W2 Tatiana Luna
W2 Tatiana Luna
W2 Tatiana Luna
My sister’s name is Maria and she is 23 My brother’s name is Sam and he is only
years old and she works in an office. She’s ten years old. He’s an elementary school
tall and has long, brown, wavy hair and student in grade four. He is younger and
she has green eyes. Maria sometimes shorter than I am, but he says that he is
wears red glasses and she often reads the
books in the library. When she doesn’t tallest person in his class. Sam has short,
read, you can sometimes find her in the red hair, freckles, big ears, and a small
gym. She likes to exercise two or three mouth. He doesn’t wear glasses.
times a week. Because she likes to Unfortunately, he doesn’t like to study
exercise, she is thin, strong and healthy. very much. He thinks it’s much better to
She is also a very funny person and she watch TV and play video games. His
loves to talk with people and make them favorite game is called ‘Monster Shark
laugh, so she has lots of friends. Maria has Attack!’ He says that he wants to be an
a big, friendly smile and I think she is a airline pilot when he grows up.
beautiful person. Everyone loves her and, Sometimes, on weekends, his friends
of course, I am very happy that she is my come over to our home to play. Sam is my
older sister! brother, and I like him, but sometimes
he’s a little lazy and a little noisy!
3. Michael in 18 years old, he is tall he is thin, he has brown eyes. He has short, light
and brown hair.
4. Alexis and Ashley are 23 years old, they are average weight, they have green eyes,
they have ginger, and wavy hair.
1. One of my friends has straight hair, and another has wavy hair. But I have
Curly hair.
2. Sometimes my brother doesn’t want to do any work. He can be very lazy
3. My classmate is very funny. He loves to tell jokes at school.
4. I’m not short, I’m tall.
7. My cousin likes to meet new people and make lots of friends. He’s very
8. Our young old son is very naugthy. Last week he pulled our cat’s tail and it
ran away!
9. My grandmother’s face is very wrinkled, but I still think she is beautiful!
10. My grandfather has a long gray beard.
11. My mother is very beautiful and my father is
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12. My uncle isn’t old, but he’s in his forties. He’s
13. My brother doesn’t like to meet new people. He’s very shy.
15. We exercise at the gym four days a week. We are very strong.
He is president of Colombia
He sixty two years old
He has brown eyes
He has short, wavy black and
white hair