Diabetes Ingles
Diabetes Ingles
Diabetes Ingles
Background: Diabetes mellitus and admission blood glucose are important risk factors for mortality in ST segment
elevation myocardial infarction patients, but their relative and individual role remains on debate.
Objective: To analyze the influence of diabetes mellitus and admission blood glucose on the mortality of ST segment
elevation myocardial infarction patients submitted to primary coronary percutaneous intervention.
Methods: Prospective cohort study including every ST segment elevation myocardial infarction patient submitted
to primary coronary percutaneous intervention in a tertiary cardiology center from December 2010 to May 2012.
We collected clinical, angiographic and laboratory data during hospital stay, and performed a clinical follow‑up
30 days after the ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. We adjusted the multivariate analysis of the
studied risk factors using the variables from the GRACE score.
Results: Among the 740 patients included, reported diabetes mellitus prevalence was 18%. On the univariate analysis,
both diabetes mellitus and admission blood glucose were predictors of death in 30 days. However, after adjusting for
potential confounders in the multivariate analysis, the diabetes mellitus relative risk was no longer significant (relative risk:
2.41, 95% confidence interval: 0.76 – 7.59; p-value: 0.13), whereas admission blood glucose remained and independent
predictor of death in 30 days (relative risk: 1.05, 95% confidence interval: 1.02 – 1.09; p-value ≤ 0.01).
Conclusion: In ST segment elevation myocardial infarction patients submitted to primary coronary percutaneous
intervention, the admission blood glucose was a more accurate and robust independent predictor of death than the
previous diagnosis of diabetes. This reinforces the important role of inflammation on the outcomes of this group of
patients. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2014; 103(4):323-329)
Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus; Blood Glucose; Biological Markers; Myocardial Infarction; Percutaneous Coronary
Introduction outcomes after STEMI are scarce and do not reflect the current
practice of interventional cardiology18-20.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is an important risk factor for
mortality in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial The pathophysiological characteristics of hyperglycemia
infarction (STEMI)1-3. In addition, high blood glucose levels in STEMI patients are distinct from those observed in DM
on admission are directly related to short-term mortality after patients in stable clinical conditions21. The most recent
STEMI4-9, regardless of previous diagnosis of DM10-14 or the guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology reveal some
reperfusion therapy used15. Primary percutaneous coronary controversies in the acute management of blood glucose
intervention (PPCI) is currently the reperfusion therapy of levels in STEMI patients and indicate the need for further
assessment of this variable during contemporary medical
choice in STEMI patients when performed in a timely manner
practice22. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of
and by experienced cardiologists16,17. However, previous
DM and admission hyperglycemia on short-term mortality
studies on the effect of admission glucose levels on clinical
in STEMI patients subjected to PPCI.
Mailing Address: Alexandre Schaan de Quadros •
Avenida Princesa Isabel, 370, Santana. Postal Code 90620-000, Porto Alegre,
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Experimental design
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Manuscript received February 12, 2014; revised manuscript May 06, 2014;
This unicentric prospective cohort study evaluated
accepted May 09, 2014. all STEMI patients subjected to PPCI at our institution
between December 2010 and May 2012. Our hospital
DOI: 10.5935/abc.20140130 is a high-volume tertiary referral center for interventional
David et al.
Blood Glucose Levels and Mortality after Primary Angioplasty
Original Article
Original Article
Table 1 – Clinical profile of patients (n = 740) according to the presence or absence of diabetes mellitus
DM Absence of DM
Characteristic p value
(N = 134) (N = 606)
Age (years) 63 ± 11 60 ± 12 < 0.01
Female (%) 38 29 0.04
Caucasian (%) 90 87 0.43
Hypertension (%) 80 61 < 0.01
Dyslipidemia (%) 47 30 < 0.01
Current smoking (%) 28 45 < 0.01
Family history (%) 26 33 0.13
Medical history
AMI (%) 27 20 0.06
CABG (%) 5 2 0.19
CRF (%) 3 2 0.63
Angina (%) 48 36 0.01
Daily use of ASA (%) 41 23 < 0.01
ECC, mL/min/1.73 m 2
86 ± 37 87 ± 31 0.81
Total cholesterol (mg/dL) 192 ± 52 204 ± 57 0.02
BMI, (kg/m )
27.6 ± 4.3 26.8 ± 4.1 0.05
AC (cm) 96 ± 14 93 ± 15 0.05
SBP (mmHg) 136 ± 32 135 ± 29 0.86
Delta T (hours) 5.2 ± 5.3 4.6 ± 4.3 0.12
DBT (hours) 1.7 ± 1.3 1.56 ± 1.3 0.30
Admission glucose levels (mg/dL) 253 ± 124 143 ± 51 < 0.01
AMI: acute myocardial infarction; CABG: coronary artery bypass grafting procedure; CRF: chronic renal failure; ASA: acetylsalicylic acid; ECC: endogenous creatinine
clearance; BMI: body mass index; AC: abdominal circumference; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBT: door-to-balloon time; DM: diabetes mellitus.
Original Article
p < 0.01 Patients with DM
20.1 Patients without DM
20% p < 0.01
p = 0.16
10% p = 0.94
7.3 7.3
6.2 6.3
5% 3.8
MACE Deaths New AMI Revasc
Figure 1 – Clinical outcomes during a 30-day follow-up (n = 740) as a function of DM. MACE:major adverse cardiac events; new AMI: acute myocardial infarction;
Revasc: new revascularization.
including increased oxidative stress, platelet activation, and the results of previous studies34. Even with a TIMI flow grade
endothelial dysfunction, leading to increased infarct size21. 3 after PPCI, DM patients exhibit less complete resolution of
Previous studies have shown that hyperglycemia induces an the ST segment after stent implantation, which also indicates
inflammatory response during AMI28 and that its resolution impaired microvascular flow35. These results corroborate the
can restore this response29. Two cohort studies of AMI patients worse cardiovascular outcomes that DM patients exhibit
(with and without ST-segment elevation) demonstrated that after STEMI.
admission hyperglycemia was an independent predictor of Recent studies have suggested that DM is primarily
in-hospital mortality30,31 but was not significant for long-term associated with worse long-term outcomes in STEMI
mortality30. In addition, admission hyperglycemia had distinct patients, whereas the increased cardiovascular risk was
effects on mortality when patients were subdivided into age primarily due to hyperglycemia. Ishihara et al 18 and
groups31. The analysis of the CARDINAL study indicated Hoebers et al 19 demonstrated that hyperglycemia, but
that the decreased blood glucose levels in the first 24 h after not DM, is associated with short-term adverse events in
infarction was associated with decreased 30-day mortality in STEMI patients subjected to PCI. Ergelen et al 20 analyzed
patients without DM32. the clinical outcome of STEMI patients as a function
DM patients have impaired microvascular structure of DM and blood glucose levels: DM with admission
and diffuse endothelial dysfunction, which contributes to hyperglycemia, DM without admission hyperglycemia,
decreased blood perfusion, particularly in the context of absence of DM with admission hyperglycemia, and
acute hypoperfusion, such as STEMI33. In the present study, absence of DM without admission hyperglycemia. It was
the percentage of patients who achieved a Blush 3 score after observed that patients without DM and with admission
the procedure was lower in the group with DM, corroborating hyperglycemia had a higher risk of in-hospital mortality,
Original Article
whereas DM patients with admission hyperglycemia had this limitation has occurred in other observational studies on
the worst long-term outcomes. These results agree with AMI patients subjected to PPCI.
those of Kosiborod et al7 who, in a large study of AMI
patients, showed that the risk of mortality of patients with
admission hyperglycemia was higher for those without a Conclusion
DM history, compared with DM patients. This effect is This contemporary analysis with consecutive patients,
not restricted to STEMI cases because patients admitted representative of the clinical practice in a tertiary interventional
to intensive care units with severe acute illnesses and cardiology hospital, corroborates the increased risk for DM
admission hyperglycemia had worse clinical outcomes patients subjected to primary angioplasty. It demonstrates
compared with those having lower glucose levels36. the important prognostic role of admission hyperglycemia
Our study reinforces the results reported above and in predicting short-term adverse cardiovascular events.
demonstrates that the unfavorable prognostic role of Furthermore, the latter variable does not depend on other
hyperglycemia in short-term adverse events is more relevant comorbidities or clinical diagnoses, including the diagnosis
and independent than the role of DM 18. An important of DM, and is more important than DM.
advantage of the present study is the inclusion of unselected
and consecutive patients, representative of real-world clinical Author contributions
practice. The percentage of DM patients was 18%, which was
similar to that reported in other studies (17–21%)2,34,37. Conception and design of the research: David RB, Sebben
JC, Gottschall CAM, Quadros AS; Acquisition of data: David
Limitations RB, Almeida ED, Sebben JC, Feijó IP, Schmidt KES, Avena
LM; Analysis and interpretation of the data AND Writing of
One limitation of the present study involves the lack of data
the manuscript: David RB, Almeida ED, Cruz LV, Quadros AS;
on glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c). Approximately 50% of
Statistical analysis: David RB, Quadros AS; Critical revision of
STEMI patients experience changes in glucose metabolism38,
the manuscript for intellectual content: David RB, Almeida
and HbA1c can be a diagnostic criterion of DM39. Moreover,
ED, Cruz LV, Sebben JC, Feijó IP, Schmidt KES, Avena LM,
it was demonstrated that the prognostic role of admission
Gottschall CAM, Quadros AS.
hyperglycemia is more important than increased HbA1c
levels40, and that HbA1c assumes greater significance in
predicting long-term events instead of predicting short-term Potential Conflict of Interest
events9,11. The criteria used for the diagnosis of DM (reported No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article
by the patient) may have underestimated the number of was reported.
DM patients. However, it is important to highlight that the
percentage of DM patients found herein was similar to that in
previous studies, and the blood glucose levels was significantly Sources of Funding
higher in patients with DM than in those without. Moreover, There were no external funding sources for this study.
the assessment of ventricular function during hospitalization
was performed by the medical staff, and the study protocol
did not include the routine and prospective collection of such Study Association
data. The large amount of missing data on ventricular function This study is not associated with any thesis or
(>25%) prevented the accurate analysis of this variable, and dissertation work.
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Original Article