Physics 28th June Shift-2

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28th June 2022 | Shift - 2

1. Velocity (v) and acceleration (a) in two systems of units 1 and 2 are related as v = v and a =
respectively. Here m and n are constants. The relations for distance and time in two systems respectively
are :
(A) L = L and T =T (B) L = L and T = T
(C) L = L and T = T (D) L = L and T =T
Sol. (A)
Given data :
v = v  =
a = ⇒ = 
We know that
= ×
By putting the values of and in above equation

= × mn = T = T
We know that
Length = Velocity × Time
∴ = ×
L n n n
= × =
L m m m
∴L = L
∴ Correct option - A

2. A ball is spun with angular acceleration α = 6t − 2t where t is in second and α is in rads . At t = 0, the
ball has angular velocity of 10 rads and angular position of 4 rad. The most appropriate expression for
the angular position of the ball is:
(A) t − t + 10t (B) − + 10t + 4

(C) − + 10t + 12 (D) 2t − + 5t + 4

Sol. (B)
= 6t − 2t

dω = 2t − t

ω =10 + 2t3 – t2

= 10 + 2t − t
dθ = 10 + 2t − t

t t
dθ = 10t + −
2 3
t t
θ = 4 + 10t + −
2 3

3. A block of mass 2 kg moving on a horizontal surface with speed of 4 ms enters a rough surface ranging
from x = 0.5 m to = 1.5 m. The retarding force in this range of rough surface is related to distance by F =
−kx where k = 12Nm . The speed of the block as it just crosses the rough surface will be :
(A) zero (B) 1.5 ms (C) 2.0 ms (D) 2.5 ms
Sol. (C)

−kx −12x
a= = = −6x
2 2
= −6x
vdv   = − 6xdx

v −4 6 3 1
=− −
2 2 2 2
9 1
v − 16 = −6 −
4 4
v = 16 − (6 × 2) = 4
v = 2m/s

4. A √34 m long ladder weighing 10 kg leans on a frictionless wall. Its feet rest on the floor 3 m away from
the wall as shown in the figure. If F and F are the reaction forces of the floor and the wall, then ratio of
F /F will be:
(Use = 10 m/s .)

(A) (B) (C) (D)

√ √ √ √
Sol. (C)

34 m
 f


N = mg

N × ℓ sin θ = mg cos θ
N = cot θ

F cotθ
(mg) + cot θ



5. Water falls from a 40 m high dam at the rate of 9 × 10 kg per hour. Fifty percentage of gravitational
potential energy can be converted into electrical energy. Using this hydro electric energy number of
100 W lamps, that can be lit, is:
(Take g = 10 ms )
(A) 25 (B) 50 (C) 100 (D) 18
Sol. (B)
9 × 10 × g × 40
× 0.5 = n × 100

10 × 0.5

100 × 0.5 = n

n = 50
6. Two objects of equal masses placed at certain distance from each other attracts each other with a force
of F. If one-third mass of one object is transferred to the other object, then the new force will be :
(A) F (B) F (C) F (D) F

Sol. (C)

F =

G ×
F =
F = F

7. A water drop of radius 1μm falls in a situation where the effect of buoyant force is negligible. Co-efficient
of viscosity of air is 1.8 × 10 Nsm and its density is negligible as compared to that of water 10 gm .
Terminal velocity of the water drop is:
(Take acceleration due to gravity = 10 ms )
(A) 145.4 × 10 ms (B) 118.0 × 10 ms
(C) 132.6 × 10 ms (D) 123.4 × 10 ms
Sol. (D)

FV = 6rvt


Mg = r3g

6πηrv = πr ρg

4 πr ρg
v = ×
3 6πηr

4 πr ρg 2 × 10 × 10 × 10
v = × =
3 6πηr 9 × 1.8 × 10

= 123.4 × 10 m/s
8. A sample of an ideal gas is taken through the cyclic process ABCA as shown in figure. It absorbs, 40 J of
heat during the part AB, no heat during BC and rejects 60 J of heat during CA. A work of 50 J is done on
the gas during the part BC. The internal energy of the gas at A is 1560 J. The workdone by the gas during
the part CA is:


(A) 20 J (B) 30 J (C) −30 J (D) −60 J
Sol. (B)

ΔQ cycle = 40 − 60 = ΔW
⇒ ΔW = −20 J = W + W
⇒ W = −20 J − W
= −20 − (−50)
= 30 J

9. What will be the effect on the root mean square velocity of oxygen molecules if the temperature is
doubled and oxygen molecule dissociates into atomic oxygen?
(A) The velocity of atomic oxygen remains same
(B) The velocity of atomic oxygen doubles
(C) The velocity of atomic oxygen becomes half
(D) The velocity of atomic oxygen becomes four times
Sol. (B)
V =
T → 2T
V ∝

⇒ (V )atomic = (V )molecular × = 2( V )molecular
10. Two point charges A and B of magnitude + 8 × 10 C and − 8 × 10 C respectively are placed at a

distance d apart. The electric field at the middle point O between the charges is 6.4 × 10 NC . The

distance 'd' between the point charges A and B is:

(A) 2.0 m (B) 3.0 m (C) 1.0 m (D) 4.0 m

Sol. (B)

O E+
+q –q

E = 2×

⇒E =8

8 × 9 × 10 × 8 × 10
⇒d =
6.4 × 10

d=3 m

11. Resistance of the wire is measured as 2Ω and 3Ω at 10∘ C and 30∘ C respectively. Temperature co-efficient
of resistance of the material of the wire is:
(A) 0.033 ∘ C (B) −0.033 ∘ C (C) 0.011 ∘ C (D) 0.055∘ C
Sol. (A)

R = R (1 + αΔT)

3 = R 1 + α(30 − 0)
2 = R 1 + α(10 − 0)
3 1 + 30α
2 1 + 10α
α= = 0.033

12. The space inside a straight current carrying solenoid is filled with a magnetic material having magnetic
susceptibility equal to 1.2 × 10 . What is fractional increase in the magnetic field inside solenoid with
respect to air as medium inside the solenoid?
(A) 1.2 × 10 (B) 1.2 × 10 (C) 1.8 × 10 (D) 2.4 × 10
Sol. (A)
𝜒 = 1.2 × 10
𝜇 = 1 + 𝜒 = 1 + 1.2 × 10
Fractional Change
ΔB 𝜇 𝜇 ni − 𝜇 ni
= = = (𝜇 − 1)
B 𝜇 ni
= 1.2 × 10
13. Two parallel, long wires are kept 0.20 m apart in vacuum, each carrying current of 𝑥 A in the same
direction. If the force of attraction per meter of each wire is 2 × 10 N, then the value of 𝑥 is
(A) 1 (B) 2.4 (C) 1.4 (D) 2
Sol. (C)

xA xA

d = 0.20 m

Force per unit length =

μ ⋅x
2π × 0.2

4π × 10 × x
F = 2 × 10 =
2π × 0.2

⇒ 10 = 10

⇒ x = 10 × 0.2


⇒ x = √2 ≈ 1.4Amp

14. A coil is placed in a time varying magnetic field. If the number of turns in the coil were to be halved and
the radius of wire doubled, the electrical power dissipated due to the current induced in the coil would
(Assume the coil to be short circuited.)
(A) Halved (B) Quadrupled (C) The same (D) Doubled
Sol. (D)

𝜀 NA ×A
P= =
R 𝜌ℓ

× 4A
P =
⇒ P = 2P
15. An EM wave propagating in 𝑥-direction has a wavelength of 8 mm. The electric field vibrating 𝑦-direction
has maximum magnitude of 60Vm . Choose the correct equations for electric and magnetic fields if the
EM wave is propagating in vacuum:
(A) E = 60 sin × 10 (𝑥 − 3 × 10 𝑡) 𝚥ˆ Vm B = 2sin × 10 (𝑥 − 3 × 10 t) 𝑘ˆ T
(B) E = 60 sin × 10 (𝑥 − 3 × 10 𝑡) 𝚥ˆ Vm B = 2 × 10 sin × 10 (𝑥 − 3 × 10 t) 𝑘ˆ T
(C) E = 2 × 10 sin × 10 (𝑥 − 3 × 10 𝑡) 𝚥ˆ Vm B = 60sin × 10 (𝑥 − 3 × 10 t) 𝑘ˆ T
(D) E = 2 × 10 sin × 10 (𝑥 − 4 × 10 t) 𝚥ˆVm B = 60sin × 10 (𝑥 − 4 × 10 t) 𝑘ˆ T
Sol. (B)
E 60
B = = = 2 × 10 T
c 3 × 10
Ê × B̂ must be direction of propagation.
So, B̂ → z-axis
K = = × 10 m
E = 60 sin × 10 (x − 3 × 10 t) ȷ̂ Vm–
B = 2 × 10 sin × 10 (x − 3 × 10 t) k̂T

16. In young's double slit experiment performed using a monochromatic light of wavelength 𝜆, when a glass
plate (𝜇 = 1.5) of thickness 𝑥𝜆 is introduced in the path of the one of the interfering beams, the intensity
at the position where the central maximum occurred previously remains unchanged. The value of 𝑥 will
be :
(A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 1.5 (D) 0.5
Sol. (B)

Source O (Central

Path difference at O = (𝜇 − 1)t.

If the intensity at O remains (maximum) unchanged, path difference must be n𝜆.
⇒ (𝜇 − 1)t = n𝜆
(1.5 − 1)x𝜆 = n𝜆
⇒ x = 2n
or n = 1, x = 2

17. Let K and K be the maximum kinetic energies of photo-electrons emitted when two monochromatic
beams of wavelength 𝜆 and 𝜆 , respectively are incident on a metallic surface. If 𝜆 = 3𝜆 then:
(A) K > (B) K < (C) K = (D) K =
Sol. (B)
−𝜙 = K
−𝜙 = K
𝜆 = 3𝜆
3K = − 3𝜙
3 K = − 3𝜙
3 K = K − 2𝜙
3K <K
K <
18. Following statements related to radioactivity are given below:
(1) Radioactivity is a random and spontaneous process and is dependent on physical and chemical
(2) The number of un-decayed nuclei in the radioactive sample decays exponentially with time.
(3) Slope of the graph of log (no. of undecayed nuclei) Vs. time represents the reciprocal of mean life
time (𝜏).
(4) Product of decay constant (𝜆) and half-life time T / is not constant.
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :
(A) (1) and (2) only (B) (2) and (4) only (C) (2) and (3) only (D) (3) and (4) only
Sol. (C)

19. In the given circuit the input voltage 𝑉in is shown in figure. The cut-in voltage of p-n junction diode (𝐷
or 𝐷 ) is 0.6𝑉. Which of the following output voltage (𝑉 ) waveform across the diode is correct?

V0 V0

(A) t (B) t

V0 V0

0.6 V 0.6 V
(C) t (D) t
0.6 V
Sol. (D)
In +ve half cycle
D1  F.B.; D2  R.B.
0 – 0.6V
Vout same as Vin
In –ve half cycle
D2  F.B.; D1  R.B.

20. Amplitude modulated wave is represented by V = 10[1 + 0.4cos(2𝜋 × 10 t)] cos(2𝜋 × 10 t). The
total bandwidth of the amplitude modulated wave is:
(A) 10kHz (B) 20MHz (C) 20kHz (D) 10MHz
Sol. (C)
Bandwidth = 2f

= 2 × 10 Hz = 20 × 10 Hz

= 20kHz

21. A student in the laboratory measures thickness of a wire using screw gauge. The readings are
1.22 mm, 1.23 mm, 1.19 mm and 1.20 mm. The percentage error is %. The value of 𝑥 is …………… .
Sol. (150)
1.22 mm + 1.23 mm + 1.19 mm + 1.20 mm
X = 1.21 mm
0.01 + 0.02 + 0.02 + 0.01 0.06
Δx = = = 0.015
4 4
Percentage error = . × 100
X = 150

22. A zener of breakdown voltage 𝑉 = 8 V and maximum zener current, I = 10 mA is subjected to an input
voltage 𝑉 = 10 V with series resistance R = 100Ω. In the given circuit R represents the variable load
resistance. The ratio of maximum and minimum value of 𝑅 is


Vi =10V RL
Vz =8V

Sol. (2)


Vi =10V 8V R=100Ω


I= = 20 mA I=I +I

V =I R I = 10 mA

8 = 10 × 10 ×R If I = 0

× 10 = R I = 20 mA

800 = R V =I ×R

× 10 = R

400 = R

R 800
= =2
R 400

23. In a Young's double slit experiment, an angular width of the fringe is 0.35∘ on a screen placed at 2 m away

for particular wavelength of 450 nm. The angular width of the fringe, when whole system is immersed in

a medium of refractive index 7/5, is . The value of 𝛼 is ……………. .

Sol. (4)
. ×
β= = 0.25

1 25
α 100

24. In the given circuit, the magnitude of V and V are twice that of V . Given that = 50 Hz, the inductance of
the coil is mH. The value of K is



220 V,
50 Hz ~


Sol. (0)
V = V = 2V

X = X = 2R

X = 10Ω

𝜔L = 10

2𝜋fL = 10

10 1 1000
L= = H= mH
2𝜋f 10𝜋 10𝜋

1 1
L= ; K= = 0.01 ≈ 0
𝜋 100

25. All resistances in figure are 1Ω each. The value of current ‘I’ is A. The value of a is


Sol. (8)
R R/2
R R/2
R R/2
I R R/2

R = = Ω
3 8
I= = A


26. A capacitor C of capacitance 5𝜇F is charged to a potential of 30 V using a battery. The battery is then
removed and the charged capacitor is connected to an uncharged capacitor C of capacitance 10𝜇F as
shown in figure. When the switch is closed charge flows between the capacitors. At equilibrium, the
charge on the capacitor 𝐶 is …………… 𝜇𝐶.

5µF 10µF

C1 C2

Sol. (100)
Before closing the switch
Q = C V = 5 × 30 = 150𝜇C
After closing the switch
V= = = 10 V
Q = C V = 10 × 10 = 100𝜇C
27. A tunning fork of frequency 340 Hz resonates in the fundamental mode with an air column of length
125 cm in a cylindrical tube closed at one end. When water is slowly poured in it, the minimum height of
water required for observing resonance once again is ……….. cm.
(Velocity of sound in air is 340 ms )

Sol. (50)
Assumption : Ignore word “fundamental mode” in question.
𝜆= = = 1𝑚

First resonating length = = 25 𝑐𝑚

Second resonating length = = 75 𝑐𝑚

Third resonating length = = 125 𝑐𝑚

Height of water required = 125 – 75 = 50 cm

28. A liquid of density 750 kgm flows smoothly through a horizontal pipe that tapers in cross-sectional
area from A = 1.2 × 10 m to A = . The pressure difference between the wide and narrow sections
of the pipe is 4500 Pa. The rate of flow of liquid is ………………….. × 10 m s .
Sol. (24)


V1 V2



A =
P − P = 4500 Pa
1 1
P + 𝜌V + 𝜌gh = P + 𝜌V + 𝜌gh
2 2
P − P = 𝜌(V − V ) ...(1)
And A V = A V
⇒V =2V ...(2)
4500 = × 750 × 3 V
V = 2 m/s
Volume flow rate = A V = 24 × 10 m s
29. A uniform disc with mass 𝑀 = 4 kg and radius 𝑅 = 10 cm is mounted on a fixed horizontal axle as shown
in figure. A block with mass 𝑚 = 2 kg hangs from a massless cord that is wrapped around the rim of the
disc. During the fall of the block, the cord does not slip and there is no friction at the axle. The tension in
the cord is ………………………… N.
(Take g = 10 ms )

Sol. (10)


2g − T = 2a ...(1)

TR = 𝛼 ...(2)

𝛼= ...(3)

T = 2a
2𝑔 − 𝑇 = 2𝑎
T = g = 10 N
30. A car covers AB distance with first one-third at velocity v ms , second one-third at v ms and last
one-third at v ms . If v = 3v , v = 2v and v = 11 ms then the average velocity of the car is
……………….. ms

V1 V2 V3

Sol. (18)
⟨v⃗⟩ =
(Let displacement be l)

= ℓ ℓ ℓ

3 3
= =
+ + + +
= 18 m/s

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