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While vampires give mortals a reason to be afraid
The archetypal Savage is rarely concerned with his
appearance, though most recognize the need to
both blend in and put potential prey at ease. As a
rule, Gangrel prefer function over form, and are
of the dark, there exist things that give even rarely caught clad in anything that restricts
vampires reason to fear — creatures like the movement to any great degree. Due to their
Gangrel, the predators among the predators, the Bloodline weakness, they must always be wary of
most savage of beasts. Perhaps the only Bloodline just how bestial they appear to others, and some
whose mere mention almost always elicits a especially old (or angry) Gangrel typically learn
chilled shudder or a reverent nod, the Gangrel are, some amount of Obfuscate to avoid potentially
in many ways, the “noble savages” of the vampiric disastrous situations.
race. Upon their Embrace (and sometimes before), Havens
the Gangrel seek to sever their ties with everything One of the Bloodline’s greatest strengths is its deft
pertaining to their mortal lives. Many prefer the maneuverability, a good portion of which stems
counsel of animals and other beasts, and some from its Discipline of Protean, which allows the
eschew contact with the mortal world entirely. Gangrel to take rest in any natural soil. Sleeping in
While many retain and even value their humanity, the ground does, of course, have its drawbacks,
they do so within the bounds and context of their and even the most feral of Savages comes to
new found existence, and not as an attempt to hold appreciate having an actual place to hang his hat
onto what’s been lost, for no other option is after a while. A number of the more urbane (or at
practical to a Bloodline whose very soul is so least urban) Gangrel therefore elect to take
intimately intertwined with its Beast. While others traditional havens, though their restless spirits and
delude themselves about what the Embrace “truly mistrust of other Kindred tends to keep them
means,” the Gangrel know what they’ve become, moving.
so they strive to make peace with it. On the whole, Background
they spend more time in communion with their Potential Gangrel can come from nearly any
bestial side than other vampires do, and though former life, but few Savages would choose a
such activity more than accounts for their mortal who did not possess a strong survival
nickname and reputation, few would disagree that instinct. Beyond this, most are quite particular
the Gangrel truly benefit from their introspection. about those they sire. Gangrel loathe personal
Their special bond with the Beast seems to give weakness and those who are soft of body or mind
many Gangrel a unique insight into the Kindred (especially given their weakness), particularly
condition, and some of the wisest vampires to be those with a paper-thin or disconnected sense of
found in all the world hail from this Bloodline. being. Bloodline members most admire those
Whereas other Kindred try to become scholars or whose greatest strengths are the strengths of the
philosophers, collecting endless data and positing self — self-awareness, self-confidence and self-
on the theoretical, the Gangrel are its yogis and reliance. While it is not unheard of for a Gangrel to
medicine men, its bodhisattvas and whirling Embrace someone who lacks these qualities
dervishes. The unequivocal and irreplaceable (usually as a cruel test to see whether the Embrace
benefit of first-hand experience flows through will sufficiently toughen the person up), most
them, supplanting the theoretical with the practical, Gangrel hold to their standards, as not doing so is
and making the Gangrel widely respected among often more effort than it’s worth.
those who recognize the primeval nature of the Character Creation
Kindred soul. This insight makes the Bloodline Gangrel are very honest with themselves about
invaluable, but also makes it dangerous, and some what is and is not their forte, and they seek to
would just as soon silence the Gangrel as hear their improve those things to which they are especially
frank wisdom. or innately suited. Many Gangrel come off
Nickname seeming hyper-specialized, their players having
Savages devoted
Symbol significant dots to those Attributes and Skills in
Wolf’s Head which they are focused. This rule is a very general
one,however, and numerous exceptions apply. Due
to temperament, the aptly named Savages are
rarely very strong in the Social department (though
entire bloodlines of sociable Gangrel probably nature confounds the tactics of the establishment.
exist somewhere), preferring instead to hone body How do you threaten the havens of those who
and reinforce the mind. An even mix of Physical sleep in the earth? How do you bring the heat
and Mental Skills is always good, erring toward down on those who can skip town at a moment’s
the Physical side. notice?
Favored Attributes The Circle of the Crone
Composure or Stamina Whole murders of Gangrel perch in the Mother’s
Bloodline Disciplines Army. The Bloodline’s oral tradition teems with
Animalism, Fortitude .Protean fierce mother figures like Ekhidna. Young Savages
Bloodline Bane are easy recruits. Primal blood sings in tune with
Like many predators in the animal kingdom, the primordial magic. Hierophants lead Wild Hunts in
Gangrel would rather stuff themselves as soon as the form of howling wolves. Feral witches roar to
the opportunity to feed presents itself than hunt the stars and tap the wisdom of the dark earth.
carefully every night to maintain a baseline Who better to explore what it is to be a monster,
satiation.As a result, a player suffers a -3 penalty than those so intimate with the Beast?
on rolls to resist the Wassail (hunger frenzy). The Invictus
Organization: The Gangrel are perhaps the least For all of their cagey instincts, road lust, and
organized of the Bloodlines. They have no hunger for freedom, some Gangrel respond well to
hierarchy per se and are largely disinterested in strong alphas. And who is more alpha than the
either Bloodline structure or intra-Bloodline First Estate? These Gangrel find their niches as the
activity for its own sake. The only nod they give to knights and growling hounds of lords and ladies.
such matters comes in the form of an event called a But some rise higher. They learn to translate their
Gather. These meetings serve a twofold purpose. predatory natures to politics. They attain savage
First, as an opportunity for Gangrel to unite and nobility. For so too does the Invictus respond well
update one another on the events of the intervening to alphas, and who is more elementally alpha than
time. the get of lion gods and demon wolves?
Second, as a forum for official intra-Bloodline The Lancea Sanctum: Some Gangrel get
dispute resolution. Before this practice began, religious when they realize they can call all of
ferocious Savages visited their rage upon one God’s beasts to his vengeful purpose. The Savages
another at will and without process, and the make useful converts to the Chapel and the Spear.
Bloodline as a whole suffered. Thus began the Who better to travel the world’s hidden places in
practice of settling disputes at gatherings of the the search of relics? Faith molds people, and
Bloodline before a Priscus or Primogen, where any monsters are made of even more malleable clay.
conflict (or combat, if necessary) could be Some Gangrel become bestial seraphs, the wings
moderated and monitored by the peers of both of bats and owls ripping from out their backs.
Savages. As a result of this practice, the Bloodline Some angels have more cause than others to say,
has grown more cooperative over time, leading to “Be not afraid.”
markedly fewer intra-Bloodline kills. The majority The Ordo Dracul
of such disputes now stop short of Final Death. The Gangrel fascinate the Dragons. More
often than not, it is the Order that approaches the
Gangrel. Their protean bodies merit study. Endless
variation that breaks the monotony of the eternally
dead flesh. The Savages have more

In the Covenants
The Carthian Movement
Change is a savage enterprise. The dead don’t like
new ideas, but the Gangrel are dynamic in a
vicious sort of way. They are the roar of the
revolution and the messengers of the movement,
traveling city to city. Some began as souls too wild
to domesticate. Others are former hounds of the
First Estate, tired of their masters’ abuse. Their

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