DC Network Theorem

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Il of
iemens CHAPTER
resistance is THEOREMS
one of
esistorse cbecome Q. (a) Define the following terms used
o S u i t a b l e diagrams where possible:
in electrical
engineering with the help of

) electric network ii) electric circuit (iin closed path

v) branch () loop (vi) mesh
5 V (vi) node (viii) active network
and (ix) passive network
10 either inAns. () Electric network
series or in parallel.
:It is the interconnection of two or more circuit elements

1l be (ii) Electric circuit : It is an electirc network containing at least one closed path.
(iil) Closed path : It is a trace which starts from one node, passes through different
w elements at different nodes and returns to the original node without passing through any node

aka, Jan.2009 more than once.

(iv) Branch I t is that
w w w w
sisto network which lies
he part of a

ka, July 2009

two junctions
For example: a-1, b-

O) ww
I W. The totala- b etc. are the branches
n Fig. 1, their total number is ww d w

lov Six because fe is not a branch

Fig. Fig. 2
as it contains no element.
(v) Loop It is any closed path that starts from a given node, passes through different

stant elements connected to different nodes and returns to the starting node.
nt Fig. 1 shows three loops abefa, bedeb and acdfa marked as Li, L2 and and Lz. Similarly,

Fig. 2 shows threeloops and seven branches.

within it.
(vi) : is a loop that does not contain any other loop
network. It is a special type of loop that
In fact, a mesh is the shortest possible loop in

0.0 does not have a closed path in its

interior. For example, in Fig. 1, Li, L2 are loops
as well as

meshes. However, L is a loop but not
in an electric circuit where two or more components
7. c (vii) Node : It is a point or junction
4. C connected together. In Fig. 1, points a, b, c,
d and e are the five nodes because, electrically
speaking, point fis the same as points e.
has one or more voltage sources.

(vii) Active network: It is a network which

Passive network : It is a network
which has no voltage source.
and current sources.
Q. 2. (a) Define ideal voltage
differentiate between
(b) How do you
and current
independent and dependent voltage
sources? ge
12V o (t)
Elect. Engg. R.GPV, Bhopal 2007)
Basic is one that
An ideal voltage source

constant terminal voltage, no matter how T2
(a) (b)
current is drawn form
ideal 12-V battery would, in
CRFig. 3
For example, an

maintain 12-V across its terminals T

and 7,
Electrical Engineering shown in Fig. 3 (a). DC Network Theorems 23
22 ABC of its
tcrminals as
1act that all real
1-M2 or 1-k2 resistor

source. It is due to
decrease if th
Fig. 7(a), as we go from the
negative terminal of the battery to its positive terminal, wve
whether we
an ideal voltage terminal
voltage to cxperience a rise in
potential. Hence, battery emf E is given a tve
sign. However, as shown 1n
it is
difficult to

that causes the

one tnat supplies th Fig. 7(6) when we go from the positive terminal of the
practice, resistance 1s t h e

experience a fall or decrease in potential. Hence, the batterybattery

internal current
to its negative terminal, we
have an ideal
in Fig. 3(6),
As shown terminals.
interna It may be noted that
emf E is taken as negative.
is large. its it has
drawn connected
across because sign of battery emf E does not depend on the direction the current
to any

such a
terminals is mad
de in that branch. As seen from Fig. 9, the of

it is dificult to
signs of E and E, do not depend on the direction of
if the the
currents in their branches but only on the direction travel .e. whether we go from the positive
the current
does o
resistance that

whose voltage
or curTent terminal of the battery to its negative terminal or otherwise.
s o u r c e is
too large. voltage o r
in Fig.
(ii) Sign of IR Drops: In this case, the sign
a r e shown CurTent
(b) An independent
variables. Such
voltage or
current depends on othe of IR drops depends on whether we go
through thee
other circuit R R
s o u r c e is
that whOse resistor in the same direction as current or otherwise. B
depend on ww
voltage or
A dependent In Fig. 8(a), current is flowing from higher
voltage motion motion
circuit variabl point A to lower voltage point B. We are also
- IR
moving in the sanme direction as the current i.e. we IR

v=1.5 V, i-0.51 are going down-stream. Obviously, we

experiencing a fall in voltage. Hence, this p.d. has a r g toda
are ow la
Fig. 8

v= 12 V i-6A v e sign i.e. - IR.

As seen from Fig. 8(6), current is

flowing form a high voltage point B to low voltage
Fig. 5 point A. As we are going from lower potential (point A) to higher potential (point B), we

ig 4
as shown in Fig. 5. Here, i depends onn experience a rise in voltage. In this case, we are going up-stream. Hence, IR drop is given a tve
is a diamond
symbol for a dependent
source sign.
The on V.
circuit. Similarly, v depends It should be noted that the sign of R drops depends fall
some other part of the in Fig. 6.
in s o u r c e s as shown
There are four types of dependent on the direction of current through that resistor but not on
the polarity of any other voltage source in the circuit. To
O0 further make things clear, consider the closed path ABCDA in R fall
Fig. 9. As we travel in the mesh in clockwise direction,
i-0.3 Vi
v= 12 V i= 051K1 v=211 different emfs and IR drops will have the following signs fallR
1,R is-ve fall in potential fall
TeR ise E
IR2 is -ve fall in potential R3 I
13R3 is +ve rise in potential ww
(Cgools21 ()( 14R4 is -ve
a) (b) fall in potential
Fig. 6
E2 is -ve fall in potential Fig. 9
voltage which depends
(VDVS) : It produces a
(i) Voltage - dependent voltage source E is +ve rise in potential
in other of the circuit and is shown in Fig. 6(a).
on the voltages parts Q. 4 (a) What is meant by circuit analysis? What methods do you use for this
current (CDCS): It produces a current that is
(i) Current dependent source
in Fig. 6(b). anoa
dependent on currents in other parts of the circuit and is shown (b) While analysing electrical circuits with the help of Kirchhoff's laws, how do you
(i) Current - dependent voltage source (CDVS) : It produces a voltage which depends
assume the direction of current flow in the circuit?
on a current in other parts of the circuit. It is shown in Fig. 6(c).
Ans. (a) As we know, an electric circuit or an electric network consists of electrical
(iv) Voltate - dependent current source (VDCS): It produces a current which depends
elements ike voltage and current sources and resistors etc. linked together in a closed path.
on a voltage in another part of the circuit. It is shown in Fig. 6(d).
Circuit analysis is the process with which we find the current value in one or more circuit
Q. 3. While applying Kirchhoff's laws, how do you take the algebraic signn oof components. Circuits could be simple or complicated. Hence, there are two methods of analysisng
() battery emfs and (ii),voltage or IR drops?
electrical cireuits or networks.
Ans. While applying Kirchhoff's laws for circuit
() Direct Method : In this method, the network is left in its original form when finding
analysis, we must give proper algebraic sign to the
the voltages and currents in it. This method is meant for very simple circuits only. For analysing
emfs and voltages. Otherwise, the results will come
out to be wrong. Generally,
motion 5 motion such circuits, we take the help of Ohm's law, Loop Current method, Nodal analysis and
following sign convention
is used: rise in voltage + E fall in voltage -E Superposition theorem etc.
i) Network Reduction Method : This method is used for both simple and complicated
() Sign of Battery EMF : A rise in voltage (a) wob 2 1(b)
reduce the give network into much simpler equivalent circuit for rapid
is given a +ve sign and a fall in voltage a -ve sign. In VSb Fig. 7 701 circuits. Here, we a
Electrical Engineering make
use of
m DC Network Theorems 25
24 ABC of purpose,
this Ans. As
to decide abo. explained earlier, the above equations be written in the form.
of different
c o n v e r s i o n s .

necessary ou
Delta/Star and may be
theorem, laws to current
of the direction.
While applying
is not
the actual then
turns o
direction of current
of ne

the assumed
If the
have a

a n t i - c l o c k w i s e .

would be tound
to as
is the
on solving the

we must use
same 3 4
then the have

to be positive, we
1 (4- )-1
It should
be noted
that o n c e
circuit analysis.
What is matrix (6-4)+3-8)--9
s o l u t i o n of
the question. Cramer's
rule in
the role of
is the
What equations
Q. 5 (a)
s i m u l t a n e o u s

14 3 4
in the


(b) Find the

values of

i 3 2 =6
i 14 (4-1)-7 (6-4)+23-8) 18

equations which have to L

+4 iz=-5 simultaneous

2 i t w o or
Carmer's rule is
we get difficult.
1 14 4
Ans. (a) In
circuit analysis,
method but
often it
is long and
solved. We can do this by
with the help unknowns are usual
ally A17 1-1(14-2)-1 (28 8)+2 (14 28)--36
simultaneous or more
simple two, three, four
used to solve equations having

solved by using computers.

we have to
solve the following
two equations 3 14
Suppose, A 2 7 1 4 - 7 - 16-14+2 (21-28)--9
dr + ey J
b, d and e are
coefticients of these unknowns whereae 21 2 AS
and j, determinants, they ar
x a,
There are two unknowns the method of fAccording to Cramer s rule,i9dls Binit 2rs180e30
these two equations by
constants. For solving
c and fare
in the matrix form as
and Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL). Is it based on some
Q. 7. (a) State explain
- determinant or c o m m o n
determinat A IS
physical law?
Ohm's law and KCL, find the current I1, l2 and Iz and voltage
V in the
(Elect. Engg.. Nagpur Univ.)

(6) Here, the coefiicient (b) By using

and directions of
two-node circuit of Fig. 11. The polarities of the unknown voltages
1 1x4-2 x(-3) =10 current flow have been chosen arbitrarily. All resistances
are in ohm.

A2 4 Ans. () Kirchnoff's Current Law can

The other determinats A and A are

be stated in many different ways as given below.
A 6x4--3) X-5)= The sum of currents entering a node
must equal the sum of currents leaving
that node. R2
= 1x (-5) -6 x 2 =- 17 lde
circuit, the currents
a) (b)
Hence, according to Cramer's rule,
At any node of a

algebraically sum to zero. Fig. 10 eterl

9 Statement-3
i 1 0 0.94A the node.
Whatever goes into the nodeofa circuit must come out of either
dbloooeliuo).eng0000 must carry their algebraic sign
The algebraic of currents means that currents
As seen,
1A2 conductors meeting at node N in Fig. 10O(a).
0- 1.7A tve or v e . Consider the
case of a few

enter the node whereas some

others leave the node. We will assume
some conductor currents
Q.6. Slove the following three simultaneous equations by the use of determinan and the outgoing currents negative. It means currents and l4
incoming currents to be positive
and Cramer's rule
it3i2 + 4i =14 are positive l2, l3, 15 are negative.
vns o
t 3)t4tls)0todil iiolqps baà stise o) -9
boolo 5 i + 2i2 t i3 F7 liem hodsl noltoubsH owio (
p o 2 t i t2i32m owia ig sdh onr ol o1l
or tla-l2 -3 -ls=0 or +l4=lh+ l+l5
DC Network Theorems

shown in Fig. 15.

Engineering (b) Using KVL, find the voltage Vah across the open switch
26 ABC ef in Fig. 1O(6) 1 t2 t3
Ans. () Krichhoff's Voltage Law which is applicable
for node (-Z)
0 or = to any closed path
can be stated in many different ways as
Similarly, I + ( - 1 ) + - 1 2 ) *

given below:
we can say Statement-1:

l = 0 or n out Around any loop in a circuit, the voltages algebraically


node that KCL

is based o n the
sum to zero.

In other words, 2 ( + IR drops) 0

that the
interesting states
It is which
of Charge can be lost,
law of no Here represents the sum around the closed loop.
leaving Fig- 14
nust be the amount
charge can
obvious that nothing
it is amount entering. Statement-2 :
than the have
to be les 11 we
of the
N of Fig. the algebraic sum
KCL to N2 In any closed loop,
(6) Applying =0 or 71-2 t3

11, the algebraic sum of the IR drops.

13-1 +2 -2-13 V/2
Fig. 11 ott emfa equals go around the
By Ohms law I= VI1, 2=- As from
seen Fig. 14, if we

meet the following voltages

being produced from closed loop ABCDA,
and positive
because they are
from point A, we come 24V
and /; have been taken negative end of V. Puttino
ng and potential drops. Starting and their
Please note that / is being driven by the
voltages and IR drops
whereas, 2 across the following
the positive end of the voltage
we get sum must
be zero
the earlier equation,
+E2 + V-h R2 E
V + =0
these values in V/3= 11 or
Vl - - V/2) + E + E + V=1 R/ +h R2 Fig. 15
Hence, the currents are
Vl2=-6/2 =-3A 2rises 2arops
= V1 =6/1 =6A
Law is under:
- V/3 =6/3 2 A in Fig. 12. Draw The basis of Kirchhoff's Voltage
loop till we come back
unknown currents circuit and go around the
Kirchoff's Current Law, find the start from a particular point in the started. Obviously,
Q. 8 (a) Using direction of each
current If we potential with which
show the positive then will be at the same
an a r r o w on
each diagram to
V for the 16 2
resistor of Fig 13. Al to the starting point, we
have been equal to the voltage drops around
and the voltage rises we met on the way must
(b) Find the current I2 whatever voltage
open in the
resistances are in ohm w -C loop. applicable even if there is an
must depend on current, it is
For node A, we get
that 11 current
Since KVL does not another element of the
Ans. just
80-(10+ 20) 50A. It would flow from point
= A M80A circuit. lt is so because an open switch is treated
of the

loops. Taking
clockwise direction and using
to point F and the remaining 10A M b) We can find Vab from any one two

to B. At point B,
30A go
20A to point C. A total of (30
+ 15) 45A goes along =
N 20A w-D KVL, we get
flows from F to D. Current 12 4 x 2- Vab +24 =0 r o t e howian
sds sl ()
FD. Hence I 45A and
16 senalesy
24 +8 teoun sdt ba
= -

ib batste E or odag ab ued spo
equals 20A and flows from B to C. D 0 donund
the dependent source is W-E
(b) It will be noted that in
15A or
find the values of
the currents and
i i
V exsits Law,
related to the current . Also, the voltage
12 10 (a) Using
Krichoff's JNTU Hyderabad, 2006)
KCL to node 4, Fig. Q. (Elect. Circuit, B.Tech.
between node A and node B. Applying the circuit shown in Fig. 16(a). and load of 102
is connected
connected in parallel has a n
weget batteries A and B are resistance of 22; B
(6) Two 12V and an internal
4-1 +3/h -lh =0 ..() nsresio12 a c r o s s their
terminals. A has an
e.m.f. of
Kirchoff's laws to
determine the values
of 12. Use external
From Ohm's law, we get internal resistance batteries and in the
e.m.f. of 8V and an in each of the
the currents flowing external resistance.
and directions of difference a c r o s s the
g44+26and 1 6 resistance.
determine the potential
Also Engg. Pune Univ.) (FY
values in Eqution (), we have A, we get
Putting these KCL to node
4A 16V Ans. (a) Applying
2-it 4i -i20 or 3i+i 2
is v.
across the three parallel pitse
the voltage
As s e e n from Fig. 16(a),
or ben V= 96Vd 09bo Ohm's law, we get
a 16o n 96 rigt ort bro smhog sd Fig. 13 oa V/3 and i = v/2 + v/2 =2 or v-4V
6A we get -3 (v/3)
16 Viegot 1 values in the above equation,
Putting these
Q. 9 () State and explain Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL). Does it apply to any
"opens" in the circuit?
Engineering woDC Network Theorems 29
28 ABCf Electrical and i, -4/2=- 2A
i-4/3A (b) Since there is no current in branch OC, it acts as an open circuit. Hence. the gven
source is
be as the balanced bridge circuit shown in Fig. 1906). such
The value
of the dependent
4i4 * (-4/3)=-
Fig. 19(u) can redrawn
conditions, the products of the resistances of the opposite sides of the bridge are equal.
1x R=4x 1.5 or R 6 2
Applying KVL to outer loop ACBDA, we get
-1)-(1.5x I)-2,+1+10 0
or 4.5 I1 + 2 12 = 10

Fig. 16 shown
it means that they flow upwards as
to be negative,
Since i and i come out
the current of the dependent source fio
as presumed. Similarly,
16(b) and not downwards
noted that the of the upward cuTren
Fig. It may also be
dowmwards as

that of the
shown in Fig. I6(6).
downwards currents.
gool bp2 w
equals ABCDA of Fig. 17, we get.
KVL to the closed cicuit ww
(b) Applying
- 12+2r-ly + 8 =0 or 2-y=4 ...(1) ovgniwofioh sd
10V 10V (b)
from the closed circuit
ADCEA, we get 12V a)
0 Fig. 19

-8+ ly+ 10 (r
10x + 11y = 8
...(ii) Applying KVL to loop AOBDA, we get
2oonq a alalgd ( tto
From Eqn. (i) and (i), we get
0.75 A
3tl02 4/61-2 11)10=0 i) aols
=1. 625 A and y=
2/1 +12 10

The negative sign of


shows that the current is flowing 991110 Multiplying Eq. (i) by 12 and Eq. (i) by 2 we getsons LA
out of it. In other words, it is
into the 8-V battery and not
11 2 4 l 2 1 2 0 o n) an
current and not a discharging current. bunovno9 sd geo 3onst2iz97 2si4 ..iv)
charging 0
die souoR 4124 2
20 z1
Current flowing in the external resistance 50EB1et91 boeao od no
0.75 0.875A r+y) Subtracting Eq. (iv) form Eq. (ii), we get
FX+y= 1.625

oiat ()1S a 20 50=100
P.D. across the external resistance ol30n Fig. 1
= 10 0.875 =8.745 V
JiO13 nola Putting this value of I in Eq. (ii), we geto
12 =6
to different loops in Fig. 18, find the values of the as s2 2 +12 I=10 or

Q. 11. (a) Applying Krichhoff's laws 20.5 A

V and V2 R=lh0.5 A
(b) In the network shown in Fig. 19(u), calculate the values of the unknow . Current through
602= Rcp» RBC= RAD 402, RBD
it when the current in branch OC is Q. 12. AWheatstone bridge RAB cireuit has
resistance R and the current
Ans. (a) Starting from point A and
flowing through zero. 1002 (Fig. 20). Supply is connected
to points A and C. If
the current drawn from the
15V and RBD
find the currents through Rßo RCD
applying Kirchhoff's voltage law to loop No. 3, supply is 100 mA, distributed as shown in Fig. 2006). Applying
0.1A gets
Ans. The current of 100 mA

we get
0 e V + 5 0 botsouto nd owT ( ) Kirchhoff's voltage law the closed circuit ABDA, we get
- 60i- 100i2 + 40 (0.1-i)= 0
or V3=5V u...) dpwiipo o
Starting from point A and applying brns or g p 25i t25i2 law to loop BCDB, we get 3vd
Kirchhoff's voltage law to loop No. I we get Kirchhoff's voltage
o tSimilarly, applying +60 (0.1-i+i) +100i 0 abieno rol
10 30 V+5=0 40 (1i) 3otstet2o1 2st0e biw
V=-15 V 50i-100i2=3
dlod gainitnoo ttuola 2o ziegles so
Poiila tote s

The negative sign of V, denotes that its we get

daom Solving from Eq. () and Eq. )
polarity is oppsite to that shown in the figure.
Starting from point B in loop No. 3, we su ol 1o10no gllea 8 A and 2 50 uoa sll e nadw etea aba
gurdt gniaU Inouo brrs ogeilov diod ovihi s 150 to D as assumed.
it flows from D to B and not form B
oli ii The negative sign of i shows that s0180 1o qla
--15)- V2 +-15) =0 in various branches is shown in Fig. 20(c).avo0
or 5V The actual flow of currents
V0 Fig. 18 gnihuo
DC Network Theorems
30 ABCof
MA T00
Isc) D-IscR 15A
Z10 N
6 60
60 B
Fig. 23
Fig. 22
0 40 156A resistance of 32 shown in Fig. 23(a) will
W o.1
O.1A (b) The current source of 15A with its parallel
source with same resistance in
into its equivalent voltage
be converted with 32 resistance.
V= 15 x 3= 45V and it is connected in series
1 0 0mA
As shown in Fig. 23(b),
45/(6 +3) 5A =

(c) The circuit current is I


62 resistor is 5A.
b) Hence, current through
current I, in the circuit of Fig.
a conversion method to find the load
Fig. 20 Q. 14. Use source
resistances a r e in ohm. been
24(a). All 6-V voltage source with a series resistance of 32 has
Ans. As shown in Fig. 24(a),
32 resistance in parallel. [Fig. 24(b)]
Current in branch BC150 converted into an equivalent 2A current source with

3 A -
Current in branch DC=O

Current in branch DB = 50
conversion. How is it helpful in solvino 3AC) R32A)
the process of

Q. 13 (a) Explain (Basic Elect. Engg., R.GPV

Bhopal, 2007
electrical networks? converting the current sourea
the 62 resistor of Fig. 22(a) by
(b) Find the current in D (b)
resistances are in ohm. (a)
to a voltage s o u r c e . All
with a series resistance can be converted Fig. 24
single resistance of 22
(a) A given independentresistance. Also, a current s o u r c e with a parallel resistance
Ans. of 32 and 62 can be combined into a

with a parallel parallel resistances

The two
into a current source resistance.
source with a series
into a voltage
as shown in Fig. 25(a). because of the 22
can be converted into an equivalent current cannot be combined together
source of Fig. 21(a) two current sources into
convert the voltage TThe the 2A current source
Suppose, we want to value of short this problem, we convert ollot
of Fig. 21(6) to find the A and C. To get over
terminals A and B present between points
source. First, we put
a "short" across
as shown in Fig. 25(b).
the equivalent 4V
circuit current Isc Obviously, Isc

2 C
10 wW
ww-A ww
ioi9 k
O 4V 3A L3 ibooa
Ra os gl3) Q00 gvollot 2A( 2 owi ()

(b) 100
-oBMA d omJoe51q B oint
c) 8lo2ftorddoia (a)
Fig. 25
(a) b) converted
+2)= 42 can again be
Fig. 21 total series resistance of (2
with a source of TA
The equivalent parallel current source would be the one supplying current of /sc and Now, this 4V source
shown in Fig. 26(a). Finally,
the two current
into the equivalent
current source

4A source as shown in Fig. 26{b). udt baf ()

having the same resistance R connected in parallel as shown in Fig. 21(©). combined into a single
and 3A can be eieeak
Now, consider the current source shown in Fig. 22(a). It is equivalent to a voltage source
with a series resistance as shown in Fig. 22(b). holeteoy 2 ST
eloolo gmwoll
The reason why one type of source is converted to the other type is that it often simplifies
the analysis of a circuit containing both types. For example, it is
generally easier to use mesn 2 9 fonl 1A(t 4 3AT)
current analysis when all the sources are voltage sources. Similarly, it is usually easier to use
node analysis when all the sources are current sources. When we have both
sources in a
voltage and curren (D)
circuit, it is helpful if all the sources are of one type. It can be achieved with tne (a)
Fig. 26
help of source conversion technique explained above.
oiey 9 lo wofl Inios
paralle DC Network Theorems 33
cqual parts
at p O n t .4

32 ABCf
This 4A current method.
resistance o f4 2 . = 4 / 2 = 2A. Mesh)
the Loop
Hence with
Fully explain the most?
o. 15.

it does
meshes or loops ma
n e f w o r k s

twO looned
which contains
of uses
type This m e t h o d
of Fig. 2/(a)
4 and

currents are consi ent

(a) (b) (C)
Consider and
Ans. 1, 2, 3 two loop to Fig. 28
c o n v e n i e n c e ,
required to find the
and L. It has
values Similarly, from loop L we get
instead of number of
and / direction.
the cquation
-6 l2-18-4 (lh - I ) = 6 or 21-5h=9
Is gven by
flow in and 1, case determinant method, we have
two loop
n =B- (N-1) nodes. In the present Using
ofthe and NIS
number ot

number of branches 2 and L

3x-5)--2) (2)=-111
B is the 1) loopsS L

law to
n =5-(4- Kirchhott s voltage
found by applying -2
These equations A9 8-5)--2)9--22
= 39-2x8 11

= 2A

A2 1 - 1A
(b) A -11 c o u n t e r - c l o c k w i s e . Hence, current
that it flows
a Since 1, negative, it means
turns out to be
Fig. 27 shown in Fig. 28(©). d b s
flows through R. adds up to (2 t 1)F3A as

is present in
both loops.Current through 42 resistor in Fig. 29. ool tzi d o t
noted that Rz net current in R3 1S ( i Let V be the voltage of node N
It should be
dowmwards but
flows upwards.
When using KVL L1,
write KVL around L2,
the net current
around (b)
By applying KVL
to the first loop, we get -2-1
shown in Fig. 27(b).
But when we
the 12)0 or
31 2l2=5
I2 can be obtained from
-2 x

dowmwards as
The values of and 5-1x I1
flowing upwards. second loop, we get ...(i)
through R3 is (2 - ) nolsvispa 9 Similarly, from
two KVL equations 2 1 ) - 1x 12 V=0 or 2/1 312V
following 0
R--11) R3

from loop 3 we have, ...(iii)

LoopL: E -1 Finally,
V=0 41 +213 V
-(l2-7) R 0
+ or
Loop L2 1h R2 -E2method depends on KVL. +V
Obviously, loop current electrical circuits which have the following
Loop method is very suitable for solving
two or more energy sources 41 volt
if present, may be
(i) most of the energy sources are voltage sources (any current source
(). sv = aw (i) p mo
converted into voltage source)
current values are to be found
(ii) V
(iv) number of loops is less than the
number of nodes. (). lo zoulay eidt gnitot
value of current in each resistor in Fig. 28( ). Fig.2900 p i
Q. 16 (0) Using Mesh analysis, find the
the network of Fig. 29 by using Mesh Eq. (ii), get
into we
(6) Find the loop currents I1, 12 and I, in value of V from Eq. (ii) iv
(Basic Elec. Engg. R.GPK, Bhopal 2008) Putting the 0
analysis. 2-312-4/1 +213
2/ +3/, + 23
Ans. Fig. 28(a) shows two loops and the two loop currents I and 1, flowing clockwise.
It will be noted
from loop 3 that biie A e0.S
The 42 resistor is in both loops. When considered in L, current through it is (-1,) flowing
3-2-2or 2 t h
downwards as shown in Fig. 28( ). However when considering L2, Current through a into Eq. (v), We get llirtkg ni as1a9gealoyg
Putting the value of Iz from Eq. (v) V)
resistor is (, -1) flowing upwards od wile 2/t 312 t 2 (2 12)
+ 0 or
2 t5124hon si bnr
Applying KVL to loop Li, we get
16-2/1 4 (-1)=0 or 3-2h =8
34 ABCf and (v7),

16 DC Network Theorems 35
Eq. ()
Aand /310 A.
By Ans. (a) Nodal analysis is based on finding voltages at each node using Kirchhott
19 19 for the circuit sh Ihese
in 10S2 resístance in Fi Current Law (KOL). The current equations are written in terms of voltages and resistance.

the value of current are in ohm.

equations are used for finding the value of voltages.
Find resistances

17 (a) All R.GPV, Bhopal the circuit

Q. (Basic Elect. Engg. a n a P a l 20 Let us consider the circuit shown in Fig. 32(a). The general steps for analysing

by using

by the 31V ssource

he 31V ource and the Do
find the
curre are as under:

1. Select one as a reference or zero-potential node. It should be

of the nodes the node
mesh 31. are measured
(b) Using shown in Fig. we get having components connected to it. All other node voltages
most of the
of circuit loop of Fig. 306),
the first
in 42
(a) Applying
KVL to or 24-12= 4 with respect to this node.
will be assumed that V> V2> V
2 0 - 5 - 5- 1 )
=0 2. Mark all other node voltages as V, V2, Vz etc. It
we get =0 0 .

from second loop, or 4 72 +13 from a higher to a lower voltage.

, -1)=0 3. Take direction of currents through resistors
5 ,-13)-5 the equations thus obtained for finding V V2 V3
101 4. Write KCL for each node and solve

the equation, =2 branch currents can be found.

loop 3 gives or 2-23 etc. Once voltages are known,
513-10-5 -1)=0
R Ra

10V 20V3 10V

Reference node
Fig. 30 D)
we get ( c ( a ) oelesy Q4 3ilh i
Solving the above three equations, 0.83A a t Fig. 32

0.33A and of
-2.17A, 1, =

u0 8 i sori2 in a different way as in Fig. 32(6). The directions

resistance is 0.33A." draw circuit of Fig. 32(a)
Obviously, current flowing through 102 Let us now
3 above.
shown in Fig. 31. been drawn as per Step
be the mesh currents as flow of current have
(b) Let and /, For node 1, we have as per KCL, ...)
Form the first loop, we get [O
31- 15/ -1 x -1) + 10V1-0 (E - V)/R
br 16/-/2- 10/, =31 . )
Similarly from second loop, we get l4 and - R2
-4/2-10/-1 x-)=0 1ov get
.(i) Putting these values in Eq. (i), we
-512- 10/, =0
It should be noted that V is +ve with respect to
Fig. 31 R4
bottom point A of Fig. 31. 3 g91d olnt hR
As seen from Fig. 31 and moving upward from attouo brs sgoilo
the voltage dependent source, we find that or

10V1 -

1 -4)= Vi or -2 11V
Form Eq. (ii) we have, For node 2, we have as per KCL
11 =/-1, or V h-2 .iv) E-
Putting this values of V in Eq. () and (i), we get
Rs R2 R3
166 -12=341 = 0
and -45 1=0 ciod ...V7 or as
Solving Eq. (v) and (vi), we get write simply by inspection
but are easy to
2.05 A and , = 0.046A. These nodal equations look complicated
i.e. the sum of the
Q. 18 () Explain in detail Nodal Analysis as applied to a network having a numbe given below: and (1/R 1/R + + 1/R)
of node potential V
of () the product resistances connected
to this node.
voltage sources in parallel. Also, derive the nodal equation for finding the node voltag
(6) Find the node
reciprocals of the

voltage V
in 33. All Fig. resistances are in ohm.
Engineering resistance
interconnecting R DC Network Theorems 37
36 ABC f Electrical 2 and the resistano
potential interconnccting R
of adjacent E1 and
minus the ratio battery
(in ratio of adjacent
minus the

all the
above set to

E9. (17) and (it) can be written as For node 1, + 30-1, Is or 80-

(iv) instead 0 3 Vi-V2=160


-E,G1 .

V (G
G2 0 For node 2, I2 30+13+14
Gs) V - E>G
(G2 t G3 that
number of 50
number w pr
would be less than the
1) i.e. o n e oeier I 4V1-1V2= 120
required is (7-
suited for or ndo ot s zsoteies
cquations particularly
Nodal analysis is ground.
Also, Solving the above two equations, we get
4 21.54 539A
of nodes.

circuits With a
having many
analysis is
to mesh
chosen as
V2 21.54V i for the
nodal has been method, find the current in the 30 resistance
In Fig. 33, node B at node Q. 20 (a) Using node voltage
(6) unknown voltage
B ohm.
one 36. All resistances are in
node. There is only chosen as per network shown in Fig. BC and the current
in the
have bcen Reference node determine the voltage across
directions nodal analysis to
The current
node A 1s (b)
A ie V above. The
current equation at Fig. 33 in Fig. 37. All resistances are in ohm.
R.GP.V., Bhopal, 2007)
Step 3 given ..() 12-V source
baseo(Basic Elect. Engg..
Fig. 36 that the
Ans. () It will be seen

10- 75
V3.2V two battries on the left side
of the figure are
node 1,
we have
20 equation tor the circuit shown i Applying KCL. to
node voltage n in additive series.
nodal analysis, write in ohm.
Q. 19 (a) Using branch. All the
resistances are

34. Find the

current through 252 R.GPV, Bhopal, 2006 4V
Fig. (Basic Elect. Engg.
of Fig. 35(a). R R O or
to find current in the 42 resistor (3+2)
(b) Use node analysis have
the current directions 10 25
Ans.(a) In Fig. 34, V
Vi Volt
assumed as per Step No. 2 of Q. 18(a). Applying 12V 32 or
dass 101 b s f 212 9r00 Fig. 36
been I
KCL to node A, we get
+lh-l3 y99
A2axode a bbe
T40V 100 20VE three nodes as 4, B and C.
The resistor
40-V 20-V have taken the KCL to each node.
As shwon in Fig. 37, we
will now apply
1 b) of Q. 18(a). We
10 25 100 have been assumed
as per Step 2
15V 480 or V= 32V

For node A, sdl aug1ch-neuo

or bluow
20-32 - 0.48 A
Fig. 34
12-Va=Va Va 9
2 25 4

negative, the actual direction of flow of 1, opposite to

is 4 VA2 V - V - 2 4 w
Since the answer comes out to be or
node A into battery E.
that shown in Fig. 34. It means the current is actually flowing from
For node B
and currents
(b) The given circuit of Fig. 35(a) has been redrawn with its node voltages 4
as shown in Fig. 35(b). We will now apply KCL to both nodes. 2 ..Gi)
or 2 V-4 Vg + Vc=0
30A 30A For node C
sbon 101 12V

-eV-c 9- 2 4
w- VA+VB-4 Vc=-36
Fig. 37
equations, we get
above three
Solving the OV, Vc= 8V 2
50A 50A (t) 2 VA4V, VB
BC is
= -8V the two i
Voltage Vc=0-8 difference between
VBC VB- voltage, the potential
the 12V source

Reference node is lesser than s o u r c e is 16/4=4A.

Since, V by the voltage
(b) glod 12--4)
= 16V. Current supplied
Fig. 35
e1 donend orh
current fro DC Nerwork Theorems 39
of Electrical Engineering
2A and
38 ABC
B to A is
[0-(492 m As seen from Fig 38(b), the total resistance
that current flowing
from seen by the 30V battery is
The same current cav 0+ 15 I| 30 10 + 10 202
ltmay be noted3A. 4 + 2+3
to battery current 30/20 1.5A
towards node A=
[8--4)]/4 re opposite
to A is
current coming in branches
and Ca
the This current divides at point A in the inverse ratio of
Hence, total directions of currents
the resistances of the two paralle
The a s s u m e d
A. for solv paths.
node superposifion theorem
the 30
R . G P V , Bhoopal
actual directions. Fully explain
Q. 21. (a) Define a linear circuit.
(Basic Elect.
resistor in Fig 3 8 1.5 30+15
linear networks.
find the
current I in 1552
8(a). Now, the 30V battery is shorted and current is supplied by 54V battery only as shown in
the superposition
resistors, indepena
Fig. 38(c).
() Using ohm. components ikee Total resistance offered to 54V battery is
All resistors a r e in contains linear element if it obeys Ohm's
o n e which
Ans. (a) A
linear circuit is called a linear 30+ 15 I| 10 36

A resistor is
through it
1s a straight line.
S Hnece, current supplied by the battery is
and linear dependent the current
Sources across it versus
superposition j nciple to multi. 54/36 = 1.5A
IR. The graph of voltage circuits. While
applying when acting alo
position principle applies only
to linear
calculate the
contribution made by
each source
lone, I 1.5 x 10/25 0.6A
electrical networks,
other sources by Since I and 1, flow in the same direction, current through 152 resistance produced by
disable or kill) all
For this purpose, we remove (or both batteries is
other voltage
I=1+h 1 +0.6 =1.6 A.
()shortcircuiting current sources.
other alone, we algebraically Q. 22 (a) Find the current flowing in the branch XY of the network shown in Fig.
(11) open-circuiting each source when acting add
the response of source Elect. Engg. Nagpur Univ.)
After calculating act simultaneously.
lt a dependent
39(a) by superposition theorem. All resistances are in ohm.
when all sources
(6) Use superposition theorem to find current in various branches of the cireuit
them to get the total response
during superposition process. under shown in Fig. 40(a). All resistances are in ohm. Elect. Engg. Nagpur Univ.)
present, 1t is not disabled principle is as
a circuit by
The procedure for analysing by shorts or Ans. (a) First consider the current due to 20V battery of nternal resistance 19 when the
1. Select any one s o u r c e in the circuit and
remove all
other s o u r c e s
pens other 20V battery is shorted. There are two parallel paths across terminal X and Y. One has a
resistance is
resistance of 32 and the other has resistance of (1+3+2) 62. Their combined
as explained above.
a component
when oniy one source acts at
or current in
2. Calculate the required voltage 3 || 6 22. Hence, total resistance seen by 20V battery is2+2+1)= SQ
a time.
turn. Hence, current supplied by the battery is
and 2 for each source in I=20/5 = 4A
3. Repeat the above steps 1 or current values when
4. Algebraically add the above
values to get the actual voltage This current divides at point X in the inverse ratio of the resistance of the two parallel
all source act simultaneously. circuits.
30V battery as shown in
and then find I produced by 6/9 2.67A from X to Y
(b) We will first short 54V battery I=4 x

as shown in Fig. 38(c)

and find current I2 produced
Fig. 38(b). Next, we will short 3OV battery current through the 152 resistor would
by 54V battery. When both batteries act simultaneously,
be (1 + 12) as shown in Fig. 38(d).
30 10 A 30 gh 32 20V
w- - ww W 20V
1.5A 10 20V

54V 30V
ees (b)

0n 101
w ww
a) (b)
10 30 10 0 short 20V
W- ww 19
1.5A vlod 20V

54V 30V 54V d s f yiod bi2d

guo bro
af lo sonleiesn d
Fig. 39

Fig. 38 muD Vol(
Engineering 39(c). Now, the DC Network Theorems 41
40 4BCof Electrical shown in Fig.
shorted as is
20V, when 12 battery is resistance
seen by the battery
the case
The total
Next, consider
by the second 20V battery. w
curent wTll be produced
3+ (2+ 1) |6
=3 +2 =52
the battery is
Therefore, current
120/5 =4A
by from Y to
V 2v 6V
total current flowing in the AY branch
2 . 6 7 - 4 = - 1.33A
is from t o Y
fom t o A. it has zero
curent actually flows by a short

shows that
The-ve sign has been replaced
40(6), 24V battery Fig. 41
(b) As
shown in Fig. This current divides
from C to B equally between the two parallel paths at point A because each has a
internal resistance. resistance of 32.
Here, from B toA
-6 3A
from B to D
- - ' = 6 - 3 = 3A
(ii) When 12V battery acts alone: Now, 6-V battery is removed leaving behind its
by an open. ttad dto
has been replaced internal resistance of 0.52 as shown in Fig.
In Fig. 4O(C), 6A
current source 42(a)
1B w ( .0

12V 12V
()6A awode 0.5 Tr-0.5 Tr-1
2 +
(a) Fig. 42
B The total resistance seen by the 12V battery is
W = (1 +2) +3 || (2.5+0.5) 3 +15 =4.52
.. Current I in Fig. 42(a)i s p s oet c brioteo t
= 12/4.58/3A

24V open 24V This current is divided into two parallel paths at point 4. Since each path has the same
resistance, hence I2 = 8/2 x 3 = 4/3A.

(ii) When both voltage sources act simultaneously: As shown in Fig. 42(6), current
through 3Q resistance is
Fig. 40 -h 2A
resistor in Fig. 43(@) by applying
The different currents are Q.24 (a) Compute the power dissipated in the 92
open circuit and current sources should be treated as ideal. All
"= 0 A superposition theorem. The voltage Elect. Engg Nagpur Univ. 2005)
1-24/(4+4) 3A -form A to B resistances are in ohm.
current in the 152 resistance of Fig. 44(0) by
form B to D (6) Find the value and direction of
-15-3/A superposition theorem. All resistances are in ohm.
The net resultant current through different branches when both sources are acting is using (Basic Elect. Engg. R.GPV, Bhopal, 2008)
internal resistance
cn-1=6-0=6A Ans. (a) lt should be kept in mind that an ideal voltage source has zero

n12-1'= 3-3 0A ideal current source has an intinite internal

whereas an alone: As shown in Fig. 43(b), the constant
current source
D +"-3 +3-6 A () When voltage source acts
.e. intinite resistance. Total resistance seen by
the 32VN
9.23, Calculate the current through 30 resistor (Fig. 41) by superposition theorem has been replaced by an open circuit

All resistanees are in ohm. (Elect. Engg. West Bengal Tech. Univ, 2008) battery is
Ans. () When 6V battery acts alone: As shown in Fig. 41(b), the 12V battery has been
removed leaving behind its internal resistance of 12. The total resistance seen
4+ 12||15
by 6V battery 1S current supplied by the battery is pl
(0.5+ 2.3) + (2 + 1) I|3 3+ 1.5 =4.5 Q
Hence, circuit current /6/4.5 = 4/3 A.
42 ABC of Electrical Engincering
= 3A
oing to 9 2 resistano
resistance DC Network
32/3 two parts.
The current going is This current is divided Theorems 43
divides into into two
At point A, this
resistance is parallel paths at point A. The current
12 A.
throOugh 1s
51215 3 11.07x 3
3+3+15 1.07 0.31A
(ii) When 5V source acts alone : As seen from
ww resistance of (3 + 3)+5 || 15-9.75 2 Fig. 44(c), the 5 V battery sees a total
' I= 5/9.75 = 0.51 A
3A open 9 13
This current divides between the
to s9pa resistance of the two parallel paths.
two parallel paths at point A in the inverse ratio of the

C(b) D

a Hence, according
h-0.51xzis0.13 A
to superposition theorem, current through 152 resistance when both
batteries act simultaneously,is
t121e-9sm =I+12-0.31 0.13 0.44 A
Q. 25. (a) Find the current I in the circuit shown in Fig. 45.
4A9 (Elect. Circuits B. Tech. JNTU, Hyderabad, 2006)
32V (b) Using superposition theorem, determine the current through 3Q resistor (all
resistances are in ohm) as shown in Fig. 46.
(Basic Elect. Engg. B. Tech. JNTU, Hyderabad, 2007)
(d) Ans. () We will use superposition theorem to solve this question. Let us first remove the
Fig. 43 1A source and replace it by an open circuit as shown in Fig. 45(6). Obviously, no current flows
In this case, 32V baery nas c Sio-Cireuite through branch BA. The two branches CD and CBE are in parallel across the IV battery. Hence.
When current source acts alone :
2 80cs to 9 battery sees a resistance equal to the combined resistance of branches
G CD and CBE.
at point B 1nto two paitd. u
as shown in Fig. 43(c). Here, 4A current divides The combined resistance = 3 | (4 +1)= 15/8 2
towards A.
resistor and the rest (4 -

1,) goes from B BD is stot T

to the left of the line
The resistance of the series-parallel circuit 15/8 5 15A
6 + (4 | 12) = 9 2
At point C, currenti divides into two parts, one going along CD and the other going
Hence, at point B the current divides into two equal parts. CBE. As per the current divider rule.
l=4/2 =2A along
bnl smeroodh &'oino r911 t dut (
o o n babivb erhrou0 2idT 0.2A
total current through 92 resistor is
C8 99ned 9on2 35 sdt 6
or diod nodW (0) bae ela 1 B 4
=h+h 2 - A 9918leip01 928 auo

Power dissipated through 92 resistor

gterornit 1A()
9 -
100 W lugno (6) S
(b) (i) When 10V source acts alone : As shown in Fig. 44(b), the circuit resistance urce wilthP a)
seen by 10V battery is
bng 9usy sd1 bul1 (8)
=5+(3+3)||15 9.28 2
I= 10/9.28 = 1.07A
re Co2
Hence, T91 oqo al 2eo19p8 (d)
Aav2ataovertT ball (c)
T1ov 15 short 15ltn V
1OV short bet
Fig. 45
and replaced by a
short. This short also
has been parts at point
rtdvai In Fig. 45(c), batteryas inshown Fig. 45(d). The 1A
current divides into two
circuits the 32 resistance
(a) (b) c) of the resistances of the two parallel paths.
B in the inverse ratio
Fig. 44 d a vd bolqgue tnomuo
44 ABC of Electrical Engineerng
DC Network Theorems
I 1 0.2A 4. Voltage source
0.2A but flou. Vth connected in series with
and 12
are cach cqual to ow i given network as shown in Fig. 47. Rh gives the Thevenin equivalent for the

from the above

that the
0.2 =0 A.
Explanation : Suppose we want
to 'thevenise' the
lt is seen

currents /= 0.2- he terminals X - Y circuit of Fig. 48(a) to the left side of
the opposite
directions. B 1. First we remove the
4 w w load resistance of 502 as
ww shown in Fig.
X Y become

2. Next, we find open

48(5). This way terminals
Rih For this purpose, 24V battery is shorted and the
given network as viewed from the terminals X-Y resistance of the
is calculated. As seen from
Rth100 +(60 || 120) 140S2 Fig. 48(6).
3. Now, we find
Vh from Fig. 48(c). It is
equal to the voltage drop across 1202
(c) resistance. It is so because there is no current
(6) through the 1002 resistor and, hence,
no voltage drop across it
Fig. 46
and replaced by a short. The currentis 120
been removed iinovotr th24
battery has 16V fape
(b) In Fig. 46(6),

point 4 as per the current

ruleuo sua bn ().o
Obviously, the given circuit 120+60
isequivalent Thevenin's circuit shown
divided into two parts 2V battery is in Fig. 48(d). The
resistance s e e n by the
2+3 | l 12-2 +36/15 = 4.42 g q u e gaiell (6)
complete circuit is shown in Fig. 48(e).
The total

I=2/4.4 = 0.45 A
60 100X
12/(3 + 12) 0.36A
0.45 x

has been replaced by

a short. The total resistance
seen by the 4
In Fig. 46(c), 2V battery 24V 3
120 50 short 120
battery 1s odt h8 doasmd dauo
=3+2|| 12 =3+ 2952 N19 a)
= 4 / ( 3 3 / 7 ) = 0.85A 60 100 140
current through the 32 resistance
Hence, 0.49A - from point B to A node th
0.85 =0.36 =


with suitable diagrams. How doesi 24V 120 50R

Q. 26 (a) explain
State and Thevenin's theorem
(Elect. and Mech. 1ech., Osmania Univ) 16V T16V
differ from Norton's theorem?
With reference to the network of Fig. 50(0) by applying Thevenin's theorem find cuel
(b) (c) (d) e
the following. terminals A and B. Fig. 48 ibbs e
network when viewed from
) the equivalent e.m.f. of the Thevenin theorem reduces a given
resistance of the network when looked into from terminals A&B
(i) the equivalent between any two terminals to an Mo
iit) current in the load resistance of 152. (Basic Circuit Analysis, Nagpur
R, Univ network X

Ans. It is a very useful method of reducing complex

linear circuits into simple equivalent circuit having voltage source with a
(a) eries resistance. However, Norton theorem
circuits. According to this theorem, any complex Rth ideal
linear circuit can be reduced to a single voltage o X ource
reduces the given eircuit to an current
source in series with a single resistance. Given
with a parallel resistance as
ig. 49. Norton
This two-element circuit is called complex loadac 1hevenin
linear ( ) ) urrent in the network before equivalent equivalent
Thevenin's equivalent circuit for the given network
circuit esistance is connected [Fig, 50(a)]. O
on Fig. 49 oqonCt
(Fig. 47). Different steps for finding Thevenin's Thevenin 24/(12 +3 +1) 1.5A
equivalent are as follows:
equivalent voltage across terminals ABB VO100
1. Open-circuit the terminals of the given
h 1 2 x1.5
18V ow biT
circuit with respect to which
Fig. 47 Jiuoio odi lo sooe concerned, the network has an e.nm.f. of 18 volt
for as terminals A and B are
Hence, so
Thevenin's equivalent is required.
voltag A and B. Imagine that battery of 24V is
2 lonThe
2. The voltage which appears across the open terminals is called Thevenin's two parallel paths between points
(i) There are resistance of the circuit as looked into from points
Vth emoved but not its internal resistance. Then,
Next, voltagesourees inthe given cireuitare shorted and current sources
resistance of the given cireuit as viewed from the two open terminals is calculated.
opened. 1and B is [Fig. 50(©)].dordi98o12 o i i b o

4/(12 +4) =
3Q o1-1
R=Rih x

is called Thevenin's resistance

Rhowi oult 0 eontteion ol to oitsT 99 n
DC Network Theorems 47
46 ABC of Electrical Q. 28. (a) State and explain Thevenin's
(b) The galvanometer in Fig. 53(@) has theorem

a resistance of 50. Find the

current through
SI the galvanometer using Thevenin's theorem. AIl resistances are in
18V (Basic Elect. West Bengal Tech, Univ, 2009)
Ans. () Please see Q. 26.
12 (6) ) When galvanometer 1S removed form Fig. 53(a), we get the circuit of
(d) B Fig. 53(6).
(ii) Let us now find the open-circuit voltage VocVh between terminals B and D.
(C Keeping in mind that ABC as well as ADC is a voltage divider on which a voltage drop of 10
b) the netu,
50 the terminals,
t e r m i n a l s , the, network takes place, we get
Fig. across

Potential of B w.r.t C i.e. VBC=10 10+15 6 V
of 152
When load
shown is Fig. 50().
18/(15 + 3)=1A
h onloy
Potential of D w.r.t C i.e.
reduced to the

T= Vn/Rh+ R)

Vpc 10 195.7 V
27. State
and explain

resistor of Fig. 51(a)
West Bengal
Univ 200
p.d. between B and D
Vth6-5.7 0.3V
Find the
current through
(Elec. Engg (iit Now, remove the 10-V battery. Since, battery has internal resistance, it amounts to
(6) 109119 short-circuiting points Aand Cas shown in Fig. 53(d).
as shown in Fig.
Q. 21.
71-12. It is called .
Please see
Ans. (a) terminals 71-T2 terminals
Open the across
drop acrose
(6) First step:
Now, find the voltage
hence there
1S no voltage
0SS 10
Second Step: resistace
connected to 71,
current through 32
there is no thBC or AD
E 10V
A short I short
(a) b) C)

20V 10V 20V |10V ST

oT, Fig. 53
viewed from points B and D. t
of the whole network as
D (C) Onta 2orlor (iv) Next,
we will find resistance one as
speaking, points A and have become
(b) C
will be noted that electrically
Fig. 5
's theorum
will equal R It
shown in Fig. 54(a).
Rth T 15 + 12 |l 16 =
6 +6.85
= 12.852 as shown in Fig. 54(¢).
the closed circuit voltage in
Obviously, RBD= 10||
Now, consider additive, hence total ww
are in series B
Thetwo batteries
eems o
(20+ 10) 30V.g ol
the circuit is =

92. th510VaoT
(3 +6)

Total resistance is tozo 1979w

is 30/9 10/3A. 10 2 10 S12.85

Hence, 10
VAD 2 0 - 3 x
Fig. 52
A4C 12.85
Now, with point A positive. 0.3 V
10V on snf ni ti9T ) (6)
consider the branch BC. 6.85
Alternatively, we may
12 16
the 10 V battery.
resistance =
6 x 20 V. It is opposed by bna 1o
6 2 D 9 o
Drop bobib sret s
10 V before. zinipo 220108 5glo7 D a9ubon olke (d) o g o
os (e)
Hence, BC 20- 10 as
resistance of the circ ow odl ao (6 (c) ol sloqgo 2t
the two batteries are shorted. The (a of
Third Step: For finding Rth beD E e i s n t e 2s
101 02 Fig. 54
network has a voltage

1 the
viewed form terminals 71 T, 5Q
points B and D are

It is called
= 3 +6|| 3 for as
in Fig. 54(d).
of 10V and a series resistance o
(v) Now, of 12.852 as

Thevenin equivalent consists of a voltage source

and a series

VEThe Onerdongp 0.3V

shown in Fig. 52. T1-12
resistance of 5Q back to terminals
Fourth connect
step: FinallyI= the load
10/(5 + 5) = 1 A S
Engineering cquivalent and cale.
48 ABC of Electrical back to the
DC Network Theorems 49
connect the
let Fig.. 54(e).
(vi) Finally
7 going through

it. As seen

6.8 mA
Also. RR R, +RR R,K -
R, + R RR 1o
the current
0. =
0.0168A (H netw. R
5+12.85of resistive
delta (A)
and wye
twor Similarly. R R,R+RRa R
What is their
29 (a) Give
role in



(Basic Elect. Engg. R.GP.V Bhopal, 200,Fig. 58.

Q. 30 (a) Find the input resistance of

the circuit between the
points A and B of
A/Y and YYA
(6) Explain AMIE, Sec. B Network Anlysis Summer 1992)
(b) Find the voltage to be
applied across AB in order to drive a current of 5A into
Ans. (a) Fig. 55(a)
shows the circuit of Fig. 59() by using star-delta transformation.

forms of three Elect. Circuits, B. Tech JNTU, Hyderabad 2006)
three Sol. () For finding RAB.
in A. Usually We will be convert the delta CDE of
star as shown in Fig. 58(b). Fig. 58(a) into equivelent
letter subscripts
such resistors carry
RcS 8 4/18 = 16/9 ; REs= 8 6/18-24/9 2 Rps=6x 4/18 = 12/92
4, B and C etc. (b) p k( The
56 shows
three resistors two parallel resistances between S and B can be reduced to a single resistance of 3592
connected in Y or star.
These Fig. 55 2 0 9nutis-
numerical subscripts
resistors carry
like 1, 2 and 3.
W W 169 16/9
most of the complicated
In 12/9
networks, we come acrosS many
A9 35/9
resistors connected
in either delta or
difficult to solve such
wye. It is very
circuits. However, it
becomes easy
(a) (b) (C) (a) (b) (c)
circuits if we use
A/Y Fig. 58
to solve most Fig. 56
transformations (or As seen from Fig. 58(c), RAB =4+(16/9) + (35/9) 87/92
or YA
(b) The two deltas C, D, E and L, M, N have been converted to the equivalent stars as
conversions). of Y placed within the delta as shown
(b) A/Y Conversion : It is convenient to think
and R3 in terms or KA KB
Rc Th
)SIngdelta-star converstion formula, we get from Fig. 59(b).
Y, we need R, R2
Fig. 57. To convert from A to ei olni 30k4 navdoo 21 5*20 -0.6 2
conversion rule is as follows: 2+5+310
the product of resistors in two adjacent delta branche
Each resistor in Y is equal to

divided by the sum of all three delta resistors.

In Fig. 57, R, and Rc are adjacent to R

laotud@0 Ao 5A C w 10
OB Ao- 0S oB

1R+Rg+Rc R E M
Also, R and Rp are adjacent to R b)
R2R+ Rg +Rc D w

Similarly, Rg and Rc are adjacent to R3 RB 0.6

W 0.6
Ao M
R +Rg
Fig.57 5A w
YIA Conversion: To convert form Y to A, we need R, Rg and Rç in terms of Ri, R, a Fig. 59
R3. The conversion rule is as follows
2/10 12
Each resistor in delta is equal to the sum of all possible products of Y resistors taken t Similarly R-5
1.52 3/10
at a time, divided by the opposite Y resistor. R3 5
In simplified to Fig. 59(d). In Fig. 59(d).
Fig. 57, R is opposite to R3. Fig. 59(c) has been
+2 6.842 ve
RR +RzR3 +RzR vei RAB 0.6 + 6 || 14.5 34.2 V
- Ri+R2t RR2t s o 9 across A and B is 5 x 6.84 =

Hence, voltage to be applied

Engineermg resistance betweo DC Network
50 ABC of Electrical
I in the
and t h e
When (6-19-15) delta of
Theorems 51
in Fig.
60. Fig. 62(b) is converted its
Calculate the
equivalent star, we get Fig. 63(a)
Q. 31 (a)
A and B (all
are in ohm)
Elect. Engg. B. Tech.

2.25 25
in Fig. 61() Nagpur Uniy 2 ofeo 2
(Elect. Engg,
resistor 2.85
in 11-2
When delta M M-
(6) Find in Fig. 60(6).
60(C). Now the cir.
in ohm. been
resitances a r e 60(a) has
Ans. (a) The given
circuit of Fig.
b e c o m e s as
shown in Fig. circuit 7.125
star, the 22.125 1
IS replaced by its equivalent circuit shown
in Fig. 60(d). = 11 + 4
reduced to a simple
100 30 + 50 o 115V 115V
+ 100 ||
Resistance RAR 30 lo2 (a)
I= 160/80 =2A b)
The circuit of Fig. 63(a) is a
simple series parallel circuit as shown is Fig. 63(6). The
total resistance of this series-parallel circuit-is
40 4.85 +(17.25) | (22.125) 14.532
0 (b) 60
80 I= 115/ 14.53 7.91A
w By current division rule, we get
88 17.25 7.25

1725 +22.125 7.91 39375 3.46A
This is the current which flows through 11Q
30 resistance
D Q. 32 () Find the total current flowing through the circuit of Fig. 64@) using Y/A
transformation. Value of each resistor is 42. (Elect. Engg. Nagpur Univ, 2006)
Ao (d) 160V T 100 100 (6) Find the voltage drop on 102 resistor in Fig. 67(@). All resistances are in ohm.
W 80
Elect. Engg. Nagpur Univ, 2003)
Ans. (a) The given circuit of Fig. 64(a) is redrawn as shown in Fig. 64(6). When we
convert ADBC of Fig. 64(6), we get the circuit of Fig. 65(a).
Fig. 60
shown in Fig. 61(6). Let us convert AABC into i
be redrawn as
(6) The given figure can

resistance is
= 6x6 22.
equivalent star. The value of each
6+6+6 O30v 30V

w- (ostitute

(a) (b)
(b) Fig. 64 Acc. No3S13
Each star resistance
1.34 Q as shown in Fig. 65(a).Dat
Fig. 61
These are shown in Fig. 62(a) which is redrawn as Fig. 62(6). 5.343 2.06

B E 30V D 1.34 30V 30V

5 4

134 1.34
(a) Fig. 66
(a) b) Fig. 65
be simplified to that shown in Fig. 65(6). i W stt
Cireuit of Fig, 65(a)
99 RAN=5.34|| 3.34 2.062
115V o 115Vo
Fig. 62u1at boilgge Sd ot ousilov .3on3H
52 ABC of Electrical Engineering is finally
reduced to that shown in Fig,
Hence, the given circuit of Fig. 64(a)
0 DC
A3.19A Voltage drop across 102 Network Theorems 53
(2+2.06 + 1.34 + 4) resistor
be combined to give one 80 4.22
162 parallel
resistors can
of 162 as
resi 60 x (84.45 |1 445)
(b) In Fig. 67(a), the two resistance
10 w

When combined with

the 82 series
resistor, we get a total
shown (10+8+ 4.22 +9.78)
Note: We have avoided 18.75 V
Fig. 67(b). of Fig. 67(6),
we get delta resistances 9.78
star (8-8-16) la 10 60V
When we convert
divider rule. calculating I by using voltage
Q. 33. State and explain Fig. 59
8x16 402 equivalent circuit? Norton's theorem. What are
the two elements of a
R=8+ l6 + Ans. In simple words,
8x10 402 isllmeq-oime 2i 10 93161aiee reduced to a single current source with theorem states that any
given complicated circuit can be
R 8 + 16 +
This fact has been shown in
parallel resistance.
Different steps required for
Fig. 70.
R=8 +8+ = 202 L1e/h 1.Open finding Norton's equivalent circuit
the circuit terminals are as under
Circuit with respect to whichof the given
Norton's Given
equivalent is required. e complex
2. Short all linear
voltage sources and open all Circuit
current sources of the
8 2tdT given circuit. And Y
calculate the value of the circuit resistance Norton
as viewed from the open terminals. It isS valent

oftamiot called Norton's resistance Ry: Fig. 70

60V0 3. D.o
Next, short circuit the two terminals of the
10 60V given circuit. Calculate the short-circuit
current Ic through the shorted terminals. It is called
Norton's current Iy
)2nA 4. The resistance Ry 1s connected in
parallel with the current source ly to get the Norton
Fig. 67
tho-80A equivalent for the original circuit.
As seen, the Norton
equivalent circuit consists of two components. One is an ideal current
We will convert the delta (20-8-8) of Fig. 68(a) into an equivalent source y and the other is a resistor Ry both connected in parallel.
20x 8 Explanation: Suppose, we want to find the Norton equivalent across teminals X-Y of
4.452 the circuit given in Fig. 71(a).
K20+8+8 voe
20x8 = 4.452
R 20+8+8
8x8 (a) 24VN- 12 S (b) short R
R320 +8+8
40 O 84.4
w- w-
20 X B 2.66A
40 w
4 4.45
od 4.44A ww T266A M Bsah ot bo
w- (C) 24V )
6 120.89A
1.783 9.78

10 60OV 10 60V 60V oW Old Norton Equivalent

the 12V battery as shown in
(a) First, we remove the 122 load resistance and short circuit
(b) (C) from the terminals X-Y as shown in
Then, we find circuit resistance as viewed
Fig. 68 Fig. 71(b). O a1aldiTO3 J a
Hence, cireuit of Fig. 68(a) becomes that of Fig. 68(b) which fiurther reduces to the c E "
R y 4 + 6 | 3 = 62 As W
of Fig. 68(c) which is a
series-parallel circuit. As seen from Fig. 69, div
rule, as per the voltag
54 ABC of Electrical Engineering through this sho
Now, we short circuit the
terminals X-Y and find
current fowing
shown in Fig. 71(c).
s c e n by the battery Q. 35 (a) State and DC Network
T he total resistance
=3 + 6 l 4=5.45
2.66A prove maximum Theorems 555
24/5.44.44A. power transfer theorem for
by the battery is (b) Determine (Elect Engg.. West DC networks.
supplied parallel current through the
Hence, current
of the
using Norton's Theorem. Bengal Tech Uni 2008)
divides at point A in the
inverse ratio
D2.66A All resistances 150 resistor of the network
n i s curTent Ans. () Please see
Q. 38.
are in ohm. given in Fig. 76(0) by
resistances. 2.66A (b) First Step :
Isc4.446+4 Open the
Second step : Short circuit terminals T T, as shown in
Hence, Norton's
current is 2.66A.
Iy divides T1-T2 is Ry
the 1OV
battery. The resistanceFig. 76(b)
of the network as
cquivalent of Fig.
71(), Fig. 72 viewed iromn
from the Norton
Third Step : Now,Ry (20 | 20) I1 10 10 | 10-52
load current is given by (Fig. 72). short
into two parts. The both 202 resistances. Hence, circuit the terminals as shown in
-0.89A 10V Fig. 76(c). This short-circuits
short between terminalsbattery
102 and the has to drive
I-2.666+12 for the network to
the lett of terminals Xv
-Y 0
current through the
series resistance of
Find the Norton's
Q. 34.
Fig. 73(a). and open circuit 6A currentSOuro
short circuit the 30V battery
Ans. For finding R we
Tiov 20 20
as shown in Fig. 75(6).
30V 4 short
202 Tov20
w.o -o
(a) (b)
3 Ry- la (e)

6A 13513
Isc= 10/10 1A
Fig. 76

It is also the Norton current

(a) Hence, Norton equivalent consists of a current source of lA in
Fig. 73 elaviups parallel with a resistance of 52
4 2 Forth Step: The 152 resistor earlier removed from the
|| (4 +2)
Now, we convert the 6A current source into voltage
source as shown Fig 74(a). TH n
mnais IS connected back to them, (Fig. 77
Now, the current of lA is divided between the two
as shown in Fig. 74
source has V=2
x 6=12 V and 22 series resistance parallel
equivalent voltage paths in the inverse ratio of their resistances. By current divider rule
30V 6 we have
w- - Fig. 77
w I=1x15 0.25A
42V .36 ( State isandits explain Maximum Power Transfer (MPT) theorem applied as to

resistive(b)loads. What special field of application? (Basic. Elect Engg. Bhopal. 2007)
Find the value of R, in Fig. 80(a) for
()getting maximum power
(i) value of maximum power in Rz.
(a) (b) Ans. (a) This theorem concerns itself with the transfer of clectric power from a source to
Fig. 74
a load (Fig. 78). According to this theorem
The circuit of Fig. 74(a) is simplified to that shown in Fig. maximum power is transferred to a load resistance if it

74(b). For finding I we will short circuit terminals X-Y. The equals the Thevein 's resistance the source to which it is
resistance seen by the (34 + 12) =42V battery is
RN connected.
=6+3 | 2 7.2 2 the source and load have the
iuoult may be noted that when
Battery current =42/7.2 5.83A 3.5A same resistance, they are said to matched.
shown the source circuit
This current divides at point A into two parallel paths. Explanation: In Fig. 79(a) is
36 and Rth 182. The
According to current divider rule, which has Thevenin's voltage Vth
load resistance is 22.
= 5.83 x =3.5 A bool 2t1 qif ovo9Fig.75 136/(18 +2) 1.8 A Load
As seen, Source
beit Power delivered to the load is
Hence, Norton equivalent consists of a 3.5 A current source in parallel with 42 resist
1.8 x 2= 6.48 Wnant ta Fig.78
as shown in Fig. 75. PL 1f R
Engineerng DC Network Theorems 57
56 ABC of Electrical to 1882. Q. 37. A source delivers 5A
in Fig.
79(6). when the load conneeted to it
Now, let the

1852 as shown increased to 202. Find the

maximum power available from
is 52 and 2A when load is
Rh Ans. As shown in this source.
Obviously, 36/(18+ 18)= IA Fig. 82, let Vih and R be the
18 =18 W and load
z lt is seen
source. The values of Vth and
() When R 5 2 , I = 5A
Rih Can be found from the given data. equivalent of the given
P=1 load power P,
shows the graph
. voltage across load is
Fig. 79(c) ALRh
powertransfer is

V=5x5 25Vlorobii
w ISW (ii) When RL = 2092, I
= 2A
Rh or 25 Vh-5 Rh

20 .
VLLRL=2 20= 40V
40 Vth2 Rih ii)
Solving from () and (i), we get
R 15 3 Rh or Rh = 52
Fig. 79
Hence, power delivered to the load will be maximum in the
transferred to RL
1S maximum, the Do first case because
although power
it is found that useful for analysing electronic R Rih 592
MPT theorem is very
S0%. transmit or receive maxim Since, under the above condition,
transfer efficiency (n) is only is to either
the main purpose
networks where i n v o l v e d is extremely small. Hene LSA and R=52
so because
the power
at reduced efficienc: It is maximum efficiency. PL maxL RL = 5 x 5 = 125W
power even
transfer and not Fig. 82
maximum power in Fig. 80(b). Alternatively, PL max V I = 25 x 5 = 125W
the main goal is to get temporarily as shown
will remove RL
(b) ) For finding Ri
. 38. State and prove maximum power transfer (MPT) theorem.
30 (Elect. Engg.. West Bengal Tech. Univ., 2009)
Ans. Statement of MPT : According to MPT
R T 5 hiw lslla w
theorem, maximum power is transferred to a load
60 resistance if it equals the Thevenin's resistance of the
30 02 21 elsni source to which it is connected (Fig. 78).
ww- w Proof of MPT theorem : As shown in Fig. 83,
(b) the variable load resistor RL is connected to the
Fig. 80 Thevenin equivalent of a power source. Thevenin Equivalent
Rh10 + (30 || 60) + 30
Load current Vth Fig. 83

Hence, for getting maximum power R 602. =

hu olele ()0.O
LRht Rz
(i) For finding Vi we will use the circuit of Fig. 81(a). V R

tel eheol ovida
sdl bal (d) wio
Power in the load,
Differentiating with respect to the variable Rz, we get
guii9g ) wslSnsmud athorlirion
uisr ) R
60V 60 40V 60RL (a) .e brit molev dR VidR,(R+R brs
re reeom
2R R
(R +R RtR R+R
will be maximum when this
derivative equals zero.

Fig. 81 The load power P

There are no voltage drops on the 1092 and 302 resistors because they carry no cure
or, when d'-0 or v R
(RRLY =0
The 60 volt will be shared by 302 and 602 resistors. As per voltage divider rule, dRL0
drop across 602 =
60 x
= 40Vgntloy 'ninoyadT 2sit da (Rnt R x0 AAm
60+30 Sourcorone Rh R Vh
This Thevenin's voltage is connected in series with
R. r Rh R; =0 or Rh= R
Current through R =40/(60 + 60) I/3A di ol bursvilslb 19o1

Maximum power transferred is F (1/3) x 60 = 6.7 W.

Engineerimg above iso
by Eq. (7)
58 ABC of a s given
power Pmax DC Network Theorems 59
Vh 2. Using Kirchhoff's current law and Ohm's
Vh 4RL 4Rih V in Fig 86. law, find the magnitude and polarity of voltage
Pmax (R, +R) is delívered to load Rz when p 24 V, Point A is positive]
maximum possible p o w e r
What p e r c e n t a g e
Q. 39. load is
divider rule, voltage
RhAns. InIn Fig. 84, as per voltage
Fig. 8 *
2Rrh h
,th R +2th

2V vlo

PLR R 9 Rh
The voltage h divides equally between
Fig. 87 Fig. 88
Now under
maximum power condition, Rz Rh 3. For the circuit shown in Fig. 87, find the value of current
Vh2. th 4. For the circuit given in Fig. 88, find
I when v = 1V. 3A
Ri and Rz. Hence, i2, iz, i and is. Assume i=5A.
4 Rh 6
max h
2 Vh = 8
VR=2 Ra
P Kirchhoff's Voltage Law
P max Vih4Rah 1. For the circuit shown in Fig. 89, find the value of V and its polarity. [8V, with 4 +vel
Fig. 84
P P.max orx100 L.max 4 30
88.89% FL.max oriT od upe J 9pee129 0.04A
thumb rule
Note: If, in general, Rz
Rqin then as
0.12A(t) v100 10V
4n VEE.E-
TL.max (7 +1) O9asy
4x10 = 0.3306 or 33.06% Fig. 89 Fig. 90
If, n = 10, then P 121
L.max (10 + 1)2 JEOTuSObeol 2. For the series-parallel circuit given in Fig. 90, find V and I.

EXERCISE 3. For the circuit of Fig. 91, find I and V. U=-1A, V =TV]
in ohms unless stated otherwise.
Note: All resistances in the undergiven problems are
ebon gnizr8e prt ah awle a 3 22V 9V

(000S Jagold
Kirchhoff's Current Law: Va0.c VRE.
1. The circuit of Fig. 85 shows a typical interconnection in a telephone system. Find oltieoqoqu
Vs men0an
and 6 1 2 mA, I, =-11 mA]| 2A) 6V2
Ifoizoq9que ghlat nosd
2 mA 1 -3 mA 16V
Fig. 92
Fig. 91
8 mA sA In the circuit of Fig. 92, find the
unknowm voltages V4 and Vs. V4 15V, Vs 7V]

30A 4.

Source Conversion
6 mA 13 and (6).
B conversions for the circuits of Fig. 93(a)
1. Find the source

[15V, 182 series resistor ; 8A, 3Q parallel resistor

Fig. 85 Fig. 86 TO
Engineerng ww DC Networe Theorems
60 ABC of
Apply the superpositiot thesrem
and find the eurrent
through 252 resistanee
of the
O ciretift shown in Fit. 100
Eleet E n . Nurue Unit, 2003)

24V 3Caleuliate the eument flowing throuigh the 2-42 resistianee in Fig 101
theore1 by using stiperposition
(Elect Emt Nerspur Univ. Z004)
Fig. 4
circt ot Fig. 94. I1 (0.092A
Fig. 93 curent/
for the
method to find



current R.GPV Bhopal 5A
Mesh Analysis
in Fig. 95 by Elect, Engg..
Solve the network
,3.82A, 2 0.545
method, Fig. 101
loop-current Fig
96 using 4 Use the superposition theorem
shown in Fig , - 1A I 2A, 13 3 to find current Ein the circuit shown in Fig 102
in the (Eleet Eg Nergprur Univ. 2004)
Find ,, 1 and /
w 0.968A
w 5 Using superposition theorem, find the value of the output voltage Vy in the circuit off
Fig. 103. (Eleet. Engg. Nagprur Univ. 2004)

20 io sov 10V
6V 10V
Fig. 96
Fig. 95
Nodal Analysis
find the voltage of node A
in Fig. 97.
IVA-13.33V 6AO 45V
method to
1.Use node voltage
Fig. 103 Fig 104
100 300
Thevenin's Theorem
600 15V 2O in Fig 104. All resistances are in
15V 1. Use Thevenin's theorem to find voltage across R
kilohm (k2).
10 between terminals 4 and B for the network
Fig. 98 2 Find the Thevenin equivalent circuit of the current
H25A, Le Îrom B to 4
Fig. 97 calculate the value
branch AB for the circuit
shown in Fig. 98 using noda
AEEI in Fig. 105 and then
through the
P. V, Bhopal, 2006
Determine curent
2. R.G
(Basic Elect. Engg., ww
analysis 2.35V, Vz =3.06
Superposition Theorem 6.40 T12V
30V TiOV
the 52 resistor using superpositio
1. For the circuit of Fig. 99, determine current I through (Elect. Engg. Nagpur Univ 2004
[2.104A Fig. 106
10 15V Fig. 105 to represent the given
w- circuit wihich may be used
25 3. Determine Thevenin equivalent Vh5.68V, Rh=2.21Q1
15 A0 network of Fig. 106 at the teminals 4 and B.

2A10 A/Y Conversions
T 20V 30389 delta network of Fig. 107 into a wye network. 62.5Q1
(vi.Convert the R= 1250, R, 25, R, =

hollerboleng DFig. 99 0817e Fig. 100
62 ABC of Electrical Engineering

40 DC Network Theorems 63

R 500 200
T120V R 180VT

w w

Fig. 113
- MPT Theorem Fig. 114
R-100 1. Calculate the
Fig. 107 Fig. 108 using maximum power power delivered to load
resistor R, of the circuit
2 In the transfer theorem. of Fig. 114
delta network shown
2. Convert the wye network of Fig. 108 into a
R 8 . 5 2 , Rg = 3.49, Rc = 179 power is
Fig. 115, find the value of
across it. What is load resistor 9W
the maximum power? R so that maximum
3. Using star-delta transformation, determine resistance between terminals A and C o [6.4772, 0.3W]
Fig. 109. (Elect. Engg., Nagpur Univ., 2005
roteoge RAC=0.58Q|
Fig. 115
3. In thecircuit shown in Fig. 116, obtain Fig. 116
the condition for
load Rz. Hence determine the maximum power transfer to the
maximum power transferred.
RL7.1 Q 178 mW]
1. In electrical
network, mesh is defiend as
(a) any closed path
B (6) the shortest possible loop
(b) a loop containing other loops
(d) the longest loop
2. An ideal
Fig. 109 Fig. 110 voltage source in one that
and B in the network of Fig. 110. (a) provides constant voltage irrespectve of current.
4. Determine the resistance between points A 3.850 (b) has small internal resistance
Norton Theorem (c) supplies constant current
(d) delivers constant power
I. Using Norton's theorem, calculate the current flowing through the 122 resistor of ideal current source has
Fig. 111. [1.33A o An
(a) zero internal resistance (b) infinite internal resistance
20 (C)low value of voltage a)large value of curent
4. According to Kirchhoff's current law
(a) at any node, currents algebraically sum to zero
of it
T 36V T60V cooc6) all that goes into a node, need not come out
12A (c) arithmatic sum of currents at a node is zero
(d) incoming currents need not equal outgoing currents atconoie sir 81
5. Kirchhoff's voltage law is concerned with PO0E (
Fig. 111 Fig. 112 (6) battery e.m.fs
(a) IR drops
2. Use Norton's theorem to calculate the current () both (a) and (b)
passing through the 6 Q resistor o (c) junction voltages
(Basic Elect. Engg. R.GP.V, Bhopal, 2006)
Fig. 112.
3 Using Norton's current-source
6. Kirchhoff's voltage law is applicable
equivalent circuit of the network shown in Fig. 113, d) passive networks
the current that will flow
through the resistor R when it takes the values of 12, 24 and (a) any closed path (6) any
node )every branch
ohm respectively.
t d psolai O a(Elect. Circuits, South Gujarat Un vodsali
14A, 3A, 2.4A
Engineering to a voltage soure
64 ABC of Electrical resistance is cquivalent ce
and 302 parallel
source of 15A (d) 30
A current
DC Nenwork Theorems
7 volt and
32 series ()10 22 The Thevenin's
(b) 45 (ay equivalent of any complex imear eirtit
current souree
(a) 5 with series comsists et
Mesh analysis
is based on (b) KCL
of energy (c)voltage source with parallelresistance 6 eument souree with parallel resistance
(d) law of
23 Source conversion resistanee (h voltage source
(a) KVL process helps in with series resistance
Ohm s law clectrical
networks (a) voltage source into a eurrent convertinig a
mcthod of solving
(b) utilizes
Kirchhoff's voltage law (eyseries resistance to a parallel sorte (by eurrent source into a
voltage sourte
Maxwell 's loop
(d) is a
r e d u c t i o n method 24 According to MPT, maximum resistance ( Both (y nd ()
branch power is transferred to a load resistance if it is
R.GP Bhopal, June uiuidiu
uses circuits
confined to single-loop (Basic Elect. Enge,
2007 (a) Thevenin
resistance ot the
supply source equal to
(b) Norton (e) ohmie
on reference node () none of the above
10. Nodal analysis depends (6) selecting number of equatior
(a) applying KVL
(d) using
comparing node
circuit, then number of cquations need
if there are n
nodes in the ANSWERS
11. In n node analysis,
network is
(d)n-2 3 4
to slove the (c) 9. b 10. b 7
(a) n-1
(6) n+1
(Basic Elect. Engg. R. GPV, Bhopal 200 16. e
11. a 14 a
17 d 18. b
d 23. d 24. a
choice of a refernce n.
12. Point out the wrong complex
techinque of solving
In the node voltage
does not
of the circuit
oosb potsh8 btol
(a) affect the operation elements
a c r o s S any
(b) change the voltage pair of nodes.
difference between any
(c) alter the potential nodes.
of various
(d) affect the voltage circuits 591091 10 nl
theorem is meant for solving.. non-resistive (d) simple
(b) non-linear (c)
(a) linear
linear circuit to a
Thevenin's theorem
reduces any complex circuit leobi nA
with a series resistance (b) simple series (o)
(a) voltage source circuit.01g
(d) series-parallel 26 (y
(c) parallel circuit
applications of MPT theorem include (o)
15. Practical networkse
(a) electronic networks
(b) communication ()
(d) all of the
(c)audio systems transferred to a load
resistance RL IS maximum whe
to MPT theorem, power
16. According (c) R = Rh (d) R 2Rh
(a) R R (b) R> R delivered to a load if load resistance is |
maximum power is
17. What percentage of the which it is connected?
resistance of the source to
times greater than the Thevenin
(b) 40% c) 35.39% ( d ) 33.06%
(a) 25%
Engg. West Bengal Tech. Univ. 200 Hence
(Basic Elect.
18. The efficiency in the case of maximum power transfer theorem
than 50% (d) 50%- 100%
(a) 100% (b) 50% (c) less
19. An electric circut is an electric network which contains at least one

(c)branch (d) mesh

(a) node (b) closed path
20. Circuit analysis is the process of finding..in one or more circuit components
p d ) voltage drop bpale sna gadr od
(a) voltage (b) current (c) power Ymgd ad oiols laade Jra
21. Kirchhoff's current law is based on the law of conservation of
of theab
(a) energy (b) power (c) chargee (d) none

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