To Be Safety at Ship

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T0 be Safety at Ship


 Safety of Life at Sea: The Convention

 Oral Safety Introduction
 Safety Equipment
 Glossary
 Round up
Safety of life at sea
The following items are covered by the LSA (Life-Saving Appliance) Code. Write the
meaning of each word and put them under the correct heading.

Liferafts = Lifeboats =
Lifebuoys = Rescue boats =
Immersion suits = Hand flares =
Rocket parachute flares = Lifejackets =
Smoke signal) =

Personal life-saving
appliances Survival Craft Visual signals
When reading (about) regulations and conventions, it is important to understand
certain key words, such as:

Amendment: a change or addition to a convention, a law, etc.

Requirement: something specified as compulsory

To give you an illustration on how amendments provide new requirements, read the
following statement, which contains a requirement, and try to decode it by answering
the questions.
In accordance with SOLAS regulation III/32.3 (effective July 1, 2006) one
immersion suit per crew is required on commercial vessels.

1. Imagine you are inspector who wants to make sure that a merchant vessel
operates under SOLAS. What must you check?
2. Before July 2006, was it compulsory to have one immersion suit for each member
of the crew on board?
3. What do “III” and “32.3” refer to?
4. On “July 1, 2006”, was the amendment introduced or did it come into force?
Safety equipment
A. Match the type of live-saving equipment to its function. Fill in the gaps with the
words in the box.

Lifeboat MOB lifeboat free fall lifeboat

Ship-launched lifeboat life buoy life raft

1. A ……………………. is launched instantly, directly by the ship; it is store in a slip-way

and drops into the water for a quick getaway in case of fire, explosion etc.
2. A ……………………. is designed to be lowered with the use of davits on a ship’s deck
3. A ……………………. is usually inflatable, it is stored in a container (called canister)
aboard a ship, and you need it to save lives in case the vessel has to be abandoned
in an emergency at sea.
4. A ……………………. is designed to save people who must abandon ship in case of
emergency, such as sinking or fire; it is unsinkable, with buoyancy that cannot be
damaged, and is constructed to withstand heavy, rough seas.
5. A ……………………. is an object that keeps a person afloat; you must throw it after a
person overboard, so it is attached to railings close to the water.
B. Fill in the gaps for the appropriate safety equipment.

1. …………………….. apparatus: you need it against asphyxia when there is too much
smock in the air
2. …………………….. suit: you need it in the cold sea
3. …………………….. kit: you need it to take care of a wound / when you are injure
4. …………………….. buoy: you need to float in water
5. fire ……………… you need it to spray water / powder to a fire to put it out

Glossary/Daftar Istilah

 inflatable dapat digelembungkan

 canister tempat penyimpanan yang berbentuk bulat atau silender
 buoyancy (gaya apung) kemampuan suatu benda mengapung dalam cairan ataupun
 davits crane yang berukuran kecil untuk meluncurkan sekoci dari kapal ke air
 withstand tahan banting, tetap utuh, tidak rusak.
 rough keadaan buruk, ganas, badai (cuaca atau laut)
B. Fill in the blanks. The first letter of each missing word is given.
1. The first thing you learn as a cadet is where your m…………………….. station is.
2. The master s…………………….. drills from the bridge.
3. The role of the Master’s m…………………….. is to transfer information from the
bridge to officers. Nowadays, of course, there is VHF bridge-to-crew
communication to do this.
4. The Chief Officer is responsible for all the drills, she se/he is the
S…………………….. Officer.
5. The Cadet must o…………………….. the lowering operation and assist A/Bs if
6. When you enter the lifeboat, you f…………………….. your seat belt.
C. Cross the word odd out.
1. It takes many years for the MSC to adopt / amend / release / update
2. You must practice on how to release / lower / inflate / reduce a liferaft.
3. An international convention / treaty / agreement / awareness is adopted by
many governments.
4. Various installations on board achieve fire protection / comprehension /
detection / extinction.
5. You must maintain life-saving applications / appliances / devices / equipment
6. Can you check when the inspection date / arrangement date / expiry date /
manufacture date is?

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