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Tell me your fable

A fable
A fable
A fable that will never end
And now, I dream

-----Fable, Robert Miles

The Grand Hall, the Iron
In the Tower of the Shadowlord,
two days ago

To the Keepers of Shadows, I
come before you to deliver
news. As you know, I am
The Light and Darkness was Nightjar, Mistress and Caretaker
separated by the great divide. of the Iron Tower, here in The
A great cataclysm happened Shadowlands.
that destroyed the Great Divide Every centennial I make a
and the Light and Darkness report to you, updating the
joined. It was here where they goings on in the outside world
touched that the realm called which is denied to all of you
the Penumbra or the who have now passed on and
Shadowlands, was created. live only in Shadow.
It was from the Shadowlands While that report is a ways off,
that the embodiment of the acquiring of a new Keeper
Shadows broke free and of Shadows demands an
threatened to take over all of immediate update.
Seeing the threat, many tried to A Tale of Two Brothers
contain the Shadows but could But first let us go over the last
not. Keeper of Shadows tenure. As
Eventually three very powerful you all know, his name was
Beings hatched a plan to Jeremy Nolan of the Realm
contain and control the called Earth from the city of
shadow. These Beings created Cincinnati.
a powerful magical sword Nolan had a twin brother
called Gloomheart. This sword named Gene Nolan, who
had to be merged with a being would later revealed to be a
to control it, A Keeper of Dream Sovereign, one of
Shadows, also known as The Earth’s most powerful second
Shadowlord only to Donovan, the current
Morpheus of the Parliament of
Dreams. Gene would also
become a Creator. Growing up
the two brothers were not like
most twins, holding no special
bond between the two. Instead
they were like The Light and The
Darkness. Gene was well liked brother knew of his and
by everyone, Jeremy was not. Gwenevere’s affair.
Gene excelled in his The two argued while standing
schoolwork, Jeremy did not. over the table they would lay
Every act committed by Gene out their terrain and lead figures
seemed blessed while Jeremy’s for their game. The argument
were all cursed. became very heated and
Gene held a game he played boiled to a point until they saw
with a group of friends down in it. Levitating in complete stillness
the basement of their family above the table was the Sword
home, once a week. This game of Shadows, Gloom Heart.
consisted of the brothers and - As we all know when Gloom
friends pretending to be people Heart is left without an owner, it
of a far off mystical land who seeks out the most powerful
worked magic and fought being it can find. In this case
dragons. that being was Gene, who was
The group consisted of The a naturally born Dream
Twins, a girl that both twin held Sovereign.
affections for named The two were astonished to see
Gwenevere, and of course the that an item that was a fiction
now famous Archmage known of their game was indeed real.
as Zoso. There were others that Gene shared the fact that the
took part in the weekly game, sword was calling out to him to
but that roster changed as time take it. A fact that drove
went on. Jeremy to anger. Once again,
he was failure. Out of rage
The Night of Acceptance Jeremy grabbed the sword.
On the Earth date of October Gene, knowing what that
the 3rd, 1979, Jeremy waited meant tried to cry out to his
downstairs in the dark for his brother to stop, but it was too
brother to come home. late. Jeremy Nolan took on The
The day before Jeremy found Mantle of Shadows. His soul
out that his brother was now forever bonded to the
courting the young Gwenevere Penumbra.
whom Jeremey held great love
for, and he waited to confront A New Shadow Lord
his brother. Recently a group of
When Gene came in, he was adventurers found the Vault of
startled but suspected that his the Creator where Gloom Heart
was being kept under lock and

key. Zoso imprisoned Jeremy Hail Dalök !
inside the sword itself. The New Keeper of Shadows!
Something that had not been Hail Dalök!
done for centuries. May your reign last forever!
Despite the safeguards placed Hail Dalök!
on the Vault the group pressed Let you keep the Shadow from
on until they came upon the the Lands of the Living.
room housing the Sword of Hail! Hail! Hail
Shadows. It was our new
Keeper of Shadows, Dalök, who
saw the opportunity to end
Jeremy’s reign and start his

I now come to the reason we’re
all here, introducing the new
Keeper of Shadows, the new
Shadow Lord, Dalök. Right off
the first thing of note is the fact
that Dalök is a child of Eshu the
Trickster God, the first Keeper to
be such.
Already Dalök has found that
the Penumbra has unleashed
levels of power to him unknown
before. No longer is he bound
by his raven form or human
form, being able to turn into all
forms of beasts. Dalök has
already let me know that there
will be many changes to the
Iron Tower while he is here. I’ll
keep you all informed of those
changes before they are
implemented. But for now Let
us draw quarter to our new
Shadow Lord.

A Brief (and mostly immortal as long as he stayed in
incomplete) timeline of the realm.
Evermore as told by the
Those that came before
Mistress of the Iron Tower, Before Zoso began what would
Nightjar. later become known as “The
Greetings travelers! I hope your Great Transference” other forms
stay at the Iron Tower is an of life started to appear on
enlightening one. But we must Evermore. These were mostly
keep if short for the true master Dreamfolk that would become
of this place is not here right living flesh through the Great
now and he does not take well Rite. But there were others from
to visitors. I know you come stranger realms that made
here seeking knowledge on the Evermore their home. One of
true history of Evermore. I have them was the Titan Tiamat who
been here at the Iron Tower would later be overthrown by
since the creation of the the Gods of the humans, her
Shadowlands themselves. So I corpse creating the vast ridge
assure you a fantastic tale. of mountains named after her.
By the time humanity started to
The Night of Creation show up, the world of Evermore
On the Earth date of October was well populated with several
the 26th,1979 , Gene Nolan sentient beings.
enacted the Great Rite of
Genisis, forming the world of The Great Transference
Evermore. The act of enacting Zoso took it upon himself to
the Great Rite meant that his populate Evermore with
very essence was spread humanity. He did this through a
throughout Evermore powerful rite called The Rite of
effectively ending his life for a Transference. This rite allowed
long but temporary period of Zoso to travel throughout
time Earth’s timeline and take those
that were destined to die to be
Zoso takes on Stewardship replaced by clone replicas (so
of Evermore they would not be missed) and
As his final act before joining his be taken to Evermore where
essence with Evermore, Gene the mark of their death would
gave his friend Zoso stewardship not be upon them.
over Evermore, making Zoso But there was one byproduct
to this rite-they forget who they
were. In fact the Rite of the Alein Invaders. What’s
Transference gave them new that? Why yes I do know who
memories that was created by partook of the rebellion but
the realm itself. cannot reveal that information-
Evermore’s King Arthur for for now.
example was a late middle The City of Atlantis is filled with
aged black Janitor from 1966 buildings and other marvels
Mississippi, USA. done by the Atlantean Invaders
to this day. On Earth their work is
A remembered history found in what they call
Not all humans that were taken “Ancient Egypt”.
for the Great Relocation had To this day many ancient True
their memories wiped. Atlantean strongholds are
About 100 members of various found having long since been
tribes of North American Indians buried over time.
had their memories left intact
by the trickster god Eshu, who Dreams made flesh
tricked Zoso into taking him with As was mentioned earlier, those
the relocated humans. humans that were brought over
Today descendants from those to Evermore believed
tribes know the true story of themselves to be people of
how they came to be myth and renown but with a
inhabitants of Evermore though twist and turn from the myths of
most outsiders, especially those Earth. Albion is the collective
followers of Sol, see this story as name for the 12 Kingdoms,
bunk. each one founded by a knight
of the Round Table. Same
The Atlantean Invaders myths and storylines but with
About a thousand years ago twists and retelling from that of
from current time an invasion of Earth.
Aberrations from the Way Outs
came to Evermore in an area A Fantasy Paradigm
now called Atlantis. These The world of Evermore has been
Invaders took the human around for thousands of years
population into enslavement but little has changed since its
and experimented on them creation. This is despite the fact
and bred with them creating all that new technologies have
kinds of monstrosities. come and gone and been
Their rule was absolute until a introduced to the people of the
rebellion occurred overthrowing world.
Even when new technologies Return of the Creator
occur they rarely take in the
minds of man for long. The
reason for this is simple, the
mind of the Creator set the
reality of the realm and it could
not change. That is until
recently when the Creator’s
essence was reformed by Zoso
using Gloom Heart . The world
of Evermore, being freed from
the Creator’s bonds will now
age and progress as time sees
fit. These will indeed be the last
days of Atlantis.

The Sovereign Wars

One hundred years ago a war
broke out between a powerful
cabal of wizards, the church of
Sol and the largest dream
sovereign sanctuary. The war
involved almost all of Albion
and lasted for just five years. But
in that five years over a 1million
people died. The result was a
cold war that lasted another 10
years. Today the inflexible
Church of Sol Invictus has bent
and allowed not only the
Sovereigns but other faiths to
pass through and even set up
(within reason of course) in the
lands of the unconquered Sun.

STEP 1: Roll Wisdom (WIS)
Steadiness in a stressful situation.
Attribute Scores Use WIS for Initiative,
overcoming fear and resist
mental stress.
Attribute Scores Charisma (CHA)
Roll a d6 adding it to the A measure of a character's
number 7. The result will be ability to influence others. Use
between 8-13. Do this for a total CHA to persuade or intimidate
of 6 times and assign to the others.
abilities you want.
Attribute Tests
Strength (STR) When a character tries to do
Raw physical power. Use STR for something that has a chance
use of melee weapon, parrying, to fail, the player makes an
feats of strength. attribute test by rolling a d20:
Rolling below attribute: the
Dexterity (DEX) character succeeds
Deftness and agility. Use DEX for Rolling on or above the
using ranged weapons, attribute: the character fails or
dodging, riding, pick locks... can choose to succeed at a
Constitution (CON) Attribute tests can be done for
The body's capacity to resist many reasons including:
physical stress.
Use CON when resisting fatigue, Skill Checks
poison or diseases. Trying to perform a skillful test.
Use the attribute that most likely
Intelligence (INT) falls under the purview of the
The ability to apply your skill being attempted.
knowledge to the situation at Many backgrounds give
hand. Use INT when. advantage in certain skills, such
Deciphering a dusty tome, as the Rogue in thievery.
conceive a battle plan, find an
exit in a labyrinth...
Saving Throws
Saving Throws are resolved by STEP 2:
using the attribute that most
closely aligns to the situation at Choose Kin
Example: A saving throw to Kin denotes a group of similar
take only half damage from a beings that can include their
ball of fire would be a Dexterity species (like humans), being
Check, while making a saving build (manikins) or situation of
throw to survive being poisoned their creations ( Tricksters).
would be a Constitution Check. Choose one kin and while some
strange circumstances may
Succeeding at a Cost occur( acts of the gods, wishes
On ANY roll during play (except etc.), kin rarely changes.
for a Stress Roll) the player can Many of the kin presented here
succeed at a cost. This basically are very situational and so
means that whatever is usually don’t form large, if any
attempted succeeds but there communities among
will be a cost to it. themselves. A manikin may go
Example: Argon’s mace misses days, months or even years
the True Atlantean’s head. before finding another manikin
Argon decides to succeed at a with the same origin of its
cost allowing the attack to hit creation. Even so, there are
but at the cost of the mace special communities of like Kin
slipping out of his hand and that have banned together for
sliding dangerously close to a one reason or another.
sewer grid. Humans are one the few kin to
have formed large communities
and divided them into
Kingdoms, City States and the

Two Spirit
Blooded For all purposes concerning Kin,
Blooded are those born of the blooded are considered to be
union of humans and various both human and their
supernatural beings including supernatural ancestor.
angels, archons, devas, devils,
demons, dragons, elementals Bloodlines
and fae among others. The number of possible
Blooded look mostly human supernatural ancestors a
with only small vestiges of their human can mate with are
supernatural ancestor. wide. These are the most likely.
Even so, they clearly are not Changeling
human. Depending on the Those that are related to fae of
circumstance of their birth, all types including the likes of
reaction to Blooded can be redcaps, sidhe, satyrs and
mixed. Some are ridiculed or nymphs and others from Elfland.
scorn by the society they are Besides Common Trade, they
born into, while others are speak Sylvan.
revered or even worshiped, the Dragonborn
society seeing the birth as Descended from dragons of all
divine. Blooded are a mixed types, Dragonborn speak
bag when it comes to worship, Common Trade and Draconic.
some are devout cultist while
others hate the gods
Blooded related to Baron
and some take on the mantle
elementals, Jinn and others
themselves forming cults of
from the Elemental Planes.
personality. They speak
They speak Common Trade and
Common Trade and the
language of their supernatural Nephilim
ancestor. Blooded related to beings from
the Aligned Planes including
Alluring angels, archons, demons and
All blooded attract attention to
themselves like a moth to a Shadowkin
flame. All Charisma rolls have

Tribes of Mankind
Most humans of Evermore are Albion
descended from humans of The people of the Twelve
Earth. This came about during a Kingdoms are a varied lot, but
two year event called the most are held together under
Great Relocation. the banner of the Unconquered
While the Creator made the Sun and Chivalry.
world of Evermore he stopped
short of populating it with Amazon
humans. Zoso, being the The amazons are women that
Steward of Evermore, live in rulership over men.
populated the world with
humans from Earth. Atlantean
This “Great Relocation”
consisted of plucking those that
were going to die and giving Gomorrian
them a second chance on
Evermore, though without
memory of their former lives. Morlocks
The humans of Evermore are
descendants over a 1,000 years
removed. Stratian
Humans speak Thyrenian, a
regional human tongue and
one other of the player’s

Creator’s Image
Humans are the most varied of
the kin and their relation to the
Creator and his home world
give them great advantages
including their vast civilizations.
Humans begin at character
creation with a +1 in all

Electric Sheep
Manikin Manikins are inactive four hours
Manikins are sentient, each day. This is very similar to
humanoid constructs. Some sleep in that they are unaware
were created for a special of their surroundings unless
purpose while others became awaken out of this state. They
sentient by strange magics or dream during this inactive
occurrences. period.
Many evolve to look for
meaning in life and take to a If I only had a Heart
life of adventuring to discover a While some manikins have
higher meaning. hearts of gold (literally!) try as
Scarecrows and Tin men of Oz, they might, they still have a
the Warbots of the True hard time understanding
Atlanteans, the Clockwork organics, especially their
Sisterhood of Phaedra or evil emotions. On any charisma roll
ventriloquist dummies brought concerning social interactions,
to life by dark magics are all manikins have disadvantage
examples of manikins. .
Manikins speak Thyrenian and They Keep Killing Suzie
one other that reflects a Anytime you roll a helpless roll
purpose or their creator (if they you can reroll it taking the best
have one). of the two. If you survived after
rolling on the Helpless table,
Ghost in the Machine add your level to the HP you
Manikins are living constructs get back (Not to exceed your
made from various inorganic, CON score).
nonliving substances and
brought to life through magic. “Real isn't how you are made,'
They are subjected to magic said the Skin Horse. 'It's a thing
like all other living things that happens to you. When a
including healing. They do not child loves you for a long, long
eat, drink or breath time, not just to play with, but
really loves you, then you
become Real.”
----Velveteen Rabbit

not possess any protective,
Metamorph magical or any other properties
of the original and vanish if
Metamorphs are aberrations
that look human until they go
While they sound exactly like
through puberty and watch in
the target they take on, unless
horror as their true aberrational
they have personal knowledge
selves emerge.
of the target they are often
Though many metamorphs only
found out to be imposters by
wish to be left alone, the
their lack of knowledge.
reputation of the True
When they die they revert to
Atlanteans give them a well-
their true aberration form.
deserved hatred by others if for
no other reason than being
proof of the True Atlantean
alien natures. No metamorph
lives out in the open for what
they are. Some may have
garnered the trust of a small
circle of friends but they are
forever looking over their backs.
Metamorphs speak Thyrenian
and True Atlantean.

A metamorph can alter their
form to exactly mimic another
humanoid. This requires just the
briefest of physical contact and
for the metamorph to roll Stress.
Becoming Stressed means the
metamorph is trapped in the
new form until the condition is
relieved. The target can be
alive or dead for this to
The metamorph can remain in
the new form up to one hour
per level.
Items visibly worn or carried by
the victim are copied but do
Carp, Cat, Coyote, , Fox, Hare,
Trickster Raven, Raccoon, Swan & Wolf
Tricksters are intelligent animals
that can take on human form. The Hooman Form
They are the children of the The foil of the trickster. This form
Trickster god Eshu but are not appears as a normal human
divine themselves (though though traits of the trickster
some of them through trickery shines through (like a large nose
gain followers) and can die like for an avian trickster or being a
any other living being. very hairy brute). They can use
Tricksters reproduce by unions beast speech in this form. To
with humans or animals of their change into this form the
type. They cannot reproduce Trickster takes one of their turns
with each other. Tricksters do and rolls Stress. A roll of 1
not live among human indicates the Trickster is stuck in
settlements(at least not out in their Horrid Form. Until a short or
the open) for their well- long rest is done. All items worn
deserved reputation of causing in the Hooman form melds
trouble. Many times have poor when changing into the Noble
innocent animals been killed for Form. Items cannot be used
thinking it was a trickster. when melded.
Tricksters speak Thyrenian and
their species tongue. Grand Trick
At character creation the GM
The Noble Form secretly rolls a d8 and notes it.
The true form of the Trickster. It This number is the number of
appears as a normal animal of times added to the one, giving
its type. The trickster retains its a number of 2-9. This is the
ability scores in this form. number of time the trickster can
Their bite and claws do armed instantly come back from the
damage. They can speak any dead. The only limit is that a
language they know in this form trickster cannot come back if
giving way to fables that the death was caused by a
mentions talking animals. When lawful being, a divine being or
they are sleeping or otherwise another trickster.
unconscious or dead, the
Trickster reverts to this form.
They can use all languages
they know in this form. .
Typical Trickster species include:
OPTIONAL: 14 a palace, soon after
raided by your adoptive tribe.
Human Birth Tables 15 ...on the night your clan
Though not mandatory, those burned the Empire's capital.
with at least one human parent
can roll or pick from the tables
16 a forest clearing,
below. denounced by the druids as a
dark omen.
Barbaric Origins 17 ...on the last ship of a
Your character was born (roll a seafaring clan.
d20)... 18 ...inside a wicker statue
1 a slave camp. about to be burned.
2 ...on an island just before the 19 ...on the foreign ship
invaders came. bringing your family back
3 ...during your clan's last raid.
20 the middle of a battle
4 an invading army's camp against your conquerors
before you were kidnapped.
5 ...under the harsh sun, in the Civilized Origins
territory of a desert tribe. Your character was born (roll a
6 the hut of a banished d20)...
druid. 1 the city's worst slums.
7 a stone circle shunned by 2 the shadows of a
your people. theocracy.
8 ...among your Pict brothers 3 ...aboard a plague ship,
and sisters after a bloody battle. somehow the only survivor.
9 ...aboard a longship filled 4 a bustling mining town.
with Northern raiders.
5 ...during an expedition
10 ...nine months after a searching for a mythical city.
foreign mercenary married your
6 ...on the street, as your family
was fleeing revolutionary forces.
11 ...while the rest of the Iron
Horde was attacking a
7 a foreign land after your
caravan. parents' ship got wrecked.
12 a civilized kingdom, but 8 ...inside an invocation
you were traded as a hostage. pentacle, near the sorcerer's
13 a cave network ruled
by strange insectoid creatures.

9 ...on the prison island where 4 the poppy fields owned
the monarch's political by the Court's greatest sorcerer.
opponents are sent. 5 the necropolis where you
10 ...on the day the king was were raised by ghosts.
beheaded by your father. 6 a museum, as part of the
11 ...aboard a ship sent to find permanent exhibition.
a new maritime route. 7 the ruins of a crystal
12 a military academy palace.
where your parents were 8 ...inside a monstrous creature
teaching. killed by your adoptive parents.
13 a fortress later burned 9 a vessel for the soul of a
by your family's enemies. dying noble. The ritual failed.
14 the biggest mansion of 10 the last city of a dying
the city's merchant quarter. species.
15 the middle of a 11 ...covered with the blood of
mercenary camp. your own people after
16 a secluded religious a failed invocation.
community. 12 the arena's champion
17 the dilapidated manor quarters.
of your ruined family. 13 the servants quarters of
18 an isolated farm on the a vampire's tower.
frontier. 14 ...below the Empress's
19 the richest palace of palace, among her slaves.
the Caliphate. 15 the desiccated gardens
20 a hideout for the of a dying desert city.
assassin's guild. 16 ...on a tropical island, just as
it was beginning to sink.
Decadent Origins 17 an asylum deep within
Your character was born (roll a the Forbidden City.
d20)... 18 the laboratory of the
1 a jeweled tower, symbol alchemist you called Father.
of a corrupt empire. 19 the top of a pyramid of
2 the barracks of the slave red obsidian.
20 a hurricane summoned
3 a disreputable brothel of by your mother.
the City of Thieves.

• Backgrounds are abilities that
reflects a character’s training
and aptitude in various fields
including fighting, medicine,
magic and even religion.

• No player can have more

than one Unique background.

• Take note that a player does

not have to pick a unique

• All players get a choice of

three backgrounds, only one of
which can Be unique.

• All backgrounds can be

taken only once.

Unique Background +1 INT
On the world of Evermore the
state of medicine is rather
sketchy compared to Earth’s.
Germs? Viruses ? What are
those? When the creator
brought Evermore into
existence, The world reflected
his vast knowledge of movies, tv
shows and even a 12th grade
Science course and to an
extent tapping into the Dream
Realm itself through the Rite of
Genisis. Healing and the ability
to do so model more after
certain Earth movies and tv
First Aid
Make an INT test when taking
care of someone who has
fallen to 0 HP. On a successful
roll, they roll a d4 on the
Helpless table instead of a d6.
Craft Drugs
The Apothecary can also
• d6 doses of healing balms
(restores d6 HP)
• hallucinogenic drugs or
poison (d6 damage per dose).
• You need to find ingredients
in a natural environment that
takes one hour per roll and at
least one uninterrupted hour to
create more drugs. See
Equipment, Goods and Services
for more information.

Unique Background
+1 DEX
Those that kill for money or
some other compensation have
been around since the
beginning of time. And then
there’s the fact that some
assassins are directed to kill for
other reasons, be it political or
In fact many assassins don’t
even see what they do as
wrong. The Church of Sol even
has a holy order that goes out
and “stops tyranny before it
Roll your first attack against an
unaware target. If the attack
hits, the target is killed
automatically. This attack can
be applied to any one handed
melee weapon or ranged
weapon. This ability does not
apply to beings that have no
discernable anatomy or are
immune to critical hits.
Master of Disguise
Assassins gain advantage on
rolls to disguise themselves
taking on a different persona.
Disguises that are too different
from the assassin can take
away the advantage or if very
far (like say a human disguising
themselves as dragon) will give

Unique Background +1 STR
To the west of The Great Spine
all societies are thought to be
barbaric to the people of
Albion. And to some extent this
is true. West of the Great Spine
is filled with many inhospitable
environments making the mold
for the typical barbarian.
Barbarianism is more than
where and how you live
though, it’s a core value
believing that civilization is a
trap. All one truly has is their
wits and the cold hard steel of
a sword’s blade.
When you rage, add a d6 to
the damage you deal. The
damage you receive is divided
by 2. Your rage stops when you
roll a 1 on the d6. You need a
long rest to be able to rage

Unique Background
+1 WIS
The gods are basically all liars to
some extent. Most lay claim to
having had a hand in the
creation of Evermore. Very few
people know the truth that their
world was created by an 18
year old bisexual nerd from
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Even so, the gods are very
powerful beings that can grant
miracles to those they favor.

These are gifts given by the god
to the favored soul. At
character creation the Favored
Soul starts with one miracle.

High Priest
At 10th level you can now
create Holy/Unholy Tokens or

Unique Background +1 INT
On the world of Evermore
magic takes many forms. The
mages have their spellbooks,
the favored souls bend knees
to their “gods” but inventors rely
upon the magic of “Science”.
This isn’t the science of the
Technocrats that rule Earth, but
the science of wonderment.
This is the laboratory of
Dr. Frankenstein, or the shut in
trying to create a Philosopher
Stone, or even the strange
science from the Way Outs.
During the Sovereign Wars they
worked behind the scenes to
help the Sandmen to gain
freedom from the Church of Sol
Invictus and with the recent
separation of the Creator from
Evermore, The magic of
Science just might become a
foundational part of the World
of Evermore.
Weird Science
The Inventor has the gift of
Weird Science being able to
create various gadgets. See the
Weird Science part in the Gifts
Esteemed colleague
At 10th level the Inventor takes
on the title of Esteemed
Colleague. They are able to
create Token and Relic

Unique Background
+1 CHA
Knight Errant are the lowest of
the noble orders who are
paragons of Chivalry. Almost all
Noble Orders of Knighthood are
found in the 12 Kingdoms of
To play this character the
player must decide if the
character is on a personal
quest or is working for a noble
or noble order.

Noble Standing
• At character creation you
begin with a horse and
everything needed to ride it. All
riding rolls are at advantage.
• You also begin with a suit of
Plate armor, shield (with your
coat of arms on it).
• Also, in most civilizations you
gain advantage on social rolls
when dealing with those who
back ideas of chivalry.

A knight errant must serve
someone or some cause —
normally a deity, greater noble,
order of knighthood, or the like.
The cavalier must seek to
sustain the virtues and the
code of chivalry.

Unique Background +1 INT
Magic flows through the very air
of Evermore. Mages are those
that have learned to harness it.
In Evermore they create a
triune power structure with the
Dream Sovereign and Favored
Souls. This may take on a
greater dynamic with the
addition of the Psychics and
the Weird Science of Inventors
since Zoso untethered the
Creator from Evermore.
The role a mage takes depends
on what spells they learn. Some
lean towards summoning and
others through divination while
others delve into necromancy
or various other murky

Through learning spells, you
channel your innate magickal
nature. You have the gift of
Magick and start the game with
one Magick Spell .

This title (achieved when
attending the 10th level,
indicates that the mage can
now create Magickal Tokens,
Relics and Grand Rites.

Unique Background
+1 DEX
Rogues are opportunists who
use guile and deceit to get
what they want. Some Rogues
are good nature, but weak in
morels while others are the
lowest of the low.

Rogues have Advantage on
actions Involving finding and
disabling traps, stealth,
pickpocketing, eavesdropping,
and streetwise savvy.

Thieves Tools
All rogues begin the game with
a set of Thieves Tools to help
them in their trade. Included in
this set are :
Small files of various grit, a set of
lock picks, a small mirror
mounted on a metal handle, a
set of narrow-bladed scissors, a
pair of pliers, and small disguise
kit (unlike assassins, rogues do
not get advantage on their

Unique Background +1 INT
The influence of the True
Atlanteans runs deep in
Evermore. So much so that
certain humans, either through
experiments conducted by the
aliens or direct contact with
their strange equipment gives
one the ability to unlock the
powers of the mind.
The Psychic is a very rare
background in the world of
Evermore and if more than one
is in the same adventuring
group they most likely will share
a common way they have
acquired the background.
The vast majority of the people
of Evermore have no idea on
the origins of psionics but if
word gets out, the psychic can
be looked down upon by them.
The vast number of psychics are
found within or near the Great
Spine of Tiamat and near great
ruins of the True Atlanteans.

Psions have the gift of Psionics,
drawing from the power of the
mind. They begin the game
knowing one Psionic Gift
The psion has taken on the title
of Overmind and can now
create Psionic Tokens and
Sandman You have the ability to
Unique Background transcend and control the
world of dreams. You have the
+1 WIS Gift of Somnium and start with
Sandman ( a term that denotes knowing one somnium of your
not just men) choice.
Most sandmen become
contemplatives, retreating to
sanctuaries far removed from
Dream Masks
Every sandman begins the
the outside world. Others
game with a dream mask. This
become intertwined with the
mask was pulled from the first
political intrigues of the newly
dream that the sandman came
reformed Parliament of Dreams.
into their power. This mask is a
Others take on the life of an
minor Dream Token. If the mask
adventurer, trekking out to the
is ever destroyed, than the
known realms of existence.
sandman has to go on a quest
The term “sandman” denotes
(with or without his friends) to
not just men.
gain another one.
Dream Masks can look like just
Dream Lucidity about anything but all are
You can lucid dream (See unique and as the sandman
Realms Beyond Section) like gains levels the mask is
anyone else that becomes recognized by others in the
skilled to do so, but your rolls are know as a coat of arms would.
at advantage. Furthermore, When they wear or not wear
you can use Lucid Dreaming the mask varies but all wear
rolls even while you are awake, them when in Parliamentary
detecting openings to the sessions of The Dream Court
Dreaming, seeing and
interacting with Dreamfolk and
even detecting if an item is a
Dream Sovereign
At the 10th level the Sandman
Dream Token or Dream Relic.
gains the Title of Dream
Sovereign and can create
Dream Tokens and Relics.

Common Diplomatic +1 CHA
Backgrounds You know two additional
languages and can make
yourself understood by anyone
Affable Stranger willing to do so. If all you do is
+1 CHA (Human only) talk you can act first at the
Among other humans, you beginning of any combat Turn.
have advantage on social
tests. Drama! +1 CHA
(Trickster only)
Archer +1 DEX On a Stress roll, The Trickster
In combat your first arrow either changes the emotional
always hits, add your level to mood of a target from one
the damage. emotion to another or makes
the current mood more severe.
Bookworm +1 INT The number of rounds this last is
Roll an INT test. If you succeed, either the result of the stress roll
You can substitute any attribute or if an outside force changes
test with an INT test (explain it. On a roll of 1 the Trickster is
how and why your knowledge affected as well.
helps you).
Forbidden Knowledge
Brutal Critical +1 STR +1 INT
When you get a critical success You know things people
on an attack roll, you inflict shouldn’t know. You have
damage equal to your Strength advantage on knowledge rolls
score (no need to roll the to strange and forbidden
damage). things. You only get to roll once
on any subject unless
Defender +1 CON something comes along to jog
If you use an action to protect your memories.
a Close character during your
turn, you take any damage Fortress of the mind +1 WIS
from attacks against them, but Get Advantage on your
you divide it by two (rounded attribute tests when resisting
up). your enemies mind affecting

Grand Trick +1 CHA Improved Unarmed
(Trickster only) Damage +1 STR.
Upon taking this background, Your unarmed damage is equal
the Game Master secretly rolls a to your armed damage.
d8. This number is added to the
one life the trickster already Improved Damage
has. Each time a trickster +1 STR.
reaches 0 hit points it is Your damage die is now d8 (d6
magically brought back to life. unarmed).
Each time this is done, the GM
takes note. When all grand
tricks are used up, they are
May you live in interesting
gone for good. Times +1 CHA
(Human only)
Hidden Compartment At the end of doing a long rest,
+1CON (Manikin only) roll a u4 to determine how often
The manikin has a hidden the human can use this for the
compartment somewhere on day. Upon using this
it’s person that it can hid an background, the human ends
object up to half a cubic foot up being in the right place at
depending on where it’s the right time. This is similar to
located. succeeding at a cost in that it
comes with an element of
Improved Critical +1 CON
In combat, you get a critical
success on a roll of 1-3.
Meditation +1 WIS
Your Stress die replenishes after
a short rest.
Improved Damage
+1 STR or +1 DEX Improved Initiative
Upgrade either your melee or
range weapon damage by
+1 WIS
one die. Your unarmed also you get Advantage on your
goes up one. initiative tests.

Pack Tactics +1 STR Resourceful + INT

You are used to fighting in Replenish a Ud once per game
groups. Three times per session, session without needing a rest
a Nearby ally can reroll a failed (except Stress Die).
dodge, parry or attack roll.
While you tell a story, your
Second wind + 1 CON audience doesn't notice what
Regain your Level in HP once happens Nearby.
per day, even in combat. Supernatural Ancestry
Attunement +1 WIS
Scout +1 WIS (Blooded only)
You get Advantage on your The blooded can sense
Initiative rolls. persons, places or things that
are of or from its ancestry. This is
Stoic +1 CON a Wisdom roll that the blooded
(Human Kin only) has advantage with. Only one
Increase permanent Stress die attempt per subject can be
up by one dice. made.

Natural Born Lier +1 CHA Survivalist +1 CON

You can make someone You know how to live out in
believe a blatant lie if you nature, knowing how to hunt,
succeed at a CHA test. The make basic lodging and how to
"effect" lasts one hour. identify plants to eat and not to
eat and how to track.
Special Purpose
+1 INT (Manikin only) Survivor's luck + 1 CHA
The Manikin was built for a Once per game session ignore
special purpose. This can all damage done by an attack
include servitude in some way but lose a weapon in the
like that of a house servant or process.
knowing military strategy. It
could also be something more Swashbuckler +1 DEX
sinister like hunting down a You can use DEX instead of STR
particular person or thing. The when making a melee attack
manikin has advantage on rolls with one-handed bladed
that only directly pertains to this. weapons.
Special Purpose does not affect
combat rolls. Tough as nails +1 CON
If you survived after rolling on
Storyteller +1 CHA the Helpless table, add half
You always know d4 interesting your level (rounded down for a
things about objects, places or min of 1) to the HP you get
people (one roll per session). back.
Weapon Mastery +1 STR
One of your weapons now STEP 6:
inflicts d12 dmg but if you get a List weapon and
1 on your damage roll, it breaks.
You may transfer this ability to
unarmed damage
another weapon you find By default characters start with
during an adventure. d6 armed damage and d4 un-
armed damage.
We’re all Mad Here
+1 CHA (Trickster only)
On a successful stress roll, the STEP 7:
trickster gives a subject a
severe mental disorder,
Choose Languages
including, but not limited to All characters speak Thyrenian
paranoia, obsessive and one other language tied to
compulsions, phobia, delusions their origin or experiences.
etc. The effect lasts a number Atlantean, Alashan, Amaric,
of rounds equal to the stress roll. Askavian, Auran*, Aquan*
On a roll of 1 the trickster gains Chalidim, Deep Common,
the same mental disorder. Draconic *, Duhuang
Infernal *, Jurka, Naruan, Pictish,
Silent Tongue, Sylvian *
Will to live +1 WIS Thyrenian*, True Atlantean*
You get Advantage when you Urgic
roll on the Helpless table

List Hit Points Choose equipment,
Your total Hit Points (HP) is equal goods & services
to your CON score. Characters begin their
adventures with a set of

STEP 5: clothes, 50 coins and two

List Stress
All characters start with a d6 Ud

Experience Boons
• Each time a character At certain levels you choose a
survives an adventure, he gains boon. Boons include:
a story: just note the name of • +1 to two attributes
the adventure on your (maximum score is 18)
character sheet (or make one • +3 Hit Points
up). • A new Gift
• Characters gain a level once • A new basic or Unique
they have a number of stories background. The rule of having
equal to their current level. The only one Unique background
maximum level for a character still applies.
is 10.
• Upon attaining a level the
character gains One (1) hit
• Upon attaining a level the
character gains +1 to any one
• At the 10th (and final level)
the character’s Stress Die is now
a d8.

Level Benefits
2 +1 to an attribute (maximum
score is 18), +1 HP
3 Gain a boon, +1 HP
4 +1 to two attributes
(maximum score is 18), +1 HP
5 Gain a boon, +1 HP
6 +1 to an attribute (maximum
score is 18), +1 HP
7 Gain a boon, +1 HP
8 +1 to two attributes
(maximum score is 18), +1 HP
9 Gain a boon, +1 HP
10 Your Stress die is now a Ud8

D6X100 Coins
Equipment, Cart or wagon, Gem, Horse,
Medium armor, Metal weapons
Goods & (sword, battle axe...)

Services Weapons
Axe (R), Bastard sword, Battle
axe*, Blood metal sickle
Characters start with a set of Bow* (R) , Cestus, Chakram,
clothes, 50 coins and two Chopper, Claymore*
weapons. Crossbow* (R) ,Dagger,
Engraved longbow* (R),
Cost of Living Executioner cleaver*, Flail,
When in a civilized area Gladiatorial battle glove,
characters loose a number of Harpoon (R), Hunting knife(R),
coins equal to their CON. This Inquisitor long sword*,
represents their daily expenses Katana*, Lance*,Legion gladius,
between two adventures. Mace, Maul, Metal gauntlet,
Nomad scimitar, Pickaxe,
Pilgrim’s staff*,
Typical price lists Raider's great axe*, Rapier,
Razor whip, Scythe*
D6 Coins Serrated sword, Shovel, Sickle,
A night at the tavern, A hearty Sling (R), Spear* (R)
meal, Backpack, Clothes Staff* (iron tips), Sword, War
(peasant)*, Grappling hook, hammer
Mirror, Oil flask, Parchment, ink *Two-handed weapons give
and quill, , Rations (per day), you Advantage on your
Rope, Scrolls, Waterskin, damage rolls.
Whistle, Wooden stakes (R) Range weapon

D6X10 Coins Armor

Boots, Caltrops, Clothes Armors come with a protection
(noble)*, Crowbar, Drugs and rating: this is subtracted from
poisons, Holy water, Lantern, damage the character
Light armor, Musical instrument, receives in combat.
Saddle bags, Shovel, pick, etc.,
Simple weapons. Spyglass, Tent,
Waterproof case

Protection 1
Hide, leather, gambeson...
This kind of protection can be
found everywhere for cheap.
Protection 2 Breastplate, lorica,
studded leather, ring armor,
brigandine, chain mail...
These armors are usually issued
to soldiers and warriors and are
costly and are not found in the
blacksmiths of commoners.
Protection 3 Full plate armor
Usually tailored to a specific
individual It is very unlikely the
characters will ever acquire this
type of armor unless they find
themselves on a battlefield
NOTE: The knight Errant
background gives the player a
suit of plate armor.

• You get Advantage when
rolling to Parry.
• On a critical failure your shield
is broken.

Critical Success and
Rules Critical Failure
No matter what the modifiers
Advantage & • A roll of 1 is always a critical
Disadvantage success
Having an Advantage or a • A roll of 20 is always a critical
Disadvantage on a roll means failure
that it should be made twice: For an attack roll, a critical
• Advantage allows the Player success means the character
to choose which result to use. does maximum damage and
• Disadvantage means the GM adds another damage (dmg)
chooses the result to use. die on top of that.
For the GM: use this rule to Whatever the roll, a critical
reflect bad or good conditions failure means you must make a
that can influence an attribute Stress roll (see below).
test or a roll, this might be a
strained relationship or having Distances
the right tools for the job. Close, Nearby, Faraway and
• For the player: try to create Distant. Moving one range
situations where your character requires one move action.
can get an Advantage: find a Depending on the length of a
better position, help another Turn, the actual distance
character, offer a bribe, etc. covered by the character will
• Advantage and vary, for example in combat:
Disadvantage can apply to all Close ■ 5’ ■ 1 square
die rolls: attribute tests, damage Nearby■ 30’ ■ 6 squares
rolls and any Usage die. Faraway ■ 60’ ■ 12 squares
• If a roll happens to have both Distant ■ Beyond 60’.
Advantage and Disadvantage,
they cancel each other (no
Group Test
matter how many Advantages
In a group effort, if half the
and Disadvantages you have).
characters succeed at their
attribute test, the whole group

A Turn is the time needed for a
character to move and act. In
game time, a Turn may
represent (during a combat), a • The Stress die returns to its
few minutes, a few hours or maximum (a d6) after the
even a few days. The game is character has taken a long rest.
always played in Turns. • Players can choose to "invite"
stress: roll Stress and subtract
One Turn, Two Actions the result from one of your
A character can only take two character's attribute test or add
actions during his turn. The it to a damage roll.
action complexity (and the • The Stress die automatically
distance covered with a move degrades.
action) depends on the length Example: Zoso casts Fireflies and
of the Turn as established by the must roll for Stress. Unfortunately
GM (moments, minutes, he only has a d4 on his stress roll
hours...). There's a catch and rolls a 2, becoming Stressed
though, if you take the same for the spell Fireflies only until he
action twice you must make a completes a Long Rest
Stress roll (see below). Becoming Stressed
When a characters Stress Dice
Perception becomes depleted after the
When characters are actively d4, that thing that thing that
looking for something, they find was rolled for becomes
it. If time is of the essence, Stressed.
players should make an INT test.
Usage Die (UD)
Stress This mechanic represents mostly
Stress is a form of Usage Dice. It abstract resources: such as
begins as a d6 and goes to a influence, debts, etc.
d8 at 10th level. Depleting the The Usage die should be seen
Stress die means the characters as a “push your luck”
brings stress to themselves for mechanic. It can grant you
the thing that was rolled for. some advantages, but it can
Roll Stress when: also blow up in your face at the
• Taking the same action twice worst possible moment. This
during a combat Turn*. should not be to manage
• Using a Gift that requires it. concrete resources like rations,
• Getting a Critical failure on an or arrows . Counting arrows is
attribute test. not rocket science nor is
• Whenever you want to try recording the use of a week’s
something outside of your worth of rations. A Usage die
character’s purview. should represent something

important, not the content of twice (move, attack, use some-
one’s backpack. thing, cast a spell, etc.).
• When a resource is used, you
roll its Usage die; a result of 1 or Attacking
2 means the Usage die is • Using a melee weapon: make
downgraded to the next a STR test
smallest die: • Using a ranged weapon:
Ud20>Ud12>Ud10>Ud8>Ud6>Ud make a DEX test
4 • A successful attack deals
• When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage (roll damage die)
Ud4, the resource is depleted. • A critical success deals
• As a guide, the average maximum damage and adds
number of uses until the die is another damage die on top of
depleted for each Ud is as that.
follows: Ud20: 30 - Ud12: 20 - Attack Effects
Ud10: 14 - Ud8: 9 Ud6: 5 - Ud4: 2. If you want to add an effect to
your attack, say so before you

COMBAT make your attribute test and

then make a Stress roll. NPCs
don't have access to weapon
Initiative effects.
At the beginning of a combat, Break: You break your
every player makes a WIS test. opponent's weapon (or a piece
Those who succeed act before of equipment) as you throw
the opposition, starting with the them to the ground.
player seated at the left side of Brutal: Add the Stress die result
the GM. The rest acts after the to the damage you inflict.
opposition, once again, in a Disarm: You do no damage but
clockwise fashion. your target is disarmed.
A critical success gives you an Entangle: You do no damage,
additional action on the first all attacks against the target
turn. during this Turn are done with
A critical failure leaves you with Advantage.
just one action on the first turn. Pin down: Inflict regular
damage and your target
What can I do? cannot move this Turn.
During their turn, characters Sacrifice: Roll damage twice
can take two actions. Roll Stress (three times if your attack is a
if you take the same action critical hit) but the weapon
Sweeping: Hurt everyone close Shields
to you (friend and foe). • Shields give you Advantage to
Swift: Inflict regular damage your defense tests when
and immediately get an parrying.
additional attack • You get Advantage when
Vicious: Inflict regular and rolling to Parry.
ongoing damage (a d4). • On a critical failure your shield
is broken.
Parrying: make a STR test Two-handed weapons
Dodging: make a DEX test These weapons give you
• The character must be Advantage to their damage
holding something to be able rolls.
to parry.
• Ranged attacks can only be Ongoing Damage
dodged. • Things like acid or fire deal
• A failed defense roll means ongoing damage, this means
the character takes damage. the victim takes Ud4 points of
• A critical failure means the damage each Turn until the
character's armor is ignored dice degrades.
Threat Level • Armor is useless against
If an opponent’s level is higher ongoing damage.
than the character’s level, the
player should add the
difference between the two
Health & Recovery
values to the d20 when making Short rests
any attribute tests to attack, • Short Rests can be taken
defend, influence, or otherwise anywhere: they take 1 hour.
interfere with their opponent (if • characters recover a number
the character's level is higher, of hit points equal to half their
no modifier is applied). CON score (rounded down).
• A character can take one
Armor short rest per day.
The armor's protection rating is Long rests
subtracted from the incoming • Long rests must be taken in
damage (which can therefore safe environments: they last 6
be reduced to zero). hours, and characters recover
all their hit points.
• All Stressed Conditions are
taken away.

• Stress Dice are fully restored.
• Some backgrounds and gifts
may require a long rest to
refresh. This is mentioned in their
Hit Points
• When an NPC's Hit points
reach 0, it's dead.
• At 0 Hit points a character is
• Once the combat is over (or
the character is taken to a safe
place), the player rolls a d6:

Helpless (d6)
the character is good to go
except for a new scar.
one(randomly picked) piece of
equipment is destroyed.
Disadvantage on DEX tests for
the remainder of the session.
Disadvantage on all attribute
tests for the remain- der of the
lose1 point of STR or DEX
Create a new character that’s
the same level as the dead

NOTE: A surviving character

(results 1 to 5) immediately gets
d4 HP back.

• Unless otherwise stated in its

GIFTS description, you must be able

to see the target of a gift to
affect it.
Gifts are magic. The form that • Gifts that don't have a
magic takes on depends on the duration stated in their
one using it. description end at the next
Sandmen use magics from the dawn.
dreamlands called Somnium. The following gifts are just
Favored Souls use magic called examples of what is possible
miracles they get through their and it’s encourage for the
relations with their god. players and GM to come up
Inventors use magic through with new ones.
the Science of the gadgets
they have created.
Mages uses magic by learning Gadgets
spells and incantations through Gadgets are the most versatile
magical tomes. Their magic is of Gifts simply because most of
called Magick(with a K to them can be used by
distinguish it from others). anyone(with a little training by
Psychics use magic in the form the Inventor). The one
of Psionics of the mind. drawback is that someone that
is not an inventor rolls their stress
Common Gift traits die at disadvantage when
• All gifts require a Stress Die roll. trying to use them.
Like all things in life, even with
gifts, nothing is certain. Artificial Limb
• When the user of the gift Functions like a normal limb and
becomes Stressed, that is the can be sacrificed to negated
stress dice runs out after a d4, damage. No roll needed. Some
the gift cannot be enacted inventors have replaced all of
until a short or long rest. their limbs.
• Each Unique background
that uses gifts starts the game Bomb
knowing one gift. On the first use of this gift for the
• New gifts can be gained day, the inventor rolls u4 to
either through in game determine how many bombs
experiences or by choosing it as they have for the day. The
a Boon. bomb does d20 damage to
everyone Nearby. On a roll of
one the one who throws it is Fear Granade
damaged also. On the first use of this gift for the
day, the inventor rolls u4 to
Clockwork Porter determine how many grenades
The inventor creates a they have for the day.
mechanical being to serve Anyone Near that breaths in
them. This Porter cannot do 1-4 Flee in terror for u4 turns.
combat but can bring items to 5-6 Go berserk and add d4 to
the inventor and perform small, their damage for u4 rounds.
minimal tasks. The personality of
the porter will vary, but the Lock pick Gloves
porter always has the welfare of Seeming to be normal leather
the inventor in mind unless one gloves, small keys pop out of
particular thing happens, the the fingertips giving the inventor
invention or accusation of advantage on picking a lock.
another Porter. At this point all On a roll of one the mechanism
bets are off and the original breaks rendering them useless.
porter will first destroy the
“replacement” and then the Monocle of True Sight
inventor. Making having more While wearing this lens, the
than one at a time impossible Inventor can see all things
except by acquiring a new one hidden including energy
through a Boon. sources, invisible people or
things or even unmaterialized
spirits. The Inventor rolls a d4 to
see how many turns this last.
Keeping the monocle on after
use cause blindness for ud4
rounds or until a short or long
rest. On a roll of 1 the Inventor
goes blind for ud4 rounds.

Rejuvenation Shot
On the first successful use of this
gadget for the day, the
inventor rolls an u4 to determine
the number of doses they have.
They must then wait a long rest
before they can make more of
the shot. This shot heals d6 hit
points. A subject can have only
one shot every hour. Magick
On a roll of 1 the dose is bad,
causing the subject to roll with Cantrip
disadvantage on everything Cantrip is a minor magick that
including stress rolls until a short cannot do harm to others and
or long rest, has a very limited use. When
rolling, the result is the number
Resurrection Shot of rounds the cantrip lasts.
No need to make that roll on Examples of cantrip use include
the Helpless table! With Dr. Cleaning one cubic foot per
Zoogot’s marvelous level of the mage, any soiled
Resurrection shoot you can area including people, clothes
defied death itself. or items. Creating a soft light
On the first successful roll the Nearby, causing strange noises
inventor rolls a u4 to determine in the distance.
how many doses they have.
On a roll of 1 the subject dies a Eldrich Blast
horrible death. This magical blast of energy,
while doing little damage,
Wings of the Bat
These black rubber wings allow Elemental Mastery
the Inventor to fly through the The mage has control over one
air. This flight last ud8 rounds. of the four elements. For control
Using them during the day gives over another, the mage must
disadvantage on the Stress roll, take or find this spell again for
while using them during the that particular element.
night, advantage. Create element The mage can
On a roll of 1 the Inventor create one cubic foot of the
destroys them on takeoff. element per mage level. On a
roll of 1 the mage must wait
before taking a short or long
rest to do so again.
Control Element
The mage can control an
element already present by
doubling the size, moving It
around, changing its nature. On
a roll of 1 the element does the
opposite of what was intended
to the caster or someone either wrong or partially wrong.
randomly Near. A wind to put The person of the mirror can
out a fire instead inflames it etc. take many different forms,
Summon Elemental including a strange face or
The Elementalist summons one even the reflection of the mage
elemental of a type (fire, water, that acts independently.
earth, Air, Smoke, Ice etc. The Mirror Trapping
elemental lasts for d6 rounds The mage can trap an
and obeys simple commands. individual whose reflected in
On a roll of 1 the elemental the mirror in the mirror realm.
attacks the summoner. The subject rolls their WIS. If they
fail they are trapped and unless
Teleport they find a way out or the
The mage can teleport d4 in mage releases them, they are
distance. The mage must see trapped for good. There is one
where he is going, or there must drawback though. The mage
be a sigil of the mage’s at the can trap a total of beings equal
other end. On a roll of 1 the to his level. On a roll of 1 the
teleportation succeeds, but all mage is trapped also.
possessions, including clothing,
do not teleport with the mage Necromancy
The mage can choose to The necromancer can cause
teleport another person instead various phenomena to occur
of himself. concerning the dead. Each
The mage can bring along one ability listed below is a spell.
other being with the mage for Conversations with dead
every level above 3rd. Each people The necromancer can
person must roll stress. On a roll ask u4 questions of the dead
of 1 they are teleported (must be yes or no questions or
elsewhere. limited to a name of a person,
place or thing. On a roll of 1 the
Mirror Magick dead gives an untruthful or
The mage can enact magicks misleading answer. Also, they
concerning mirrors. report to Orcus about the
Mirror! Mirror! mage that dares to transgress
The mage can ask the person on his domain.
of the mirror one question that It Dead like me
must answer correctly. On a roll The necromancer takes on the
of 1 the person of the mirror appearance of an undead.
purposely answers the question Others of the type chosen think
it’s one of them and will not On a roll of 1 the favored soul is
attack. On a roll of 1 the effect Stressed till the next Long rest on
is permanent. ALL rolls.
Shambling Porter
The necromancer can create Commune
from a corpse, one zombie or The favored soul can directly
skeleton per level of the mage commune with their god. How
that is under his control. To this happens depends on the
create other undead, control of deity, some talk in booming
another must be relinquished. voice while others send
On a roll of 1 the created messengers. The favored soul
undead automatically attacks can ask one question or request
the necromancer. one intervention. On a
Summon Undead successful Stress roll the god will
The necromancer can summon respond favorably (though not
one undead per level or one necessarily in the way the
undead of equal level. The favored soul might wish). While
undead is not under control of there is no number of attempts
the necromancer but is the soul can make, doing so
beholden to do as asked for a multiply times before taking a
bargain. On a roll of 1the long rest results in the failure roll
summoned undead kills the to go up.
necromancer and any On a roll of 1 the god swiftly
involved. punishes the favored one (but
not with death).
Example Alexander Leviareth
Miracles restores his Trickster friend’s
Stress, than about an hour later
Alter Fate restores his own stress. At this
The Favored soul can call upon point he not only can fail on a
the fates to slightly alter a 1or 2, but also a 3. Furthermore
person’s future. On a successful the two becomes a critical
Stress Roll the Favored Soul failure and the god give swift
replenishes an individual’s Stress retribution.
Die. This can be done only
once to an individual between Gate
long rests. Doing so before that The favored soul opens a portal
gives the Favored soul the Stress from one realm to another.
condition for Alter Fate. Opening a portal that the
favored soul’s deity has no
access to or where their enemy On a roll of 1 the favored soul
resides is done at also suffers damage from the
disadvantage. flame.
On a roll of 1 something
unsavory comes through the Unrestrained Passage
portal that is antagonistic to the The Favored Soul is unrestrained
favored soul. in his walking for u6 rounds. He
can walk on water or even air.
Heal Very rough terrain is like walking
The favored soul touches an a paved road. The only
individual and heals them of drawback is that the soul must
wounds, diseases and even not stop while this miracle is
severed limbs. The amount being enacted. Stopping can
healed is d6. When healing harm the soul.
someone more than once On a roll of 1 the GM secretly
before a long rest, the roll is rolls a d6. Even the Soul takes
done with disadvantage. damage as the miracle stops
On a roll of 1 the favored soul working while rolling odd means
rolls for the healing but instead that the soul’s feet become
of healing the subject, the blistered, reducing speed by
favored soul takes that amount half until healed.
of damage. It is possible to die
in this manner.

Sacred Flame Psionics

The favored soul burst into
flames that does not damage Astral Projection
the soul. The color of the flames The psychic leaves the body
reflects the soul’s alignment. and travels the astral plane.
Law is white/yellow while One other person per level of
neutrality appears normal while the psychic can travel along.
Chaos is black/blue. Anyone The Astral form has a silver cord,
that comes into contact either that if severed loses the astral
through touch or a weapon, form.
takes a d4+1 hit point of
damage per level of the soul.
This includes beings that are
immune to fire. Sacred Flame
lasts u4 in rounds.

Bilocation roll of one the psychic
The psychic is able to be in two experiences a Psychic Back
places at one. In many ways lase giving the psychic mental
the double is a solidified Astral pain for u4 rounds. All rolls by
form. The psychic must divide the psychic is at disadvantage
it’s actions and movements for the time.
with the double. If the double is
reduced to 0 hit points, the Telekinesis
actual psychic becomes The psychic can manipulate his
unconscious for u4 turns. surroundings with the power of
On a roll of 1 the double is the mind. The amount they are
created but takes on a life of able to lift and manipulate an
it’s own doing the opposite of item is equal to what they can
what the psychic wanted. physically lift and manipulate.
On a roll of 1 the psychic is
Clairvoyance/ exhausted and cannot use
Clairaudience telekinesis again until a short or
clairvoyance means “clear long rest.
seeing,” and involves seeing
what cannot be seen by the Telepathy
eye including auras, The psychic can mentally
materialized ghost, or things communicate via the mind with
that are invisible and even anyone in sight that has a
detecting the presence of spoken language. If the subject
psychic tokens and relics. does not want to communicate
On a roll of 1 the psychic has a then The psychic must roll Stress.
backlash that makes the seer And must roll WIS.
blind until the next short or long On a roll of 1 the psychic
rest. cannot communicate with the
subject until a short or long rest.
Psionic Blast
The Psychic mentally assaults
the subject’s mind, over
working their mind. The subject
makes a WIS roll. Failure
indicates that the mind is
overcome and they walkabout
in a confused state. A dramatic
failure on the roll indicates the
subject falls unconscious. On a
Somnium look like the real thing, it is not.
Cobbling Gloomheart does
makes a sword that looks just
Body Horror like it but has none it’s abilities
The sandman causes the (though it can still be used as a
subject to experience horrific mundane weapon. Also
body horrors that physically somnium only pertains to
manifest in the Waken World for nonliving things. A bear cannot
ud4 rounds. Teeth falling out, be cobbled together but a
sausages for fingers, all orifices costume of a bear or a statue
closed up by skin, bugs of one could.
crawling under your scalp that On a roll of 1 the sandman has
you just HAVE to dig out. For the failed and made a great mess.
time in effect all rolls for the The item falls apart and
subject is at disadvantage and dissipates.
it does 1d4+1 hit point per level.
On a roll of 1 the affect is Dream Wish
permanent. The sandman goes to sleep and
dreams of a desire of his. Upon
Dream Cobbling awakening, he finds that it
The sandman can take comes true. Examples of this
dreamstuff from the somnium includes missing limbs
dreamlands and cobble it into coming back better than new.
any simple item. The item can Healing of permanent
look mundane though they conditions like blindness,
rarely do since most sandmen deafness or disfiguring scars.
use past experiences from their Dream Wishing relics and other
time in the dreamlands to help unique items only gives a item
take shape with what they that looks like the wish but do
cobble. The size limit is a total of not provide the benefits.
one square foot per level of the On a roll of 1 the sandman
sandman. It takes ten minutes
per foot to complete. These The Gates of Ivory
items are not permanent There are two ways to enter into
though, disappearing the next the Dreamlands. The first is
sunrise. But by using a dream through the gates of Horn,
chest, they can be made which every sleeper does every
permanent. night. The second, through the
Also note that while the Gates of Ivory is to actually
sandman can make something open a portal to the
Dreamlands. The sandman and
up to one other person per
level of the sandman may Tokens and
On a roll of 1 the gate opens, Relics
but not where the sandman Dream Tokens and Relics
wants it to and of course this is Dream Chest
not known until you step
Dream Token
This chest can range anywhere
from fitting in the palm of the
Phantasm hand to being a full size
A dream within a dream within seaman’s chest. A person
your waking hour. Are you places a cobbled Dream item
dreaming or is this really into the chest and they must
happening? Oh it’s happening sleep a long rest. Upon awaking
Buttercup. The item comes out real.
The sandman chooses the
subject rolls WIS. If they
Dream Catcher
succeed, the subject is
trapped between the Waken Dream Token
World and the Dreamlands. For When placed next to a sleeper
the most part phantasm makes that is dreaming, the token
the victim think they are in the takes Dreamfolk and imprisons
waken world until something them in the token. These tokens
odd happens. The girl you’re are rated from 1-10, reflecting
chatting with suddenly has the level total of the
teeth for eyes, and then she Dreamfolk(s) that can be
doesn’t. Each time a “hiccup” imprisoned.
occurs, the player rolls WIS. If
they succeed, they are Dream Garment
frightened and have Dream Token
disadvantage until it ends. Dream Garments can take on
This somnium ends at the next any form and have a wide
sunrise. range of abilities associated
On a roll of 1 the effect is with them.
permanent. Butterfly Wings
The wearer of these wings can
fly at a very slow speed (half
the movement rate of the

wearer) but they can hover in the subject is put to sleep for u4
place. These wings are very hours. Furthermore, the user of
delicate, if the wearer takes the sands gets to determine
more than half their hit points in what dreams the subject will
single combat the wings are have.
destroyed. To replenish the bag means
Spider Garment going to the shore of the Sea of
This dress is made from stars Dreams.
created by Grandmother
Spider. The wearer can walk on Talisman of Infinite Dreams
spider webs without getting Dream Relic
Stuck Rubber Baby
Ths black rubber suit does
several things. First the wearer Submergence Machine
can contort their bodies to fit Dream Relic
into anything 1/8 the their size
for u 8 rounds. Second it Death Shroud
negates electrical damage Miraculous Token
Dreaming Stone Teeth of St. Brandon
Dream Token Miraculous Relic
Putting this stone under your
pillow while you sleep allows
you to know what you’re going
to dream and to remember the
dream when you awake.

Sands of Sleep
Dream Token
Upon finding this token, the
player rolls a u6 to determine
how many uses they have
before it runs out. The sands are
kept in a magical black velvet
bag with a drawstring. The user
takes a handful of sand and
throws it out to the subject(s)
and rolls a to hit attack on
anyone Close. Success means
THE Zoso looked around a feeling of
hopelessness overtook him as
WORLD OF he saw the cosmic nebula start
to advance toward the rock
EVERMORE they were standing on.
October 26th, 1979, One minute He wrapped his arms around
after Midnight, one year later. Gene and started pleading
The two young men stood on a with him to stop the Rite even
floating rock adrift in space, in though deep down he knew
an area that bordered the that it could not be stopped
Dreamlands. now.
Gene Nolan, a dream Gene turned to Zoso and said
sovereign who had just “ I will come back from this and
enacted the Great Rite of when I do we’ll free Gwenevere
Genisis. The other was Zoso, and punish Jeremey for what
Gene’s best friend who was he did. I promise. “
more a brother to him than his Zoso looked Gene in the eyes
own brother who betrayed him. and said “But that will be many
Zoso looked out over the years from now. I’ll be dead!”
cosmic event that was Gene smiled and gently took his
unfolding. His friend had just friend’s head In his hands and
enacted a Rite that would said” No. you will not die. I
create the world later to be make you, Zoso, Steward of
called Evermore but would also Evermore, it’s ruler and
consume him. protector and give you the
“Gene stop this! The Rite will kill immortality that comes with it”
you!” Zoso pleaded to his He gently kissed Zoso on the
friend. lips.
The year they spent in this realm Gene turned back around,
was filled with danger and picturing his friend in his mind
great adventure and the hoping to keep the image
imprisonment of Gwenevere. locked in place.
They were still wearing the A single tear ran down Zoso’s
same clothes they were cheek. “Gene I don’t know if I
wearing when they all first can do this…” he didn’t get to
entered the portal a year ago. finish his sentence for Gene
“The Rite will transform me teleported him away before he
Jacob. not kill me.” Gene changed his own mind about
closed his eyes and what he was doing. Besides one
contemplated on what was more moment and what was
about to happen.
about to happen to him would up from the village of Knorr at
also happen to his friend. the foot of the Spine of Tiamat.
Gene was in complete stillness In the end the war cumulated
as the nebula descended and at Tor Peak, where the
pulled him apart atom by atom, corruption of one of the Sol
finally forming the world of Invictus kingdoms was revealed
Evermore. as having caused the war in the
first place. As a result of the war
Creation new treaties were written up.
Known to but a handful of One hundred years after the
those that live in Evermore, the Sovereign War an uneasy trust
event of its creation was not has been established between
governed by the gods but by the clerics of the gods and the
an 18 year old boy named sovereigns.
Gene Nolan of Earth. Nolan In The Kingdoms of Alvon
used the Talisman of Infinite Dream Sovereigns are allowed
Dreams to create Evermore. egress but are subjected to
The timeline of creation and severe punishment for the most
how it came about seems trivial of offenses.
disjointed at best. In Avalon Sovereigns must be
When the world of Evermore careful not to question the
formed it’s history and flow of authority of the Church of Sol
time was imprinted from Invictus.
Nolan’s psyche just as many
baby animals who are hatched Beliefs
imprint on their mother. The world of Evermore has a
wide range of religious
The Sovereign War institutions and thoughts. Beliefs
One hundred years ago a great can be divided into three main
war broke out between the groups. First there is the Church
Church of Sol Invictus and the of Sol Invictus, which
largest Sovereign Enclave, The
Brotherhood of Morpheus. Calendar
Though this war only lasted a The current calendar used
little over a year, vast numbers today in the Twelve Kingdoms
of people died because of the came about right after the
war. Great Cataclysm. Though it was
The War started at a small set up by the early Church of
Sovereign Enclave located far Sol Invictus, it is like many things
of Evermore, a reflection of
Earth’s calendar right down to Amaric This language is spoken
the number of days in a week, by those under the thumb of
month and year. Even names of the Mad Jinn and his Caliphate.
the days of the week reflects Askavian a crumbling empire
Earth’s. There are of course Auran* Spoken by Air based
other calendars used on creatures.
Evermore, most being found Aquan* Spoken by water based
East of the Spine of Tiamat. But creatures.
to those who live West of the Chalidim Spoken by Tribal
Spine this calendar is the only desert dwellers East of the
one used. Even in Kelta, , where Great Spine.
resistance to be absorbed by Deep Common * Trade tongue
the church are under way, the spoken by those that live far
Calendar of Sol Invictus is used underground.
Draconic * A difficult language
Seasons to learn, Draconic is the
Evermore has four seasons as language of dragons of all
does Earth. Each season is types and the basis of magical
controlled by the faerie courts formulas.
which brings them head to Duhuang Is spoken in the
head with various divine beings. Forbidden City and the Eastern
Geological Features principalities
The World of Evermore for the Infernal * The tongue of the 9
most part follows the rules of Hells. Spoken by devils, demons
science concerning the world. and those that have dealings
The atmosphere is like that of with them and scholars.
Earth’s (though free of smog) Jurka Mostly known by the Iron
Gravity works the same as on Horde. A barbaric tongue.
Earth and so on. The Naruan A tongue spoken by
circumference of Evermore is most residing on the Shattered
74,800.00 miles. It has a sun Islands. Considered a barbaric
called Sol and three moons tongue by the lands of Albion.
called Luna, Calypso and Sin Pictish Spoken mostly by the
Picts that inhabit the island of
Languages Kelta.
Alashan This language comes Silent Tongue This is a system of
from the corrupt empire of communication that came
Alasha. down from House Pendragon at
the beginning of the founding
of the houses. It, like many
things in Evermore, is derived
from Earth and in fact is a To the eyes of those living within
derivative of American Sign the Twelve Kingdoms, they are
Language. It is common the center of the civilized world.
among the nobility being To the East is the Spine of
almost a necessity for Noble Tiamat, which divides the
Houses that drip with intrigue. It civilized world from hordes of
is also known by many Assassin Barbarians and various horrors
and Thief guilds. beyond the imaginings of the
Sylvian * The language of all people of the Twelve Kingdoms.
those that live in Elfland. Each Kingdom is ruled by a
Terran noble family that can trace
Spoken by Earth based itself to one of the 12 Knights of
creatures. the Round Table
Thyrenian* The Merchant When Evermore came into
league tongue. Almost existence it was a world that
everyone knows this language imprinted on the Creator’s
either to trade or through basic experiences, thoughts and
learning programs. feelings. At first there were no
True Atlantean* True Atlantean humans in Evermore until Zoso
is a “dead tongue” that hasn’t himself brought people to
been spoken for over a populate it. These people it
thousand years. Even so, it has seems took to this “imprinting”
survived and is used by many and many things mirrored the
who know of it through ancient myths and stories of Earth.
study or having a connection to The 12 Kingdoms reflects the
the True Atlanteans. stories of Camelot down to its
Urgic Language spoken by the codes of Chivalry and it’s
Northern raiders structure of society of nobility,
serfdom and church.
Albion Some of the names of the
Land of Chivalry twelve kingdoms include
Albion makes up most of the Camelot, Cornwall , Galeas
“civilized” world. It consists of and Summer
the Twelve Kingdoms. These The Haunted Forest
kingdoms are feudal. Religion is This vast forest stretches most of
dominated by the Church of the 12 Kingdoms outlined along
the Sol Invictus. Even so, there the Spine of Tiamat. While trade
are holdouts throughout the 12 routes outline the forest, very
Kingdoms of older gods being few go through it. The reason
worshiped. for this is the belief that those

that die in the forest are ATLANTIS
destined to wander it as ghosts City of Atlantis
trapped forever in the forest. The city of Atlantis is a vast, old
The second and most important city that has a long history of
reason is that the Haunted siege and wonderment. Today
Forest is ruled by the Iron claw it stands as the crown jewel of
of Black Agnes, a green hag of the world. A large portion of the
demi-goddess status. All who city shows the remnants of the
live or even passes through the True Atlanteans and their
Forest are under her rule, like it architectural wonderment. The
or not city is under control of a large
Alkebulan Those people who now call
Kingdom of Ivory themselves Atlanteans are a
The Kingdom of Ivory is covered long way from being those who
with dense forests and savanna originally claim the name. In
plains. An abundance of fact, many scholars think that
wildlife is found here as is many the people who now call
forgotten things. Vast, ancient themselves Atlantean were
cities are found deep in the once the original Atlanteans’
Jungles of the Kingdom. slaves. When talking of
Gwangi Valley Atlanteans, there are those that
Tucked away from the world in live in the City State of Atlantis
the heart of the Kingdom of and those that live outside of
Ivory sits the Valley of Gwangi. the City State, on the continent
Actually, much larger than a of Atlantis. The City State
valley, Gwangi is a lost world of Atlanteans are mostly of the
dinosaurs and other ancient noble class where those living
creatures. A strange, highly outside are lower class. No
evolved group of lizard men matter the class they come
make their home here and from, most Atlanteans are
places of worship still survive. arrogant, similar in the same
People from all over the world vein of the Nimbus, Most are
sail to Atlantis to see its wonders olive to pale in skin color with
and to trad very dark hair. No other
Atlantis civilization (save for the Nimbus)
has such a high level of
magickal understanding then
the Atlanteans. Many speculate

this is because so many artifacts Providences. Samurai bow
of the Ancients had been before their Daimyo. Monks
found here. sequester themselves in
monasteries high up in the
BARSOOM mountains learning the ancient
The Red Desert martial arts.
Barsoom is the land of intrigue, Seven Golden Vampires
danger and adventure. It is a The vampires of the East are
land of desolation filled with very different than the ones
great wonders. Filled with brutal found in the Twelve Kingdoms.
civilizations, it’s also a land with For example, they are able to
a vast number of barbarian walk about in the sunlight. Each
tribes that fight tooth and nail of the 7 Providences of the
for dissolute land. It’s a land Kingdom of Jade has a
filled with cults dedicated to all vampire that claims control.
kinds of strange gods that These “7 Golden Vampires” do
demands blood sacrifices. not have actual control over
Dragon Graveyard the Providences as does the
The Dragon Graveyard is a Celestial Emperor. Instead they
large desolate area littered with conduct underhanded Yakuza
the boney remains of dragons activity that reverberate
of all ages and sizes. The area is throughout the Kingdom of
picked over by scavengers of Jade.
all types, but care must be
taken for it is well known that Kelta
living dragons visit the The Green Lands
Graveyard sporadically and Home of the Fey, Stone Circles
they do not like non dragons and Druids. Kelta’s almost as
there. untamed as Hyperboria.
In the lowlands you have the
Kara-Tur Pict, who are great fighters that
Kingdom of Jade make war in the nude, made
Remote and cut off to the up in tattoos that magically
known world, The Kingdom of protects them. In the Highland
Jade is an esoteric and exotic mountains kilt wearing
land. The people there are clansmen war against each
gracious to a fault and have an
elaborate system of honor
foreign to the Twelve Kingdoms.
Divided up into large
other, only joining together to Vault of the Creator
combat outside threats. The Located far from prying eyes,
Church of Sol Invictus has tried the Vault of the Creator is well
to “educate” the “savages” hidden. It is said to house the
much to the dismay of the body of the Creator himself and
Invictus ministers as their heads house many great, powerful
are put upon sticks as warnings magical items.
to others.
Children Hyperboria
of the Golden Oak Here there be Dragons
This small, but powerful Fey At The northern reaches of
Circle has branched out from Hyperboria is the area known as
Evermore and can be found the Wild Lands or on many
popping up in various maps known as simply as The
unexpected places. The Barbarian Hordes. These vast
Children are a Fey circle that permafrost plains stretch for
has become corrupted by evil. miles and miles and woe to
those who find themselves
stranded out in this vast
Spine of Tiamat wilderness. Large tribes of brutal
Where Tiamat meet her barbarians roam the area and
end called it home. Just beyond the
This vast mountain range lands of Midgard lives giants.
stretches the full length of the Thule
continent separating Albion If there is a Kingdom associated
and Hyperboria. Legends say with Midgard, it would be Thule.
the mountains are the actual Thule is actually made up of
spine of the dragon Tiamat and over 24 barbarian tribes formed
were formed when the gods in a council.
created the world from her Nimbus
corpse. The Nimbus are a people who
Griffin Riders live in great cities in the clouds.
of The Great Spine They are arrogant, literally
High on the Spine of Tiamat an looking down on those who
order of knights protect the walk the face of Evermore.
West from barbarian and They wear loose fitting robes of
monstrous threats from the East. white draped around their
This knightly order uses griffons frames and sandals that range
for mounts. from the foot to knee high. The
vast majority of them have at
least some knowledge of magic The Afterlife
and many of them have rings of What happens at death is up to
flying or levitation. The vast debate from realm to realm.
majority of Nimbus people are But in Evermore is even more
frail looking with pale skin and unclear.
light hair colors. Upon death there are several
possibilities, including going to
Sunkissed Ocean the Isle of the Dead and
The vast Sunkissed Ocean of Reincarnation.
Evermore holds many secrets At the moment of death the
and dangers. On the other soul takes a trip with the
hand, it also holds many lost boatman Charon or one of his
treasures and long lost fellow helpers to the shores of
civilizations. While there are the Isle of the Dead. This Isle is
established routes that sailors under the rule of Orcus.
travel by, they are nowhere Upon here the stories varies. The
safe. most reliable of tales state that
the place is like a clearing
Isle of the Dead house for the departed. Some
This is the home of the god get reincarnated (especially if
Donn. It is where all who die done so by the Rite of
goes. It is more of a way station Reincarnation)while others wait
to the afterlife than a final for their chance to “move on”
destination. to the Seven Heaven or Nine
When a person dies on Hells. Others are condemned to
Evermore their spirit goes to a Spend an eternity on the Isle of
sort of way station called the the Dead
Isle of the Dead, which is ruled Stone Titans
by the god Donn. Eventually Far out in the Sunkissed Ocean
the souls go to their perspective standing alone as sentries of for
final resting place, though reasons unknown are five
when this happens can be a statues of what appear to be
process that takes centuries, as human males. The statues are
Donn is reluctant to give them all male, with one of them
up. Many stories abound about broken off diagonally in its
heroes who have transverse the stomach area it’s top half
Island’s gates to save a loved laying on the ocean floor. They
one. are so tall that they stand on
the ocean floor and they stick

out at chest level from the Deviant Island
surface This Island is home to Deviants
Shattered Islands created by an Atlantean Mage
The Remnants using True Atlantean magics.
of a Dead God The Deviants were enslaved by
A vast stretch of islands that the Mage until a group of
range many miles in the adventures invertedly freed
Sunkissed Ocean. These Islands them.
are home to a large variety of The Lasarus Initiative
societies and individuals who Ten Islands were settled by
wish to leave society behind for humans from Earth a decade
many reasons. The Islands ago. It would seem that they
isolation also means that the are no longer there, having
islands are fertile with unique abandoned the settlements
things. long ago. What was the
Ape Island Initiative and how they got
This strange island is covered by there and what happened to
a strange green energy field them all remains a mystery
similar to the Arora Borealis. This Temple of Evil Elementals
field stops all magics -both On this island a temple that was
arcane and divine-from dedicated to the Princes of
working. Magical items still work Elemental Evil. Portals to the
though. One of the more elemental planes can be found
strangest things about Ape here.
Island is the fact that it’s ruled
by intelligent apes and the Zakhara
humans that live there are like Caliphate of the Mad Jinn
dumb animals. Also known as the Kingdom of
The Black Idol Sand, The All-Seeing Jinn rules
The small island of Tor is home this area of Evermore with an
to a sinister structure called The Iron Fist. He enforces horrible
Black Idol. This statue towers rules upon the peoples living
over the Island and looks like a under his thumb for the sole
statue of a sinister figure in purpose of keeping power to
black obsidian. The purpose of himself
its existence is unknown since
no one has returned from
exploring it.

The a smaller dust cloud break
away from the larger one. As it
Gods of did so, it formed into what
looked more like a twister and
Evermore started to move over to the
circus with great speed.
The Great American Dust Bowl,
Kansas, USA,1938 Balen had seen both Dust
Symore Balen sat watching the Clouds and Twisters and this
great dust cloud overtake the was behaving like neither.
farms off in the distance. The The twister seem to have a
circus he recently joined had mind of its own as it moved
set up outside of the small town toward the circus. In fact, it
from where the carnage was looked to be coming right to
taking place. As a clown, Balen Balen. Balen tried to move, tried
tried to make light of very dark to warn the others but could
situations, but this was too not. Something was preventing
severe. People were losing their him from doing so.
homes and livelihoods. He dropped the gun and stood
He sat on a back lot to be up and moved toward the
alone. He was dressed in his twister which was now upon
street clothes but had not yet him. It stopped some 40 feet
taken off his makeup. The from him. And while it was
clown face painted smile raging, the air around it was still.
contrasted with his real-life Inside the twister was the
frown. shadowed, featureless figure of
A single tear slowly rolled down a man lying on the ground. The
his cheek. He held the Smith& twister dissipated; the air
Weston revolver in his hand, around now filled with a raging
spinning the fully loaded barrel, wind.
snapping it in place then doing Balen walked over to the figure
it all over again. who looked up at him. Balen
He put the gun to his head then couldn’t make any features
took it down again as fast. He out. The figure was as if it was all
kept doing it over and over, shadow.
each time deciding not to pull “I am Nergal” it said in a
the trigger. booming voice. Balen started
He cried out a sob of despair as shaking in every fiber of his
he looked back over to the dust being.
cloud. At that moment he The figure strained to reach his
noticed what appeared to be hand up toward Balen and
said, “Take my hand!”
“Take his hand? “Balen started had inside when an inner
to run away, but again calming thought told him what
couldn’t. Some force was to do. Balen waved his hand
preventing him. Instead of before him and a portal to
running he walked over to take another realm opened.
the shadow’s hand, which felt Though he did not know how
cold to the touch. he knew, he knew that Earth
“I am the storm that rages in was too dangerous. Something
the skies and the hearts of men. called the Veil of Reason would
For centuries I had waged war stop him. He needed to go
and pestilence. But now I rest. I through this portal he somehow
must rid myself of this burden, had created.
which you will take.” He ran towards the portal but
“No...” Balen tried to resist but stumbled to the ground.
could not. Nergal held his wrist Something was keeping him
firm while a stream of what look from getting up. It did not
to be black tar moved out from matter. Balen dragged himself
Nergal’s fingertips and moved to the portal to safety.
up Balen’s arm to his mouth. Yes. He would go through the
The Divinity Strain washed over portal to his freedom. The
him, killing him and making him freedom he needed to do what
reborn. Nergal let go of Balen must be done. And so, he
and slumped to the ground dragged himself through the
dissipating in a burst of wind portal, to the land known as
and then he was gone. Evermore.
Balen’s eyes filled black with
the Divinity Virus. His clown face Attaining Godhood
seemed to become part of his There are many ways one can
actual face as Balen’s grin attain “godhood” in Evermore.
grew from ear to ear and his The more common methods
mouth opened impossibly wide include:
to show a mouth full of long, Ambrosia
sharp teeth. The “Food of the Gods” is a
He looked over to the tents and strange concoction that can
horrible thoughts started to only be crafted by another
overtake him. god. Allowing someone to eat
A look of horror came over his of it is very regulated among
face as he realized what he the gods, at least it’s supposed
was going to do. to be. In actuality many times
Balen panicked trying to think the gods have used ambrosia
of how to contain the urges he
to further their own desires and Divine Ranking
causes. There are three rankings of gods
Birthright by those that study such things:
Gods born of gods are well God
known. These divine beings Beings with this ranking can
more often than not, have a affect whole realms and have
haughty attitude towards the very large followings. They also
“others” who in their opinion, do tend to have domain over
not deserve divinity. either very important things
Consuming a God (such as the Sun) or concepts
Suffice it to say, not a popular (such as Love).
option among the other gods. Demigod
Consuming a god can take While still very powerful, these
many forms from taking the life gods tend to hold sway over a
energy in some fashion to single domain, their powers
literally eating the full corpse of being limited to that domain.
a god. One human even ate Ishtar is the exclusion to this,
an egg spawned by a fish god having domain over three
consuming the divine child aspects.
within Godling
Divinity Virus These beings have only come
Twenty years ago the Lasarus into godhood very recently. At
Initiative discovered what they most they are very powerful
termed “The Divinity Virus ”. Just beings that are now divine in
what the Divinity Virus is and nature. They tend to have little
where it came from is unknown, to no followers at this point.
but what is known that those Eventually they will (in theory at
that “catch” it are transformed least) become either demigods
into powerful beings. Gods? or full gods in their own right.
Perhaps, but it not only
transform the subject physically, Dominions
but also mentally. Many of the Dominions are aspects of reality
gods of Evermore have that the divine being has power
ascended by being exposed to over. In game terms the divine
this strain. being is able to alter reality in
subtle and not so subtle ways.
This power over a dominion is to
a point limited to how many
followers the god has at any
time and if they have a
connection to them, that is, if
they are on the same realm as Sol
their followers.
Followers of a particular god will
The Unconquered Sun
uphold the dominions the god Divine Rank God
holds sway over and the god Dominions Chivalry, Law, The
usually will give divine Sun
intervention through these Symbol Sun In His Splendor
It is hard to say how much of
Sol’s rise to power had to do
Dead Gods with his own mechanisms or
While very rare, the death of a
that of the Rite of Genisis. Many
god does happen and when it
of the gods of Evermore are
does it is a reality alliterating
found though out Earth’s history
event that is felt throughout the
in one way or another.
The Church of Sol Invictus shares
The death of a god is a cosmic
rule with the various High Kings
event that triggers many
of Albion. The church endorses
different things including the
the rule of Kings, making
birth of new sidhe, formation of
relationships between church
geological aspects to new
and state sway back and forth
depending on who’s in charge
The process leading up to the
on either side of the coin.
death of a god can be quick or
Priests are expected to be
take centuries.
chaste and do not marry.
Females are expected to either
marry or become nuns.

The Eight Million Gods The Clown Prince
Not actually 8 million in number, Divine Rank Demigod
the term was coined for all of Dominions Buffoonery,
those “gods” outside of the one Madness, Entertainment,
true god of the Church of Sol. Laughter
In truth there are probably no Symbol White circle with red
more than 30 in all of Evermore dot in the center
that are actually of divine
origin, the rest being either Balen is a god whose origin
supped up beings or those that traces back to the Earth Realm
gained worship through trickery. where he started as a human.
He was “infected” by the
Animal Princes Divinity Virus by the god Nergal
The Wild Princes who was tired of his divine,
Divine Rank Godlings eternal nature.
Dominions Represented animal The Clown Prince has a
species presence among his clergy but
Symbol Claw marks is rarely seen in person.
Balen has many aspects that
Each animal has a prince(or can change on a dime. On one
princess) that rules and end he is fun, laughter and
watches over their species. The cheer on the far other end he’s
animal princes have three forms the evil clown that waits in the
they take, that of their animal darkness. His clergy reflects this
subjects , that of human and from one congregation to
that of a half human/half another.
animal form. Balen’s acolytes dress as clowns
The animal princes have no and jesters. They spread cheer
human followers (and want and madness across the world
none) though there are humans of Evermore, traveling the world
who give thanks to them for in circuses, bringing the Clown
animals they have hunted. In Prince’s doctrine to the masses.
fact there is a 10% chance
anytime a hunter does not give
thanks that the animal prince
might appear wanting
attribution for the kill.

Baalzebul Black Agnes has no formal
The Lord of Flies clergy, though all who live or
Divine Rank Godling (devil) traffic through the Haunted
Dominions Corruption, Forest bend knee to her and
Pestilence, Lies refer to her as The Dark Mother
Symbol The devil’s personal who can give and take life.
seal. Despite her monstrous nature
she is well known for protecting
Baalzebul is a Duke of Hell that those under her heel. The
controls the dominions of inhabitants of the Haunted
Corruption, Decay and lies. Forest call on her for all their
He appears as a human with needs, from saving the Forest
the head of a bloat fly. When from invasion to the birth of a
meeting in person he can child.
choose for the meeting to be
pleasant, with the smell of Elemental Barons
honeysuckle in the air or being Rulers
bathed in a gut retching smell. of the Elemental Planes
He's always looking for the next Divine Rank Godlings
Deal, be it money or souls. Dominions Specific Element
Worship of Baalzebul is hidden Symbol The Alchemist symbol of
as one would expect. They four elements
work slowly with great precision
to corrupt the followers of Sol. The Elemental Planes are rules
Cultists gather at nights where by various beings of power,
the moon is obscured and though the Barons rule through
wanning. sheer force. Each elemental
plane has a baron ruling over it.
Black Agnes Four very powerful evil barons
The Dark Mother have thriving cults throughout
Divine Rank Godling (Green the world of Evermore.
Dominions The Haunted Forest
Symbol Clawed, green hand
clutching a human heart.

Black Agnes is a green hag that

clawed her way up to godling
over her century long rule of the
Haunted Forest.
Eshu Esmerelda
The Great Trickster The Goblin Queen
Divine Rank God Divine Rank Demigoddess
Dominions Misfortunes and Dominions All of Goblin kind.
Trickery Symbol Bloody human skull
Symbol Spiral
Esmerelda is the current Queen
Eshu is well known as a of all Goblinkind. More than a
prankster of great power. It’s figurehead, the Goblin Queen
motives are never truly clear has absolute say on what
until it is. Eshu was originally a goblins think and do. She is able
god from Earth until that’s to look through the eyes of all
realm’s Veil of Reason forced it goblins, though she has to know
to flee. which eyes to look through.
Eshu’s children, The Tricksters Her followers consists solely of
are small in number but have Goblins and their kind. Her
been able to make important priesthood consists of Goblin
impacts on the world of Shamans.
Evermore. Eshu’s children do
not worship it and find those Hecate
that do so crazy. The Triple Goddess
Divine Rank Goddess
Dominions Crossroads, Magic,
The Moon and Dogs
Symbol The Moon in its three

Hecate is a triune goddess, her

three aspects being Maiden,
Mother and Crone.
Like the moon, which she holds
dominion over, Hecate has
both a light and dark side.
Hecate has no formal clerical
structure. Her followers are
those that deal in arcane
magics including magic-users of
all types especially witches.
Clerical vestments do not exist,
her followers worshiping Sky
Clad (in the nude) at nights of Jormungandr upon his birth so
the Full Moon or when there is a they threw him into The
lunar eclipse. Sunkissed Ocean where he
grew until he circled the world.
Ishtar His offspring are the Yuan Ti,
The Divine Whore and his followers are various
Divine Rank Demigoddess underground snake cults the
Dominions Fortune, Luck and world over.
Prostitution The followers of this demigod
Symbol Coin with the image of are in direct opposition to The
the goddess. Church of Sol Invictus and Bast.
The Yaun Ti are his children and
The child of Ares and the spread deception and lies
nymph Daphne, Ishtar is barely throughout the world.
a demigoddess, but her worship
is worldwide and can be found Loviatar
in every major city. Her clergy The Maiden of Pain
are temple prostitutes, both Divine Rank Goddess
women and men since Ishtar Dominions Childbirth, beauty,
presides over all loving acts. pain, suffering and youth.
The clergy of this demigoddess Symbol Drop of blood
are all sacred prostitutes whose
acts of prostitution are used to Loviatar is a beautiful cold
fund temple functions. The maiden, usually dressed in white
clergy of Ishtar are silks. When she speaks a cold
predominantly female, though wind blows. Her main concern is
a sizable amount of men are the inflicting of pain. Her
also members of the clergy worship is centered around The
since all acts of love are seen City State of Iltar.
as equal in Ishtar’s eyes.

The Midgard Serpent
Divine Rank Demigod
Dominions Deception, Lies,
Symbol Ouroboros

Because he was partly divine,

the North Gods could not kill
Malik powerful enough to. She is the
The Peacock Prince mother to the 9 Muses and
Divine Rank Demigod
Dominions Art, Literature, Love Orcus
between men, Revenge , The Grim Reaper, The Black
Retribution and War as an art Goat
form. Divine Rank God
Symbol Peacock Feather Dominions Death, The
Underworld, Punisher of Broken
Malik is a low key deity that Oaths
holds a great amount of power Symbol Head of a black goat
through his various dealings with
other divine beings. Like Ishtar, Orcus rules the Underworld
being a demigod does not were the dead go for at least a
diminish his reach to mortal term before they go to their
worshipers. For a demigod, he great beyond( though many still
has many dominions he holds in Orcus’s realm indefinitely).
power over. Legends state that No matter their allegiance to
his gained them from other any particular god, all pay
gods through quick thinking homage to Orcus by placing
and sometimes right out deceit. silver coins on each eye of the
Though a great number of his deceased to pay the ferryman
followers are gay men, Malik is to transport them to the island
in fact god of love between all of the Dead.
men and is invoked during
things like hunting trips shared Sedna
by father and son. Keeper of Secrets
Divine Rank Goddess
Mnemosyne Dominions Seas and Oceans,
Mother of Memory and Time Creatures of the depths, Buried
Divine Rank Goddess & Lost Secrets
Dominions Time, Memory, Symbol Seashell
Symbol Hourglass Sedna was a giantess. Her
The goddess of time, memory father took her out to sea and
and Nostalgia, Mnemosyne is threw her overboard to drown
an ancient deitie who rarely because she would not consent
gets involved in the affairs of to a prearranged marriage.
the gods simply because she is When Sedna tried to get back
into the boat her father cut off
her fingers , causing her to sink
into the dark depths of the sea.
Her cut off fingers becoming
the sea life and Sedna became
mistress of the sea.
The priests of Sedna all either
live on or near the sea. They act
as go between for the goddess
and her followers. All who travel
by water pay homage to her
and Ship Captains will have at
least one cleric sail with them
for protection from Sedna.

The Nothingness
Divine Rank God
Dominions Chaos, Confusion,
Symbol Circle with squiggly lines
coming from it.

Uto The Unownable. Uto The

Nothingness. Just what this god
is or isn’t is up for conjecture.
The popular worship of it’s
“followers” is that of self-
mutilation cutting off noses,
disfiguring their faces with acid
and removing genitals.
Just ten years ago this god was
never heard of but very
recently in only two years ago
did they appeared to make a
felt presence in cities around all
of Evermore.
Recently evidence has
emerged that Uto is not the true
name of this god and is in fact

Other attempt to trip or shove a
character when fighting on a
narrow bridge, a giant boar
…things can gore if it doesn’t have
enough room to charge, etc.
Antagonists are presented as
The damage should fit with the
follows: their name and level
other actions presented.
range, a short description, traits
or technical peculiarities, and
actions (marked with ) they can Armored Opponents
take on their Turn. To avoid unnecessary
arithmetic, simply add a few
HP: 2 (light armor), 3 (medium
BASIC MONSTER STATS armor) or 4 (Full plate or
LEVEL HP DAMAGE equivalent).
1 5 4
2 10 5
3 15 6
The number listed after the
4 20 7
attack is the damage if the test
5 25 8 is failed.
6 30 9
7 35 10
Vulnerability & Resistance
8 40 11
• Vulnerability means attackers
9 45 12
get Advantage on their
10 50 13 damage roll.
• Resistance means they get
Actions Disadvantage on
Unless otherwise stated, NPC’s damage. Popular choices
get one action and one move include fire, frost, lightning,
each turn. They can’t use the Chaotic or Lawful attackers,
same action twice. etc.
• If an action can be avoided
or stopped with an attribute Using 5e Monster Stats
test, the attribute is written in It is beyond my means to list a
brackets next to the action’s great number of monsters here.
name. The stats of all monsters are onl
• The GM is free to improvise
actions as needed. A disarmed
peasant can punch (if angry
enough), a first born soldier can


Animals, Giant

Animals, Mythical


Giants are a bygone of a
different time when they ruled
the world.

Sylvian Creatures

disappeared. Where did you
REALMS go? They looked for you for so
BEYOND “That’s not important now my
friend. I’m here and I’m going
All Souls Hospital, San to help.”
Francisco, California, 1984 Dennis started to laugh, or at
Zoso walked quickly through least tried to. He was so for
the Infectious Diseases ward. His gone, even that little reaction
time on Earth was short and was too much.
there was much to get done. Zoso sat on the bed, he lay his
He passed a nurse with the hand on Dennis’s neck and
name “Samantha” on her took out what looked like a
uniform and gave her a look. small bottle and held it up.
The nurse tilted her head to “Look. I got you a Potion of
Room 312. Healing” Dennis looked up
Zoso stood in the doorway through his cloudy eyes and
looking at the horrible sight. closed them “I don’t
Laying in front of him was his understand. Like in your
High School Lover Dennis, games?” Dennis remember the
ravaged by AIDS. four of them, Gene,
Dennis seemed only half aware, Gwenevere, Jacob, and
looking like he weighed no Jeremy playing every Saturday.
more than 80 lbs. His face was Dennis himself played a few
ghost white with Kaposi’s games. His character was a
Sarcoma markings adorning his Knight.
face. “Yes. Like in the game. Only
“Dennis” Zoso said in a low now it’s real. Gene made it real.
voice. He had to talk but felt Evermore is real.”
like he was intruding. Dennis All of it was too much for Dennis
looked up; his face showed to take in. He started coughing.
confusion. Zoso got closer and using his
“Jacob. Is that you?” his head voice to focus said: “Dennis, I
started ever so gently to twitch need you to drink this. Trust me.
uncontrollably. Just open your mouth.”
“It is.” Zoso said as he walked Dennis opened his mouth very
gently across the room to the slightly and Zoso poured it in.
side of his bed. The second Dennis swallowed
Dennis’s hand reached up to he felt a flood of energy
Zoso who took it into his own. overtake him and in almost an
“But how? The four of you instant he was healthy and
strong again with no sign he back out. We’ll be there in a
was ever sick. He looked at minute.”
Zoso and around the room. The Metamorph left. Zoso
He leapt out of the hospital bed looked Dennis in the eye “Look,
and went to the mirror. The sight I know it’s a lot to take in, but
of his blemish free face made we have to act fast. The magics
him cry. He turned to Zoso and I have placed here will be gone
said “It’s true. You created your soon. All will be explained later,
world. But how? but I need your help and I need
Before Zoso could answer, to know if I can count on the
Nurse Samantha came to the most handsome knight in all the
door with a very angry face realms.” Zoso smiled.
“why the fuck don’t you just use Dennis was speechless but
a blow horn “he said to Dennis. nodded yes. “Good!” Zoso
“I’ve been out here all this time said. My stays here on Earth are
making certain no one limited for now. I need you here
interrupted you but there is only to help me out. The first two
so much I can do” Though the things I need you to do is open
uniform didn’t change, the a bank account and buy a
nurse’s form changed into a Lake House in Cincinnati for
man’s body, but the face me.” As he was telling Dennis all
shocked Dennis. The face this, Zoso opened the closet
looked washed out with a thin and took out a plastic bag that
layer of skin over it. “what the had the clothes Dennis came in
fuck? Dennis belted out. with. He gave them to Dennis,
Zoso stood between the men who took them and started
and said “This is Charade, a getting dressed.
metamorph. My lover” “Jacob, do you have
“This can’t be happening” the more…Healing Potions? I know
sentence escaped Dennis’s so many who are dying...” Zoso
mouth just as he looked back cut him off saying “I’m afraid
over to the nurse, this time he not. Potions like that are hard to
looked like Bette Davis in come by even for one such as
“Whatever Happen to Baby myself.”
Jane”. As he was putting on his shoes,
Charade belted out “But it is Dennis said “what about
Blanche! It is! And then he Resurrection? Can you bring
changed back into Nurse someone back? Patrick, my
Samantha. Lover, died two months ago.”
Zoso was pissed. His lover was He looked up to Zoso with
being jealous. “Charade go pleading eyes. Zoso came over
and put both hands on his ex’s smiled at this and took out a
shoulders and said “It’s possible, velvet pouch and opened it.
but Dennis it’s a life for a life. I Inside were golden coins,
know how you feel but believe minted with a face Dennis had
me the dead should stay seen before. “Are those
dead.” There was a very short Atlantean coins? Like in the
but pregnant silence broken up game?? “
by Charade entering the room Zoso laughed saying “They
again as Nurse Samantha, only certainly are and there are
to change into a black middle- many more of those for you.
aged woman. “She’s coming You’re going to take those to a
around the corner and almost collector I know and he’s going
saw me”. to give you a good amount for
“Ok let’s go! Zoso said as he them.
took Dennis’s hand and lead They got up to the car and as
him out of the room. The three they were getting in Dennis
men casually walked out the asked “You said they are
door, passing the real Nurse prisoners. Who imprisoned
Samantha along the way. them? Zoso’s face turned
Dennis and the nurse looked serious for just a second and
directly at each other, but she said “Jeremy” Dennis didn’t
didn’t even bat an eye. know exactly what that all
“Yea about that, I had to make entailed, but he was not
it so that all who knew you have surprised to learn this. The twins,
forgotten you. I can’t have Gene and Jeremy, were always
someone looking into how a at odds
man with a terminal illness
suddenly got cured. “ Alfheim
Dennis shook his head. “It Home of the Fae
doesn’t matter. All my friends Alfheim, also known as Faerie,
died in the last few months”. or Elfland, is a realm that hangs
“Not all Dennis. Our Saturday in eternal sunset or sunrise
night gaming group is still alive, depending on the Court any
just held…prisoner for the time particular fae belongs to.
being. But we’re going to free The sky is lit with a low hanging
them.” light of the sun with the
Dennis looked bewildered by it shadows of darkness ever
all as they walked out to the present. Alfheim has all four of
parking lot. “But how am I going the seasons depending on
to do the things you want? Do which Court is in power.
you have the money? “Zoso
Entering Alfheim is dangerous to Mechanus
mortals since time does not flow
the same as it does in the The Nine Hells
mortal world. One can spend
one hour in Alfheim only to find The Abyss
that a month has passed in the
mortal world, while on another
visit spend a year in Alfheim but
upon returning find that only a Astral Plane
minute has gone by.
The Fae make Alfheim their
The Place Between it all
home and in fact are it’s The Astra Plane is the “glue”
indigenous inhabitants. that holds all other realms
The realm is ruled by Four together. All realms and planes
powerful Fae Lords connected of existence can be reached
to the Seasonal courts of Spring, using the Astral Plane in real
Summer, Winter and Fall. time.

Aligned Planes Dreamlands

Resting Abode
place of the afterlife of Dreamers Everywhere
After a soul leaves the Isle of the When you dream, you go to the
Dead(if they leave) they go on dreamlands. Any realm that has
to an afterlife. Those who die on dreamers has a gateway to the
Evermore go to one of three dreamlands.
places listed below. Do souls Gates of Horn and Ivory
stay here for eternity as is told in There are two ways of entering
the great books of religions or the dreamlands being the
do they go on to something Gates of Horn and Ivory.
else? It remains a mystery. The Gates of Horn is opening a
The Seven Heavens portal where one can physically
The plane of ultimate Law, The enter into the dreamlands. The
Seven Heavens ascends from gates of Ivory is entered when
the shores of Mt. Celestia to the one dreams.
utter top of the mountain that When dreaming, all things that
reaches the celestial Vault. happen while in the
The Celestial Vault dreamlands are temporary
including dying (unless you die
in the Dream Heart).
When physically in the dreamscape has advantage
dreamlands, death is very real on this roll, but again only if they
and permanent (unless brought can lucid dream. Those not
back through some native to the dreamscape have
extraordinary means). disadvantage on rolls to
Time change the dreamscape.
Time is meaningless in the • While sandmen and other
Dreamlands making it possible beings that can control dreams
to travel through time by way of have their advantage
the dreamlands. It’s possible to cancelled out when trying to
physically enter the dreamlands control another’s dreamscape,
at one specific time and exit at the rule of Threat Levels still
another though doing so can applies.
be accomplished only by a The Dream Heart
truly talented dream sovereign. At the center of the
Connectivity Dreamlands lies the Dream
Any realm that has even one Heart. It is here that the nature
dreamer can be accessed of the dreamlands are the most
through the dreamlands. real. It is here that even those
Dreamscapes that entered through the gates
A dreamscape is a pocket of Ivory can die.
dream created by a dreamer
or even a group of dreamers. Earth
Most dreamscapes disappears Home World of the Creator
when the dreamer awakens. The vast majority of inhabitants
But many do not, allowing the of Evermore don’t have even
dreamer to visit each night they the most basic concept of the
sleep. The dreamer that dreams possibility of a Realm like Earth
about their dead mother night let along the fact that one of its
after night, the impoverished inhabitants actually created
dreamer that dreams only their realm. The Creator, The
about money are both arch mage Zoso, The Queen of
examples of this. Light and the Shadow Lord all
• Each dreamscape has a hail from there. Even for those
rating of 1-10 corresponding to that know of it, Earth is mostly
the dreamer’s level. cut off from Evermore for the
• While in the dreamscape the simple fact of a strange aspect
dreamer that created it can it has called The Veil of Reason.
change it if they successfully This “Veil” prevents most magic
lucid dream. The creator of the from existing in the Earth Realm.
Theory states that at one time created the Sword of Shadows
Earth was not unlike Evermore, and
having magic. But something
long ago changed and now for Way Outs
centuries magic for the most A Place
part does not exist.
out of Time and Space
Many strange and utterly
Elemental Planes horrifying things come out from
The Building Blocks of the the Way Outs including Old
Physical Realms Gods whose names are best
The elemental planes, when forgotten. Travel to the Way
combined, make up the Prime Outs is dangerous at best. Those
Material Plane. They are also few that come back from there
home to many beings related are changed with no hope of
to them including elemental being what they once were.
barons and those that use the
hostile environment of the
elemental planes to hide in
Mirror Realm Wonderland
The Realm of Madness
Reflective Realm Beyond Unlike Evermore which has a
The Realm of Mirrors is a fast, stronger connection to reality,
but dangerous way of traveling Wonderland is more dream
quickly. But beware. Many a than reality and as such is a
mage has used the realm as a much more dangerous place to
prison for their enemies and be. Here all kinds of strange
coming across one of these animals roam including the
people can mean the end to a Jabberwock and
traveler as they will do anything Bandersnatch. Here one can
to get back to Evermore. have his head cut off, put on a
pedestal and watch his own
Shadow Realm body play crochet. The Queen
of Hearts rules here with an Iron
Where the Fist and she does NOT like
Light and Darkness Meets outsiders invading her realm.
The Shadows Lands exists
between the Light and the Oz
Dark. Once, eons ago at the
beginning of time, Mages
The Realm
Over the Rainbow
Evermore has very little contact
with Oz for various reasons until
recently. The Witch of the North,
Glinda, has sent out a magical
message for help only stating
that the whole realm of Oz was
being threaten by a very
powerful outside force.

“Appendix N”
I have no problem stating that
this book is a blatant grab of
ideas from my decades of TV
watching during the 70’s
I go back and forth on where to
find the media I’ve listed . Many
of the books I read during the
70’s are out of print so for that
reason and ease of finding
things I’ve listed recent
publications. Especially those
that are compilations.

1st Edition Advanced Dungeons
&Dragons -Gary Gygax 1977 Space 1999
This includes Gygax’s own
Appendix N. Lost
Alice Adventures in Wonder
land and other Stories , Lewis Once Upon a Time
Carrol, Barnes and Noble 2010
The Bible (Good News
Translation, American Bible
Society, 1976
H.P. Lovecraft: The Complete
Fiction, Barnes & Noble
Collectible Editions 2011
The Wizard of Oz , L. Frank
Baum, Barnes and Noble
Collectible Editions 2011

Phantasm, Don Coscarelli 1979

Led Zepplin IV Led Zepplin,
Plant 1971
Dreamland, Robert Miles 1996
Substance, New Order 1987

In Search of, 1977-1982. Alan
Landsburg Productions

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