When you forge a pact with the Spirits of the Land, the Elements and the primal Beastmonarchs
When you take Take Guardian Form you also get Warden Duty
The power given to you by the primal spirits of the Land, the Elements and the Beastmonarchs
doesn’t come free. Choose 2 duties they have tasked you with.
- Explore the wild lands and all they have to offer
- Protect nature against a dangerous influences from beyond this world
- Protect endangered plants and beasts from the civilised races
- Hunt mages and priests that disrupt the natural order
- Teach how to live with nature instead of against it
When you fulfill one of your Duties you regain use of one of your Guardian Forms or you get a
Boon from the Spirits
(Example boons: healing, enchanted totems, learning a new Guardian Form, knowledge, shelter)
The spirits have strengthened your life force and can protect you. When you take a Debility or
when an attack drops you to 0 Hitpoints, roll +WIS.
On a 10+ choose 2
On a 7-9 choose 1
- You heal 1d6 Hitpoints
- You gain +2 armor forward to the next attack against you
- You ignore the debility until the action has died down
In addition you lose access to Font of Life until the next time you spend time (an hour or so)
communing with the Spirits
When you gain Font of Life you also learn 1 new Guardian Form
When you strike an enemy in melee, instead of damaging them you can use the direct
connection to unleash spirits of vines on them. The spirits will root the enemy in place. As long
as you keep your concentration on that enemy the roots stay in place and they can’t leave their
position and all actions that require freedom of movement will be much harder for them.
When you gain Root Strike you also learn 1 new Guardian Form
Take the Communion of Whispers or Thing-Talker move from the Druid Class List
A Guardian Form is a transformation of your body without complete shapeshifting. You might
grow horns and hoofs or your skin might turn to stone but you keep your basic features - you do
not transform into a bull or a rolling stone.
Every Guardian Form gives you access to a passive ability and a move. When you use that move
you automatically drop out of the Guardian Form.
When you have used a Guardian Form, you can’t take that form again until you fulfill your
Warden Duty.
Staying in a Guardian Form for a prolonged amount of time will cause the primal magic to
transform you more, taking away your mind and body, you can resist it but it’s a losing battle the
longer you are under the effect of your form.
You may not assume a Guardian Form and Shapechange at the same time.