Pneumothorax Smoking Primary pneumothorax Secondary pneumothorax
Diffuse cystic lung disease
Pneumothorax can develop because of diverse etiologies; in many cases, no specific cause may be
Tension pneumothorax is a pathophysiologic, not a radiologic, diagnosis.
Patients with primary spontaneous pneumothorax may have lung abnormalities that are not
apparent on chest radiographs. Tobacco smoking is the most important risk factor.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the most common underlying lung disorder associated
with secondary spontaneous pneumothorax.Recurrent pneumothorax is common in diffuse cystic
lung diseases.
The exact pathogenetic mechanisms of spontaneous pneumothorax development are unknown.
An interplay between lung-related abnormalities and environmental factors is likely in most cases.
Funding: R. Thomas has received career research fellowship funding from National Health and Medical
Research Council, Australia and Cancer Council Western Australia, Australia.
Declaration of interest: The authors have nothing to disclose.
Department of Pulmonology, Serdang Hospital, Kajang, Malaysia; b Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia;
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth, Australia; d School of Medicine,
University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
mediastinum, making it vulnerable to bilateral ten- incidence rate of 0.042% (0.050% in males vs
sion pneumothoraces following a penetrating 0.018% in females).10 Although asymptomatic,
injury in one hemithorax (Fig. 1). 50% of these affected students had moderate-
The term “pneumothorax” (a Greek composite severe pneumothorax on chest radiograph
word derived from “pneuma – air” and “thorax – (defined as lung collapse >10% of hemithorax).
chest”) was first coined in 1803 by Jean Marc Gas-
pard Itard,2 a French physician and student of Recurrence
Rene Laennec (1781–1826). Laennec3 would later Recurrence of pneumothorax following an initial
describe the clinical and anatomic details of pneu- episode is common; this necessitates pneumo-
mothorax in 1819. Most cases of pneumothorax thorax management plans to consider the likeli-
were initially believed to be secondary to pulmo- hood of recurrence and need for recurrence
nary tuberculosis.4 Kjaergaad5 in 1932 provided prevention interventions. The reported rates of
the first modern description of primary sponta- recurrence following spontaneous pneumothorax
neous pneumothorax (PSP) wherein he made a is highly variable because of heterogeneities in
clear distinction of “pneumothorax simple” (ie, protocols, population, treatment algorithms, and
pneumothorax in young patients with no apparent follow-up periods in different studies.11 Long-
lung disease) versus pneumothorax secondary to term follow-up studies show PSP recurrence rate
pulmonary tuberculosis. This distinction was ranging between 16% and 52%.11–14 One age-
important because patients with pulmonary tuber- stratified longitudinal epidemiologic study from
culosis in those days would be confined long-term Taiwan reported a PSP recurrence rate of
in sanitoriums. 23.7%15 and a similar study from France had a
PSP recurrence rate of 28%; most pneumothorax
EPIDEMIOLOGY recurrence was seen in the first year following the
Incidence index episode.16 A recent systematic review (29
studies involving 13,548 patients) reported similar
The reported incidence of pneumothorax varies findings of overall PSP recurrence rate of 32%
depending on study regions and may be lower (29% 1-year recurrence)14; recurrence was three
than the real incidence because of underreporting times more among females (odds ratio, 3.03) and
and underdiagnosis in asymptomatic patients. smoking cessation reduced recurrence risk by
Epidemiologic studies have shown an overall inci- four-fold (odds ratio, 0.26).
dence of spontaneous pneumothorax of 16.8 per Recurrence is higher in SSP (40%–56% in
100,000 population per year (24/100,000/year for different studies)17,18 and occurs earlier, usually
males; 9.8/100,000/year for females) in England.6 within 6 months of the initial episode.19 The risk
The incidence of spontaneous pneumothorax of multiple subsequent pneumothorax episodes,
from Sweden (Stockholm, 1975–1984) was lower without prevention intervention, also remains.12
at 18/100,000/year in males and 6/100,000/year In one retrospective study by Voge and Anthracite,
in females.7 The age-adjusted incidence of PSP 28% patients had a second episode, 23% had a
and secondary spontaneous pneumothorax third episode, and 14% developed a fourth
(SSP) in the United States was 4.2 and 3.8 per episode of spontaneous pneumothorax.20
100,000 population per year, respectively.8
The peak incidence of spontaneous pneumo-
thorax shows a clear bimodal distribution: PSP is
Classification by Size
most commonly seen in patients between 15 and
34 years and the incidence of SSP is highest in pa- Several methods have been described to measure
tients older than 55 years.6 The incidence of pa- and classify pneumothorax size. Light index calcu-
tients with pneumothorax who need lates pneumothorax size from the ratio of cubed
hospitalization is reported to be 11.1 per 100,000 diameters of collapsed lung and hemithorax on a
population per year (16.6/100,000/year for males chest radiograph (pneumothorax size [%] 5 100
and 5.8/100,000/year for females).6 The annual [1 average lung diameter3/average hemi-
cost of spontaneous pneumothorax management thorax diameter3]) and shows good correlation
in the United States is estimated to be $130 with the volume of air removed (Fig. 2).21 Collin for-
million.9 mula to estimate pneumothorax volume from a
The incidence of asymptomatic pneumothorax chest radiograph was derived based on helical
is harder to assess. One retrospective study that computed tomography (CT) volumetrics22 and
reviewed 101,709 chest radiographs performed uses three interpleural distances measured at
during routine medical check-ups of university stu- specified points (a, b, and c); the estimated pneu-
dents in Tokyo, Japan reported a pneumothorax mothorax volume is calculated by formula
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Pneumothorax: Classification and Aetiology 713
Fig. 1. Chest radiograph of a patient who developed bilateral pneumothorax (A) following computed tomogra-
phy (CT)-guided lung biopsy of a right lower lobe nodule (B). Sternotomy wires from a previous coronary artery
bypass graft are noted. The coronary artery bypass graft surgery resulted in communication between right and
left pleural cavities across the mediastinum leading to bilateral pneumothorax following right lung biopsy. Chest
radiograph performed 2 hours after placement of an intercostal catheter in the right pleural cavity shows
improvement of pneumothorax on both sides (C).
Y 5 4.2 1 (4.7 [a 1 b 1 c]) (Fig. 3). CT scans us- without causing complete lung collapse; and (3)
ing three-dimensional measurements are more ac- complete pneumothorax, for total lung collapse
curate than chest radiographs in calculating (Fig. 4). The American College of Chest Physicians
pneumothorax size. (ACCP) pneumothorax guidelines classify pneu-
Several international guidelines recommend mothorax size depending on the distance from
assessing pneumothorax size using chest radio- the apex of the collapsed lung to the ipsilateral
graph measurements to guide treatment interven- thoracic cupola.9 This distance is greater
tions. The Spanish Society of Pulmonology and than 3 cm with a large pneumothorax and less
Thoracic Surgery23 classifies pneumothorax, than 3 cm with a small pneumothorax (Fig. 5).
based on morphologic and anatomic criteria, into This method can lead to overestimation of pneu-
(1) partial pneumothorax, when the visceral pleura mothorax size with a predominantly apical pneu-
is only partially detached from the chest wall, such mothorax. The British Thoracic Society (BTS)
as in isolated apical pneumothorax; (2) incomplete pneumothorax guidelines classify pneumothorax
pneumothorax, when both visceral and parietal size based on the interpleural distance measured
pleurae are fully separated from apex to base but at the level of the hilum.24 The interpleural distance
is less than 2 cm in a small pneumothorax and cor-
relates with a pneumothorax occupying less than
50% of the hemithorax volume (Fig. 6).24,25 Inter-
pleural distance of greater than 2 cm helps to iden-
tify a pneumothorax that could be drained safely
by needle or chest drain decompression without
causing lung injury.26
There is poor agreement between international
guidelines and studies of pneumothorax size and
management strategies. A study comparing the
BTS, ACCP, and Belgian Society of Pulmonology
guidelines showed agreement in only 47% of
cases.27 A different study showed that adherence
in a UK hospital to the BTS guidelines was seen in
70% of PSP cases and to ACCP guidelines in
32%, and resulted in conflicting management rec-
ommendations depending on the guidelines
used.28 A pneumothorax typically resolves by
2% per day without intervention29 and therefore,
it was believed that a large pneumothorax is best
Fig. 2. Light method to measure pneumothorax vol- treated by pleural drainage and rapid lung
ume: Pneumothorax % 5 100 [1-b3/a3].
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714 Huan et al
Tension pneumothorax
It should be emphasized that tension pneumo-
thorax is a pathophysiologic, and not a radiologic,
diagnosis because patients with a large pneumo-
thorax but without cardiopulmonary collapse often
get misdiagnosed to have tension pneumothorax.
Tension pneumothorax is rarely seen among
spontaneously breathing patients with PSP33 and
SSP. It is more likely to occur among patients
Fig. 3. Collin formula: Pneumothorax volume 5 with traumatic pneumothorax and those receiving
4.2 1 [4.7 (a 1 b 1 c)]. positive pressure mechanical ventilation32; the
pneumothorax progresses rapidly because of
ongoing positive pressure ventilation to cause
re-expansion. However, precise measurements of
cardiorespiratory collapse.32,34 It is important to
pneumothorax size may not have as much clinical
recognize tension pneumothorax because, unlike
value as previously thought with increasing evi-
large PSP and SSP that usually do not require im-
dence suggesting that a symptom-driven man-
mediate drainage, tension pneumothorax requires
agement algorithm, rather than based on
emergency decompression.34
pneumothorax size alone, might be more
beneficial.30,31 Traumatic pneumothorax
Pneumothorax caused by injuries to the chest or
lung is classified as traumatic.35 Traumatic pneu-
Classification by Pathophysiology and
mothorax may be iatrogenic, as a complication
following medical procedures or interventions;
Pneumothorax is classified by underlying etiology and noniatrogenic, when caused by blunt or pene-
and pathophysiology; the clinical presentation, trating chest injuries, such as following motor
pneumothorax progress or resolution, likelihood vehicle accident trauma and falls (Fig. 7).35,36
of pneumothorax recurrence, and management Greater than 10% of trauma patients may develop
strategies can vary significantly (Box 1).24 Tension blunt chest injury-related pneumothorax that is
pneumothorax is a rare, life-threatening condition associated with mortality rates of 5% to 20%37
that develops when air trapped within the pleural from life-threatening hemothorax, tension pneumo-
cavity under positive pressure leads to cardiopul- thorax, and damage to surrounding major organs,
monary compromise.32 Traumatic pneumothorax such as the thoracic aorta.35 Chest wall defects
Fig. 4. Left partial left pneumothorax (A). Left incomplete pneumothorax (B). Left complete pneumothorax (C).
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Pneumothorax: Classification and Aetiology 715
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Pneumothorax: Classification and Aetiology 717
Fig. 9. Chest radiograph showing iatrogenic right-sided pneumothorax following radiofrequency ablation (RFA)
of right upper lobe tumor (A). CT scan of chest (axial and coronal views) shows a bronchopleural fistula and
breach of visceral pleura (arrows) caused by RFA leading to iatrogenic pneumothorax (B, C).
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718 Huan et al
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Pneumothorax: Classification and Aetiology 719
Fig. 11. CT chest axial (A) and coronal (B) views showing characteristic thin-walled uniformly shaped and distrib-
uted cysts of LAM in a young female presenting with recurrent left-sided pneumothorax. CT abdomen (C) shows a
left-sided angiomyolipoma (arrow) in the same patient.
active screening and surveillance. BHD should be of childbearing age.88,89 Based on clinical and
suspected in young patients with spontaneous pathologic findings, pneumothorax in women of
pneumothorax, skin lesions resembling folliculo- childbearing age is classified into three groups:
mas (Fig. 13D, E), and renal tumors and in those (1) catamenial pneumothorax (with or without
with a similar family history. endometriosis), (2) endometriosis-related nonca-
Other rare inherited and genetic disorders, such tamenial pneumothorax (pneumothorax occurring
as neurofibromatosis and Ehlers-Danlos syn- outside the menstrual period but with pathologic
drome, with characteristic DCLD patterns on findings of endometriosis), and (3) idiopathic pneu-
HRCT are also associated with high risk of sponta- mothorax (noncatamenial and nonendometriosis
neous pneumothorax and recurrence (Fig. 14). with no underlying cause identified).90
Catamenial pneumothorax is associated with
Pneumothorax in women of childbearing age The the menstrual cycle and typically occurs within
overall incidence of pneumothorax is lower among 72 hours before and after the onset of menstrual
females; however, there are unique conditions that period. Catamenial pneumothorax is likely under-
present with recurrent spontaneous pneumo- diagnosed; a study of menstruating women under-
thorax and occur only, or predominantly, in women going surgery for spontaneous pneumothorax
found a catamenial cause in 30%.91 It is usually
unilateral, predominantly on the right side, and
associated with thoracic and/or extrathoracic
endometriosis.92,93 Pneumothorax develops
when endometrial tissue in the lung and visceral
pleura ruptures. The endometrial tissue is thought
to reach the lung and pleura by intra-abdominal
migration, micrometastatic seeding, or lympho-
vascular spread. Endometriosis-related pneumo-
thorax can also develop following rupture of
pelvic endometriosis and transgenital or trans-
diaphragmatic tracking up of air through diaphrag-
matic defects into the pleural space.94 Single or
multiple fenestrations are present in the tendinous
part of the diaphragm and nodules are seen on the
diaphragmatic/visceral pleura (Fig. 15A–E). The
diaphragmatic defects may be missed at the
time of surgery unless carefully searched for;
without plication of the diaphragmatic defects,
pneumothorax can recur in patients with extra-
Fig. 12. CT chest (axial view) showing characteristic
thoracic endometriosis.
nodules and bizarrely shaped cysts, predominantly in
The correlation between development of pneu-
the upper and middle lung zones, in a young smoker
with PLCH. mothorax to menstrual periods is not always
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720 Huan et al
Fig. 13. CT chest axial (A, B) and coronal (C) views show round, lentiform-shaped, thin-walled cysts with a pre-
dominantly basal and subpleural distribution in a patient with BHD. BHD is associated with skin lesions formed
by folliculomas (D, E).
apparent and the diagnosis of thoracic endometri- pneumothorax development.100,101 A higher blood
osis may only be made when endometrial nodules level of aluminum has been noted among patients
are seen at the time of surgery. The nodules have with spontaneous pneumothorax102 leading to the
glandular cells, endometrial stroma, and postulation that aluminum might play a role in forma-
hemosiderin-laden macrophages and test positive tion of subpleural blebs and bullous lesions and
for estrogen and progesterone receptors. CD10 pneumothorax development.102
staining on the resected specimen is useful to
identify endometriosis tissue following resection.
Another important diagnosis to consider in PATHOGENESIS
young females presenting with recurrent pneumo- The exact pathogenesis and mechanisms of spon-
thorax is LAM (described previously). 95 taneous pneumothorax remain unclear. Although it
was believed earlier that PSP occurs in patients
Miscellaneous causes Pressure swings secondary with no underlying lung abnormalities, several
to changes in atmospheric pressure during thunder- factors have been identified that predispose to
storms and with high altitude,96 air pollution,97 expo- pneumothorax development. An interplay of
sure to loud music,98 playing musical instruments, lung-related abnormalities, such as subpleural
and blowing of balloons99 have been reported to blebs (Fig. 16A–C) and bullae (Fig. 16D),26,103
cause spontaneous pneumothorax. Anorexia nerv- visceral pleural porosity,104 emphysema-like
osa has been found to be associated with pneumo- changes (ELCs),105 chronic small airway inflam-
thorax. The risk of developing subsequent mation,104,106 and abnormal levels of matrix metal-
contralateral spontaneous pneumothorax is higher loproteinases (MMP),107,108 and environmental
among underweight patients; malnutrition of pneu- factors, such as smoking, is now thought to lead
mocytes may be a possible mechanism leading to to pneumothorax development and recurrence.
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Pneumothorax: Classification and Aetiology 721
Fig. 14. CT chest axial (A, B) and sagittal (C) views showing skin neurofibroma nodules (arrows) in a patient with
neurofibromatosis and presenting with spontaneous right-sided pneumothorax.
Blebs, Bullae, and Pleural Porosity multiple factors are likely involved. Air leak from
ruptured blebs and bullae is not always present
Pleural blebs and bullae are demonstrated in pa-
(3.6%–73%) during surgery for spontaneous
tients with PSP using advanced imaging tech-
pneumothorax.111 Pneumothorax recurrence is
niques, such as CT and fluorescein-enhanced
high (up to 20%) when only bullectomy, and no
autofluorescence during thoracic surgery.
surgical pleurodesis, is performed.112,113 Addi-
Resected lung specimens show features of inflam-
tional to visible blebs or bullae, the pleura may
mation, disruption or absence of mesothelial cells,
also be abnormal with diffuse “pleural porosity.”
and presence of micropores measuring 10 to
Fluorescein-enhanced autofluorescence assess-
20 mm in diameter.104 How these then lead to
ment during thoracoscopy in patients with PSP
pleural bleb and bullae formation is unknown.30
can reveal abnormal areas of fluorescein leakage
It is also unclear whether these lesions are solely
on the visceral pleura even in areas that appeared
responsible for air leak development109,110;
normal on white-light inspection.112
Fig. 15. CT chest axial (A) and sagittal (B) views showing subpleural nodules (arrows) representing thoracic endo-
metriosis in a patient with catamenial pneumothorax. Ultrasound confirmed the presence of pelvic endometriosis
(C). Multiple reddish-brown endometrial nodules were seen on the diaphragmatic pleura during video-assisted
thoracoscopic surgery (D, E).
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722 Huan et al
Fig. 16. CT chest axial (A) and coronal (B) views showing bilateral apical blebs (arrows). An apical bleb is seen on
direct visualization during video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (C). CT chest (axial view) shows multiple large left
upper lobe bullae (arrows) and spontaneous secondary pneumothorax (D).
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Pneumothorax: Classification and Aetiology 723
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Pneumothorax: Classification and Aetiology 725
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