MWE - Unit III - Part-2

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Unit-III B : Microwave Solid State Devices

Introduction, Classification, Applications.

TEDs – Introduction,
Gunn Diode
Principle, RWH Theory, Characteristics,
Basic Modes of Operation, Inside
Oscillation Modes.
Avalanche Transit Time Devices – Introduction, the
IMPATT Diodes – Principle of Operation and Characteristics
TRAPATT Diodes – Principle of Operation and Characteristics unit

▪ Two problems with conventional transistors at higher frequencies are:
1. Stray capacitance and inductance.
- remedy is interdigital design.
2.Transit time.
- free electrons move quicker than holes therefore change from silicon to
Gallium Arsenide
▪ Conventional bipolar transistors are not suitable for microwave frequencies.
- Electrons move faster than holes.
▪ Component leads introduce elevated reactance.
- XL increases and XC decreases therefore collector feedback becomes worse
as frequency increases.
- Transit time and mobility of carriers.
- As transit time approaches signal period, phase shifts occur.

Classification: The classification of solid state Microwave devices can be done
▪ Depending upon their electrical behavior
Non-linear resistance type.
Example − Varistors (variable resistances )
Non-Linear reactance type.
Example − Varactors (variable reactors)
Negative resistance type.
Example − Tunnel diode, IMPATT diode, GUNN diode
Controllable impedance type.
Example − PIN diode( fixed or variable Capacitance and R)
▪ Depending upon their construction
• Point contact diodes
• Schottky barrier diodes
• Metal Oxide Semiconductor devices MOS
• Metal Insulation devices
The types of diodes have many uses such as;
• amplification,
• detection,
• power generation,
• phase shifting,
• down conversion,
• Up-conversion,
• limiting
• modulation,
• switching, etc.

Transferred Electron Devices–TEDs
• TEDs are bulk devices having no junctions or gates.
• (Transistors operate with either junctions or gates)
• TEDs are fabricated from compound semiconductors, such as
• gallium arsenide (GaAs),
• indium phosphide (InP), or
• cadmium telluride (CdTe).
• (transistors are fabricated from elemental semiconductors, such as silicon or
• TEDs operate with "hot" electrons whose energy is very much greater than the
thermal energy.
• (Transistors operate with "warm" electrons whose energy is not much greater
than the thermal energy (0.026 eV at room temperature) of electrons in the
• Because of these fundamental differences, the theory and technology of transistors
cannot be applied to TEDs.
Gunn Diode
• Gunn-effect diodes are named after J. B. Gunn, who, in 1963,
discovered a periodic fluctuations of current passing through
the n-type gallium arsenide (GaAs) specimen when the applied
voltage exceeded a certain critical value.
• By that many devices developed
❖ IMPact Ionization Avalanche Transit-Time (IMPATT)
❖ Limited Space-charge-Accumulation diode (LSA diode) and
❖ Indium Phosphide diode (InP diode) were also successfully
RWH Theory: In 1964 Kroemer suggested that Gunn's
observations were in complete agreement with the Ridley
Watkins-Hilsum ( RWH ) theory.
Differential Negative Resistance
Two-Valley model Theory

Gunn Diode-RWH Theory
Differential Negative Resistance: The fundamental concept of RWH theory is
differential negative resistance developed in a bulk solid state device either voltage
or current is applied to the terminals of the sample.
There are two modes of Differential Negative Resistance devices
1. Voltage controlled mode
2. Current controlled mode Current

Fig. Voltage Controlled mode Fig. Current Controlled mode

In the voltage-controlled mode, the current density can be multi-valued, where as in

the current control mode the voltage can be multi valued.
Microwave Engineering P. Bujjibabu, Associate Professor, ECE 8
Gunn Diode-RWH Theory
Two-Valley model Theory:
Upper Valley
Mass = 1.2

E  Eu
Mobility=180 cm2/V.S

Conduction band
Lower Valley
Mass = 0.068
Mobility=8000 cm2/V.S

E=0.36 eV

Forbidden band
El  E  Eu
Eg=1.43 eV

Valence band E  El
k 9
Gunn Diode: V-I characteristics

Gunn Diode: V-I characteristics
• On applying a DC voltage across the terminals of the Gunn diode, an electric field is
developed across its layers, most of which appears across the central active region.
• At initial stages, the conduction increases due to the movement of electrons from the
valence band into the lower valley of the conduction band.
• The associated V-I plot is shown by the curve in the Region 1 (colored in pink) of
Figure. However, after reaching a certain threshold value (Vth), the conduction current
decreases as shown by the curve in the Region 2 (colored in blue) of the figure.
• This is because, at higher voltages the electrons in the lower valley of the conduction
band move into its higher valley where their mobility decreases due to an increase in
their effective mass.
• The reduction in mobility decreases the conductivity which leads to a decrease in the
current flowing through the diode.
• As a result, the diode is said to exhibit negative resistance region (region spanning from
Peak point to Valley Point) in the V-I characteristic curve.
• This effect is called transferred electron effect and thus the Gunn diodes are also called
Transferred Electron Devices.
Gunn Diode-modes of operation
Gunn diode operation modes or Oscillating modes are;
Transit-Time (TT)mode and Limited-Space Charge Accumulation (LSA) mode.
Gunn diode TT mode:
• When the voltage across n+ n n+ GaAs crystal exceeds the threshold voltage,
electrons are transferred from (low energy, high mobility band) to (high energy, low
mobility band). Here heavier electrons bunch together to form electric field near the
cathode. The TT mode of oscillation has low efficiency of power generation.
• In this mode, the frequency cannot be controlled by an external circuit.
Gunn diode LSA mode:
• LSA mode in Gunn diode produces several watts of power at a minimum efficiency
of about 20%.
• The output power decreases with increase in frequency. For example, it generates
1Watt @ 10GHz and several mW @100GHz. In LSA mode of operation, Gunn
diode works as part of a resonant circuit.

Gunn Diode-modes of operation

Gunn Diode-modes of operation
1. Gunn oscillation mode
2. Stable amplification mode
3. Limited space charge accumulation (LSA) mode
4. Bias-circuit oscillation mode.

1. Gunn oscillation mode: This mode is defined in the region where the product of frequency multiplied by length is
about 107 cm/s and the product of doping multiplied by length is greater than 1012 cm2.

2. Stable amplification mode: This mode is defined in the region where the product of frequency times length is
about 107 cm/s and the product of doping times length is between 1011 and 1012 cm2 .

3. LSA oscillation mode: This node is defined in the region where the product of frequency times length is above 107
cm/s and the quotient of doping divided by frequency is between 2 × 104 and 2 ×105 .

4. Bias-circuit oscillation mode: This mode occurs only when there is either Gunn or LSA oscillation, and it is
usually at the region where the product of the frequency time length is too small

Microwave Solid State Devices

Like conventional ordinary vacuum tubes cannot be used at high frequency, because
some parameters generate complicated situations, and these parameters are
1. The interelectrode capacitance effect
2. The Lead inductance effect
3. Transit time
To overcome the above problems one should use either a high frequency transistor or
some other special type of semiconductor devices. Like negative resistance and non-linearity
in the operation make these special devices (Varactor diode, PIN diode, IMPATT diode,
TRAPATT diode, Tunnel diode and Gunn diode along with the high frequency transistors)
Some observations we conclude that Bulk semiconductor device- Gunn diode Ordinary
p-n junction diodes- Varactor and Tunnel diodes Modified p-n junction diodes- IMPATT,
TRAPATT, PIN diodes such as p+ -n or p-i-n type Microwave semiconductor devices have been
developed for various applications like, detection, mixing, frequency multiplications,
attenuation, switching, limiting, amplification or oscillation etc
Types of Avalanche Transit Time Devices:-
1. IMPATT (Impact Ionization Avalanche Transit Time) device
2. TRAPATT (Trapped Plasma Avalanche Triggered Transit Time) device
3. BARITT (Barrier Injected Transit time) device

IMPATT (Impact Ionization Avalanche Transit Time) device

An IMPATT diode (Impact ionization Avalanche Transit-Time) is a form of
high-power diode used in high-frequency electronics and microwave devices. They
operate at frequencies between about 3 and 100 GHz or more. It has many forms like
n + pip+ , p+ nin+ read device, p+ nn+ abrupt junction and p+ in+ diode. Here positive
(+) sign indicates a high level of doping and i stands for intrinsic or pure silicon.

Types IMPATT diodes and Doping Profile

The two common types of IMPATT structures are SDR (Single Drift Region) and DDR (Double Drift
Region). The doping and field profile of both SDR and

• IMPATT diodes can be manufactured from Ga, Si, GaAs or InP. However, GaAs provides the
highest priority, because of its high efficiency, the highest operating frequency and least noise
figure. But the fabrication process is more difficult and costly than Si.
• A main advantage is high-power capability. These diodes are used in a variety of applications
from low-power radar systems to alarms.
• A major drawback of using IMPATT diodes is the generation of phase noise which result from
the statistical nature of the avalanche process. Nevertheless, these diodes make excellent
microwave generators for many applications.

A very high voltage 400 kV/cm is
applied to the IMPATT diode, resulting in
a very high current. A normal diode
would easily break down under this
condition, but IMPATT diode is
constructed such that it will withstand
these conditions repeatedly. Such a high
potential gradient back biasing the diode
causes a flow of minority carriers across
the junction.


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