English Grade 4
English Grade 4
English Grade 4
4:Female i.Gender i.Reading i.Pronunciation i.take a survey of your i.Practice to agree i.Look at the
Education equality ii. Comprehension ( Multi syllable words school to know their anf disagree bar graph and
ii.barriers of iii. Vocabulary ) means of transport and politely answer the
ii.Articles ii.how to write
female show your data in bar
iv.MCQs iii.Homophones and reply to a
education graph on a hard chart.
( long vowel sound i.Make a poster that Discuss the
Describe the
i.Festival i.Reading ‘I,o,u’) have picture of cultural festival
four picture in
5:Cultural ii.Cultural ii. Comprehension ii.Punctuation different festivals of with your teacher
two sentences
Festival of Chitral events iii. Vocabulary iii.pronouns Pakistan and friend in
by using
iii.chitral event iv.MCQs iv.singular plural ii.bring one cultural classroom
(regular and irregular thing from home
plurals )
i.three consonants
i.Write a note
clusters i.look at the picture i.Come in front of
to your friend
ii.simple past tense and separate the class and discuss
i.Famous bazar to meet in the
i.Reading iii.Simple present countable and your likes and
of Punjab ground
6:Markets in Big ii. Comprehension tenses uncountable noun dislikes by using
Sindh ii.Write
cities iii. Vocabulary iv. Form of verbs ii.look at the (like /don’t like ,
Balochistan persuasive
iv.MCQs v.punctuation advertisement and fond of ‘
KPK phrases to
vi.countable nouns discuss the not in to)
vii.uncountable informations in class
i.vowel sound
i.create a
ii.common and
i.Make flash card for i.Express your mind map of
i.Reading proper noun
i.Patriotism compound nouns opinion with the your favourite
ii. Comprehension iii.compound words
7:Rashid Minhas ii.showing love ii.make a nishan e word given by national hero
iii. Vocabulary iv. prefixes and
through deeds haider with hard chart your teacher by getting
iv.MCQs suffixes inflectional
from net
Math grade 1
Syllabus for 1st semester 2023-24
Unit Content Math in Daily life Activity
i.forward counting 0-100 i.Count the coin an put in the
ii.backward counting 100-0 bowl.
i.Recognition of coins and notes
iii.ascending and descending orders ii.concept of greater and less
ii.calender reading (ordinal number)
iv. what comes before, after, between than by using chart
1: whole numbers 0-5 iii.exchange of money by goods
v.counting in words 1-50 iii.backward race
iv. know the prices of things
vi.concept of tens and ones iv. ascending /descending
( costly/cheap)
vii.ordinal numbers concept by stairs
viii. less than and greater than
i.concept of less and more with
i.1 digit Addition
ii.2digit without carry Addition
i.addition of coins ii.addition and subtraction by
iii.1 digit subtraction
2:Number operatios 0-7 ii. addition of notes making groups in class
iv.2 digit subtraction without carry
iii. buying things from shop iii. collecting and counting the
v.1 digit multiplication upto table 7
balls competition