Lay On Hands Elemental Mastery: Body

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Elemental Avenger

BODY: Massive, Athletic, Hairy

EYES: Fierce, Determined, Crazy

+4x level

HAIR: Bald, Short, Long, Samurai

Elemental Mastery

Lay on Hands

When you call on the primal

spirits of air, earth, fire or water
to perform a task for you,
On a 10+, choose two from the list
On a 7-9, choose one:

The effect you desire comes to


You avoid paying natures price.

You retain control.

On a miss, some catastrophe occurs
as a result of your calling.

When you touch someone, skin to

and pray for their wellbeing,
On a 10+, you heal 1d8 damage or
remove one disease. On a 7-9, they
are healed, but the damage or
disease is transferred to you.

Spill the Blood

When you deal damage to an
enemy, hold 1 Fury. When you have a
moment to rest, you can spend all
your Fury on yourself
, healing d6+Fury damage. If you go a
day without dealing damage to an
enemy, lose all the Fury you have

Fury Pool

Furious Anger
In combat, you can spend your Fury,
1-for-1 to:
Increase the damage of one attack by
Block a blow meant for someone else.
You take the damage instead.
Disarm a foe.
Free yourself from constraints or

You carry a backpack and a torch

Dungeon Rations (5 uses, ration, 1
Choose 2 weapons:
Axe (close, 1 weight)
Dagger (hand, 1 weight)
Sword (close, +1 damage, 1 weight)

Choose your defenses:


Eye of the Storm


When you exert your will in a circle

around yourself, roll+CON.
On a hit, the world calms around you
(the earth below your feet stops
breaking apart, fires you touch go out,
storms break around you, etc), but on
a 7-9, this calmness affects only what
you touch, and only as long as you
are touching it.

When you heal an ally, you heal

+1d8 damage.

You are no longer harmed by the

touch of fire, nor are you vulnerable
to heat.

Friend of the Sea

Chainmail (1 armour, 1 weight)

You can live, breathe, and move

underwater with ease.

Shield (close, 1 weight)

Heart of Ice

Leather armour (1 armour, 1 weight)

Choose two:

You can walk easily on ice and are no

longer vulnerable to freezing.
No matter how cold or slippery it gets,
you function fine.

Adventuring Gear (5 uses, 1 weight)

South of Heaven

A large item made of, or for, a

particular element, with one tag
of your choice

When you have less than half your

maximum hit points left, your attacks
gain the forceful and messy tags and
you deal
+1d6 damage.

Many small items made of, or for, a

particular element, with
one tag of your choice.

When you lead the charge into

combat, those you lead take +1

When you heal someone, they take
+2 forward to their damage.

Die by the Sword

When you take your last breath and

either miss or refuse Deaths bargain,
you can still come back to life, but
Death will take
you during the next combat you
participate in, somehow, some way,
no matter what.

When you deal damage to
something that can bleed, deal
+1d4 damage.

Symbol of Vengeance

Elemental Form
You can transmute your own body
into a form made from the raw
elements. When you assume an
elemental form, roll+CON. On a
10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 2. On a
miss, hold 1 in addition to whatever
the GM says.

Your new form can move much like your old

form, but has the innate abilities of the
elements it is made of: fire burns, stone is
hard, water runs and flows, and a body
made of light, shadow, or wind is intangible.
You still use your normal stats but some
moves may be harder to trigger. The GM will
also tell you one or more
moves associated with your new form.
Spend a hold to make that move. Once
youre out of hold, you return to your natural
form. At any time, you may spend all your
hold and revert to your natural

To Speak With the

World Itself When you

Fill in at least one with the name of a

companion, or write your own.

__________ gave me food and shelter

when I had nothing..
__________ is a brave soul, I have
much to teach them.
__________ is always getting into
trouble I must protect them from
I have sworn to protect __________..
__________ and I have braved the
elements together.
__________ is in constant danger, but I
will keep them safe.
__________ has stood by me in battle
and can be trusted completely.
If I am the spirit of Death, __________
is the spirit of Life. They must
Survive this danger, no matter what.

examine something made from the

raw elements of nature, roll+CON. On
a 10+, you learn something
interesting and useful. On a 7-9, you
learn something interesting, but its
on you to
make it useful. On a miss, you have
disturbed the elements with your meddling.
Whatever the result, the GM may also tell
you something this element wants. If you
give it what it wants, it will answer one
question you ask of it, to the best of its

Weather Weaver
When you are under open skies when
the sun rises, the GM will
ask you what the weather will be that
day. tell them whatever you
like, it comes to pass.

Replaces: Merciless

Angel of Death

When you hack and slash or volley,

you may spend Fury before rolling.
For each Fury you spend choose an
extra target. Roll once and apply
damage to all targets, but gain no
Fury for this attack.

Ever Onward
Replaces: Charge!
When you lead the charge into
combat, those you lead take
+1 forward and +2 armour forward.

Perfect Hospitaller
Replaces: Hosptitalier
When you heal an ally, you heal
+2d8 damage.

Reign in Blood
Replaces: Spill the Blood
When you deal damage to an enemy,
hold 1 Fury. When you have a
moment to rest, you can spend all
your Fury on yourself
, healing 1d6 damage per Fury. If
you go a day without dealing damage,
lose all the fury you have gained.

Elemental Avenger

Born of Fire

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