Hands On Learning in Science
Hands On Learning in Science
Hands On Learning in Science
Developer Thoughts
I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand
- Chinese Proverb
Although these words may not be the exact translation,
they underscore the need for a hands-on approach to
science teaching. Without this approach students must
rely on memory and abstract thought, two methods which
restrict learning in most students. By actually doing and
experiencing science, students develop their critical
thinking skills as well as discover scientific concepts.
• "Piaget's research clearly mandates that the learning more interesting to students than the typical textbook
environment should be rich in physical experiences based program" (Penick & Yager, 1993, p. 5).
(McAnarney, 1978, p. 33). • Evidence clearly indicates that hands-on activities
• Bruner also stressed learning by doing. "The school boy increase skill proficiency in processes of science,
learning physics is a physicist, and it is easier for him to especially laboratory skills and specific science process
learn physics behaving like a physicist than doing skills, such as graphing and interpreting data
something else" (Bruner, 1960, p. 14). Bruner states, "Of (Mattheis & Nakayama, 1988).
only one thing I am convinced. I have never seen anybody • Activity-centered classrooms encourage student
improve in the art and technique of inquiry by any means creativity in problem solving, promote student
other than engaging in inquiry" (1961, p. 31). Bruner independence, and help low ability students overcome
points out the quick rate of change in our world and says, initial handicaps (Shymansky & Penick, 1981).
"the principal emphasis in education should be placed on
skills - skills in handling, in seeing, and imaging, and in Summary
symbolic operations" (Bruner, 1983, p. 138). There are a plethora of benefits that teachers and
• A hands-on approach is also advocated by some people curriculum developers adduce to hands-on learning to
who advocate a constructivist approach to science justify the approach in science. Benefits for students are
teaching. "Learning is defined as the construction of believed to include increased learning; increased
knowledge as sensory data are given meaning in terms motivation to learn; increased enjoyment of learning;
of prior knowledge. Learning always is an interpretive increased skill proficiency, including communication
process and always involves construction of skills; increased independent thinking and decision
knowledge.... Constructivism implies that students making based on direct evidence and experiences; and
require opportunities to experience what they are to increased perception and creativity.
learn in a direct way and time to think and make sense
of what they are learning. Laboratory activities appeal Research supports many of these claims by providing
as a way of allowing students to learn with evidence that the learning of various skills, science
understanding and, at the same time, engage in a content, and mathematics are enhanced through hands-
process of constructing knowledge by doing science" on science programs. Students in activity-based
(Tobin, 1990, p. 404-405). programs have exhibited increases in creativity, positive
• Hands-on learning has been shown to increase learning attitudes toward science, perception, logic development,
and achievement in science content (Bredderman, 1982; communication skills, and reading readiness. These
Brooks, 1988; Mattheis & Nakayama, 1988; Saunders & benefits seem more than sufficient justification for
Shepardson, 1984). promoting hands-on learning. However, an important
• Research indicates that activity-based science can addition - it makes science fun for both the student and
improve students' attitudes toward science (Jaus, 1977; teacher. Given the recent concerns about science anxiety
Kyle, Bonnstetter, Gadsden, & Shymansky, 1988; Kyle, and avoidance, enjoyment of science learning seems a
Bonnstetter, McCloskey, & Fults, 1985; Rowland, 1990). worthy goal to be considered in choosing instructional
"There seems to be some evidence from exemplary approaches in science.
programs that even poorly taught hands-on science is