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This section introduces Science technology and Society (STS) as a field

of study. After discussing the nature of Science, technology and society, the
section discusses the relationship among them. It tackles the different field of
Science and Technology. It also enumerates the positive and negative impact
of technology that reinforces the importance of the study on STS in an age of
scientific progress and technological development.


At the end of this module, the students should be able to:

1. Define science, technology and society
2. Discuss the relationship of science, technology and society
3. Explain how other sciences relate to technology

Nature of Science

Science is important to people, because it can help resolve problems,

concerns and issues that people face in the day-to-day aspects of living.
Science is a systematized knowledge derived from observation, study and
experimentation carried on in order to determine the nature of what is being
studied. It came from the Latin word scire(meaning to know). It was originally
called “Philosophy of the natural world”

Science is a framework for gaining and organizing knowledge. Science is

not simply a set of facts but also a plan of action- a procedure for processing
and understanding certain types of information. Scientific thinking is useful in
all aspects of life in order to find a solution for any problem. The Scientific
method is a combination of the creative reasoning and testing of hypothesis.
It is the step by step process of analyzing and solving science problems:

The Scientific method

1. Ask a Question: The scientific method starts when you ask a question
about something that you observe: How, What, When, Who, Which,
Why, or Where?

2. Do Background Research: Rather than starting from scratch in putting

together a plan for answering your question, do library and Internet
research to help you find the best way to do things and make sure that
you don't repeat mistakes from the past.

3. Construct a Hypothesis: A hypothesis is an educated guess about how

things work. It is an attempt to answer your question with an

explanation that can be tested. A good hypothesis allows you to make

4. Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment: Your experiment tests

whether your prediction is accurate and thus your hypothesis is
supported or not. It is important that your experiment be a fair test. You
conduct a fair test by making sure that you change only one factor at a
time while keeping all other conditions the same.

5. Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion: Once your experiment is

complete, you collect your data and analyze them to see if they support
your hypothesis or not.

6. Communicate Your Results: Professional scientists do publish their

final report in a scientific journal or by presenting their results on a
poster or during a talk at a scientific meeting.

It is important to differentiate observation, hypothesis and theories.

Observation is something that is witnessed and can be recorded. Hypothesis
is a possible explanation for an observation. A theory is a set of tested
hypothesis that gives an overall explanation of some natural phenomena. It is
an interpretation or explanation of why nature behaves in a particular way.
Theories changes overtime as more information becomes available. For
example, the motion of the solar system has changed greatly since ancient
Science is a distinctive form of human cultural activity referred to as
scientist, a natural philosophers. They represent attempts to explain observed
natural behavior in terms of human experiences. They must continue to do
experiments to refine it and be consistent with new knowledge to approach a
more understanding of nature. Scientists in all periods of time are driven by
their deep passion to know and to discover. Thus, the scientific attitudes
include the following:
1. Honesty. This attitude allows a scientist to recognize the work done by
other scientists before him. This attitude is also shown by reporting
data truthfully.
2. A scientist is open minded. Open-mindedness is an attitude that allows
a scientist to look at other possibilities.
3. Creative and Critical Thinking. This enables a scientist to come up with
concept which lead to discoveries that traditional scientists have
4. Curiosity. It enables a scientist to discover more about the things around
5. Persistent. It enables a scientist to continue a project despite obstacles
and failures.
6. Objectivity. A scientist must be objective in declaring results of his/her
experiments and judgment is based on observable phenomena and not
influenced by emotions or personal prejudices

7. Precision. A scientist must always consider the precision of his work if it
forms a pattern or repeatedly occurring in nature. Lack of precision
would mean inconsistency.
8. Responsibility. The moral, social and personal responsibility and
accountability of a scientist to all of his works must be observed.
9. Collaboration. One needs to consider suggestion and recommendations
of others for an improved work.

As scientist observes nature, they often see that the same observation applies
to many different systems. For example, studies of innumerable chemical
changes have shown that the total observed mass of the materials involved is
the same before and after the change. Such generally observed behavior is
formulated into a statement called natural law. For example, the observation
that the total mass of materials is not affected by chemical change in those
materials is called law of conservation of mass.

Nature of Technology
The initial nature of technology is for survival. According to Steve Jobs,
the pioneer of microcomputer revolution, the thing that separates us from high
primates is that we are tool builders. A caveman created fire to warm himself,
cook food to kill bacteria and protect himself from predators.

Technology, Science of craft, from the Greek word techne, is the

collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the production
of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific
investigation. Every product of technology helps human to move forward and
make life comfortable.

Nature of Society

Aristotle said that man was a social animal by nature and one who does
not live in society was either a beast or God. Human nature develops in man
only when he lives in society, only when he shares with his fellow beings.
Man lives in society because necessity compels him to. Many of our
necessities will be satisfied by the cooperation of the people in the society.
Every individual is offspring of social relationship established between man
and woman. Man is totally dependent for the survival upon the existence of
some sort of society.
Man lives in society for his mental and intellectual development. Society
preserves our culture and transmits it to succeeding generations. It both
liberates and limits our potentialities as individuals and molds our attitudes,
our beliefs, our morals and ideals.
The society is made up of community of people. Among these people are
Scientist and technologist. Proceeds from the work of the scientist and
technologist are used up by the society. For instance a bus is first developed
by Blaise Pascal, the benefactor of this great invention is the people in the
society. But, exploitation of advanced scientific knowledge and technological

advances give rise to situations in which the society suffers the
It is important to keep in mind that scientists are human. They have
prejudices; they misinterpret data; they become emotionally attached to their
theories and thus lose objectivity; and they play politics. Sciences are affected
by profit motives, budgets, fads, wars, and religious beliefs. Galileo, for
example was forced to recant his astronomical observations in the face of
strong religious resistance.


Science and technology are the best society could ever ask for. Since
the industrial revolution in the 18th century science has been in progress.
Some sectors that have been boosted by science and technology are energy,
physical sciences, information and communication. The society has greatly
gained with the invention of technology.
Without society then there would be no science and technology and that
is why the inventions and innovations have helped achieve big things. The
society needs science and technology to have comfortable life. The creation
of computers is work of art by individuals was a milestone that would come a
long way in helping the society. A computer helps us to leverage ourselves by
gaining valuable information that we can use to enrich our lives. The impact of
science and technology can seriously be recognized. Many people around the
world take for example scholars in colleges and universities have taken the
lead examining the relationship between science and technology.
The evaluation of this relationship has emerged as an important area of
research. Public interest groups and academic organizations throughout the
world are recognizing the importance of STS. The reason is that people need
to recognize that there are people who are affected by science and
technology. Controversies such as nanotechnology, genetic engineering and
robotics are the issues that have brought policy makers and scientists
together to have a way forward on this.
Science and technology has actually largely contributed to the vision of
man about himself. Science has been modified the opinion about the origin of
man and place of origin too. Through the results of scientific discoveries the
perception of man about his behavior and his place of origin has been
modified diversely. Experiments in science today are in one way or another
affecting the society. Take for example, Chinese biophysicist He Jiankui  had
conceived two children through artificial insemination. He had manipulated
their genetic material with the help of the CRISPR/Cas9 "genetic scissors"
before implanting the embryos. Ethicists and experts from a wide range of
disciplines sharply criticized he's action. They said he had created a
dangerous precedent and committed a grave ethical breach. Later, the
Chinese government issued strict rules preventing future attempts at germline

The developing world has a long tradition of participatory action
research, popular education and community organization joining up to solve
some science and technology issues that affect the society. How is science
and technology related to the society is something that is calling even for the
government intervention. Science and technology related issues are actually
discussed worldwide today. Progress in this has resulted to the ability to
produce diverse types of material items.

Positive Impacts of Technology on Society

1. Technology Has Mechanized Agriculture

Modern agricultural technology allows a small number of people to

grow vast quantities of food in a short period of time with less input
which results into high yields and ROI return of investment. Through
government subsidies, small and medium-sized farmers have
managed to acquire plowing, sowing, watering and harvesting
machines. Proper use of technology in agriculture has also resulted in
the manufacturing of genetic crops which grow fast and are resistant to
many pests and diseases. Likewise, when use responsibly, artificial
fertilizers add value to the soil and boost the growth of high quality
crops. Agriculture in dry areas has been made possible through
technology. By using advanced water pumps and sprinklers which
derive water from rivers to the farms, For instance, Egypt can now
grow crop by pumping water daily from River Nile to the rice fields.

2. Technology Has Improved Transportation

Technology has improved transportation:   Transportation is one of the

basic areas of technological activity. Both society and businesses have
benefited from the new transpiration methods. Transportation provides
mobility for people and goods. Transportation, like all other
technologies, can be viewed as a system. It is a series of parts that are
interrelated. These parts all work together to meet a certain goal.
Transportation uses vehicles, trains, airplanes, motorbikes, people,
roads, energy, information, materials, finance and time. All these parts
work together to move and relocate people and goods. Technology has
helped in advancing all the four types of transportation and these
include ; (1) road transport used by automobiles ,(2) air transport which
is used by airplanes , (3)water transportation which is used by ships
and speed boats and (4) space transportation used to go to the moon.
The most used of all these is Road transportation, this one facilitates
the movement of goods and people. Technologies like automobiles,
buses, and trucks have improved the way humans move and how they
transport their goods from place to another.  Also, developing countries

are getting funds from wealthy countries to improve their road transport
which has resulted in the development of rural remote areas.

3. Technology Has Improved Healthcare Services

From improved operational efficiency to standards in patient care, the

health care transformation has enhanced the entire experience for both
patients and medical professionals. Elcom enumerates five of the top
health care technology and health care industry trends and innovations
that are revolutionizing the field.

a)  Availability of Information and big data. The Internet, intranet

systems, search features and the ability for health care
professionals to rapidly share information have enhanced the
synthesis and analysis of data. “Big data” in health care allows the
entire field to benefit from comprehensive research studies.  Their
analyses can be used to identify risk factors and recommend the
right preventative treatment by comparing patient data with data
from thousands of other patients;
b)  Medical professionals can now use media such as video, online
discussion platforms and real-time meeting capacities to
communicate and advance the spread of knowledge in the
field. Electronic medical records in-house are accessible by all
relevant departments and care providers. This results in improved
case management, treatments and patient recovery;
c)  Electronic medical records allow all patient histories, test results,
diagnoses and relevant information to be stored centrally in an
online location. The data allows for more focused and accurate care
as well as the ability to see health trends for each
individual. Medical billing systems allow hospitals, clinics and
medical practices to run much more smoothly;
d) Telemedicine/Telehealth Telemedicine/Telehealth services such as
video-conferencing are becoming cost effective ways to
complement local health services. It is particularly beneficial to
those living in rural, regional and remote communities and requiring
regular access to medical specialists who live several kilometers
away; and
e) Mobility and Mobile Apps Mobile software applications (aka mobile
apps) are key to improving accessibility for patients and health-care
professionals. Mobile apps enable people to easily manage their
health and well being; everything from prompting them to get
checkups, to finding general medical information or accessing their

test results securely online 24/7 without having to book in an
appointment with their GP and wait days for results. Health-care
professionals on the other hand, can quickly access information
relating to diseases and drugs, images for clinical matters,
continued education activities and so on.

4. Technology Has Improved Communication

Communication is used for a number of purposes. Both society and
organizations depend on communication to transfer information. 
People use technology to communicate with each other. Today people
can use the internet to get the latest news from any country around the
globe. Services like Twitter or YouTube have enabled people to
become journalists. They can now report news instantly by tweeting or
vlogging. Electronic media like mobile phones, radios, televisions,
internet, and social media have improved the way people exchange
and share ideas. People can Skype, or use Viver or Messenger to send
messages or make video call to their loved ones instantly. Likewise,
finding both old and new friends have become very simple. With social
networks like Facebook or Instagram, one can easily keep up with all
his/her old friends and also make new ones. Politicians use smart
phone, radio, television and internet media to reach the people they
want to serve..

5. Technology Has Improved Education and Learning Process

Technology has improved education and learning process: Education
is the backbone of every economy. People need well and organized
educational infrastructures so that they can learn how to interpret
information. Many schools have started integrating educational
technologies in their schools with a great aim of improving the way
students learn. Technologies like smart whiteboards, computers,
mobile phones, iPads, projectors, and internet are being used in class
rooms to boost students’ moral to learn. The business community has
invested money in various educational technologies which can be used
by both teachers and their students.  For example, on iPhone App
Store or Google Play Store, you will find many educational applications
which can allow students and teachers exchange academic information
at any time, this has made learning mobile.  Also, programs like Long
distance learning have opened boundaries too so many scholars
around the world.

6. Technology has Improved Business or Job Opportunities

Modern Technology has been prominent in job role creation and the
emerging of technology-based companies. With access to a computer
and internet, anyone can start a business while at home. Most
successful technology-based ventures like Amazon or Facebook
started from home but now they employ thousands of people.

7. Technology has Improved Entertainment

Technology has changed the entertainment industry; now people have
many options to choose from. They can have a playlist of 10,000 songs

on their smartphone or you can watch movies on the go with an iPad;
the list is endless.

Negative Impacts of Technology on Society

1. Resource Depletion
The more demand for new technologies and advancement of current
technologies, the more pressure is put on earth’s natural resources.
The high demand for more mobile phones or laptops will certainly lead
to exploitation of of Mother Nature for resources like aluminum. Once
these resources are extracted from the earth plates, they may never
return back because it took them a billion years to mature.  That means
that at one time, the world shall be left with no natural resource which
can be a problem to the future generation and economy.  Likewise, the
intensive farming practices will deplete the soil. This makes heavy
applications of commercial fertilizers necessary to yield healthy
harvests, but also these fertilizers have chemicals which are dangerous
to the soil and human lives.

2. Increased Pollution
Pollution affects the land we grow crops on, the water we drink and the
air we breathe. The increased demand for new technologies and
advancement of technologies has resulted in many manufacturing and
processing factories. As they work so hard to create the best
technologies for both society and business, they release harmful
chemicals and gasses which have polluted our environment and this
has resulted in climate changes (global warming). So the more
technology we enjoy, the more we harm our environment. Experts have
tried to implement ways of reducing this impact by encouraging
factories to go green, to a small extent, this has been achieved through
the development of green technologies like; green cars, green
computers, but a great effort is still needed to reduce the pollution of
the air and the earth.

3. Cyber-Sickness
With the increased addiction to social networks and internet games,
people are spending more time on computers and reject their normal
offline life, resulting in increased isolation and social imbalance. This
social isolation has increased a lot as more and more people are
involved in online interaction. The number of children playing outdoor
games is decreasing due to a lot of options available like video games
and apps.

4. Unemployment
Reduction in employment. Modern technology has replaced many
works done by human beings. Works are being done by machines in
more productive and efficient way thus replacing personnel who used
to perform the work.


1. Life Sciences is a very broad field, it encompasses numerous

specializations. It is commonly defined by sciences that pertain to living
organisms like microorganisms, plants, animals, and most importantly
human beings. Some of the well-known fields in the Life Sciences are
Zoology, Botany, Biology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, and Biomedical
2. Engineering is the field of science that applies both science and math to
solve problems. It concerns the use of technology in practical ways that
can advance the human condition. Some of the fields of engineering
include mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering,
structural engineering, and industrial engineering.

3. Agriculture is the field of science wherein it concerns with the different

techniques of land cultivation, crop and livestock raising, or otherwise,
farming. The Department of Agriculture (DA) is a government agency
responsible for the development of the Philippine's agriculture by
generating policies, investments, and support services which are
significant in the local and export-oriented trade.

4. Aquaculture is the rearing or cultivation of aquatic animals and plants for

foods. Oceans are productive ecosystems on the planet, providing
an array of services that directly and indirectly support economic activity
and growth. Services including protection from natural hazards; weather
regulation; shoreline stabilization; carbon sequestration; wild-catch
fisheries; energy from wind, waves and offshore oil; sea bound
trade; tourism; and many others all provide the foundation for an estimated
3 to 5 trillion dollars of annual global ocean economic activity. 

5. Metal Industry deals with the creation and innovation of metallic and steel
products. The metal/steel industries have shown remarkable technological
dynamism over the centuries and with the growing product innovation,
there have been a great significance on the steels' economic and political
influence. The Philippines have become part of the growing revolution of
the industry. The Metal Industry Research and Development Center
(MIRDC) is a government agency under the Department of Science and
Technology that supports the local metals and engineering industry
through support services enhancing the industry's competitive advantage.

6. Food and Nutrition science is the field of science studying the nature of
foods and the natural changes in them resulting from handling and
processing. It is the science concerned with food and nourishment and the

role of nutrients in health. In the Philippines, food and nutrition research
investigates the ideal diet for Filipinos to solve the problem of malnutrition
and the current state of nutrition.

7. Forestry practices planting, managing and taking care of trees. The

governing body for the Philippine forestry is the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). During 1987, the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources was formally
established. Under this department, the Forest Management Bureau was
the sector that focuses on preserving the forest and the harvesting of its

8. Natural disaster preparedness is developed to address disaster risk,

since Oceans are productive ecosystems on the planet, providing an array
of services that directly and indirectly support economic activity and
growth. and enabling tools such as Doppler radars, generating 3D
disaster-simulation models from Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)
technology and the wide-scale installation of locally developed sensors for
accurate and timely disaster information nationwide.

9. Health. One aspect of healthcare is the diagnosis, treatment and

prevention of diseases; the other pertains to provisions for medical care for
people in the community. In the Philippines, health care is under
the Department of Health (DOH). This government office is responsible for
organizing public health care and making sure that all Filipino citizens
have access to quality health services. This office is also responsible for
supervising and funding researches pertaining to new medicines and
medical devices.


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