Iso 1005 3 1982
Iso 1005 3 1982
Iso 1005 3 1982
Descriptors : raiiroad equipment, steel products, rolled products, axles, classifications, specifications, Chemical composition, physical
properties, manufacturing, delivery conditions, acceptance inspection, tests.
The member bodies of the foll owing countries expressed disapproval of the document
on t ,echnical grounds :
South Africa, Rep. of
Printed in Switzerland
1 Scope and field of application c) the type of heat treatment (sec 4.2 and 6.5);
The purchaser shall supply the following information in his This International Standard specifies the following grades of
enquiry and Order : steel in accordance with the properties given in table 1 :
b) the grade of steel (see 4.1 and table 1); b) alloyed steels A3 and A4.
1) Under revision.
Table 1 - Grade of steel, Chemical composition, types of heat-treatment in delivery condition and
mechanical properties
Grade o
Chemical compositiod),
iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW r (mlm) max. Heat-
Mechanical properties3) 1
R,J' 4-n in delivery
C Si Mn P
S Cr CU Mo
min. Nlmm2 min.
% J
min .5)
1) See 5.1.1.
2) N = normalized or normalized and tempered, T = quenched and tempered (sec 4.2, footnote 1, and 7.7.2, Paragraph 2).
3) R, = yield strength (sec footnote 41, R, = tensile strength, A = percentage elongation after fracture (L, = 5,65,/$o), KU = impact strength
for ISO U-notch test piece at 20 OC. 1 N/mm2 = 1 MPa.
4) The requirement for R, shall be regarded as complied with, if either the upper yield stress R,, or the 0,2 % non-proportional proof stress Rp0 2 or,
where the measured value is under 600 Nimm’, the 0,5 % total elongation proof stress R,, ,5 is equal to or greater than the value specified for’R,.
5) Mean value of three tests : one of the individual results may be lower than the minimum value as specified in the table, provided that it is not less
than 70 % sf this minimum value.
6) If this steel is ordered in the untreated (hot-rolled or hot-forged) condition under the grade designation AO instead of Al, then no tests on heat-
treated test pieces (sec table 3) are to be carried out and the following mechanical properties apply to the delivery condition :
1) With the exception made in table 1, footnote 6, the following applies where the untreated condition is ordered :
a) The purchaser may specify an analysis range. In this case, the responsibility for the attainment of the required mechanical properties is that of
the works carrying out the heat treatment.
b) If any analysis range is not ordered, the manufacturer should ensure, to the purchaser’s satisfaction, that axles which are delivered in the
untreated condition for subsequent heat treatment, are capable of meeting the mechanical properties specified in table 1.
ISO 1005/3-1982 (E)
5.1 Chemical composition If, for the verification of soundness, magnetic particle flaw
detection, ultrasonic tests (sec ISO 59481, or macrostructure
examinations by sulphur prints are specified in the Order or its
51.1 The maximum contents of the various elements are
appended documents, then the acceptance criteria for the
given in table 1. These values apply to the cast analysis. In the
required tests shall be also specified in the Order or its appended
case of Cr, Cu, Mo and V, the values apply to product analysis;
however, these elements are normally verified by cast analysis.
For the macro-examinations by sulphur prints, the album given
5.1.2 If a check analysis on the product is required, this shall in the annex to this part of ISO 1005 shall, if not otherwise
be stated on the enquiry and Order. In this case the product agreed, be used as the basis for acceptance.2)
analysis may deviate from the requirements in table 1 by the
values given in table 2. 5.3 Mechanical properties
Manganese 0,80
+ 0,08
5.5 + 0,lO
Manufacturer’s brand marks (sec 6.4)
Phosphorus 0,04 + 0,005
The marks with their specified dimensions shall be stamped
Sulphur I 0,04 I ISO 1005-3:1982
+ 0,005 either hot or cold in the positions given in national Standards,
the Order or its appended documents.
Unless otherwise specified, each axle shall be stamped with the
following marks :
5.2 Physical properties
a) manufacturer’s mark;
5.2.1 Appearancel)
b) cast number;
The axles shall be Sound throughout and without any defects d) date of manufacture (month and the last two figures of
detrimental to their use. the year of manufacture).
1) An International Standard dealing with the surface finish of the seats for interference fits of the axles, the journals for roller bearings, the body of
the axles, and the shoulders in particular, is in preparation.
2) The album will be incorporated in this document at the time of final publication.
3) An International Standard dealing with the tolerantes on dimensions and form is in preparation.
1s S/3-1982 (E)
The maximum Cross-sectional area of the axles obtained by roll- b) Untreated axles which No additional heat treatment
ing and followed by forging shail be not greater than one-fourth are to be delivered in the nor- other than that required by the
sf the minimum Cross-sectional area of the original ingot. malized or quenched and Order is necessary.
tempered condition.
6.5 Heat treatment With the exception of fine-finished surfaces, for example wheel
seats, journals and radial fillets Ishoulders) on which no
After hot-working and marking, axles shall undergo, where retouching is atithorized, superficial defects may be eliminated
applicable, the heat treatment specified in the Order or its by chipping or by soft grinding, provided that no heat cracking
appended documents (see 4.2). is produced and that the dimensional tolerantes are maintained.
ISO 1005/3-1982 (El
6.7m3 lhauthorized repairs -d.2.1.% The manGfactu-er shall advise the purchaser of the
principal process which will be used in compfeting the Order,
Any welding, gas torch treatment, heating, electric burns, fill- and shall advise the purchaser sf any subsequent fundamental
ing by metallization, electrolytic or Chemical deposits, etc., and changes which he intends to introdtice and which may affect
any retouching with the Object of concealing a defect, are not the quality of the axles and seek his agreement.
permitted and shall result in the rejection sf the complete
batch. If the inspection remains the responsibility of the purchaser, his
representative shall be allowed to inspect the mantifactk;ring
processes used in Order to ensure compliance with the require-
7 llnspection ments of this part of ISQ ‘lOO5 and the Prior agreement.
ISO 1005/3-“1982 (E)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of axles per
batch to be subjected
Heat to the Checks and tests Number
treatment Test . of tests
Types of Checks and tests Remarks
in delivery uni@ Total number of axles Per
condition 1) in the batch axle
3 - Tensile test
- for steel AO71 m b f C 1 2 1
- for steels Al to A48) m b h C 1 2 1
6 N -I- Microstructure m a h 0 1 2 1
7 - Microstructure
ISO 1005-3:1982
0 a h C 1 2 1
8 All Macrostructure a
0 h P 1
2) m = mandatory tests, o = optional, i.e. tests need only be carried out if so stated in the Order or its appended documents.
a) under delegated inspection by the manufacturer’s qualified department (sec ISO 404 and note in clause 21, or
4) h = The tests shall not be carried out before the specified heat treatment.
f = The acceptance tests shall be carried out in the final delivery condition.
8) Tests in the delivery condition and on reference test pieces having undergone the heat treatment laid down for this grade of steel (sec 7.7.2,
Paragraph 2, and footnote 1 in 4.2).
ISO 1005/3-1982(E)
7.4 Submission for inspection by the purchaser 7.7.2 Preparation of samples and test pieces
Chemical analysis; Chemical analysis
- tensile test;
The manufacturer shall state the cast analysis of the steel. If the
ISO 1005-3:1982 purchaser wishes to verify the composition of the product for
- impact test. some or all elements, one of the following samples shall be
taken from one of the test axles :
7.5.2 The manufacturer shall provide the relevant certificates
- at least 50 g of milli ngs represent ing material from a
for those tests and Checks for which he is responsible, at the
complete transverse secti on of an axle, or
following times :
- in the case of spectrographic anal ysis, one sa mple from
a) at the time of delivery, if he has the delegated respon-
the tensile test piece shown in figure 1.
sibility for all tests 01,
b) at the time of the first Submission for inspection Isee Tensile test
7.4.2), if for that part of the testing he has the delegated
responsibility. One test piece shall be taken from the Position of the Sample
shown in figure 1.
7.6 Number of Checks and tests The test pieces shall be prepared in accordance with the
requirements of ISO 82, with a diameter of 10 to 16 m m and a
The number of axles per test unit to be subjected to the Checks gauge length of 5 x diameter.
and the number of tests per axle are given in table 3, columns 8
to IO. Impact test (U-notch)
7.7.1 Sampling The marking of the impact test piece shall enable identification
of the longitudinal surfaces of the test pieces which are parallel
After identifying the batch, the inspector shall select at random to diameter AA of the section of the axle (see figure 2).
the axle(s) intended for testing. The axles shall be indelibly
identified at the Sample positions. The Sample lengths shall be
at least 200 m m long and they may be taken from axles or from
prolongations of axles.