Week 5 Learning Assessment

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Week 05 – Learning Activity

Learning Activity 01

At the end of this activity, you should be able to:
● Release and share resentment and unwanted feelings through writing.
● Learn how to write an essay in three paragraph form.
● Reflect on situations and moments that you overcome.
● Express oneself opinions and experiences.

1. Share some of your experiences that you fail and commit mistakes, how you overcome and
face this kind of situation. Please write your entry work in three paragraph form, consider
the format of Introduction, Body and Conclusion format(10 pts)

Everybody on Earth makes mistakes, it is apparent that no one is perfect. I myself

made and will make a lot of mistakes, it is inevitable. When I make mistakes I try to
learn from them and move on from them because they don’t define who I am. I am not
afraid to try something, I believe that I have a strong ability to trust myself and what I
can do. I will not cry, I will try to keep my head up high.

I’ve made a lot of mistakes, some of which I regret, however, I did learn from them,
and it's a bittersweet situation. I draw a lot, and when I'm making an artwork it is
hard for me to focus because I overthink. I start to worry about minor inconveniences
and that will lead me to start over and over again, and eventually, I fail to make
something and I start to lose interest to draw. I overcame this situation by improving
my ability to draw and resting once in a while so that my motivation to draw will not
fade away.

It's not easy to overcome failures, sometimes I still see myself overthinking the
mistakes I did. I try not to dwell on the things I have already done because it will sour
my mood all throughout my day. I try to look past my mistakes so that I can take a
glimpse of my future success. Looking forward to the future is my way of overlooking
my past. Again I will not cry but I will keep my head up high for my bright future.

2. Are there any moments in your life that your conscience is bugging you, can you share it
through writing an essay? Please write your entry work in three paragraph form, consider
the format of Introduction, Body and Conclusion format(10 pts)

First and foremost, what is a conscience? in my own definition, conscience is an inner feeling
or voice that tells you what is wrong and right. It warns you when you are doing something
wrong, it will also lead you to be guilty and you end up confessing and then apologizing. For
some people the topic of whether conscience is good or bad is subjective. Some people see it
as something good that gives them a warning. Others (mainly sociopaths) see consicence as a
hinder in their life.

There is a moment in my life in which I said bad things about a friend behind their back. Now
we are closer, my conscience is bugging me to tell them what I have done behind their back.
I don’t want to tell them because I’m afraid that it will affect our friendship and how they see
me as a person. I won’t let that moment in my life define me because back then I was
immature and wasn’t thinking that there will be a consequence for what I did. I will always
be sorry for what I did but I don’t have the courage to tell them what I did, and I will stick to
this decision for now.

I do believe that conscience is a good thing, but there will always be some times when I can’t
follow it. I believe that some things are better left not knowing, Ignorance is bliss as they say.
However, do listen to your conscience whenever you can because it can do you good. Before
you do something, listen to your conscience about whether it will do good or bad, and always
consider the consequences. Make sure your judgment isn’t clouded by selfishness, always do
good, and follow the guidance of God.

Rubric for Checking

Criteria (%) 10 7 5 3 0

Appropriateness The answer is The answer is The answer The The answer is
appropriate to related to the is somehow answer is not
the question question but related to slightly not appropriate to
some parts are the question connected the question
missing to the

Punctuality The student The student The The student

passed the passed the student did not pass
activity on time. activity a little passed the the activity.
bit late. activity
very late.

Concept/Ideas The answer is The answer The answer The answer is

relevant and makes sense makes little nonsense and
informative with but there is not to no sense has no
regards to the much and has no knowledge
question knowledge with knowledge with regards
regards to the to the topic

Format The answer The answer Do not have

follows the does not follow any answer
correct format the correct
(Introduction, format
Body and

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