• The Celestial Vault
The Celestial Vault is home to various
Angels and other beings of absolute Law,
including Deva ,Planetars and Solars.
Nirvana is home to the Modrons, beings of
pure logic. They work in the City of
Mechanus where they are regulated by a
being known as Primus.
The Nine Hells
The stronghold of the Devils.
• The Abyss
The Abyss is the abode of Demons

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