Geochemistry, Pathways and Processes (052-072)
Geochemistry, Pathways and Processes (052-072)
Geochemistry, Pathways and Processes (052-072)
36 G E O C H E M I S T R Y : PAT H WAY S A N D P R O C E S S E S
intensive properties. These might be pressure and viscos- equilibrium with C, then A is in equilibrium with C.”
ity, for example, or acoustic velocity and molar volume. Notice—this is important—that figure 3.1a could de-
To study the concept of temperature, let’s examine the re- scribe either system. We could just as well have varied
lationship between pressure and molar volume, using the pressure and molar volume in the other system and
symbols p and v̄ in one system, and P and V̄ in the other. found an infinite number of values of p and v̄ that lead
(Refer back to chapter 1 to confirm that molar volume, to thermal equilibrium with the system at P1,V̄1. These
the ratio of volume to the number of moles in the sys- values would define a curve on a graph of p versus v̄,
tem, is indeed an intensive property. Notice, also, that shown in figure 3.1b.
we are now beginning to use the convention of an over- Curves like these are called isothermals. What we
score to identify molar quantities, as described in chap- have just demonstrated is that states of a system have the
ter 1.) same temperature if they lie on an isothermal. Further-
If we place the two containers in contact, changes of more, two systems have the same temperature if their
pressure and molar volume will take place spontaneously states on their respective isothermals are in thermal equi-
in each system until, if we wait long enough, no further librium. These two statements, together, define what we
changes occur. When the two systems reach that point, mean by “temperature.” You could express these two
they are in thermal equilibrium. Let’s now measure their statements algebraically by saying that the each of iso-
pressures and molar volumes and label them P1, V̄1 and therms in our example can be described by a function:
p1, v̄1. There is no reason to expect that P1 will neces-
sarily be the same as p1 or that V̄1 will be equal to v̄1. In f(p, v̄) = t or F(P, V̄) = T,
general, the systems will not have identical properties. and that the systems are in thermal equilibrium if t = T.
If we separate the systems for a moment, we will find Functions like these, which define the interrelationships
it possible to change one of them so that it is described among intensive properties of a system, are called equa-
by new values P2 and V̄2 that still lead to thermal equi- tions or functions of state.
librium with the system at p1 and v̄1. There are, in fact, Because many real systems behave in roughly similar
an infinite number of possible combinations of P and V̄ ways, several standard forms of the equation of state
that satisfy this condition. These combinations define a have been developed. We find, for example, that many
curve on a graph of P versus V̄ (fig. 3.1a). Each combi- gases at low pressure can be described adequately by the
nation of P and V̄ describes a state of the system in ther- ideal gas law:
mal equilibrium with p1 and v̄1. All points on the curve
are, therefore, also in equilibrium with each other. This PV̄ = RT,
observation has been called the zeroth law of thermo-
dynamics: “If A is in equilibrium with B and B is in in which R is the gas constant, equal to 1.987 cal mol−1
K−1. Other gases, particularly those containing many
atoms per molecule or those at high pressure, are char-
acterized more appropriately by expressions like the Van
der Waals equation:
WO R K same at all places in the gas and the gas is not expanding
in mechanical equilibrium with its surroundings.
In general terms, work is performed whenever an object
is moved by the application of a force. An infinitesimal THE FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS
amount of work dw, is therefore described by writing:
During the 1840s, a series of fundamental experiments
dw = F dx,
were performed in England by the chemist James Joule.
in which F is a generalized force and dx is an infinitesi- In each of them, a volume of water was placed in an in-
mal displacement. By convention, we define dw so that sulated container, and work was performed on it from
it is positive if work is performed by a system on its the outside. Some of these experiments are illustrated in
surroundings, and negative if the environment performs figure 3.2. The paddle wheel, iron blocks, and other
work on the system. We know from experience that an mechanical devices are considered to be parts of the
object may be influenced simultaneously by several insulated container. The temperature of the water was
forces, however, so it is more useful to write this equa- monitored during the experiments, and Joule reported
tion as: the surprising result that a specific amount of work per-
formed on an insulated system, by any process, always
dw = ΣF dx .
i i results in the same change of temperature in the system.
The forces may be hydrostatic pressure, P, or may be di-
rected pressure, surface tension, or electrical or magnetic
potential gradients. All forms of work, though, are equiv-
alent, so the total work performed on or by a system can
be calculated by including all possible force terms in the
equation for dw. The thermodynamic relationships that
build on the equation do not depend on the identity of
the forces involved.
This description of work is broader than it often needs
to be in practice. Work is performed in most geochemi-
cal systems when a volume change dV is generated by
application of a hydrostatic pressure:
dw = P dV.
What changed inside the container, and how do we it tells us that the work done on a system by an adiabatic
explain Joule’s results? In physics, work is often intro- process is equal to the increase in its internal energy, a
duced in the context of a potential energy function. For function of the state of the system. We may conclude fur-
example, a block of lead may be lifted from the floor to ther that if a system is isolated, rather than simply closed
a tabletop by applying an appropriate force to it. When behind an adiabatic wall, no work can be performed on
this happens, we recognize not only that an amount of it from the outside, and its internal energy must remain
work has been expended on the block, but also that its constant.
potential energy has increased. Usually, problems of this Equation 3.1 can be expanded to say that for any
type assume that no change takes place in the internal system, a change in internal energy is equal to the sum
state of the block (that is, its temperature, pressure, and of the heat gained (dq) and the work performed on the
composition remain the same as the block is lifted), so system (−dw):
the change in potential energy is just a measure of the
change in the block’s position. When Joule performed dE = dq − dw. (3.2)
work on the insulated containers of water, however, it
Notice that dE is a small addition to the amount of in-
was not the position of the water that changed, but its
ternal energy already in the system. Because this is so,
internal state, as measured by a change in its tempera-
the total change in internal energy during a geochemical
ture. The energy function used to describe this situation
process is equal to the sum of all increments dE:
is called the internal energy (symbolized by E) of the
system, and Joule’s results can be expressed by writing dE = Efinal − Einitial = ∆E.
dE = −dw. (3.1) The value of ∆E, in other words, does not depend on
how the system evolves between its end states. In fact, if
Thus, there are two ways to change the internal en- the system were to evolve along a path that eventually
ergy of a system. First, as we implied when considering returns it to its initial state, there would be no net change
the meaning of temperature, energy can pass directly whatever in its internal energy. This is an important
through system walls if those walls are noninsulating. property of functions of state, described in more mathe-
Energy transferred by this first mode is called heat. If matical detail in appendix A.
Joule’s containers had been noninsulators, he could have In contrast, the values of dq and dw describe the
produced temperature changes without performing any amount of heat or work expended across system bound-
work, simply by lighting a fire under them. Second, as aries, rather than increments in the amount of heat or
Joule demonstrated, the system and its surroundings can work “already in the system.” When we talk about heat
perform work on each other. or work, in other words, the emphasis is on the process
To investigate these two modes of energy transfer, of energy transfer, not the state of the system. For this
we need to distinguish between two types of walls that reason, the integral of dq or dw depends on which path
can surround a closed system. What we have spoken of the system follows from its initial to its final state. Heat
loosely as an “insulated” wall is more properly called and work, therefore, are not functions of state.
an adiabatic wall. (The Greek roots of the word adia-
batic mean, appropriately, “not able to go through.”) Worked Problem 3.1
Adiabatic processes, like those in Joule’s experiments,
do not involve any transfer of heat between a system and Consider the system illustrated in figure 3.3, whose initial state
its surroundings. Perfect adiabatic processes are seldom is described by a pressure P1 and a temperature T1. This might
seen in the real world, but geochemists often simplify be, for example, a portion of the atmosphere. Recall that the
natural environments by assuming that they are adia- equation of state that we use to define isothermals for this sys-
tem tells us what the molar volume, V̄1, under these conditions
batic. A nonadiabatic wall, however, allows the passage
is. For ease of calculation, assume that the equation of state for
of heat. It is possible to perform work on a system that this system is the ideal gas law, V̄ = RT/P. Compare two ways
is bounded by either type of wall. in which the system might slowly evolve to a new state in which
Equation 3.1 is an extremely useful statement, re- P = P2 and T = T2. In the first process, let pressure increase
ferred to as the First Law of Thermodynamics. In words, slowly from P1 to P2 while the temperature remains constant, then
A First Look at Thermodynamic Equilibrium 39
P1T2 P2T2
w2 = PdV̄ + PdV̄. determination of direction theoretically. On the basis
P1T1 P1T2
of experience with natural processes, therefore, we are
To evaluate these four integrals, find an expression for dV̄ by driven to formulate a Second Law of Thermodynamics.
expressing the equation of state as a total differential of V̄(T, P):
In its simplest form, first stated by Rudolf Clausius in the
dV̄ = (∂V̄/∂T)P dT + (∂V̄/∂P)T dP = (R/P)dT − (RT/P2)dP, middle of the nineteenth century, the Second Law says
and substitute the result into w1 and w2 above. The result, after that heat cannot spontaneously pass from a cool body to
integration, is that the work performed on path 1 is: a hotter one. Another way of stating this, which may also
be useful, is that any natural process involving a transfer
w1 = R[(T2 − T1) + T1 ln(P1 /P2)]
of energy is inefficient, with the result that a certain
but the work performed on path 2 is: amount is irreversibly converted into heat that cannot be
w2 = R[(T2 − T1) + T2 ln(P1 /P2)], involved in further exchanges. The Second Law, there-
fore, is a recognition that natural processes have a sense
which is clearly different. Similarly, if we had a function for dq,
the heat gained, we could integrate it to show that q1 and q2, the
of direction.
amounts of heat expended along these paths, must also be dif- Two difficult concepts are embedded in what we have
ferent. We are about to do just that. just said. One is spontaneity and the other is reversi-
bility. A spontaneous change is one that, under the right
40 G E O C H E M I S T R Y : PAT H WAY S A N D P R O C E S S E S
dS = (dq/T)rev, (3.3)
dSsys > 0.
This result is more open ended than the previous one. the other with 1 mole of argon. If the wall is removed, we ex-
Although the entropy change due to internal heat ex- pect that the two gases will mix spontaneously rather than re-
changes in any system will always be positive, it says maining in their separate ends of the system. It would require
considerable work to separate the nitrogen and argon again.
that we have no way of predicting whether the overall
(See problem 3.5 at the end of this chapter.) By randomizing the
dSsys of a nonisolated system will be positive unless we
positions of gas molecules and contributing to a loss of order
also have information about dq1′, dq2′, and the tempera- in the system, we have caused an increase in entropy.
ture in the world outside the system. Suppose that the mixing takes place isothermally, and that
To appreciate this ambiguity, think back to the differ- the only work involved is mechanical. Assume also, for the sake
ence between placing a glass of ice water on the kitchen of simplicity, that both argon and nitrogen are ideal gases. How
counter and placing it in the freezer. In both cases, inter- much does the entropy increase in the mixing process? First,
write equation 3.2 as:
nal heat exchange results in an increase in system en-
tropy. When the glass is refrigerated, however, (dq1′/T1) dq = dE + PdV.
and (dq2′/T2) become potentially large negative quantities, Because we agreed to carry out the experiment at constant
with the result that the change due to internal processes temperature, dE must be equal to zero. Using the equation of
is overwhelmed and the entropy within the glass de- state for an ideal gas, we can see that dq now becomes:
creases. The Second Law, therefore, does not rule out
dq = (nRT/V)dV,
the possibility that thermodynamic processes can reverse
direction. It does tell us, though, that a spontaneous from which:
change can only reverse direction if heat is lost to some dS = dq/T = (nR/V)dV.
external system. A local decrease in entropy must be ac- (Notice that this problem is cast in terms of volume, rather than
companied by an even larger increase in entropy in the molar volume, because we need to keep track of the number of
world at large. When we have difficulty with this notion, moles, n.) We can think of the current problem as one in which
as we commented earlier, it is usually because we have each of the two gases has been allowed to expand from its ini-
not been clear about defining the size and boundaries of tial volume (V1 or V2 ) into the larger volume V1 + V2 . For each,
the system. Therefore, except for those cases in which a then, the entropy change due to isothermal expansion is:
system evolves sufficiently slowly that we are justified in ∆Si = ∆ni R ln([V1 + V2 ]/Vi ),
approximating its path as a reversible one, its change in
and the combined entropy change is:
entropy must be defined not by equation 3.3, but by:
∆S1 + ∆S2 = n1R ln([V1 + V2 ]/V1) + n2 R ln([V1 + V2 ]/V2 ).
dS > (dq/T )irrev. (3.4) This can be simplified by defining the mole fraction, Xi, of either
gas as Xi = ni /(n1 + n2) = Vi /(V1 + V2 ); thus,
where the bar over ∆S̄ is our standard indication that it has
Entropy is commonly described in elementary texts as been normalized by n1 + n2 and is now a molar quantity. The
a measure of the “disorder” in a system. For those who entropy of mixing will always be a positive quantity, because X1
learned about entropy through statistical mechanics, fol- and X2 are always <1.0. The answer to our question, therefore,
lowing the approach pioneered by Nobel physicist Max is that entropy increases by:
Planck in the early 1900s, this may make sense. This is 2 × ∆S̄ = 2 × −(1.987)(0.5 ln 0.5 + 0.5 ln 0.5)
sometimes less than satisfying for people who address
= 2.76 cal K−1 or 11.55 J K−1.
thermodynamics as we have, because the mathematical
definition in equations 3.3 and 3.4 doesn’t seem to address
entropy in those terms. To see why it is valid to think of en-
tropy as an expression of disorder, consider this problem. REPRISE: THE INTERNAL ENERGY
Worked Problem 3.2
With the First and Second laws in hand, we can now
Two adjacent containers are separated by a removable wall. return to the subject of equilibrium, which was defined
Into one of them, we introduce 1 mole of nitrogen gas. We fill informally at the beginning of this chapter as a state in
A First Look at Thermodynamic Equilibrium 43
The description of entropy as a measure of disorder dynamics. The biologic concept of order, although
is probably the most often used and abused concept potentially connected to thermodynamics in the realm
in thermodynamics. In many applications, the idea of biochemistry, is based largely on functional com-
of “disorder” is coupled with the inference from the plexity, not equations for energy utilization. The sit-
Second Law that entropy should increase through uation becomes even murkier when applied to groups
time. Like all brief descriptions of complex ideas, of organisms, rather than to individuals.
though, the statement that “entropy measures system Furthermore, from a thermodynamic perspective,
disorder” must be treated with some care. It is com- living organisms cannot be viewed as isolated systems,
mon practice among chemical physicists to estimate separated from their inorganic surroundings. As we
the entropy of a system by calculating its statistical have tried to emphasize, the definition of system
degrees of freedom—computing, in effect, the num- boundaries is crucial if we are to interpret system
ber of different ways that atoms can be configured in changes by the Second Law. A refrigerator, for ex-
the system, given its bulk conditions of temperature, ample, might be mistakenly seen to violate the Sec-
pressure, and other intensive parameters. A less rig- ond Law if we failed to recognize that entropy in the
orous description of disorder, however, can lead to kitchen around it increases even as the contents of
very misleading conclusions about the entropy of a the refrigerator become more ordered.
system and thus the course of its evolution. Finally, we note that there may be instances in
Creationists, for example, have grasped at the idea which entropy and disorder in the macroscopic sense
of entropy as disorder as a vindication of their belief can be decoupled, even in a properly defined isolated
that biologic evolution is impossible. In their view, system. For example, if two liquids are mixed in an
“higher” organisms are more ordered than the more adiabatic container, we might expect that they will
primitive organisms from which biologists presume mix to a random state at equilibrium. We know,
that they evolved. Because this interpretation presents however, that other system properties may commonly
evolution as a historical progression from a less or- preclude a random mixture. Oil and vinegar in a salad
dered to a more ordered state, it describes an apparent dressing unmix readily, as a manifestation of differ-
violation of the Second Law. There are so many flaws ences in their bonding properties. If the attractive force
in this argument that it is difficult to know where to between similar ions or molecules is greater than that
begin to discuss it, and we will mention only a few. between dissimilar ones, then complete random mix-
The first is the question of the meaning of “order” ing would imply an increase, rather than a decrease, in
as applied to organisms or families of organisms. This both internal energy and entropy. A macroscopically
is far from a semantic problem, because it is by no ordered system, in other words, can easily be more
means clear that higher organisms are more ordered stable than a disordered one without shaking our
than primitive ones, from the point of view of thermo- faith in the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
which no change is taking place. The First Law restates Under most geologic conditions, mechanical (pressure-
this condition as one in which dE is equal to zero. From volume) work is the only significant contribution to dw,
the Second Law, we find that entropy is always maxi- and it is reasonable to substitute PdV for dw:
mized during the approach to equilibrium, and that dS
becomes equal to zero once equilibrium is reached. dE ≤ TdS − PdV. (3.5)
The results expressed in equations 3.3 and 3.4 can be
used to recast equation 3.2 as: This is a practical form of equation 3.2, although only
correct under the conditions just discussed. In most geo-
dE ≤ TdS − dw. logic environments, we assume that change takes place
44 G E O C H E M I S T R Y : PAT H WAY S A N D P R O C E S S E S
(∂T/∂V)S = −(∂P/∂S)V. (3.6)
V = (∂H/∂P)S.
This last equation is known as one of the Maxwell rela-
Enthalpy, like internal energy and entropy, can be
tionships. These and other similar expressions to be
shown to be a function of state, because it experiences
developed shortly can be used to investigate the inter-
no net change during a reversible cycle of reaction paths.
actions of S, P, V, and T. Some of these will be discussed
This makes it possible, among other things, to determine
more fully in chapter 9, when we look in more detail at
the amount of heat that would be exchanged in geolog-
the effects of changing temperature or pressure in the
ically important reactions, even when those reactions may
geologic environment.
be too sluggish to be studied directly at the low tempera-
tures at which they take place in nature. The careful de-
AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS OF STATE termination of such values is the business of calorimetry.
Because H is a function of state, it is also possible to
Equation 3.5 is adequate for solving most thermody-
extract one more Maxwell relation like equation 3.6 from
namic problems. In many situations, however, it is pos-
its cross-partial derivatives (also reviewed in appendix A):
sible to use equations of greater practical interest, which
can be derived by imposing environmental constraints
(∂T/∂P)S = (∂V/∂S)P. (3.8)
on the problem.
A First Look at Thermodynamic Equilibrium 45
The Helmholtz Function The total differential dF(T, V), when compared with
equation 3.9, yields the useful expressions:
By analogy with the way we introduced enthalpy,
S = −(∂F/∂T)V,
we can discover another useful function by writing equa-
tion 3.5 as: and
Under isothermal conditions, this expression is equiva- Because F is a function of state and dF(T, V ) is there-
lent to: fore a perfect differential, we also gain another Maxwell
d(E − TS) ≤ −PdV.
(∂S/∂V)T = (∂P/∂T)V . (3.10)
The function F = E − TS is best referred to as the Helm-
holtz function, although you may see it referred to else-
Although the Helmholtz function is rarely used in
where as Helmholtz free energy or the work function.
geochemistry, the Maxwell relationship equation 3.10 is
Unfortunately, a variety of symbols have been used
quite widely used. When we return for a second look at
for the internal energy, enthalpy, and Helmholtz func-
thermodynamics in chapter 9, equation 3.10 will be
tions, as well as Gibbs free energy, which is discussed
discussed as the basis of the Clapeyron equation, a means
shortly. This has led to some confusion in the literature.
for describing pressure-temperature relationships in
In the United States, F is commonly used to designate
Gibbs free energy (for example, in publications of the
National Bureau of Standards). The International Union
Gibbs Free Energy
of Pure and Applied Chemistry, however, has recom-
mended that G be the standard symbol for Gibbs free
The most frequently used thermodynamic quantity
energy. This usage, if not yet standard, is at least wide-
in geochemistry can be derived by writing equation 3.5 in
spread. In the United States, those who use F for Gibbs
the form:
free energy generally use the symbol A for the Helmholtz
function. To complete the confusion, internal energy, dE − TdS + PdV < 0.
which we have identified with the symbol E, is fre- Under conditions in which both temperature and pressure
quently referred to as U, to avoid confusing it with total are held constant, this expression becomes:
(internal plus potential plus kinetic) energy. Always be
sure you know which symbols you are using. Nicolas d(E − TS + PV) < 0.
Vanserg has written an excellent article on the subject, In the now familiar fashion in which we have already
which is listed among the references at the end of this defined H and F, we designate the quantity E − TS + PV
chapter (Vanserg 1958). with the symbol G and call it the Gibbs free energy, in
Because it might be mistaken for Gibbs free energy, honor of the Josiah Willard Gibbs, a chemistry professor
which is ultimately a more useful function in geochem- at Yale University, who wrote a classic series of papers in
istry, it is best to avoid the term Helmholtz free energy. the 1870s in which virtually all of the fundamental equa-
The name work function, however, is fairly informative. tions of modern thermodynamics appeared for the first
The integral of dF at constant temperature is equal to time. Colloquially, among geochemists, it is common to
the work performed on a system. This expression has its speak simply of “free energy.”
greatest application in mechanical engineering. The differential dG can be written:
It is easy to derive the differential form dF:
dG = d(E − TS + PV) = dE − TdS − SdT
dF = d(E − TS) = dE − TdS −SdT, + PdV + VdP,
or or
As with the previous fundamental equations, we can where ∆G = G2 − G1, ∆H = H2 − H1, and ∆S = S2 − S1.
apply our knowledge of the total differential dG(T, P) of Energy is available to produce a spontaneous change
this state function to find that: in a system as long as ∆G is negative. According to equa-
tion 3.13, this can be accomplished under any circum-
−S = (∂G/∂T )P , V = (∂G/∂P)T ,
stances in which ∆H − T∆S is negative. Most exothermic
and changes, therefore, are spontaneous. Endothermic pro-
cesses (those in which ∆H is positive) can also be spon-
−(∂S/∂P)T = (∂V/∂T)P . (3.12) taneous, but only if they are associated with a large
positive change in entropy. This possibility was not ap-
It can be seen from equation 3.11 that the Gibbs free preciated at first by chemists. In fact, in 1879 the French
energy is the first of our fundamental equations written thermodynamicist Marcelin Berthelot used the term
solely in terms of the differentials of intensive parame- affinity, defined by A = −∆H, as a measure of the direc-
ters. This and the ease with which both temperature and tion of positive change. According to his reasoning, a
pressure are usually measured contributes to the great spontaneous chemical reaction could only occur if A > 0.
practical utility of this function. If an endothermic reaction turned out to be spontaneous,
However, what is “free” about the Gibbs free en- he assumed that some unobserved mechanical work
ergy? Consider the intermediate step in equation 3.11. must have been done on the system. As chemists be-
At constant temperature and pressure, this reduces to: came familiar with Gibbs’s papers on thermodynamics,
dG = dE − TdS + PdV. however, it became clear that Berthelot and others had
misunderstood the concept of entropy. Affinity was a
Substituting dE = dq − dw, we have:
theoretical blind alley.
dG = dq − dw − TdS + PdV. In summary, a thermodynamic change proceeds as
long as there can be a further decrease in free energy.
If the quantity of heat dq is transferred to the system
Once free energy has been minimized (that is, when dG
isothermally and any changes are reversible, then dq = TdS
= 0), the system has attained equilibrium.
and dw = dwrev , so we can rewrite this last expression as:
−dG = dwrev − PdV.
Worked Problem 3.3
The decrease in free energy of a system undergoing a
reversible change at constant temperature and pressure, To illustrate how enthalpy, entropy, and temperature are re-
therefore, is equal to the nonmechanical (i.e., not pressure- lated to G, consider what happens when ice or snow sublimates
volume) work that can be done by the system. If the at constant temperature. Those who live in northern climates
condition of reversibility is relaxed, then: will recognize this as a common midwinter phenomenon. Fig-
ure 3.8 is a schematic representation of the way in which vari-
−dG > dwirrev − PdV. ous energy functions change as functions of the proportions of
In either case, the change in G during a process is a meas- water vapor and ice in a closed system. (Strictly speaking, snow
does not sublimate into a closed system, but into the open at-
ure of the portion of the system’s internal energy that is
mosphere. On a still night, close to the ground, however, this
“free” to perform nonmechanical work.
is not a bad approximation.) Notice that the enthalpy of the
The free energy function provides a valuable practical system increases linearly as vaporization takes place. This can
criterion for equilibrium. At constant temperature, the be rationalized by noting we have to add heat to the system to
net change in free energy associated with a change from break molecular bonds in the ice. If enthalpy were the only fac-
state 1 to state 2 of a system can be calculated by inte- tor involved in the process, therefore, the system would be most
grating dG: stable when it is 100% solid, because that is where H is mini-
mized. Entropy, however, is maximized if the system is 100%
pure element at any temperature is equal to zero. The which gives ∆H̄3. If the solutions are identical, we can see that
same notation is used for internal energy and the Helm- the first of these equations is mathematically equivalent to the
holtz function as well, although they are less frequently second minus the third, so that:
In this way, solution calorimetry can be used to determine the With this new perspective, return for a moment to
enthalpy of formation for forsterite from its constituent oxides equation 3.13. It should now be clear that the symbol ∆
at low temperature. As you might expect, however, solvents has a different meaning in this context. In fact, although
suitable for silicate minerals (such as hydrofluoric acid or molten
it is rarely done, it would be less confusing to write equa-
lead borate) are generally corrosive and hazardous to handle.
tion 3.13 as:
Consequently, these experiments require considerable skill and
specialized equipment. Most geochemists refer to published ∆(∆G) = ∆(∆H) − T∆S,
collections of calorimetric data rather than making the meas-
urements themselves. in which the deltas outside the parentheses and on S refer
What we have just described is not a measurement of ∆H̄f0, to a change in state (that is, a change in these values dur-
because the reference comparison was to constituent oxides, ing some reaction), and the deltas inside the parentheses
not pure elements. If we wanted to determine ∆H̄f0, we would refer to values of G or H relative to some reference state.
search for tabulated data for reactions forming the oxides from We examine this concept more fully in later chapters.
pure elements (typically measured by some method other than
Although we have not felt it necessary to prove, it
solution calorimetry). Again, recalling that enthalpies are addi-
should be apparent that each of the functions E, H, F, G,
tive, we could recognize that ∆H̄f0 for MgO is defined by the
reaction: and S is an extensive property of a system. The amount of
energy or entropy in a system, therefore, depends on the
→ 2MgO,
2Mg + O2 ←
size of the system. In most cases, this is an unfortunate
and ∆H̄f0 for SiO2 is defined by: restriction, because we either don’t know or don’t care
→ SiO .
Si + O2 ← how large a natural system may be. For this reason, it is
customary to normalize each of the functions by divid-
Label these two values ∆H̄4 and ∆H̄5. Therefore, for the en-
ing them by the total number of moles of material in the
thalpy ∆H̄6 of the net reaction:
system, thus making each of them an intensive property.
→ Mg SiO ,
2Mg + 2 O2 + Si ← 2 4
Worked Problem 3.5 FIG. 3.10. If we choose to describe a system containing olivines
and pyroxenes, we need three components. Phase compositions
Olivine and orthopyroxene are both common minerals in basic lying outside the triangle of system components require negative
igneous rocks. For the purposes of this problem, assume that amounts of one or more components.
50 G E O C H E M I S T R Y : PAT H WAY S A N D P R O C E S S E S
Ei = (∂E/∂ni)S,V,n j ≠ i. (3.14)
FIG. 3.12. (a) Alkali micas and feldspars can be described by a
component set that includes KNa−1. (b) An orthogonal version of We have now identified a new thermodynamic quan-
the diagram in (a). Its vertical edges both point to KNa−1. tity, the partial molar internal energy, which describes
the way in which total internal energy for a phase re-
sponds to a change in the amount of component i in the
phase, all other quantities being equal. You may think of
CHANGES IN E, H, F, AND G it, if you like, as a chemical “pressure” or a force for en-
DUE TO COMPOSITION ergy change in response to composition, in the same way
that pressure is a force for energy change in response to
Consider an open system containing only magnesian volume. To emphasize the importance of this new func-
olivine, a pure phase. The internal energy of the system tion, it has been given the symbol µ i and is called the
is equal to E = ĒFonFo, where ĒFo is the molar internal en- chemical potential of component i in the phase.
ergy for pure forsterite and n Fo is the number of moles of The internal energy of a phase, then, is:
the forsterite component in the system. Suppose that it
E = E(S, V, n1, n2, . . , nj).
were possible to add a certain number of moles of the
fayalite component, nFa, to the one-phase system without We can rewrite equation 3.5 to include the newfound
causing any increase in energy as a result of the mixing chemical potential terms:
itself. Because E is an extensive property, the internal en-
ergy of the phase would then be equal to: dE ≤ TdS − PdV + µ1dn1 + µ2dn2 + . . .
In the same way, it can be shown that the auxiliary func- It is easiest to examine the equilibrium condition
tions H, F, and G are also functions of composition: among phases if we consider only the simple (and geo-
chemically unlikely) situation in which system compo-
dH ≤ TdS + VdP + µ1dn1 + µ2dn2 + . . . nents correspond one-for-one with components of the
+ µj dnj ≤ TdS + VdP + µi dni ,Σ (3.15b) individual phases. We also consider only the equilibrium
conditions for an isolated system. We are doing this only
dF ≤ −SdT − PdV + µ1dn1 + µ2dn2 + . . .
for the sake of simplicity, however. We would arrive at
+ µj dnj ≤ −SdT − PdV + µi dni , Σ (3.15c)
the same conclusions if we took on the more difficult
dG ≤ −SdT + VdP + µ1dn1 + µ2dn2 + . . . challenge of a closed or open system, or if we considered
+ µj dnj ≤ −SdT + VdP + µidni . Σ(3.15d) a set of system components that differ from the set of all
phase components.
Chemical potential, therefore, can be defined in several Because the system is isolated, we know that its ex-
equivalent ways: tensive parameters must be fixed. That is,
µi = (∂E/∂ni)S,V,n j ≠ i (3.16a)
dEsys = ΣdE Φ =0
dSsys = ΣdS
= (∂H/∂ni)S,P,n j ≠ i (3.16b)
dVsys = ΣdV
= (∂F/∂ni)T,V,n j ≠ i (3.16c)
dn1,sys = Σdn =0
= (∂G/∂ni)T,P,n j ≠ i (3.16d) 1,Φ
earlier in this chapter that this is true for temperature respect to the mole fraction of FeSiO3 is identical in pyroxene
and pressure; at equilibrium and in quartz. If it were possible to add the same infinitesimal
amount of FeSiO3 to each, the free energies of the two phases
TA = TB = . . . = TΦ would each change by the same amount:
µ2A = µ2B = . . . = µ2Φ One final, very useful relationship can be derived from
. this discussion of chemical potentials. Consider equa-
. tion 3.15a for a phase that is in equilibrium with other
µiA = µiB = . . . = µiΦ. phases around it. It is possible to write an integrated
form of equation 3.15a:
Because this conclusion is so crucial in geochemistry, we
emphasize it again: At equilibrium, the chemical poten- E = TS − PV + Σµ n . i i
tial of any component must be the same in all phases in a
Therefore, the differential energy change, dE, that takes
system. To be sure that these general results are clear, let’s
place if the system is allowed to leave its equilibrium
examine heterogeneous equilibrium in a specific system.
state by making small changes in any intensive or exten-
sive properties is:
Worked Problem 3.7
dE = TdS + SdT − PdV − VdP + Σ µ dn
i i
Heterogeneous equilibrium then requires that the intensive pa- This expression is known as the Gibbs-Duhem
rameters be:
equation. It tells us that there can be no net gradients in
Tqz = Tcpx = T intensive parameters at equilibrium. Of more specific in-
Pqz = Pcpx = P terest in geochemical problems, at constant temperature
and pressure, there can be no net gradient in internal
µ SiO ,qz = µ SiO ,cpx = µ SiO
2 2 2 energy as a result of composition in a phase in internal
µ FeSiO ,qz = µ FeSiO ,cpx = µ FeSiO equilibrium. This can be seen, in a way, as another way
3 3 3
µMgSiO ,qz = µMgSiO ,cpx = µMgSiO . of stating the conclusions from our discussion of hetero-
3 3 3
geneous equilibrium.
Notice that the chemical potentials of FeSiO3 and MgSiO3 are
defined in quartz, despite the fact that they are not components
of the mineral quartz itself, and µ SiO2 is defined in pyroxene, SUMMARY
although SiO2 is not a component of pyroxene. All three are
system components. The chemical potential of any component
What is equilibrium? Our discussion of the three laws
is a measure of the way in which the energy of a phase changes
if we change the amount of that component in the phase. For
of thermodynamics has led us to discover several char-
example, if chemical potentials are defined by equation 3.16d, acteristics that answer this question. First, systems in
the constraint on FeSiO3 should be read to mean that at con- equilibrium must be at the same temperature: this is the
stant temperature and pressure, the derivative of free energy with condition of thermal equilibrium. Second, provided that
54 G E O C H E M I S T R Y : PAT H WAY S A N D P R O C E S S E S
work is exclusively defined as the integral of PdV, there enlightening selection of articles designed for classroom use.
can be no pressure gradient between systems in equilib- Chapters 1–4 are particularly relevant to our first discussion
rium: this is the condition of mechanical equilibrium. of thermodynamics. Be prepared to stretch.)
Fraser, D. G., ed. 1977 Thermodynamics in Geology. Dordrecht,
Finally, the chemical potential of each component must
Holland: D. Reidel. (Topical chapters showing both funda-
be the same in all phases at equilibrium. This is the least
mentals and applications of thermodynamics.)
obvious of the conditions we have discussed, and is the Goldstein, M., and I. F. Goldstein. 1978. How We Know: An
focus of many discussions in subsequent chapters. Exploration of the Scientific Process. New York: Plenum.
We have also repackaged the internal energy function (The historical development of our notions of heat and tem-
in several ways and examined the role of entropy, which perature is discussed in chapter 4 of this thought-provoking
will always be maximized during the approach to equi- book.)
Greenwood, H. J., ed. 1977. Short Course in Application of
librium. To demonstrate that each of the equilibrium
Thermodynamics to Petrology and Ore Deposits. Mineral-
criteria is a direct consequence of the three laws, we used
ogical Association of Canada. (A very readable book, with
the internal energy function, E(S, V, n), as the basis of many sections of interest to economic geologists.)
our discussion. As we progress, though, we will quickly Kern, R., and A. Weisbrod. 1967. Thermodynamics for Geolo-
abandon E in favor of the Gibbs free energy. Any of the gists. San Francisco: Freeman, Cooper. (Perhaps the simplest
energy functions, however, can be used to clarify the con- treatment of thermodynamics available for the geologist,
ditions of equilibrium. although now a bit dated.)
With the ideas we have introduced in this chapter, we Lewis, G. N., and M. Randall. 1961. Thermodynamics, revised
by K. S. Pitzer and L. Brewer. New York: McGraw-Hill. (A
are now ready to begin exploring geologic environments.
classic text still in widespread use.)
This has only been a first look at thermodynamics, how- Nordstrom, D. K., and J. Munoz. 1985. Geochemical Thermo-
ever. We return to the topic many times. dynamics. Menlo Park: Benjamin Cummings. (An excellent
text for the serious student.)
suggested readings Smith, E. B. 1982. Basic Chemical Thermodynamics, 3rd ed.
New York: Oxford University Press. (A remarkably clear text
There are many good introductory texts in thermodynamics, for the serious beginner.)
although most are written for chemists rather than for geo- Thompson, J. B., J. Laird, and A. B. Thompson. 1982. Reactions
chemists. Among the best, or at least most widely used, texts for in amphibolite, greenschist, and blueschist. Journal of Petrol-
geochemists are listed here, along with excellent but challeng- ogy 23:1–27. (A good study for the motivated student. Re-
ing articles and historical accounts. actions in amphibole-bearing assemblages are discussed in
terms of exchange operators.)
Denbigh, K. 1968. The Principles of Chemical Equilibrium. Vanserg, N. 1958. Mathmanship. The American Scientist 46:
London: Cambridge University Press. (Heavy going, but al- 94A–98A. (This article does not deal with thermodynamics
most anything you want to know is in here somewhere.) directly, but is a commentary on the use of symbols. Its au-
Ferry, J. M., ed. 1982. Characterization of Metamorphism thor was better known by his real name, Hugh McKinstry,
through Mineral Equilibria. Reviews in Mineralogy 10. professor of geology at Harvard for many years.)
Washington, D.C.: Mineralogical Society of America. (An
A First Look at Thermodynamic Equilibrium 55
(3.1) Refer to figures 3.9 and 3.10. Notice that by adding or subtracting SiO2, we change the proportions
of olivine and pyroxene in a rock, but not their compositions. Changing the amount of any other
system component in figure 3.9 or 3.10, however, alters both the compositions and the proportions
of minerals. Can you find another set of components that includes one which, when varied, changes
the compositions but not the proportions of olivine and pyroxene?
(3.2) Show that the work done by 1 mole of a gas obeying the Van der Waals equation during isothermal
expansion from V1 to V2 is equal to w = RT ln([V̄2 − b]/[V̄1 − b] + a([1/V̄2] − [1/V̄1]).
(3.3) How much work can be obtained from the isothermal, reversible expansion of one mole of chlorine
gas from 1 to 50 liters at 0°C, assuming ideal gas behavior? What if chlorine behaves as a Van der
Waals gas? Use the result of problem 3.2; a = 6.493 l 2 atm mol−2, b = 0.05622 l mol−1.
(3.4) What is the maximum work that can be obtained by expanding 10 grams of helium, an ideal gas,
from 10 to 50 liters at 25°C? Express your answer in (a) calories, (b) joules.
(3.5) Suppose that a mixture of two inert gases is divided into two containers separated by a wall. Imagine
a microscopic valve placed in the wall that allows molecules of one gas to move into container A and
molecules of the other gas to move into container B, but does not allow either gas to move in the
opposite direction. Such an imaginary device is called Maxwell’s demon. How would such a device
violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics?
(3.6) What conditions must be satisfied if hematite, magnetite, and pyrite are in equilibrium in an ore
(3.7) Construct a triangular diagram for the alkali feldspar-mica system similar to figure 3.12a, but in
which you swap the positions of NaAl3Si3O10(OH)2 and KAlSi3O8. What component must now take
the place of KNa−1 at the top corner of the diagram? Where would this component have been plotted
on figure 3.12a? Where does KNa−1 plot on your diagram?
(3.8) Using the Maxwell relations, verify that −(∂V/∂T )P /(∂P/∂T)V = (∂V/∂P)T .