Iron Ore Poster

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Iron ore is a very important natural rescource

IRON ORE that we all use daily. Iron ore is the source of
steel and iron industries.

314 pounds of iron ore is used for things such

as, buidings, cars, trucks, planes and trains.
Iron ore is a mineral substance. Iron ore turns Daily.
into iron when heated. Iron Ore is found in
sedimentary rocks
Iron ore is formed by a chemical reaction of The worlds largest producer of iron ore is
iron and oxygen mixed in marine and china. Also brazil and australia. The total
reserves of iron ore is mostly located in north
america, russia, united kingdom, brazil, south
98% of Iron ore is used in steelmaking. The africa and india. China produces %50 of the
remaining 2 percent consists of powdered worlds steel. China spent, 180 billion dollars
iron which is used in magnets, auto parts, and on iron ore imports. China is also the largest
radioactive iron.
consumer. Most of the producers are also the
largest consumers. China also buys the most
iron ore. The usa buys their iron ore mostly
from brazil and Canada. The largest iron ore
exporters are austrailia and brazil.

Iron can be recycled if there is an imperfect

product, then the iron is recycled by

• Iron ore is a mineral substance. •

• Iron ore turns into iron when heated onal-minerals-information-
• Iron Ore is found in sedimentary center/iron-ore-statistics-and-
rocks information
• Iron ore is formed by a chemical •
reaction. Of iron and oxygen mixed in 2015/03/iron-ore.html
the marine and freshwater. •
• 98% of Iron ore is used in steelmaking center/iron-ore-statistics-and-
• The remaining 2 percent consists of: information#:~:text=Iron%20ore
powdered iron which is used in %20is%20the%20source,mined%2
magnets, auto parts and radioactive 0in%20about%2050%20countries.
iron. •
• Important? mining/minerals-metals-facts/iron-
• Iron ore is the source of steel and ore-facts/20517
iron industries. •
• 314 pounds of iron ore is used for we-depend-on-minerals-everyday/
things such as, buidings, cars, trucks, •
planes and trains. Daily. 8BGE52C-U3.pdf
• Distribution aixin/China-s-plan-to-break-
• The worlds largest producer of iron foreign-iron-ore-dependence-
ore is china. Mine-more-at-home
• Also brazil and australia. •
• The total reserves of iron ore is m/iron-ore-exports-country/
mostly located in north america, •
russia, united kingdom, brazil, south e/recycling/Ferrous-metals
africa and india.
• China produces %50 of the worlds
• China spent, 180 billion dollars on
iron ore imports.
• China is also the largest consumer.
• Most of the producers are also the
largest consumers.

• Trade
• China also buys the most iron ore.
• The usa buys their iron ore mostly
from brazil and Canada.
• The largest iron ore exporters are
austrailia and brazil.

• Recycle.
• Iron can be recycled if there is an
imperfect product, then the iron is
recycled by remelting,

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