2 - H7GD Ib 13
2 - H7GD Ib 13
2 - H7GD Ib 13
DLP No.: 2 Learning Area: MAPEH (Health) Grade Level: 7 Quarter: First Duration: 1 hour
Competency/ ies: The learner describes developmental milestone as one grows. Code: H7GD-Ib-13
Key Concepts/
Understandings to Describes developmental milestone from infancy to old age.
be Developed:
1. Objectives
4. Procedures
4.3. Analysis The teacher will let each group discuss their topic in the class.
(10 minutes) Guide Questions:
1. What is the age group of each stage?
2. What are the different changes that one experienced in this stage?
2. What is/are the important point/s in the progress or development of each stage?
Each group will choose a representative to discuss their work to the class.
4.4. Abstraction After the group presentation, the teacher will give a brief background information about the stages
of human growth and development
(10 minutes)
4.5. Application Identify the different stages of development being describe by the statement below.
(5 minutes) __________1. Physical growth slows down considerably and they are more mobile and exploratory.
__________2. Children experienced distinct mental and physical change and they may become
more self- centered.
__________3. It is often noted when a person is considered chronologically, legally and
behaviorally ready to hold responsibilities.
__________4. During this stage children develop skills that will be lifelong resources and at this
stage they develop gross motor, fine motor and language skills.
__________5. At this stage, children become more independent and might start noticing the
physical changes of puberty and a major growth spurt can occur at this time.
1. Childhood
2. Adolescence
3. Adulthood
4. Infancy
5. Juvenile
6. Assignment
In a ¼ size illustration board, make a LIFE MAP that will show your journey from infancy to old age.
inspiring the day’s
Use pictures to illustrate each event in your life.
(2 minutes)
7. Wrap- up/
Activity The teacher will present a simple quotes/ songs/ poem to end the lesson.
(3 minutes)
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