Norma Tecnica
Norma Tecnica
Norma Tecnica
Necrotising pneumonia (NP) is defined as destruction of normal lung parenchyma with the presence
of areas of decreased contrast-enhancement +/- small air or fluid cavitations. Apart from the complication
of sepsis, it can also be associated with other pulmonary co-morbidities including parapneumonic
effusion/empyema, bronchopleural fistula and lung abscess. Most literature have reported
Streptococcus pneumoniae and community-acquired methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus as
the commonest pathogens. Mycoplasma pneumoniae, however, is becoming another important
causative agent, especially in the setting of increased prevalence of macrolide-resistant strain.
Contrasted computer tomography thorax remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of NP, but its
role may be substituted in the near future by thoracic ultrasonography with no concern of radiation
risk. Intravenous antibiotic is the main line of treatment and surgery has only ancillary role in managing
the complications. Though NP has significant morbidity in its acute stage, which usually leads to
prolonged hospitalisation, extended course of antibiotics or even necessity of surgical intervention,
its long-term prognosis is found to be excellent with low mortality, based on full clinical recovery and
minimal residual changes in follow-up imaging. More studies are however required to have better
assessment on the functional outcomes of children affected.
Volume 10 No. 4, December 2014 Review Ar ticle
thin-walled, air-filled cyst inside the lung parenchyma.8 their Paediatric Emergency Department. Six hundred
Finally lung abscess is defined as the well-delineated and thirty-five patients (13%) required hospitalisation
area of intrapulmonary fluid density or cavity with air- and 41 (0.8%) children was later diagnosed to have NP.
fluid level, with thick (>2 mm) enhancement wall.9 Furthermore the percentage of pneumonia complicated
with NP actually doubled from 4.5% to 9% when
comparing the two periods 2006-2009 and 2009-2011.
Epidemiology and incidence
Journal of Paediatric Respirology and Critical Care
Volume 10 No. 4, December 2014 Review Ar ticle
Journal of Paediatric Respirology and Critical Care
(78.9% compared with 55.2%). Importantly, serotype 3 two out of eight culture-positive NP were caused by
was identified to carry the highest risk of developing Staphylococcus aureus, one being methicillin-sensitive
complicated pneumonia (necrotising pneumonia or whereas another methicillin-resistant.3 Tseng et al also
empyema) with OR 8.8 (95% CI: 1.024-75.59). The reported one fatal case of C-MRSA with severe sepsis
serotype 19A also caused more complicated pneumonia and necrotising pneumonia.20 With respect to the local
than uncomplicated one (12.9% versus 0%), though not incidence, the only article published in 1993 stated that
reaching the statistical significance (p=0.282). According Staphylococcus aureus ranked the third of the
to the authors, the emergence of serotype 19A was commonest bacteria in childhood pneumonia, following
rather related to selection of more resistant-strains after Haemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus
extensive antibiotic usage. It should be reminded that pneumoniae.21 No recent articles in the literature have
the results in this study should be interpreted cautiously reported the current local situation of paediatric
as none of the IPD patients were reported to have Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia, nor are there any
received prior PCV-7. case reports of paediatric NP caused by C-MRSA in
Hong Kong. However from the author's experience, few
One local study also analysed the change in serotypes necrotising pneumonia are caused by C-MRSA.
involved in IPD for all ages (from less than 5 to greater
than 65 years) after initiation of PCV-7 immunisation.14 Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Serotype 14 declined from 36% to 15.7% (p<0.01) Mycoplasma pneumoniae (MP), on the other hand, has
whereas 19A rose exponentially from 0 to 12.9% become an important cause of NP around this region.
(p<0.01). For those younger than 5, the proportion of In Wong's study, two cases of necrotising pneumonia
PCV-7 covered serotypes decreased from 89.5% to were caused by MP.3 Subsequently two further case
65.7%, but those serotypes included in PCV-13 reports from Taiwan 22,23 and one from China 24 also
remained similar (from 91.4-93.2%). Furthermore 19A described NP related to this bacteria, though the total
was associated with penicillin/erythromycin resistance. number of cases remained small. The three case reports
Another similar study in China analysed all hospitalised however revealed the clinical features quite different
children <5 years with pneumococcal pneumonia from from the usual self-limiting atypical pneumonia. First, it
February 2006 to February 2008. 15 The most predominantly affected the younger age, down to the
predominant serotype was 19F (55.6%), followed by 19A age of three.23,24 Second, prolonged fever occurred up
(13.9%). The 19A serotype was also found to have the to 20 days even after starting erythromycin and there
highest drug resistance. was long hospital stay ranged from 17-35 days.24 Third,
though no mortality was reported so far, the massive
To summarise all the studies, the immunisation of parapneumonic pleural effusion actually required chest
Prevnar-7 has actually selected the two more virulent drain insertion 23 and video-assisted thoracoscopic
non-vaccine serotypes 3 and 19A, which has supported surgery (VATS) with decortication.22 Furthermore, there
the concept of serotype replacement.12 The serotype 3 was a recent article reporting an increase in the
also results in more necrotising pneumonia or empyema, prevalence of macrolide-resistant MP in Hong Kong.25
as well as the necessity of surgical treatment. On the
other hand, the emergence of serotype 19A has posed Miscellaneous pathogens
a threat of multiple antibiotic resistance. Fortunately, Other pathogens reported in the literature also included
most of the common serotypes reported to cause NP group A Streptococcus,26 co-infection with human swine
nowadays are still protected by the newer 13-valent influenza (H1N1), 27,28 as well as those rare bacteria
pneumococcal conjugated vaccine. including Acinetobacter species 29 and Mycoplasma
Staphylococcus aureus
The second commonest bacteria causing necrotising
pneumonia in the literature is Staphylococcus aureus, Pathogenesis of necrotising pneumonia
especially community acquired methicillin resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (C-MRSA), which carries the It is still debatable about the pathogenesis of necrotising
gene for Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL).16-20 From pneumonia in paediatric population. Panton-Valentine
the French single center study on 41 children with NP, leukocidin-positive Staphylococcus aureus, has been
13 cases were caused by C-MRSA followed by showed to induce extensive necrotic ulcerations of the
7 children with Streptococcus pneumoniae. 11 tracheal and bronchial mucosa, as well as massive
From Taiwan's study in 2000 including 21 cases, haemorrhagic necrosis of inter-alveolar septa in one
Volume 10 No. 4, December 2014 Review Ar ticle
post-mortem study.16 However it is still unclear how presence of immature PMN and elevated CRP, to be
Streptococcus pneumonia causes tissue destruction and risk factors. The identification of the above three
it has been postulated to be related to one unknown conditions actually supports the notion that the host
virulent factor secreted.31 Furthermore, the same authors inflammatory towards the pathogens, as exhibited by
performed the autopsy in their only mortality case and left-shifted neutrophilia and elevated CRP, is probably
identified pulmonary gangrene in the right middle lobe the key element for the tissue injury. Furthermore, as
and intravascular thrombi in the pulmonary artery shown in Table 1a, most children with NP were healthy
draining to the infarcted region. They postulated that without impaired immunity. It further supports the
pulmonary gangrene might be infrequently associated postulation that NP is developed out of the exaggerated
with pneumococcal NP. The gangrene subsequently cytokine-immune response from the host toward the
evolved to liquefaction of pulmonary parenchyma and pathogens, leading to parenchymal destruction. 4
then cavitations. Nonetheless, two rather contradictory findings from that
retrospective study was that neither the serotypes of
In another article, lung resection was performed in 12 Streptococcus pneumonia, nor the penicillin resistant
patients with necrotising pneumonia complicated with strains were found to have significant difference between
bronchopleural fistula. 7 Coagulation necrosis was the complicated pneumonia and lobar pneumonia. 10
detected in 11/12 cases. Eight of those twelve patients Actually the predominant serotype isolated in that study
were also detected with co-existent suppurative necrosis. was serotype 14 and none of the cases was caused by
Furthermore vasculitis and thrombosis formation were serotype 3.
identified histologically in 33.3% (4/12) and 66.7%
(8/12) respectively. These findings further support the With respect to PVL-positive Staphylococcus aureus
theory of macroscopic pulmonary gangrene and necrotising pneumonia, the French researchers
microscopic ischemic necrosis. investigated PVL-positive Staphylococcus aureus
necrotising pneumonia in 50 patients with median age
14.5 years (range 1 month - 78 year). The risk factors
Risk factor for the development of necrotising identified in deceased group when compared with the
pneumonia/complicated pneumonia survived group included airway haemorrhage and
leukopenia.18 Multivariate analysis further calculated that
Only one study investigated the potential risk factors the adjusted relative hazard associated with death for
leading to the complicated pneumococcal pneumonia, total WBC count >1000-3000 /ml and 0-1000 were 7.99
which was defined to be culture-positive and associated (95% CI 1.66-38.43) and 7.38 (95% CI 1.60-34.02)
with necrotising pneumonia or empyema10 Out of 71 respectively. Six year later from the same French
confirmed pneumococcal pneumonia in their 8-year institution, another paper was published and it included
retrospective review, 40 developed parenchymal larger population of 148 patients with median age of 22
necrosis or empyema. Univariate analysis identified years (interquartile range 3.0-43.7 years). 19 Severe
5 characteristics associated with complicated leukopenia (</=3000/ml) increased the mortality with
pneumonia as tabulated (Table 2). adjusted hazard ratio 4.5 (95% CI: 2.38-8.51). The
presence of prior influenza illness increased the risk of
However further multivariate analysis only isolated the severe leukopenia with adjusted odd ratio 4.45 (95%
latter three conditions, namely no-underlying diseases, CI 1.67-11.88).
Journal of Paediatric Respirology and Critical Care
Volume 10 No. 4, December 2014 Review Ar ticle
Journal of Paediatric Respirology and Critical Care
Management of necrotising pneumonia and Consequently, the role of surgery in the management
pulmonary co-morbidities of necrotising pneumonia is mainly to treat the
associated pulmonary complications. The main
The management of NP including treating the indications for the surgical intervention include
pneumonia itself, together with the associated decortication for local empyema causing atelectasis,4
pulmonary complications. The management can be the surgical excision of diseased lung with persistent
divided into medical versus surgical interventions. bronchopleural fistula,7 or excision of large
pneumatocele which imposes heavy pressure effect on
Antibiotic treatment the adjacent healthy lung tissues, 46 imaging-guided
The main treatment for NP remains to be medical aspiration or insertion of drainage catheter for lung
therapy with intravenous antibiotics. No randomised abscess in non-responding patients treated with
control trial is available to guide the evidence-based intravenous antibiotics.42
recommendation on this disease management. Thus
the duration of antibiotic treatment is still controversial. Adjunctive treatment for empyema thoracis
Both British Thoracic Society (BTS) and Infectious There has been no change in the approach of the
Diseases Society of America (IDSA) did not state clearly management of empyema since the publication of the
how long the antibiotics are required for NP in their latest BTS guidelines in 2006.6 Conservative management
guidelines on management of community-acquired through chest drain insertion plus intrapleural fibrinolytic
pneumonia in children. From BTS statements, it only should be considered first, and the VATS will only be
mentions that prolonged course of intravenous antibiotic proceeded in those failed cases. The APSA also adopts
may be required until the fever settles.41 IDSA does not the same approach and recommends that the chemical
discuss the antibiotic strategy for NP.42 In contrast, the debridement is the first line treatment and surgical
recommendation on the antibiotic duration for empyema debridement will be reserved for those failed cases as
was written explicitly. BTS suggests that intravenous the last resort.43
antibiotics are continued until the child is afebrile or at
least until the chest drain is removed. 6 Then oral
antibiotics are continued on discharge for 1-4 more Prognosis
weeks, but longer if there is residual disease. IDSA gives
similar recommendation of 2-4 weeks duration of The prognosis of the necrotising pneumonia is usually
antibiotics for empyema, or at least 10 more days after excellent with very low mortality and minimal morbidity.
resolution of fever.42 As the NP and empyema usually
co-exist, the usual practice in my institution is to give a In the literature review, the mortality of NP was found to
similar duration of antibiotics to treat both conditions as be very low. Apart from those isolated case reports, only
follows: two relative large studies including 36-40 children
A total of 4 weeks, or 2 weeks after the patient is reported the mortality from 5.5% to 7.5%.4,10 The causes
afebrile and has improved clinically. of death were not discussed in details in both reports.
In another article focusing on invasive pneumococcal
Role of surgery on NP disease, the mortality was 6.7% and all the death had
It has already been a generally accepted approach that concurrent bacteremia.13
surgical intervention for NP per se should be avoided
as NP usually has an excellent outcome in children. With respect to the morbidity, all recovered clinically up
This is also in accordance with the recommendations to the follow-up period of 12 months in the first paediatric
from IDSA42 and American Pediatric Surgical Association case report.2 Out of the four patients, one had follow-up
(APSA).43 The suggestion is based on the evidence that CXR done at 2 months, which still detected
drainage of necrotic lung tissue actually led to the pneumatoceles but the lesions resolved in 6 months after
development of bronchopleural fistula.44 Nevertheless, discharge. CXR at 2 months in another patient only
in some uncommon circumstances when the sepsis detected pleural thickening with no parenchymal
cannot be controlled after appropriate antibiotic, excision abnormalities. One patient had pulmonary function test
of the necrotic tissue, in the form of segmentectomy, (PFT) showing decreased lung volume during the acute
lobectomy or even bilateral lobectomy, may be illness, but subsequent PFT at 2 months' time had
performed as the last resort.45 normalised.
Volume 10 No. 4, December 2014 Review Ar ticle
Based on the Boston's study, all 80 children had full its prognosis is suggested to be excellent with low
clinical recovery, as well as normal CXR.5 Only a few mortality. The most common pathogen, in this locality,
had follow-up CT thorax, which also revealed complete is Streptococcus pneumoniae with potential serotypes
resolution. In Taiwan's study, follow-up CXR films within already covered by PCV 13 currently. Mycoplasma
1-3 months showed complete resolution or only minimal pneumoniae is another important bacteria, especially
fibrotic changes in all nine patients with the imaging in the setting of emergence of macrolide-resistant
performed.31 strains. Ultrasonography of thorax has gained an
important role in the management of empyema and
It is still arguable that clinical and radiological resolution necrotising pneumonia and will probably replace CT as
are not equivalent to absence of functional pulmonary the primary investigation. Intravenous antibiotic
deficit. Furthermore, CXR is not sensitive enough to treatment is still the first line treatment for NP and
detect residual structural lesions. In Switzerland study surgery is reserved for managing its complications. More
on radiologic imaging, CT still detected pneumatoceles studies are required to have better understanding on
in 25% (2/8) of the patient.32 In another study including the functional outcomes on this disease.
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