K Tec en 05 12 PDF
K Tec en 05 12 PDF
K Tec en 05 12 PDF
The TEC earthing switches comply with the publications IEC 62271-1021; IEC 60694 and most other national
regulations. They are available for rated voltages in the range 72.5 kV to 300 kV.
Design 4
Mode of Operation
The earthing switch is operated separately. The design of 1
the operating linkage is such that a dead centre position
is passed through shortly before the end positions are
reached. Due to that is avoided automatic opening or
closing of the units caused by some external influences 3
(e.g. due to vibrations caused by an earthquake, short
circuits etc.).
Earthing switch contact type TEC (for rated short
The energy is transmitted to the earthing switch shaft via time current 50kA and voltages 245 and 300kV)
the operating shaft and the tubular contact arm swings 1 – contact finger
upwards when the unit is closed. In the closed position 2 – corona protection fitting
the contact fingers come to rest against the stop with 3—tubular contact arm
4 – contact piece
initial tension.
Operating Mechanisms
Each three-pole earthing switch group requires only one manual or motor operating mechanism.
The operating mechanisms are fastened laterally to the base frame. For units installed on a higher level it is
possible to mount the operating mechanism within reach from the ground level by using the additional pivot
bearing and the operating shaft.
Motor-operated mechanism can be interlocked electrically. If required, operating mechanisms can be equipped
with the blocking magnet, which prevents any operation of the manual operating mechanism or emergency
manual operation of motor operated mechanism if there is no actuating signal from the control room. This
enables the centralised supervision over all manual operations of earthing switches in the whole substations.
Little Maintenance
Due to the selection of the materials used and the permanent lubrication the units are practically maintenance-
free. Inspections are mainly limited to components exposed to atmospheric influences.
Under normal climatic conditions the inspection intervals are every 5 years.
TEC 72,5 TEC 90 TEC 123 TEC 145 TEC 170 TEC 245 TEC 300
Earthing switch
/*** /*** /*** /*** /*** /*** /***
Rated voltage kV 72,5 90 123 145 170 245 300
Rated peak withstand current kA 100 100 100 /125 100 /125 100 /125 100 /125 100 /125
Rated short-time withstand current
(rms.) kA 40 40 40 / 50 40 / 50 40 / 50 40 / 50 40 / 50
Rated power-frequency withstand
voltage to earth 50 Hz, 1min kV 140 150 230 275 325 460 380
Rated lighting impulse withstand
voltage to earth 1,2 / 50µs kV 325 380 550 650 750 1050 1050
Rated switching impulse withstand
voltage to earth 250/2500 µs kV - - - - - - 850
Discharge inception voltage kV >46 >57 >80 >95 >110 >160 >230
Radio interference voltage µV - - <500 <500 <1000 <500 <1000
3- phase breaking capacity
inductive / capacitive A 2 2 2 2 2 1,5 1
Inducted current switching ability
according to IEC1129 *
for electromagnetic coupling A/kV - - 50/0,5 50/1 50/1 80/1,4 80/1,4
for electrostatic coupling A/kV - - 0,4/3 0,4/5 0,4/3 1,25/5 1,25/5
Insulator design:
minimum failing load kN 4,0-6,0 4,0-6,0 4,0-6,0-8,0 4,0-6,0-8,0 4,0-6,0-8,0 4,0-6,0-8,0 6,0-8,0
overall height mm 770 870 1220 1500 1700 2300 2650
minimum creepage distance mm 1450 1800 2460 2900 3400 4900 4900
Admissible mechanical terminal
load: **
static and dynamic kN 2,5-2,5 2,5-2,5 3,0-4,5-6,0 3,1-4,7-6,0 3,1-5,1-6,0 3,2-5,1-6,0 5,1-6,0
static portion kN 0,5-0,5 0,5-0,5 1,5-2,5-2,5 1,5-2,5-2,5 1,5-2,5-2,5 1,5-2,5-2,5 2,5-2,5
* as an option
** Values apply to support insulators of standard design given in the table
*** Values type designation is complemented by the data for rated peak withstand current.
Example: TEC 245 / 125
Main dimensions and weights