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• Water reduction from the product is often called drying

or dehydration. However, drying and dehydration have
a different meaning.
• Drying: is to remove or reduce the water content of the
material until it reaches the normal equilibrium with a
moisture content of the surrounding air or when water
content of materials are safe from enzyme activity and
DRYING fungi, bacteria, or insects attack. Various materials
generally occurs at 12-14% moisture content.
• Dehydration is the excessive lost or the reduction of
moisture content deeply into bone dry. Bone dry
conditions is zero (0) moisture content.

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• Drying is done to secure the economic value of Advantages of Drying Fruits and Vegetables:
products for the following reasons: 1. Reduced product weight ¼ to 1/9 so reduce
– Harvesting can be done earlier in a high moisture transportation costs.
content without damage and facilitate following
processes such as peeling and threshing. For 2. The need of storage is smaller because of
example, in maize, rice, or other grains. product volume reduced
– The product can be stored a long time without 3. Products can be durable without preservatives.
4. The concentration of nutrients per unit of weight
– Seed vigor can be maintained for a long time.
is very high.
– Handling product easier for example in cotton and
maize 5. Processing costs will be lower.
– Products can be produced with high economic value
such as the tobacco, dried fruit and vegetables
– Waste can be converted into useful products, such as
animal feed.

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• Formulas used in calculation of refraction:
• Moisture content is often expressed based on wet weight – Kg of removed water per kg of wet material :
(wet basis) or based on the dry weight (dry basis). E/F = (m1-m2)/(100-m2) or E/F = (M1-M2)/(M1+100)
• Moisture content wet basis expressed as a percentage of – Kg of removed water from kg of dry material :
the wet weight of the material (g water/100 g sample): m = E/P = (m1-m2)/(100-m1) or E/P=(M1-M2)/(M2+100)
100Wm / (Wm + Wd) where m: wet basis moisture content, – Kg of wet product produce kg dry product :
Wm: water weight and Wd: bone dry weight of material. F/P=(100-m2)/(100-m1) or F/P=(M1+100)/(M2+100)
A simple way to calculate is: m = (WW-DW) / WWx100%, – Kg of dried product per kg of wet product :
WW: wet weight, and DW: dry weight. P/F=(100-m1)/(100-m2) or P/F=(M2+100)/(M1+100)
• Dry basis moisture content is the ratio of water to the dry – Kg of removed water per kg of dried product :
weight of material: M = 100 (Wm / Wd) = 100m / (100-m). E/Wd=(100m1-m2)/(100-m1)(100-m2) or
A simple way to calculate is : (WW-DW) / WW. E/wd=M1-M2
• Moisture content wet basis is often not appropriate when • Where F: wet weight (Wm+Wd),
used in drying because both the moisture content and the E: the weight of evaporated water,
basis weight changes in the drying process. P: weight after drying,
Wd: dry weight of material
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• Direct method (using oven): the water is vaporized • Agricultural products containing materials that absorb water
so has varied water vapor pressure according to the
then wet weight and dry weight were weighed. The different levels of the water or to the type of material types.
length time and temperature of drying until a constant The ratio of saturated water vapor pressure from the pure
moisture content varied between materials: water vapor pressure at the temperature called to as the
– Grains: 204-212oF for 5 hours with a vacuum oven, or 271- equilibrium relative humidity. Curve between equilibrium
279oF for 2 hours with a regular oven relative humidity with water content is called equilibrium
– Dried fruit: 158oF with a vacuum oven. moisture content.
• Indirect method: based on the diversity of resistance or • Curve equilibrium moisture content is expressed in the
equation: 1-rh=e-cTMEn, with rh : equilibrium relative
electrical capacity of the material in relation to the humidity, ME : equilibrium water content, T : temperature,
water content of materials which then can be c and n : constants.
calibrated into water content of the material. This tool Examples of constants: corn: c = 1.10x10-5 and n=1.90,
is generally called a moisture tester. Soybeans: c=3.20x10-5 n=1.52.
• Equilibrium properties is important in drying and storage.
If the rh air > equilibrium moisture content of materials,
material moisture content will increase and vice versa.

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• In the drying mechanism can be divided into two:

constant rate period and falling rate period.
– Constant rate period : on the material contains a
lot of water or water on the surface material that can
be evaporated easily. Drying the water content is
going to increase constant rate period . Constant
rate period stops when free water on surface has
been depleted evaporated.
– Falling rate period : generally occurs in agricultural
materials. Drying process in falling rate period
consists of the movement of water vapor from inner
material to the surface and water evaporation from
the surface.

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Kurva Laju Pengeringan

 Relation with this in drying agricultural products can not be
directly applied to high temperature and needs tempering – The curve drying rate shows the drying rate of water
(stop drying a while) in order to perfectly drying but did not discharge of the dried product. There is a relationship
over dried. between the drying rate, drying time, and water
– At drying time, the product does not lose water
constantly, even in conditions with constant heat. For
example in the first 2 hours can dry 90%, there could
be 2 hours later could not finish drying the rest (10%).
It is as seen on curve of drying rate vs drying time.

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Drying time vs Drying rate

Moisture content vs Drying time

Moisture content vs Drying rate

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• Drying procedure and the type of equipment used
depends on the material resistance to temperature, • Drying Fruits and Vegetables procedures:
moisture, pressure, and the flow rate of materials. minimally consists of three stages: pre-drying,
Tobacco, for example, are sensitive to humidity and drying and post-drying treatment.
temperature, and is not resistant to pressure, and do  Pre-drying treatment: includes preparation of
not have the ability to flow. Otherwise of corn, raw materials and color preservation.
resistant to temperature, pressure, humidity, and
Preparation of raw materials include: sorting
material flowed easily.
(size, maturity, and performance), washing,
• Factors that affect the drying rate of horticultural
cutting and blanching (boiling to stop the
o Composition of raw materials
enzymatic reaction). Preservation of color is
o The size, shape, and composition of the accumulation done with sulfuring (SO2), for example to
procedure prevent browning.
o Temperature, relative humidity, and air flow
o Pressure and heat transfer to the product surface.

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 Conduction / Adiabatic / Indirect Drying • Application of hot air (convective or direct drying).
System : Direct contact between the product Air heating increases the driving force for heat
with a hot surface or hot particles. transfer and accelerates drying. It also reduces
 Convection Drying System: air heated to a airrelative humidity, further increasing the driving
certain level and then air as a medium for
transferring heat to the product. force for drying.
 Radiation Systems: products become dry • In the falling rate period, as moisture content falls,
because it absorbs energy from a source that the solids heat up and the higher temperatures
emit electromagnetic radiation. The absorbed speed up diffusion of water from the interior of the
energy is then converted into heat to solid to the surface.
evaporate water from the these cells

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• Indirect or contact drying (heating through a hot wall),

as drum drying, vacuum drying. higher wall
• However, product quality considerations limit the temperatures will speed up drying but this is limited by
applicable rise to air temperature. Excessively hot product degradation or case-hardening. Drum
air can almost completely dehydrate the solid drying belongs in this category.
surface, so that its pores shrink and almost close,
• Dielectric drying (radiofrequency or microwaves being
leading to crust formation or "case hardening"
absorbed inside the material). It may be used to assist
air drying or vacuum drying.
• Freeze drying or lyophilization is a drying method where
the solvent is frozen prior to drying and is
then sublimed, i.e., passed to the gas phase directly
from the solid phase, below the melting point of the

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• Freeze Drying increasingly applied to dry foods,
beyond its already classical pharmaceutical or • Batch or bin dryer.
medical applications. It keeps biological properties – The dried material is placed in batch or
of proteins, and retains vitamins and bioactive containers. This drying system is simple,
compounds. Pressure can be reduced by a high rather cheap, and can be used as a storage.
vacuum pump (though freeze drying at – The dried material should have a resistance to
atmospheric pressure is possible in dry air). If pressure or not easily broken
using a vacuum pump, the vapor produced by
sublimation is removed from the system by
converting it into ice in a condenser, operating at
very low temperatures, outside the freeze drying

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– Some types of bath drying system: the heat source

from below, sides, slope area, and central.
– The modification is aimed to ensure drying
uniformity and ease of loading-unloading product.
Continuous Gravity Flow driers:
– Shaped like silos, usually for drying materials /
products in granules shape.
– Wet material is inserted through a hoper from
above, then move down with gravity and lifted up
again by bucket elevators.
– While the material moves downward, the hot air
discharged from the silo to penetrate the material.

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Solar energy Dryer

– Solar energy is collected in the drying unit which has
adequate evaporation ventilation hole to dispose of
water vapor. The temperature in this tool is about 20-30
degrees higher than in the open area with sunlight so
that drying time is shorter. The weakness of this tool is
only dependent on the weather.

Solar energy Dryer

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Tray Drier
– The dried product is spread thinly on the shelves dryers.
– Heating can be derived from the air flow across the tray, or
the conduction from the heating tray, or radiation from a hot
surface, but generally by convection with the flow of hot air.
– Airflow generally ranges from 5 to 5 m / s / m 2 across the
tray and dispose of water vapor at the same time.
– This type of dryer for small scale around 1-20 t / day.

Tray Dryer
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Tunnel Dryer
– Is one of the commercial dryers that are flexible,
efficient, and widely used.

Tunnel Drier

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