The Reference Reach II
The Reference Reach II
The Reference Reach II
Dave Rosgen, P.H.1
The reference reach is used to develop natural channel design criteria based upon
measured morphological relations associated with the bankfull stage for a specific stable
stream type. Specific data on stream channel dimension, pattern and profile are collected
and presented by dimensionless ratios by stream type. The reference reach is a portion of
a river segment that represents a stable channel within a particular valley morphology.
The morphological data collected is used for extrapolation to disturbed or unstable
reaches in similar valley types for the purposes of restoration, stream enhancement,
stabilization, and stream naturalization schemes. Bankfull discharge and dimensions
from streamgage stations for particular hydro-physiographic provinces are correlated with
drainage area to develop regional curves for extrapolation to non-gaged reaches.
Regime equations often used for river restoration design represent data developed
empirically from a range of stream types. If the streams where the regime equations are
being implemented are not similar to the streams from which the equations were
developed, resultant designs can be incompatible with natural channel morphology. This
problem can be offset if the source of the empirical equations can be identified and
published by specific stream type. Reference reach data can be used to validate and sort
appropriate regime equations by stream type prior to implementation. Examples of field
methods, analytical procedures, and applications in natural channel design are presented
Wildland Hydrology, 1481 Stevens Lake Rd. Pagosa Springs, Colorado, 81147
*Permission to reproduce granted by ASCE, July 24, 2001. From proceedings of the
Wetlands and Restoration Conference, March, 1998, Denver, Co.
A majority of river engineering designs are based on clear water discharge,
rigid boundary theory, uniform flow, smooth beds, and uniform channel materials (Chow,
1959). These underlying assumptions are often violated in natural rivers, thus their
validity for use in natural channel design needs to be tested. Empirically derived regime
equations, often used to establish channel dimensions and slope, can be very appropriate
if the stream being restored is similar to the stream from which the relations have been
developed. In design manuals, however, it is difficult to determine the source of the
relation and/or the stream type(s) that a model represents. It is desirable then, to stratify
regime equations associated with the stream types from which they were derived.
Morphologically described stream types based on field measurements are
described in Rosgen (1994). An assortment of stream types are presented that are
delineated by slope, channel materials, width/depth ratio, sinuosity and entrenchment
ratio. The stream types are described at the morphological description level (level II) of
the hierarchical system for classification. At this level of inventory, the existing
dimension, pattern, profile, and materials are described. The descriptions however, do
not necessarily represent a stable form or describe the potential of the stream. An
assessment of condition or state is determined in level III and verified in level IV
(Rosgen, 1994,1996).
The use of a reference reach data base, characteristic of the stable channel
morphology for a similar valley type can provide an integrative approach which has the
stable dimension, pattern and profile to keep the stream from aggrading or degrading.
Morphological measurements must be obtained by unique stream types in order to
extrapolate these data. The use of a classification system for this purpose is essential in
order to group variables by morphological similarity and to reduce statistical variance
between the groups.
If the condition of the river being restored is extremely unstable, a dilemma
often exists in the selection of the potential stream type and the associated morphological
characteristics for a given flow and sediment regime, valley slope, and channel materials.
Reference reach data using dimensionless ratios can be used to establish design values as
long as the reference reach is representative of the same valley type and sediment regime
(see valley type descriptions, Rosgen, 1996). The reference reach data is not to be
confused with stream type data from level II analysis, since this data summarized from
various streams of the same type, does not always represent the stable form.
Other approaches to restoration design involve modeling sediment transport
to then back-calculate the corresponding effective discharge, depth and slope (Thomas, et
al, 1994). Any significant errors in the sediment transport model, however, can be
directly transferred to the corresponding design discharge, directly influencing the
dimensions and corresponding meander pattern and slope of the restored channel.
Stream stability
Table 2. Relations of width, depth, velocity and cross-sectional area to discharge for two
different gravel bed streams for a bankfull discharge of 3.0 cubic meters/sec (100 cfs).
Bankfull surface width 2.2 meters (7.1 ft.) 7.3 meters (23.9 ft.)
Bankfull mean depth (meters) 0.73 (2.4 ft.) 0.37 meters (1.2 ft.)
Width/depth ratio 3 20
Bankfull mean velocity (meters/sec.) 1.8 meters/sec (6 ft./sec.) 1.1 meters/sec (3.5 ft./sec.)
Bankfull cross-sectional area (square 1.5 square meters (16.7 ft.2) 2.7 square meters (28.6 ft.2 )
Procedural rules for data collection and documentation of the reference reach
• verify bankfull discharge with regional curves from gage station data
• stratify by representative valley type (width, valley slope, same channel
materials, landform/landtype association)
• stratify by morphological stream type
• be stable (in equilibrium or in regime) but not required to be pristine
• have at least two full meander wavelengths, or 20 widths of length of
consistency for measurements
• be free to adjust channel boundaries for the frequent high flows
• select cross-sections and long. Profile to represent typical bed features
• establish range of values as well as average for “natural variance”
• if located at gage station, work up hydraulic geometry by stream type
• complete a level III, (Rosgen, 1996) condition assessment of stream type
Table 3. Reference reach data and example computations for design.
Restoration Concepts
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