1. The document lists 40 references related to stunting in children.
2. Many of the references are journal articles, reports, and books that discuss causes of stunting, interventions to prevent stunting, and assessments of child growth and nutrition in Indonesia.
3. Key organizations referenced include the WHO, UNICEF, and Indonesia's Ministry of Health.
1. The document lists 40 references related to stunting in children.
2. Many of the references are journal articles, reports, and books that discuss causes of stunting, interventions to prevent stunting, and assessments of child growth and nutrition in Indonesia.
3. Key organizations referenced include the WHO, UNICEF, and Indonesia's Ministry of Health.
1. The document lists 40 references related to stunting in children.
2. Many of the references are journal articles, reports, and books that discuss causes of stunting, interventions to prevent stunting, and assessments of child growth and nutrition in Indonesia.
3. Key organizations referenced include the WHO, UNICEF, and Indonesia's Ministry of Health.
1. The document lists 40 references related to stunting in children.
2. Many of the references are journal articles, reports, and books that discuss causes of stunting, interventions to prevent stunting, and assessments of child growth and nutrition in Indonesia.
3. Key organizations referenced include the WHO, UNICEF, and Indonesia's Ministry of Health.
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