High Stiffness Flexural Frame, 350 KN Cap., Simplex

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High stiffness flexural frame, 350 kN cap.

EN 1339 | EN 1340 | EN 12390-5 | ASTM C78 | ASTM C293 | ASTM C1550 | EN 14488-5 | ASTM C1609 | ASTM C1018


High rigidity (200 kN/mm), especially suitable for testing FRC and sprayed concrete
For testing different kind of specimens (beams, flagstones, slab) having max length 880mm.
Suitable for testing Round panel dia.800mm to ASTM C1550
Load measurement by load cell
Piston return by counterweights
Piston travel limit switch included


This high stiffness flexural frame has been especially designed for displacement controlled testing on advanced construction
materials, e.g. fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) and sprayed concrete.
These tests are significantly affected by the actual frame stiffness therefore the relevant international Standards state
stiffness limits which are exceeded by this new model (better than 200 kN/mm).
This remarkable result comes from the frame sections but it is also derived from the particular layout which keeps the
specimen aligned with the frame crossbeams maximizing structural rigidity.

The new layout also allows easier frontal specimen loading and positioning.

The horizontal daylight accommodates large specimens (slab, flagstones), concrete beams and kerbs long up to 880 mm.
In addition the frame is suitabe to host round FRC slab to ASTM C1550.

The frame is fitted with high precision load cell (recommended for FRC testing), piston travel limit switch and connection kit to
the control console. Bearers not included. See accessories.


Models 50-C1711/FR
Max cap. kN 350
Load sensor Load cell
Horizontal clearance [mm] 900
Max. vertical clearance [mm]* with 50-C1500/1 (4 points) 430
with 50-C1500/11 (4 points)
with 50-C1500/1 (3 points) 335
with 50-C1500/11 (3 points)
with 50-C1500/2 350
with 50-C1500/2 + 50-C1500/3 415
with 50-C1500/2 + 50-C1500/4 290
with 50-C1500/2 + 50-C1500/12
with 50-C1500/6 330
with 50-C1500/7 575
with 50-C1700/7 275
Distance between upper rollers (adjustable) mm From 100 to 200, or single roller

Distance between lower rollers (adjustable) mm From 150 to 800

Piston travel mm 130
Overall dimensions (lxwxh) mm 1150x 600 x 1550
Weight approx. kg 400

* The vertical daylight can be reduced by using the distance pieces already included useful to reduce the daylight by: 50mm, 80mm, 100mm,
130mm, 150mm and 180mm. Additional distance pieces are available as Accessories.


SIMPLEX - 350 kN cap. high rigidity flexural frame, complete with load cell and connection kit for separate control console. Rollers not included.
Includes set of spacers to reduce the vertical daylight by: 50mm, 80mm, 100mm, 130mm, 150mm and 180mm.


Upper and lower roller assembly for centre and third point test of concrete beams up to 300mm height, conforming to EN 12390-5 and ASTM C78,
C1609, C1018, EN 14488-3, EN 14651.
Bearers dimensions: 30 mm dia. x 210 mm long
Weight approx: 40 kg

Same as above but dia.30 x 310 mm length.
Weight approx: 50 kg

Set of one upper and two lower roller assembly for testing paving flags, conforming to EN 1339
Bearers dimensions: 40 mm dia. x 620 mm long
Weight approx: 45 kg

Swivel jointed loading pad for testing kerbs, conforming to EN 1340. To be used with support bearers of 50-C1500/2.
Weight approx: 5 kg

Upper loading bearers to perform the third point and centre point flexure test to EN 12390-5, including two rollers 210 mm long, 40 mm diameter. To
be used with support bearers of 50-C1500/2
Weight approx.: 23 kg

Same as above but dia.40 x 310 mm length.
Weight approx: 33 kg

Auxiliary testing frame for the measurement of deflection of FRC beams to EN 14488-3, 14651, ASTM C1609.

Accessory for testing sprayed concrete slab to EN 14488-5. Including supporting square base and spherically seated loading element. To be
completed with displacement transducers 50-C1500/9 and 50-C1500/8.
Weight approx: 100 kg

Accessory for testing FRC concrete round slab to ASTM C1550. Including 3-points supporting base and spherically seated loading element. To be
completed with displacement transducers 50-C1500/9 and 50-C1500/8.
Weight approx: 100 kg

Set of lower platen and upper platen spherically seated, 165 mm dia., for compression tests on small and low strength specimens.
Weight approx: 19 kg

Displacement transducer with 50mm travel for reading displacement of sprayed concrete slab centre under concentrated load.

100mm displacement transducer for measuring the piston travel. Complete with attachments.
Weight approx: 1 kg

Distance piece 50mm thickness for flexure frame

Distance piece 80mm thickness for flexure frame



Energy absorption test on slabs

50-C1711/FR Frame 350 kN cap.
50-C1500/9 100mm piston travel displacement transducer

to ASTM C1550
50-C1700/7 accessory for FRC round, slabs, 800 mm dia. x 75 mm thick
50-C1500/8 50 mm central slab deflection displacement transducer

to EN 14488-5
50-C1500/6 Accessory for testing sprayed concrete slab 600 x 600 x 100 mm to EN 14488-5. Including supporting square base and spherically
seated loading element.
50-C1500/8 50 mm central slab deflection displacement transducer

Measurement of beam deflection and thougness

50-C1711/FR Frame 350 kN cap.
50-C1500/1 Set of 2 supports and 2 loading rollers dia.30x210mm
50-C1500/5 Auxiliary testing frame for the measurement of deflection of beams
82-P0331/C High accuracy displacement transducer 10mm travel (2 PCS needed)
82-P0331/2 Electric mean device for displacement transducer 82-P0331/C

Displacement transducer for measurement of crack opening

50-C1711/FR Frame 350 kN cap.
50-C1500/1 Set of 2 supports and 2 loading rollers dia.30x210mm
82-P0331/E High precision displacement transducer to measure Crack Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD) and Crack Mouth Opening Displacement


(To be specified at time of order: these items has to be factory installed.)

Special calibration procedure

The above upgrading is suitable if the frame is connected to automatic testing machines or control consoles.
Special calibration of compression testers assuring Class 1 (EN) and Class A (ASTM), from 1% to full load range. Suitable for models fitted with
load cell.

Traceable certificate of surface hardness

Supply of the compression deice model 50-C1500/7 complete with traceable certificate of hardness of 165 mm dia. platen surfaces

Concrete beam testing Easy frontal positioning of the Flexure testing on FRC round panel
specimen to ASTM C1550 with high stiffness
frame 50-C1711/FR.

Detail of CMOD testing to EN 14651

with 350kN high stiffness frame 50-
C1711/FR. See Additional

Detail of piston travel displacement


Flexure testing on FRC round panel Energy absorption test to EN

to ASTM C1550 with high stiffness 14488-5 with 350kN high stiffness
frame 50-C1711/FR. frame 50-C1711/FR. See Additional

CONTROLS S.p.A. Via Salvo D'Acquisto, 2 - 20060 Liscate, Milan (MI) - Italy | Tel. +39 02 92184.1 | Fax +39 02 92103333 | Email:
[email protected]

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