4.6 - Ficha de Trabalho - Adjectives For Describing People
4.6 - Ficha de Trabalho - Adjectives For Describing People
4.6 - Ficha de Trabalho - Adjectives For Describing People
Hi! Let me introduce you to Pat and I sit together in class. She’s 12
my classmate. Her name is years old and has got long,
Melissa and she’s 11 years old. curly blond hair and big dark
She’s got long, wavy red hair, brown eyes.
big brown eyes and lots of She’s a little bit short
freckles on her cheeks. She’s and quite slim. She’s
short and slim. She’s very very nice and fun to be
friendly and helpful, with. She always puts
and very optimistic too. everyone in a good mood.
She sees the bright side of everything and
everyone. I couldn’t have found a better
classmate to sit next to me in class.
Mark is 11 years old and he Cindy and I always sit together in class.
always sits next to me in She’s 13 years old. She’s got big green
English lessons. eyes and long, straight blond hair. She
likes wearing her hair in a ponytail. Cindy
He’s got short, straight brown
is tall and a little bit overweight.
hair, and small, light brown She’s a very good friend but
eyes. He’s short and slim. she can be a little bit
He’s a very kind boy, moody.
extremely practical and
adventurous. You never get
bored when he is around.
Physical features
Melissa Pat Mark Cindy
Hair long/wavy/red
Height short
a bit
Personal features +
Personality traits
2. Now choose the right option to complete these sentences, according to
the text.
f. Cindy is .
1. as tall as Melissa
2. shorter than her classmates
3. not as short as her classmates
3.Find in the text opposites for these words.
a. short – tall
b. dark –light
c. small –
d. fat –
e. unfriendly –
f. pessimistic –
g. worse –
h. bad –
i. wavy/curly –
j. underweight –