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Behavioral Science Course

“The best contribution one can

make to humanity is to
enhance oneself”

Behavioural Skills: Path to


NAME OF THE STUDENT: Phub Tshering _____________________________________

NAME OF THE INSTITUTE: Amity Institute of Applied Science


BATCH: 2018-2021


ENROLLMENT NO: A4479118037


“Behaviour is the mirror in which we can display our

-Mahatma Gandhi

“Man’s main task in life is to give birth to himself,

to become what he potentially is.
The most important product of his effort is his own personality.”
-Erich Fromm

Dear Students,

In this fast-paced world, one finds it difficult to spare time to stop and reflect on various life
events. When this happens, it is possible that one feels that all the efforts had gone in the
wrong direction and one is still far away from his or her goal. The art of achieving goal lies in
understanding our self, building on our strengths and overcoming weaknesses. This facilitates
the process of self-awareness, self-acceptance and progression towards self-reform- a key to
Happiness. Through experiential training, Behavioural Science Course would facilitate
movement towards self-reform and develop better interpersonal skills to achieve personal
and professional success.

The LAP is an integral part of the Behavioural Science Course. It is a tool for introspection,
self-exploration and self-governance. It involves an initiative to reflect on the discussions and
activities during the various workshops of Behavioural Science Courses. It also involves
writing down personal learning during class exercises and discussions.

This Learning Articulation Portfolio may cover following information as a self-report:

1. Personal self profile at the time of joining the course

2. Your understanding of course content.
3. Self-rating against personal enhancement skills
4. Difficulties and obstacles in your personal development and learning the
application of the subject.
5. Experiences which one feel are relevant to your training for personal and professional
enhancement (specifically during the training period)

6. Assessment of own self as an excellent professional after the training through Self-
Rating, Interventions and Self-Profiling.

This Portfolio works as an assessment and evaluation tool for self-knowledge and will further
help you develop the ability to:

7. Recognize the uniqueness and expression of yourself and that of others

8. Inculcating the ability to accept self and others

9. Communicate the awareness to yourself and others

10. Monitor events in your life and make decisions for the present and future.

11. Realize your true strength & potential for Success.

For successful completion of the Behavioural Science programme, you are required to write
about your experiences and learning from each activity and discussion during all workshops
in this portfolio. Writing the portfolio will definitely help in inculcating the learning and
bringing positive change in your behaviour and personality.

Your Personal Portfolio will be reviewed at the end of each semester till the completion of the
Programme. Self Assessment, Self Analysis, Synthesis, Focus, Exploration, Honest Expression,
Initiative and Consistency are some elements that will help you to maintain this Personal
portfolio and enhance Behavioural Skills for success in life.

Wishing you a great insightful learning experience…!

Dr Taranjeet Duggal
Professor, Dept of Psychology & Behavioral Sciences
Amity Business School
Amity University

“The unaware life is not worth living”.




NAME: Phub Tshering

COURSE: B. Statistics




Step Father Entrepreneur

Mother House Wife

Sister Hotelier
Sister Student

Unleashing Self
(Entry Level)
I describe myself as friendly but never the first to speak. I am helpful because its never easy to say no to

others. I’m mostly indecisive but when in serious situation I know how to get help from others. Low self-

esteem and confidence but always stay prepared. I can’t say I’m well organized but organized person

would also define me.

I could do anything for work, no matter the skills I do or don’t have, it would be small scale

gardening/farming (i.e. looking after a little field of fruits and vegetables) in a mountainous region.

If money didn’t matter, I would spend most of my time feeding stray dogs, donating, travelling and

shopping with friends.

My perfect day starts with waking up early, doing some simple yoga, eating on time, doing some

academic work and ends with prays for well-being of all. I could be happier today if online movies and

dramas wouldn’t have distracted me.

Something I’ve wanted to change in my life is time management and improve my confidence level.

The last training I participated in was______________________________________________________.

A habit I failed to remove from my life is stressing over little things.

One skill that I always wanted to learn is, communication skills.

Dancing, arts and craft is something that I always wish to do, but don’t have time.

My greatest strengths are patience and punctuality.

And I will use it this year to overcome or cope up lockdown.

I draw most energy by doing sports, and listening to music.

I overcame my last fear by facing it.

A person I admire most is someone who is content with their life .

A book that inspired me the most is ‘You Can Win’ by Shiv Khera.
I expect following three leanings from the behavioral science course- learn about myself, track the

progress I made and coping with stress.

Mapping from Universal Skill-set Inventory

Following Universal skills have been identified to be relevant in Industry 4.0. Read them carefully and

write five soft skills for excelling in your dream industry

The five soft skills I want to excel are:

1. Industry technical skills

2. Cognitive analysis

3. Physical abilities

4. Systems skills and

5. Content skills.

“The Journey of a Thousand Miles begins with a single step”.

-Lao Tzu
Self-rating Scale at Entry level to be attached here
1: not at all
2: not exactly
3: sometimes and sometimes not
4: yes mostly
5: yes surely

Are you free from feeling of guilt? 1 2 3 4 5

Are you energetic? 1 2 3 4 5
Are you joyful? 1 2 3 4 5
Are you decisive? 1 2 3 4 5
Do you like your appearance? 1 2 3 4 5
Do you control your weight easily? 1 2 3 4 5
Do you relax easily? 1 2 3 4 5
Do you sleep well? 1 2 3 4 5
Do you get the right amount of sleep? 1 2 3 4 5
Do you like yourself? 1 2 3 4 5
Do you feel worthwhile? 1 2 3 4 5
Are you socially active? 1 2 3 4 5
Do you have pleasure in your activities? 1 2 3 4 5
Are you peaceful? 1 2 3 4 5
Do you take yourself as you are? 1 2 3 4 5
Are you motivated to do things? 1 2 3 4 5
Are you proud of your achievements? 1 2 3 4 5
Do you have high standards for yourself and others? 1 2 3 4 5
Do you emphasize your strength? 1 2 3 4 5
Do you love life? 1 2 3 4 5
Score : 74

Problem Areas Actions to be taken Course of Satisfaction Level
(to be filled in end of
each semester)
Indecisive Not to be in I am improving 5
dilemma and be
Leadership skill Be prepared and Yes, I am 7
be brave capable
Less sociable Try to be I am becoming 6
friendly with more sociable
everyone and be
Self-confidence It is my life and I I have achieved 7
need to believe
in myself
Patience Do things on I have achieved 6
time and work it somewhat
on your
“If you can plan, you can do”


(Attach Separate sheet for each activity)



S - Satisfied
T - Thankful
R - Refined
E - Efficient
S - Sharing
S - Self-Reliant

PERSONAL LEARNING FROM THE ACTIVITY: From this activity I learned that stress
is not all about the negativity. Stress can be interpreted in different ways and how
well we can cope up will depend upon our perspective.
NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: Guess the Stressor
OBJECTIVES OF THE ACTIVITY: To sensitize all the members in the class not to
be a cause of stress to each other and follow strategies that help people in their
environment to be distressed.
ACTIVITY: I over think about little things which eventually lead me to stress. I
have been trying to over come this for a long time. I tired distracting myself by
watching movies or going out with friends when I’m stressed about little
things. When situation is tough I either fight or choose the flight option.
The second stressor for me is exams specially the viva part. No matter how
much I prepare I get stress out in front of the interviewer and end up
forgetting everything I learned.

PERSONAL LEARNING FROM THE ACTIVITY: I got some suggestions from other
students in my class about how I should go with things when in stressed. I felt
better since I get to know that I’m not the only one getting stressed from such little
things. I tried consoling myself that everyone must be feeling same way in viva and
that when they could do it so can I.
NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: How stressed are you?
OBJECTIVES OF THE ACTIVITY: To judge the level of stress in our lives with the
help of a psychometric test.
INSTRUCTIONS: In the last month, how often has the following been true for you?

Write the number that fits your reality on the line before each question.

0 | Never 1 | Seldom 2 | Sometimes 3 | Often 4| Always


I feel tired.


I find it very hard to relax or “wind-down.”


I find it hard to make decisions.


My heart races and I find myself breathing rapidly.


I have trouble thinking clearly.


I eat too much or too little.


I get headaches.


I feel emotionally numb.


I think about my problems over and over again during the day.

10. I have sleeping problems (e.g., trouble falling asleep, trouble staying

asleep, trouble waking up, nightmares, etc).


I have trouble feeling hopeful.


I find myself taking unnecessary risks or engaging in behavior hazardous

to health and/or safety.


I have back and neck pain, or other chronic tension-linked pain

14. I use caffeine or nicotine more than usual.

I feel overwhelmed and helpless.

16. I have nervous habits (e.g., biting my nails, grinding my teeth, fidgeting,

pacing, etc).


I forget little things (e.g. where I put my keys, people’s names, details

discussed during the last work meeting).

18. I have stomach upsets (e.g., nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation,


19. I am irritable and easily annoyed.

20. I have mood-swings and feel over-emotional.


I find it hard to concentrate.

22. I have trouble feeling that life is meaningful.

23. I am withdrawn and feel distant and cut off from other people.

24. I use alcohol and/or other drugs to try and help cope.

25. My work performance has declined and I have trouble completing




0 – 25:

A score in this range suggests that you’re probably in great stress-shape!

26 – 50:

A score in this range suggests that you may be experiencing a low to moderate degree of stress.

51 – 75:

A score in this range suggests you may be experiencing a moderate to high degree of stress.

76 – 100:

A score in this range suggests that you may be experiencing a very high degree of stress.

PERSONAL LEARNING FROM THE ACTIVITY: I fall in the range of low to moderate
degree of stress which is both a good and a bad sign. It is good if if am able to
control my level of stress in this range only because having a bit of stress will keep
driving me forward. However, if I fail to reduce my stress level the there is a high
chance of becoming depressed.
NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: Assessing time management skills
For each set of statements below circle the number of the one that best describes you.

1. I like my watch to be set exactly at the correct time.

1. I like my watch to be set a few minutes ahead of the correct time.

2. Most of the time, I don't wear a watch.

1. I tend to arrive at most functions at least 5 minutes early.

1. I tend to arrive at most functions exactly on time.

2. I tend to arrive at most functions a little late.

1. In the course of my daily activities I tend to walk and talk quite fast.

1. In the course of my daily activities I tend to take my time.

2. In the course of my daily activities I tend to walk and talk quite slowly.

1. In high school I almost always completed my daily assignments.

2. In high school I usually completed my daily assignments.

3. In high school often failed to complete my daily assignments.

1. I rarely spend more than 15 minutes at a time on the telephone.

2. I sometimes spend more than 15 minutes at a time on the telephone.

3. I often spend more than 15 minutes at a time on the telephone.

1. I like to finish assignments and reports with a little time to spare.

2. I like to finish assignments and reports exactly on their due dates.

3. I sometimes finish assignments and reports a little late.

1. I rarely spend more than an hour eating a meal.

2. I sometimes spend more than an hour eating a meal.

3. I usually spend more than an hour eating a meal.

1. I never watch more than 1 1/2 hours of TV on a weeknight.

2. I sometimes watch more than 1 1/2 hours of TV on a weeknight.

3. I usually watch more than 1 1/2 hours of TV on a weeknight.

1. I never spend more than an hour surfing the Web or talking on a chat line at any one time.

2. I sometimes spend more than an hour surfing the Web or taking on a chat line at one time.

3. I usually spend more than an hour surfing the Web or talking on a chat line at one time.

Now add up the numbers that you have circled : 16

The higher the total, the more you need to work on time management skills now that you are in college. If your
total is over 10, you probably need to adjust your priorities and begin to take more responsibility for managing
your time.

PERSONAL LEARNING FROM THE ACTIVITY: from this activity I get to know more
about myself. Till now I thought being punctual means that I’m managing time
quite well. When I add up the score and found that I have to work on my time
management, I saw that I spent most time watching movies and that is what makes
my schedule off.
Activity 5:
• Where Am I Stuck?

• Why Am I Stuck?

• What can I do?

Flowchart Form

Objective: to understand the root cause of stress and your initiative towards handling it
Where am I What can I do?
Why am I stuck?
I over think for little Build up self esteem.
Moving forward
things. always think
with my own Choose or stay in
of other before
desires good surrounding

Faculty Assessment Sheet- Semester Wise

(To be filled and retained by the Faculty teaching in the respective Semester)
(Attach Separate sheet for each semester) Revise the

Please mark on the following parameters on the scale of 5, 1 being the lowest & 5
being the highest.

S. No Parameters Rating Remarks

1 Punctuality/ Discipline 1 2 3 4 5

2 Conduct in the class 1 2 3 4 5

3 Participation in the 1 2 3 4 5
class activities

4 Reporting of Projects & 1 2 3 4 5

Assignments assigned

5 Overall Behaviour 1 2 3 4 5
change observed during
the Semester
Visible Behaviour Observation Assessment (Behaviour skills identified, improved,
developed etc.) (to be filled by the faculty)




Faculty Name……………..


“In the final analysis it is not what you do for your students but what you have taught them to
do themselves that will make them successful Hum an Being”.

- Ann Lander

(At the end of the course- semester wise)

I) Behavioral Science Course has helped me:

Behavioral Science gives you knowledge of controlling your brain to further

control your sensory organs & sensory receptors. Once you learn this art, you will
get better physically as well as mentally & your social skills will also improve

II) Behavioral Skills that I inculcated in my Personality:

These are “people” people. They are friendly and outgoing; love to help others, make
a difference, or both; have strong verbal and personal skills and teaching abilities; and
are less likely to engage in intellectual or physical activity.

III) Key learning (based on class activities, role plays, discussions, analysisetc.):

 They provide concrete examples of abstract concepts, facilitate the development

through practice of analytical skills, procedural experience, and decision making
skills through application of course concepts in real life situations. This can result
in deep learning and the appreciation of differing perspectives.
 They can result in changed perspectives, increased empathy for others, greater
insights into challenges faced by others, and increased civic engagement.
 They tend to increase student motivation and interest, as evidenced by increased
rates of attendance, completion of assigned readings, and time spent on course work
outside of class time.
 Studies show greater/longer retention of learned materials.
 The result is often better teacher/student relations and a more relaxed environment
in which the natural exchange of ideas can take place. Students come to see the
instructor in a more positive light.
 They often result in better understanding of complexity of situations. They provide
a good forum for a large volume of orderly written analysis and discussion

IV) What did I do well (Both inside & outside the class):

In inside class definition, the variables which are declared in the main function are
accessible only within the curly brackets. But in outside class definition, the
variables are accessible to the outside as well as the inside class definition.

V) How my strengths are restricted by my shortcomings:

We all have strengths and weaknesses. Being reminded of our weaknesses is unpleasant.
Therefore, we often learn to avoid tasks that require skills that we think of as weaknesses.
This avoidance can cause problems and hold you back

VI) My initiatives to overcome such shortcomings:

Experiences that have shaped us have had a grave impact on our lives. It’s hard to
overcome something that’s become such an integral part of your life. It’s hard to suddenly
wake up one day and not harbor those weaknesses.

Clearly, it’s not easy to overcome a weakness. Nor, is it easy to break a bad habit or
achieve a big goal. But people still do it every single day. It’s about mental toughness. It’s
about not allowing all the little things that are happening and going on in your life to get
you down. It’s about quite literally seeing the forest through the trees.

If you want something bad enough, you’ll do it. If your weaknesses are making the
difference between your current life and living the life of your dreams, then it quite
literally is a matter of life and death. Maybe not a physical death. But an emotional or
spiritual or mental death, which is all the same in my opinion.
Unleashing Self
(Exit Level- Last semester of the program)

I am better than before. I have always prioritized others happiness first in the past, that I have overcome

and I now think of all the people around me should have equal right to be happy including myself. After

studying this course, I am able to make changes like talk to people more and also get to know them. I

haven't really been friendly with people around me mostly because I don't talk much as I always thought

that I would just disturb them.

I had been a over thinker and being an over thinker is just a way of torturing your emotions yourself,

which in some sense is really very stupid.

Now I work more for myself rather than trying to please others who, don't really care about your

feelings anyway. I got to self-realization by utilizing my greatest strength of facing my fears or failures

without thinking about anything, I work more on the skill of taking no stress about things that happen in

my life, and start learning how to be relaxed in environment of stress. I cultivated these skills by saying

‘no’ to my over thinking and stress.

The things that have robbed me of happiness in the past, that I will say ‘no’ to this year are waiting
for right time. When I need support to stay on track, I will rely on my family and friends from now,
I will be now take my own support in any problem and does not disturb them because through these
course I learned

“Success in not the final destination but a beautiful journey”

- Ben Sweetland
Self-rating Scale at Exit Level to be attached here
Scales for self-rating scale are:
 Scale 1- Not at all
 Scale 2- Not rarely
 Scale 3- Sometimes and sometimes not
 Scale 4- Yes mostly
 Scale 5- Yes surely


Are you free from feeling of guilt 5

Are you energetic 5

Are you joyful 5

Are you decisive 5

Do you like your appearances 5

Do you control your weight at easily way 5

Do you relax easily 4

Do you sleep well 4

Do you get the right amount of sleep 5

Do you like yourself 5

Do you feel worthwhile 5

Are you socially active 4

Do you have pleasure in your activities 4

Are you peaceful 5

Do you take yourself as you are 5

Are you motivated to do thing 4

Are you proud of your achievement 4

Do you have high standard for yourself and others 5

Do you emphasize your strength 5

Do you love your life 5

Total= 94%
It has been a great journey walking with each one of you
through the ups and downs of the learning curve and
mutual give and take. Hope this course has enabled you to
accept the challenges of life and emerge victorious.

Wishing you all the best of luck for your future

endeavors. Keep shining bright and spreading joy.

“Tomorrow is the first page of a 365page book, write a good one”

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