Jhanine Tampos - Take-Away #5 - Let's Process This!
Jhanine Tampos - Take-Away #5 - Let's Process This!
Jhanine Tampos - Take-Away #5 - Let's Process This!
Take-Away Entry # 05
Let’s PROCESS These!
Name: JHANINE B. TAMPOS Course/Yr/Sec: BEED 3-A
Let us check what you have learned from this lesson. Answer each item with either YES or NO by
ticking on the corresponding box of your choice. If your answer is YES, explain why. If NO, justify your
answer by writing on the columns provided.
Indicators Yes No WHY?
1.) In teaching science, is it appropriate to
make learners master and practice the basic
Yes, It is appropriate for the learners to
science processes first? master and practice the basic science
processes, because you can’t proceed to the
higher level if you don’t know about the basic
One must start on basic or in the simplest
before proceeding to the high and next level.
The basic is the foundation and guide to step