JSC "Zaporizhstal" (Ukraine) : Company's Business Profile
JSC "Zaporizhstal" (Ukraine) : Company's Business Profile
JSC "Zaporizhstal" (Ukraine) : Company's Business Profile
Zaporizhstal Integrated Iron-and-Steel Works
Sample PDF
October, 2014
JSC “Zaporizhstal” (company business profile)
5. Sales .......................................................................................................................... 23
Domestic market ...................................................................................................... 24
Exports ..................................................................................................................... 30
6. Competitiveness ....................................................................................................... 37
7. Personnel .................................................................................................................. 40
11. Realised projects and the program of development of the enterprise ............. 53
List of Tables
List of Figures
1. General information
Zaporizhstal Integrated Iron-and-Steel Works, located in Zaporozh'e city, is
one of the largest Ukrainian steelmakers.
In terms of production of ferrous metals (iron, steel, rolled steel) the plant is
one of the leading companies in the country. At the plant the production of iron,
semis, flat-rolled products from carbon, low-alloyed, alloyed and stainless steels,
curved profile, sheet metal, building materials and consumer goods is carried out.
Zaporizhstal is a Ukrainian monopolist in production of stainless and alloyed
flat-rolled thin steel (sheet), roll-formed section, tin-plate for cans, polymer-coated
sheet (metal-plastic). In addition, it is the only Ukrainian producer of a cold-rolled
sheet of especially complicated drawing for the automobile production.
In 2013, the company share in the production of pig iron in Ukraine amounted
to 11.1%, of crude steel -11.7%, and of flat-rolled steel -37.4%.
The Works was commissioned in early 1930s to produce carbon steel sheet for
autobody and tractors.
Its geographical position is rather favorable: next to sources of raw materials
(Krivorozhsky iron ore basin, Donbas coal basin), of power DneproGES
(hydroelectric power plant), Zaporozh'e GES, Zaporozh'e nuclear power plant), of
water (Dnepr river), the availability of the developed transport infrastructure
(railway, roads).
Sintering plant includes 6 sintering machines (the caking area is 62.5 m2 for
each) with the total capacity of ХХ million tons per year of sinter. Practically all
processes are completely automated. Iron ore resources are supplied by mining-
concentrating combines (GOK) of the Krivorozhsky basin.
The sinter base-to-acid ratio is 1.35. The average iron content in the sinter is
54.4%, in concentrate - 63.7%, and in sinter-ore 60.52%.
Currently, the shop is being renovated with replacement of all sinter machines.
In 2012-2013 the sinter machine #1 was reconstructed with the erection of a new
efficient gas cleaning unit (launched in May 2013). In 2014 the reconstruction of the
gas cleaning unit of the sinter machine #2 is being performed.
designated for rolling to sheet, are transferred to HR (hot-rolling) wide strip mill in
the hot state.
Hot-rolling sheet shop with the capacity of ХХ million tons per year sheet
and coils: the 1680 mm continuous hot-rolling sheet mill produces wide strip in coils
(2-8 mm thick, 860-1500 mm wide, mass of a coil up to 16 tonsons) sheet. 3 roll-
forming section facilities of the total capacity of ХХ thousand tons per year produce
above 500 types of cold-bent shapes of the carbon, and low-alloyed steel with the
wall section in a range of 1-8 mm and with a flange up to 1440 mm.
Tin-plate section with the capacity of ХХ tons per year of hop-dipped tin-
plate coil, with a shop of metal-base laminate (the capacity of ХХ tons per year).
Cold-rolling shop #3 for rolling alloyed steel: a 2800 mm sheet mill, with a
complex of heat-treatment and finishing equipment of capacity of ХХ thousand tons
per year sheet, and a shop of polished stainless strip (in coil) and sheet with capacity
of ХХ thousand tons per year. The plant yields large-size CR sheet 1.5-5.5 mm thick,
1000-2500 mm wide and up to 4500 mm long of the carbon, alloyed and stainless
In 2013 the mill launched a new shop - a metalware shop (TsMI), whose main
task is to increase the release of products of deep processing. Production capacity of
the new plant reach ХХ thousand tons of expanded steel sheet (a thickness from 2 to
6 mm), ХХ thousand tons of bent sections and ХХ thousand tons of hot-rolled and
cold-rold dimensional sheet (a thickness from 0.8 to 8 mm).